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The Historical Period

→The Food and Beverage (F&B) industry plays a central role in the production,
distribution, marketing and retailing of foods that are consumed by millions of
children and adolescents across the world.

→This was mostly due to an inability to preserve food for long periods. At that time,
food preservation consisted mostly of drying, salting, and smoking. Pickling, which is
also known as brining or corning, was another common practice and involved the
use of fermentation to preserve food.
Medieval Period
→ the food and veberage culture during the medieval period includes Barley, oats, and
rye were eaten by the poor while wheat was generally more expensive. These were
consumed as bread, porridge, gruel, and pasta by people of all classes. Cheese, fruits,
and vegetables were important supplements for the lower orders while meat was more
expensive and generally more prestigious.
→The crusades had a major impact on the Medieval period. They helped to end
feudalism by increasing the authority of kings. The land of nobles who died in battle
without leaving an heir passed to the king. Some nobles sold their land to raise money
to pay the special tax levied by the king to offset the cost of the crusades.
Renaissance and Early Modern Period
→The culinary renaissance has breathed new life into artisanal techniques that were
once on the verge of disappearing. Chefs are embracing traditional methods of food
preparation, including fermentation, pickling, and curing. These techniques not only
preserve ingredients but enhance their flavor and complexity.
→The Age of Exploration provided opportunities for societies and cultures to interact; it
brought all parts of the world into contact with each other, paving the way for the
globalised economies we see today; it enabled a knowledge network to extend across
the whole globe

Indutrial Revolution
→ The Industrial Revolution also paved the way for larger corporations and
restaurant chains to take over food production, which resulted in a decrease in food
prices and an overall increase in accessibility to foods that were produced due to the
Industrial Revolution.
→Important inventions of the Industrial Revolution included the steam engine, used to
power steam locomotives, steamboats, steamships, and machines in factories; electric
generators and electric motors; the incandescent lamp (light bulb); the telegraph and
telephone; and the internal-combustion engine and automobile.

20th Century

→The factors affecting the rapid development of the food and beverage during the 20 th
century industry are as follows:

 Increasing free time

 Women entering the working life
 Increase in income
 Changes in lifestyle
 Increase in the number of businesses
 Development of menus
 Increase in the number of people traveling
 Differentiation of the demographic characteristics of consumers.

→Fast food consumption has become routine for many families, driven by factors such
as convenience, shortage of time, and entertainment. The availability of fast food restaurants on
virtually every street corner has made it easy for people to access and consume these foods.

Contemporary Trends
→n summary, the food and beverage sector faces a number of formidable obstacles,
including supply chain interruptions, problems with safety and quality, complicated
regulations, shifting customer preferences, and the effects of climate change. Utilising
technology is clearly a vital tactic to overcome these challenges
→One of the most popular culinary tourism trends is farm-to-table experiences, where
you can visit local farms, orchards, vineyards, and markets, and learn how the food is
grown, harvested, and prepared.another is the rise in popular picks such as pineapple
and passionfruit, as well as more adventurous options like coconut curry and Caribbean
spices, will help turn simple dishes into unique experiences. And beverage flavors
taking a turn toward the floral and fruity will help make the new year an escape to

B. Research and Analysis

Medieval Period
Middle Ages, Period in European history traditionally dated from
the fall of the Roman Empire to the dawn of the Renaissance. In the 5th
century the Western Roman Empire endured declines in population,
economic vitality, and the size and prominence of cities. The Middle Ages
were a period of European history which lasted between roughly 476,
when the Western Roman Empire fell, and the beginning of of the Modern
Era in the 15th or 16th centuries. This period saw wars, crises, religious
conflict, and disaster. When one studies the Medieval period, a few factors
are typically seen as being the characteristics common to the period.
Among these include: deurbanization, military invasions, population
redistribution, and migrations of people to new areas.
C. Assessment Criteria
→The impact on culinary, practices and traditions tell us a lot about a society in the
past and the present, including what people lived on and how they managed to create a
food supply, often in difficult circumstances. A number of major historical events have
been dictated by changing tastes in food, like the “career” of sugar.

→ the factors incluence on consumer factors are the external factors such as price,
product quality, marketing, cultural background, and health effects also influence
consumer purchasing decisions. During the Covid-19 pandemic, factors such as the
availability of fresh products and the preference for healthy eating behavior have
influenced consumer purchasing decisions
→some contributions were the Key attributes of a culinary professional include
knowledge of food science, attention to detail, time management, and communication
skills. To develop skills and taste required, one can take cooking classes, experiment
with different ingredients, and gain hands-on experience in a professional kitchen.
→the following are the legacy and lasting effects on contemporary food and
beveragesservice practices .People need to be empowered and encouraged to eat
healthy diets which are sustainably produced, Food systems must be better aligned with
the aim of supporting sustainable, healthy diets ,The impact of food systems on climate,
natural resources and biodiversity must be significantly reduced and Greater resilience
must be built into local and global food systems.

D. Reflection and Conclusion

→ The food and beverage (F&B) industry during historical periods includes all
companies involved in processing raw food materials, as well as those packaging and
distributing them. This includes fresh, prepared foods as well as packaged foods, and
both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.The food service cycle is not just a
statement of what food and beverage operations are concerned with. It also provides a
comprehensive framework for the planning of a new food and beverage operation, as
well as the appraisal of existing ones.

Therefore I conclude that the food and beverage industry is important for several
reasons. Firstly, it is a major contributor to the global economy, generating trillions of
dollars in revenue each year. Secondly, it is a vital part of human life, providing people
with the necessary nutrients and energy to survive even in historical periods.

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