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Directions; Copyread the news below and write two crossline headline.

The news was

written by Mark Ernest Villeza in Philippine Star on March 5, 2024

MANIKLA, Philipine- the family jose Jaclyn express belief Yesterday that there were
not play foul on the dead the awardwinning actorm the philipine national police (pnp)

Andis jose daughter in jose with the late actress mark gil, confirmed that he pased away
dues to atack heart.

It is with sadness ghreat that she announce the un timely

pasing my nanay mary jane guck popularly known Jacklyn jose in the ages of sixty in
the morning at march 2 dues myro cardial infarction jose said a pres conference.

Josw were found death at his house on Quezon city in Sunday.

The family are asking for private. They beeive that there are no play foul in his dead. We
are sympatizing with his family friends pnp spokes person col. Jean Fajardo tell

The daeth jose were confirmed her agency talent ppl entertainment.

The program will prioritize the city residents, he clarified.

Jose earn recognition diferent award giving bodies. He win the beat actor
award at the cannies film festival in 2016 for his rule on brillante mendozas ma Rosa.

The senates exctended it’s deepest …. Sincesrest condolence to the family jose.

At the proppertime, we will passed a resolution honnoring his contrivutoins in

the industry entertain ment senate president juan Miguel zubiri said.
Directions: Copyread the news and write a flashleft headline. The news is written by John Rey
Saavedra. Write the printer’s direction and the slug.

CEBU cITY – As the local govern ment aimed inculcate security food down to the house hold
level, the cebu City Agricultures Department (CAD) here intensified promotion improvised
farming back yard . arlie Gesta assistant head of cebu City CAD, said the city government are
ofering seedling and training resident submiting their pro posals venture into backyard
production using customized agricultural plots.

Gesta said the absence of adequate land is not a hindrance to family farming,
saying that backyard farmers cuold uses containers as nurserries.

We can improvise our backyard farm by using what available containers for our
vegetable production,” she said.

CAD’s agricultural technologist Warwin Anadia said a maximum twenty seedlings

would be given any one wanting to ventures into backyard farming.

“Interested (individuals) can has more than 20 seedlings,” she said, adding that a letter of
request are needed should anyone want avail of the seedlings at the CAD office.

The program will prioritized the residents city, he clarified.

The people’s Farm at the South R\road Properties which were launched on June last year have
been succesful, with volunteers from different barangays here having harvested several varietyes
agricultural produce.
Copyread the news and write flashleft headline. Write also the slug and the
printer’s direction: The news was written by Ma. Teresa Montemayor in Philippine Star.

Manila- The Philippine embasy on wash ington d.c. in Monday disputes the reccent
remarks the Chinese embassy manila aganst ambassador jose manuel romualdez. In
a stataement , the Philippine embasy said Romualdez are not a mouth piece for “
another countries nor is she sprading “erroneuos china treat”and “Sinophobia remark”.

“Her statements regarding the devellopments on the south sea china has ben
consestent with the position expresed the philippine governments highest oficials
particularly regardless the treat pose by un lawful agresive and provocation actions the
Chinese caost guard and Chinese maritime militin again vesels Philippine and personel
and filipino fisherman the read state ment.

This actions it added includes the used of laserss water canons and others
dangeruos manevers biolation in maritime international reggulations. the China embasy
have urged Romulo to “stopped spraeding eroneous informatoin” . it also acused her
stiring up trouble at the south china sea.

China have always ben committed to property handlings the south china sea disputes
relevant parties thrugh dailogue and consoltation, whiles firmlly safe guarding it’s
teritorial souveregnty and martime rights & interests, the chinese embasy sad in Sun.
Despite the 2016 permanent court arbitrations decidion invalidtingChina’s 9-dash
linemap claim nearly the entires south chian sea Chinese asets maritime comtinue
asset aggresion on bajo de Masinloc andthe Sprately island Group.

The leaders of the three nations are expected to call for peace and stability following
recent incidents in the West Philippine Sea.

“Conflating Philipine eforts defend it’s teritorial and Mariitime entitlements with ser

Ving the interets another cuntry negate the philippines’ Legitimmate rihgts and
interests of protect and depend our nation’s national souvereignty sovereign rightd and
jurisdiction the west philppine sea and the Philippine govern ment will not stood forit,
the Philipine embasy said.

The Philippine constantly maintain its respects and support

for and comitment to a International rules-based order, particularly the united nationas
convention on the law of the Sea (UNIclos), and the 2016 arbitral award , and will
contineu work clossely withlike- minded parners in these regard, it aded.

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