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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

DAY 01 (Paper 01)

a)Main Theme : (2 MARKS)

• These verses from Surah al Baqarah, a Madni surah, discuss the theme of God’s relationship with
the created world.
• These are based on the concept of piety which is achieved by the constant remembrance of Allah..
• God is the creator of all mankind and the purpose of creation is obedience to his commands. He not
only has created humans but also made arrangements for their sustenance.
• Allah’s bounties of fertile earth, shade and water from sky are recounted to emphasize that God
alone should be praised and worshipped. Quran says, “praise be to Allah, cherisher and sustainer of
the worlds.”
• It also suggests that mankind should not commit the greatest sin of Shirk i.e associating partners
with Allah.

(b)Importance: (2 MARKS)
• Through these verses humans understand the relationship with God is that of the Lord and the slaves
who should pray to him alone for all their needs.
• The physical life is symbolized by the Earth and spiritual life is symbolized by the sky to emphasize that
both physical and spiritual life depend upon Allah.
• These verses also inculcate a sense of gratitude to God for his countless bounties. Muslims realize that
only He deserves all our praise and worship and we should show gratitude for his favours through
obedience and acts of worship i.e salat, fasting or pilgrimage etc.
• Through this passage Muslims reflect upon the natural world and the benefits it holds for them. They
can also see this from the guidance that came before them from prophets in form of divine books.
Battle of Uhad
• After the battle of Badr, Islam gained a firm footing at Madinah and the importance of the city began
to increase. The Quraish considered the rise of Madinah as a threat to their political and commercial
interest. Moreover, they could not forget their defeat in the battle of Badr. Several of their important
leaders were killed in the battle, and they wanted to avenge their deaths. Abu Sufyan, the
commander of the Quraish army, went to meet the Jews of Banu Nazir, who promised help. He also
hired their poet Kaab bin Ashraf to write ridiculing poetry against the Prophet. He and other Jewish
poets wrote poems to instigate the Quraish to fight against the Muslims. Another immediate reason
of the battle was the capture of one of their trade caravans by the Prophet’s adopted son, Zaid bin
Harith. Meetings were held where it was decided to collect funds and raise a strong army for
attacking Madinah and wiping out the Muslims. Some other tribes also invited to join in this war.
• Finally, a fully armed force of three thousand men left Makkah for Madinah with 200 horses and
3000 camels. The Prophet was the news of Makkan army through one of his uncle Abbas bin Abdul
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) consulted his companions about the best way to meet the enemy. The
consensus of opinion was that the Muslims should go out of Madinah to meet the enemy. Although
the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had a different opinion, yet when the majority insisted on meeting the
enemy outside Madinah, he agreed.
• Three miles to the north of Madinah, the Quraish camped near the hill of Uhad. On the way, Abdullah
bin Ubbay, the leader of the hypocrites, deserted with three hundred of his men on the excuse that
the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had turned down his suggestion of fighting the enemy from inside the
city. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) with the remaining seven hundred men, reached Uhad and also set
up camp.
• He posted fifty archers under Abdullah bin Jubair to protect the pass in the Uhad mountain and
