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Traci Olaughlin


Labeobarbus intermedius is an East African ray-finned fish species in the kinfolk Cyprinidae
.Like the closely related yellowfish , it is hexaploid .A vauntingly species , the uttermost
recorded stock length is nearly 50 centimeter ( 20 in ) .This species has a subspecies named
Labeobarbus intermedius intermedius .== Systematics and taxonomy == The year of its
commencement description – as Barbus intermedius – was for some clip erroneously
reported as 1837 .L. intermedius was still placed by virtually New authors in the `` garbage
can genus '' Barbus by default , and the IUCN still does so until a thorough taxonomic
revision of the African `` dig '' is published .However , the metal money is increasingly being
restored to the related yellowfish genus Labeobarbus , which seems a much more reserve
locating .It is a close relative of Labeobarbus bynni , another African `` barb '' .No subspecies
are recognized at present .The universe from the Barino River basin invalidly described as
L. i. australis is identical to the earlier-named gregorii , but probably not sufficiently distinct
from its conspecifics to study it a separate taxon .The same holds straight for the hypothetic
subspecies leptosoma and microstoma .Important junior synonyms of this species are :
Barbus erlangeri Boulenger , 1903 barbu gregorii Boulenger , 1902 Polydactylus virginicus
intermedius Rü ppell , 1835 Barbus intermedius intermedius Rü ppell , 1835 Barbus
intermedius australis Banister , 1973 Polydactylus virginicus intermedius leptosoma
Boulenger , 1902 Polydactylus virginicus intermedius microstoma Boulenger , 1902 barbu
plagiostomus Bini , 1940 Labeobarbus intermedius australis ( handrail , 1973 ) Luciobarbus
elongatus ( Rü ppell , 1836 ) Its close congener L. brevicauda , L. gorgorensis and L.
johnstonii ( under the public figure latirostris ) , and even the rather distinct Polydactylus
virginicus eurystomus , were for some time placed in `` B . ''intermedius as race too .But are
considered clear-cut species today .B. procatopus is sometimes believed to refer to the
present species , but it is actually a junior synonym of the ripon barbel ( B. altianalis ) .==
Distribution and ecology == This freshwater fish is found in Republic of Kenya , United
Republic of Tanzania , Uganda and southern Ethiopia .Its natural habitat are the Kerio ,
Suguta , Turkwel and northerly Ewaso Ng'iro Rivers and their tributaries , as well as Lake
Baringo , Bogoria and Turkana and their associated rivers .The criminal record from the
Tana River realm are based on mislabelled specimens , while the supposed phonograph
recording from the Mara River and Lake Victoria appear to be based on misidentifications of
the Ripon Barbel .small is known about its population and bionomics , but given its wide
range and want of readily evident terror , it is not considered a threatened species by the
IUCN .== References ==

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