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Thursday, October 29, 2020

DAY 03 (Paper 01)
Treaty of Hudaibiya 6A.H/628 A.D
• The Prophet saw a dream to visit Kaabah and decided to perform Umra.
The Quran says, “Truly did Allah fulfil the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if
Allah wills, with minds secure, and without fear.” (48:27)
About 1400 unarmed Muslims, clad in two sheets of unsewn cloth, departed for Mecca in February, 628 A.D.
/ 6 A.H.
• The Muslim had left Madina in a State of ihram, so were prohibited from fighting. As the Meccans
refused to allow them to enter, they stayed at Hudabiyah close to Mecca.
• For negotiations with Quraish 2 messengers were sent one after the other but they were detained
and finally Hazrat Usman was sent. When he did not return , a rumour broke out that he was killed.
• After hearing this, the Prophet called his companions to take a pledge on his hand to lay down their
lives for the sake of Islam and avenge the blood of Hazrat Usman. The Quran says, “Allah indeed
was pleased with the believers, when the swore allegiance to you under the tree and He knew
what was in their hearts, so he sent down peace on them and rewarded them with clear victory.”
As this oath was taken for God’s pleasure under a tree, it is known as ‘Bait-e-Rizwan’. Apprehended by this,
the Quraish sent the messengers including Hazrat Usman back.
It also influenced the Quraish into negotiating a treaty. They sent Sohail bin Amr to negotiate a peace treaty.
1. -Muslims would return to Madinah that year without performing Umrah.
2. -They would be permitted to come for Pilgrimage next year but would stay only for three days in
3. -If a Quraish from Makkah should join the Muslims without permission from his guardians, he would
be sent back to Makkah. But if a Muslim from Madinah went to Makkah he would not be sent back.
4. -There would be no fighting for ten years.
5. Muslims would be allowed to visit Makkah and Makkans would be allowed to go to Syria through
Muslim area and their trade caravans would not be attacked by the Muslims.
6. -Any of the Arab tribes might enter into treaty or alliance with either Muslims or Quraish.
7. It was also decided that they would not fight against the allies of each other.
• Apparently, the terms of the treaty were against the interest of the Muslims, and many Muslims
including Hazrat Umar were unhappy with these terms. Umar asked why the Muslims were demeaning their
religion and was reassured by Abu Bakr and the Prophet.
• Ali was chosen to write the treaty. When the Prophet asked him to write in the name of Allah, the
merciful, the compassionate or that the Prophet was the Messenger of Allah. Suhail objected and instead
the Prophet erased it and had Ali write in your name O God and Muhammad son of Abdullah to which the
Muslims protested.
• At that point Suhail bin Amr’s sons Abu Jandal came to the Prophet asking to be freed. But the
Prophet kept to the terms of the treaty and told him to be patient. Once they completed the document the
Prophet asked the Muslims to sacrifice their animals and shaves their heads.
• The Prophet said that Muslims had been victorious and was supported in this by new revelation
“Verily we have granted thee a manifest victory”(48:1)
• The Khuza’a tribe made a pact with the Muslims and the Banu Bakr made a pact with the Quraish.

(b) From this event, what can Muslims learn about the importance of keeping their word? [4]
• The Prophet kept his word to the Quraysh for the duration of the treaty. Even before the treaty was
finished being written, he sent Abu Jandal back to the Quraysh, on account of an agreement having
been made verbally.
• This shows the importance of promising to do something, then fulfilling that action, even if it has
not been put into writing.
• As all actions and agreements are recorded by angels, God knows what has been promised and by
fulfilling promises, no matter how hard it is, then God will reward you accordingly.
• So, e.g. politicians should not go back on the things they promise when they want to be elected, or
people should not take back something that they have promised to give a friend.

7th Year after Hijrah

The Expedition of Khyber:
• Some ten weeks after the treaty of Hudaibiya, the malice of the Jews increased to a greater
intensity. The treaty of Hudaibiya led them to think that the Muslims were weak.
They imagined that their acceptance of such humiliating terms could be due to nothing but
weakness. They, therefore, got in touch with all those who had agreed to help them in their
fight against the Muslims, asking them to prepare to march toward Madinah.
• When the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) came to know about the proposed plot of the Jews to attack
Madinah, he launched into prompt and immediate action. This time, the Holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H) considered it more proper to go to Khyber swiftly, lest the Jews should seize the
chance of advancing on Madinah. Thus, he set out with 1600 believers from Madinah in the
month of Muharram of 7 A.H/628AD and reached Khyber, the strongest and most fortified
settlement of the Jews, in three days.

• The Jews were surprised when they saw the Muslims marching on toward Khyber, they
immediately rushed to their fortresses. There were several fortified quarters and 7 big forts
in Khyber. Qamus, (An-Nizar) was the strongest fort whose ruler was the all-Arab famous
warrior Marhab, He was considered to be stronger than 1000 horsemen.

• According to historians, there was a force of about 20,000 Jews in the forts. When the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) realized that the Jews were prepared to fight, he ordered an attack. The
first battle took place on the fort called Na’im. A fierce battle took place and the fort was
conquered. The Muslims captured other small fortresses as well, without much difficulty, but
when they reached the famous and impregnable fort of Qamus they found it very difficult to
conquer. The fight prolonged to 20 days. Each day they had to return without success.

• When the Muslims complained to the prophet about their successive failures, he consoled
them and told them that next day he give the flag and command to the person who was dear
to Allah, and to whom Allah was dearer ,and that person would succeed in taking Al-Qamus.
Next morning ,when all were assembled the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) beckoned ‘Ali (R.A) and
with his own hands put the amour on him, handed him the sword and staff ,and sent him
forth as the commander of the Muslim troops for that day.
• Seeing Muslims under the command of Hazrat ‘Ali (R.A) , Marhab came out of the fort and
invited Hazrat ‘Ali (R.A) for a combat. The fight took place between Marhab and Hazrat’ Ali
(R.A) in which Hazrat , Ali (R.A) killed him in the first attack. Then a fierce battle started, and
the Jews were forced to give in and the fort was captured by the Muslims. Ali is said to have
moved a door by himself which would have taken many men to move.

• With the fall of Qamus, the gardens of Khaybar now came under the control of the Muslims
and they allowed their Jewish owners to continue working the land in exchange for an annual
rent of half their harvest. The Jews realized that the end must come. They requested the Holy
Prophet (P.B.U.H) to grant them peace on the condition that they would pay him half the
produce of their lands. Their lives, property women and children were left untouched.
Abdullah Ibn Umar reported “The Prophet (P.B.U.H) made a deal with people of Khaybar
that they would have half the fruits and vegetation of the land they cultivated.”
Spoils of war fell into the hands of the Muslims. Besides vast stores of dates, oil, honey and
barley, flocks of sheep and herds of camels, the spoils in treasure and jewels was very large.

(b) Explain why it was important for the Muslims of Madina to fight in it? [4]

• As peaceful settlements were not accepted, the Prophet had to carry out a military campaign
to prevent further disruptions upon the Muslims from these parts, as they did not want to be
continually fighting in minor skirmishes.
• It was therefore a matter of survival for the Muslim community.
• Had they not fought, it could have led to insecurity as they would not have known when the
next attack would come from there.
• It was also important as God had promised them abundant spoils from this campaign (sura
48.20). The Quran says, “Allah has promised you abundant spoils which you shall
acquire. He has instantly granted you this (victory) and has restrained the hands of people
from you that it may be a Sign for the believers and He may guide you to a Straight Way.”

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