defend the Muslims from any possible attack by the enemy from behind. They were given strict
instructions not to leave their post under any circumstances.
• Several Quraish women accompanied the army of the pagans including Hinda, the daughter of Utba,;
Umm-e-Hakeem, the granddaughter of Abu Jahl, Muslim women also took part for the first time.
Among them were Aisha, Umm Salama and Umm Ammara.
• When the two armies came face to face, Abu Sufyan asked the Ansar to leave for he said his fight was
not with them. The Muslims, however, stayed united and firm. When the two armies clashed, the
Muslim archers fired a volley of arrows into the cavalry of the Makkans led by Khalid ibn al-Waleed,
causing chaos in the ranks. Talha ibn Abi Talha, who was the standard-bearer of the Makkans, came
forward and shouted for a man to meet him in single combat. Hazrat Ali R.A stepped forward and
killed him with a blow. The Makkan standard was taken by Talha’s brother who was struck down by
Hazrat Hamza R.A.
• The battle was fiercely fought and the Makkans were being pushed back and killed. Abu Sufyan
narrowly escaped an attack. The Muslim advance continued until the enemy lines were broken
altogether and the way to their camp was thus laid open. Khalid bin Walid tried to break the Muslims
from behind three times but the archers held him off. Muslims got an advantage and the Makkans
started to flee from the battlefield in all directions.
• The archers posted to guard the rear of the Muslim army took his as signal to come down and collect
the spoils of war. Khalid ibn al-Waleed, noticing this fatal error on the part of the archers, attacked
the unprotected Muslims. panic now set in and despite the Prophet (P.B.U.H) calls, many of the
Muslim warriors, who had fought bravely, rushed for safety to the upper slopes of Uhad. Many,
however, stayed and fought; a group of nine Muslims made a protective shield around Prophet
• The enemy tried to reach the spot where the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was. He was wounded in the
head and face and lost his teeth. They killed the Muslim flag bearer Musab bin Umair who resembled
the Prophet. The enemy raised the cry that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was killed and the confusion
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), however, stood firmly and called out to his companions to come back.
Ka'ab bin Malik announced that the Prophet was still alive. When the Muslims saw their leader, they
rejoined the battle. Soon, more support came to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and a group of his companions
moved him to a well-protected area at the foot of the mountain.
• Now the fighting was less one-sided. The Muslims who had rallied put up a determined fight. Both
parties were, however, extremely exhausted. Soon the fighting died down and each army prepared
to leave. Before leaving Abu Sufyan challenged for a battle next year at Badr and the Prophet
accepted his challenge.
• In this encounter 63(70) Muslims were killed and forty injured; while the enemy lost only 22 of their
men.Wahshi al Harb killed HazratHamzah with a spear. Hinda mutilated the corpse and chewed his
liver in order to avenge the death of her father, Utba, killed in the Battle of Badr at the hands of
The Holy Quran mentions this battle in these words:
“Allah did indeed fulfill His promise to you, when ye, with His permission, were about to annihilate your
enemy, until ye flinched and fell to disputing about the order and disobeyed it after He brought in sight (
of the booty) which ye covet. Among you are some that hanker after this world and some that desire the
Hereafter---.” (3:152)
“Those of you who turned back on the day the two hosts met, --- it was Satan who caused them to fail,---
.” ( 3:155)

