9 PAS Preparation

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for 9th Graders

by Lisna Destriani, S.Pd.

1st semester

1. congratulation expression
2. agree disagree
3. conjunction
4. labels
5. procedure text
6. present continuous
congratulation expression
1. Congratulations!
Example: Congratulations on your outstanding achievement!
2. Well Done!
Example: Well done on completing the project ahead of schedule.
3. Bravo!
Example: Bravo on your excellent presentation skills!
4. Fantastic Job!
Example: Fantastic job on organizing such a successful event.
5. You Nailed It!
Example: You nailed the presentation; it was truly impressive.
6. Way to Go!
Example: Way to go on reaching your sales targets!
7. Outstanding Performance!
Example: Your outstanding performance deserves applause.
questions congratulation expression


No 1-4
short message
A short message is a brief and concise form of communication used to convey
information quickly and efficiently.
1. Greeting:
Begin with a friendly greeting. Example: "Hi/Hello [Name],"
2. Body:
Keep it brief. Share the main information or purpose. Example: "Just wanted
to let you know..."
3. Closing:
End with a closing remark or call to action. Example: "Thanks! See you soon."
Hey Sarah,
Just wanted to let you know that the meeting is rescheduled to 2 PM. See you there!

short message

No 5-7
Agreeing and Disagreeing in English
1. "And"
Example: I love coffee, and I also enjoy tea.
2. "But"
1. I agree. Example: I wanted to go to the party, but I had to finish
Example: I agree with your suggestion to have a team my homework.
3. "So"
Example: It's raining, so we should bring umbrellas.
2. You're right. 4. "In Order To"
Example: You're right; the new policy will benefit Example: I study hard in order to get good grades.
everyone. 5. "Or"
Example: Do you want tea or coffee?
3. That's a good point. 6. "Nor"
Example: That's a good point; we should consider your Example: She neither confirmed nor denied the
idea. accusation.
7. "Yet"
Disagreeing: Example: The weather was hot, yet we decided to go
1. I disagree. for a hike.
Example: I disagree with the decision to change the 8. "Although"
Example: Although it was raining, we went for a walk.
project timeline. 9. "Because"
2. I'm not sure about that." Example: They canceled the event because of the bad
Example: I'm not sure about that; we might need more weather.
10. "Therefore"
information. Example: She forgot her umbrella, therefore she got
3. I see your perspective, but..." wet in the rain.
Example: I see your perspective, but I think we should 11. "Nevertheless"
Example: It was a challenging task; nevertheless, they
explore other options. completed it on time.
4. I don’t think so 12. "Moreover"
Example: The project is both challenging and exciting;
moreover, it offers valuable experience.


No 8-12
agree disagree

agree disagree

No 13-14
purpose : to give detail information about the product.

Types of Labels on Packaging:

1. Brand Name:
Example: Coca-Cola, Nike, Apple - Identifies the company or manufacturer.
2. Product Name:
Example: iPhone, Pepsi, Nike Air Max - Names the specific product.
3. Ingredients:
Example: Flour, sugar, water - Lists the components of the product.
4. Nutritional Information:
Example: Calories, fat content, vitamins - Provides details about the
product's nutritional value.
5. Allergen Information:
Example: Contains nuts, gluten-free - Alerts consumers to potential
6. Barcodes:
Example: Scannable codes containing product information for quick
identification at checkout.
7. Expiry Date:
Example: "Best before: 01/2024" - Informs consumers about the product's
shelf life.
Importance of Labels:
Labels on packaging help consumers make informed decisions, understand the
contents, and ensure product safety. They also assist in brand recognition and
contribute to regulatory compliance.
This is my favorite food


No 15-18

No 19-21

Procedure Text

A procedure text is a type of text that explains a sequence of steps to achieve a
particular result or perform a specific task. It provides clear instructions.
Structure of Procedure Text:
1. Title:
Clearly states what the procedure is about.
2. Introduction:
Briefly introduces the task or process.
3. Materials/Ingredients:
Lists the items needed for the procedure.
4. Steps/Methods:
Describes the sequence of actions in a step-by-step manner.
5. Conclusion:
Summarizes the procedure and may offer additional tips or warnings.
Examples of Procedure Text:
1. Recipe:
Example: "How to Make Chocolate Chip Cookies"
Introduction: Introduce the joy of homemade cookies.
Materials: Flour, sugar, chocolate chips, etc.
Steps: Mix ingredients, shape dough, bake at 350°F.
Conclusion: Enjoy your delicious cookies!
2. Manual/Instruction Guide:
Example: "Assembly Instructions for Furniture"
Introduction: Brief overview of the furniture.
Materials: Parts and tools required.
Steps: Assemble frame, attach legs, tighten screws.
Conclusion: Your furniture is ready for use!
No 22-26
procedure Text