(b) ‘Success for Muslims depends on their obedience to the Prophet.’ Discuss this
statement in relation to Muslims today.
• The defeat at Uhud occurred due to the fact that the archers did not obey the Prophet’s command,
therefore, Muslims should obey the Prophet.
• The rules and guidance of Islam is based on the Qur’an and also the sunna and so to truly practise Islam
the way of the Prophet has to be followed.
• In battle, Muslims should stick to the rules that the Prophet gave, like not harming the environment or
women and children, and this can give Muslims success as they are following the commands of God, which
they will be rewarded for.
• In their everyday lives Muslims can obey the Prophet’s commands as to how to live their lives, in terms
of prayer, being good to people, etc., and this will make them successful in their lives as the guidance
given is all for their betterment.

Battle of Trench: 5A.H/627AD

• After the punishment and exile from Madinah by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), the Jews wanted to take
revenge from Muslims. A delegation of Jewish leaders therefore went to Quraish to incite them against the
Muslims and promised them their full support. They gave the same promise to the tribe of Banu Ghatafan
and Banu Sulaiyam. The upper hand of Quraish in the battle of Uhad motivated the Makkans and all other
• This time they assembled a large force of 10,000 soldiers under the command of Abu Sufyan.
Amongst the Army:4,000 well-armed foot-soldiers,3,000 horsemen in full armour,1,500 camels loaded with
provision,1000 camel-riding soldiers and several hundred well-armed soldiers of other tribes.
• At the same time horsemen from the Banu Khuza'a left to warn the Prophet of the invading army.
• As usual the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) consulted this companions, In the counsel, he appreciated the
opinion of Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA) who suggested digging a trench around the city of Madinah in order to
fortify it.
• On three sides of the city, there were rows of houses, orchards and oasis which served as fortification
only one side was unprotected. A trench, five yards deep and five yards broad was dug. The Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H) himself demarcated the site and worked like a labourer.3,000 Muslims completed the trench in 20
days. In winter nights, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his companions worked sometimes without food for
• The Allied forces were confident of an easy and quick victory. They advanced determinedly upon the
city. But they came to an abrupt halt when they found a deep and long trench between them and the city.
The trench warfare was quite unfamiliar to the Makkans and their allies. The Muslims compelled them to
stay at an adequate distance from the trench by hurling stone and arrows at them. Thus, began the siege of
Madinah, which lasted for about 27 days.
The Quraysh tried to cross the trench, a couple of riders managed to cross a part that was narrower; ‘Ali
fought them off; On this occasion , Amr bin Abd Wad, an undefeated warrior of Quraish , challenged the
Muslims for a duel. Hazrat Ali accepted his challenged and killed him.
• At the first Banu Quraiza had refused to support the unbelievers. But later they also came out against
the Muslims and broke their treaty with the holy Prophet. Thus there was a mighty attack on Muslims from
all sides. For this reason, the battle is also called Battle of Ahzab or the battle of Allies. The Quran says,
“Behold! They came on you from above you and from below you, and behold! The eyes became dim and
the hearts gaped up to the throats, and ye imagined various thoughts about Allah! In that situation were
the Believers tried: they were shaken as by a tremendous shaking.” (33:10-11).
• The hypocrites in the Muslim army, finding the situation dangerous, asked permission from the Holy
Prophet to return to their homes on the excuse that their homes were not safe in this connection the Quran
says, " Behold! A party among them said: "Ye men of Yathrib! ye cannot stand (the attack)! therefore go
back!" And a band of them ask for leave of Muhammad, saying, "Truly our houses are bare and exposed,"
though they were not exposed they intended nothing but to run away.”[33:13]
• There was little food and water; Jabir invited the Prophet (pbuh) to eat after slaughtering a sheep,
and the prophet fed the whole army with this one animal;
• A month had passed since the siege began. The Arabs were not a accustomed to such a long drawn
war. Their supplies began to run short. Moreover, it was winter with rain and icy cold winds. Because of the
shortage of food, forage and bad weather, a large number of their camels and horses died. ALLAH sent a
severe windstorm to the confederate forces, as well as His angels on a very cold day. The wind blew down
their tents and their cooking gear and the angels threw fear and terror into their hearts. They hurriedly left,
leaving behind all their possessions. - This encounter known as Battle of Tribes (ahzab) / Battle of Trench
(khandaq) ended in disgrace for the Meccans and their strength was broken forever.
- This is referred in the Holy Quran that says, “… Remember Allah’s blessing on you when hosts came down
on you (to overwhelm you) : but we sent against them a hurricane and forces ye saw not, but Allah sees
all that you do” [33:9]
• Finally, BanuQuraiza, the last major tribe left in Madinah, showed treachery in the Battle of Ditch in
627 AD. They broke the treaty with the Muslims, conspired with the Quraish and planned to attack the
Muslims from rear. A siege was laid on their fortresses that lasted for 25 days. After this siege, as a
punishment of their treachery decided by Saad bin Muaaz, around 600 – 700 men from BanuQuraiza were
executed and their wives and children were sold as slaves. The Quran refers to this incident in these words,
“And those of the people of the book who aided them- Allah did take them down from their strongholds
and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) some ye slew, and some you made prisoners . And He made you
heirs of their lands, their houses and their goods----”[33:26-27]

4(b) What can Muslims learn from the Prophet’s involvement in the digging of
the trench?
• The Prophet (pbuh) was the leader of the army and yet he took part in digging the trench, despite
his severe hunger.
• This teaches Muslims that no matter what their position, whether heads of state or community
leaders, they should take part in hard work required for the benefit of the community or others.
• It also provides a lesson in patience and perseverance, and that God will help if you don’t give up.
• It also teaches humility, that you do not think yourself above certain types of work.

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