procedure text
Favorite Food This is my favorite food
No 27-29

Procedure text
Simple Present Continuous Tense

The Present Continuous Tense is used to describe actions or events that are happening at the moment of
speaking. It emphasizes the ongoing nature of an activity.
The Present Continuous Tense is formed using the present tense of the verb "to be" (am, is, are) + the present
participle (verb + ing).
Affirmative: Subject + (am/is/are) + verb + ing
Negative: Subject + (am/is/are) + not + verb + ing
Interrogative: (Am/Is/Are) + subject + verb + ing?
1. Affirmative:
I am studying for my exams.
They are playing in the park.
2. Negative:
She is not watching TV right now.
We are not working on the project today.
3. Interrogative:
Are you listening to music?
Is he attending the meeting?

Modals are auxiliary verbs that express the speaker's attitude toward the likelihood, necessity, permission, or
ability of an action or event.
Types of Modals:
1. Can:
Example: I can swim.
2. Could:
Example: Could you please pass the salt?
3. May:
Example: May I borrow your pen?
4. Might:
Example: It might rain later.
5. Must:
Example: You must finish your homework before going out.
6. Should:
Example: You should eat more vegetables.
7. Shall:
Example: Shall we go for a walk?
8. Will:
Example: I will help you with your project.
9. Would:
Example: Would you like some coffee?
Simple Present Continuous Tense

Simple Present Continuous Tense, juga dikenal sebagai Present Progressive Tense, digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kegiatan
yang sedang berlangsung pada saat berbicara. Berikut adalah beberapa poin penting tentang tense ini:

1. Rumus:
Positif: Subjek + sedang (am/is/are) + kata kerja bentuk ing + objek. Contoh: She is reading a book.
Negatif: Subjek + sedang (am/is/are) + not + kata kerja bentuk ing + objek. Contoh: They are not watching TV.
Pertanyaan: Am/Is/Are + subjek + sedang + kata kerja bentuk ing + objek? Contoh: Are you playing the guitar?

2. Penggunaan:
Untuk menyatakan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat berbicara. Contoh: I am studying right now.
Untuk menyatakan rencana atau jadwal masa depan yang telah disusun. Contoh: She is meeting her friends tomorrow.
Untuk mengungkapkan ketidaknyamanan atau iritasi terhadap tindakan yang sedang berlangsung. Contoh: Why is he always making
so much noise?

3. Keterangan Waktu:
Saat ini: now, at the moment, currently.
Masa depan: tomorrow, next week, in a month.

4.. Perhatian Khusus:

Untuk kata kerja yang berakhir dengan "e," "e" tersebut dihilangkan sebelum menambahkan "-ing" (contoh: make -> making).
Untuk kata kerja satu suku kata yang berakhiran konsonan-vokal-konsonan, vokal terakhir digandakan sebelum menambahkan "-ing"
(contoh: run -> running).
Beberapa kata kerja tertentu memiliki perubahan bentuk dalam Simple Present Continuous Tense (contoh: go -> going, have ->
No 30-31

present continuous
present continuous tense No 32-34
No 35

procedure text How long do we need to boil a soft egg?

A. 2-3 minutes
B. 2 minutes and a half
C. 10-15 minutes
D. 60 minutes
No 36-37
procedure text

What materials needed in boiling egg? What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
A. Water, egg, stove, saucepan, spoon/ladle A. To tell the reader the series instruction of boiling
B. Egg, water, spoonful, saucepan egg.
C. Spoonful, water, saucepan B. To explain the reader the process of boiling egg
C. To describe the reader the boil egg.
D. Water, pan, scrambled egg
D. To tell the reader the process of cooking egg.
"They _______ (play) basketball at the park
No 38-40
present continuous Tense
right now."
A. plays Choose the sentence that correctly uses the
B. played Simple Present Continuous Tense:
C. are playing A. I will go to the beach this weekend.
D. is playing B. He works in a coffee shop downtown.
C. They are watching a movie right now.
Which of the following sentences is in the D. She visited her aunt last month.
Simple Present Continuous Tense?
A. She reads books every night.
B. They will visit their grandparents next
C. He is studying for his exams at the
D. We played soccer yesterday.
Thank You
For Your Attention

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