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311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 MACS 100 Exam 1 Leave the first rating Terms in this set (68) MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet Wilkinson's Review -Negative Review ~There is a reoccurring recognition of the tension between the films historical memory, its recreation of the past through its dominant narrative, and current events -it is obvious and unsubtle ~She thinks Lee is trying to gratify the audience and poses a safe and unchallenging depiction of police Kermode's Review -liked how the movie made a connection from the past to the future especially with the David Duke election “Tit is a period peice with a contemporary agenda’ giving the text depth -percieves past as undercover agent dwelling in present and undermining racial progress and equality -recognizes many themes are reflected in its many stylistic digressions hips guile. comvS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tash-cards! ant 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 Fleshman's Review MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet -Recognizes US racism as a nationwide, not exclusive to the south -Indicts white women as participants in US racism -Nonjudgmental of Stallworth’s infiltration of black student group ~The internal purging of a racist cop is unrealistic and tacked on formal-aesthetic -Audio/Visval -Narrative; structure; pace; character -How story is told and how the filmmaker tells it Social/ideological “Visibility; stereotype; policy -Messaging; encoding; representation Mis-en-scene both the staging of the action and the way it is photographed within the frame. Can likewise refer to all you see in the frame: props, costumes, etc ~‘putting on the stage" composition Visible objects, such as props and performers, reveal their importance within the frame lighting Lights that illuminate an area so that it can be viewed after dark Practical Lighting lighting coming from a natural light source within the shot, such as a lamp or the sun hips guile. comS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tash-cards! ant 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet natural lighting Derives from a natural source in the scene or setting- sun diffuse lighting Lighting that is low or moderate in contrast, such as ‘on an overcast day. Backlighting Illumination cast onto the figures in the scene from the side opposite the camera, usually creating a thin outline of highlighting on those figures. German Expressionism 1919-1926. film image became graphic art. depended heavily on mise en scene. play of light and dark that has actually been painted onto the set comprised the "dark" moody American films of the 1940s; often focused on detectives or similar themes Film Noir ff $M be image how the shot looks like hips guile. comS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tash-cards! ant 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet spatial relationship an image establish is between perspective " i : the different objects and figures it is photographing the movement of objects in the frame and its staging relationship to the camera Linking shots. Setting pace editing Building scenes. Building sequence Building units of meaning. shol/reverse shot two or more shots edited together that alternate characters, typically in a conversation situation match on action Accontinuity cut that splices two different views of the same action together at the same moment in the movement, making it seem to continue uninterrupted dissolve gradual transition from one image to another fade out gradually darkens the end of a shot to black A transition between shots in which a line passes wipe across the screen, eliminating one shot as it goes and replacing it with the next one. rhythmic editing the organization of editing according to different paces or tempos determined by how quickly cuts are made hips guile. comS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tash-cards! ant 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet jump cut instantly against a constant background, or the background changes instantly while the figures remain constant, A shot that continues for an unusually lengthy time long take before the transition to the next shot The telling of a story or an account of an event or narrative series of events. story events depicted or implied within the media text Plot Sequence of events in a story tone of media text; what it chooses to emphasize Narration and diminish a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that ideology forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. -to "stand in* for their values and standards representation and reality -does not equate to reality -An address of how media technologies recreate the material world as a system of signs imbued with representation as re- | “ ideological content presentation ~The media text is constructed and never material reality hips guile. comvS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tfash-cards! sit 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet nothing is at stake" Jane the virgin ideological position Sex Positivity: comfortable with one's own sexual identity -Idea that sex is very often an essential part of life that should not be ignored - Jane is respectful but also advocates for ‘moving past shame" Jane the virgin representational agenda -lane the virgin as ‘real’ aspects like its relationship, themes and formal details but also recognizes itis, self-consciously constructed (telenovela) -Addressing limited representation through positive and expanded depiction Women: girlfriends, moms, secretaries Jane the Virgin: writer, police detective, criminal, hotelier -Emphasizes representation of Latinx community, gender, age, orientation, and class pose ideological position -confront health crisis -Inspired by a demonstration staged by the activist collective ACT UP Inflated a giant condom at a homophobic politicians house Roxane gay's talk She is a bad feminist society makes women economically vulnerable Genre a major category or type of media text conventions -Signs that remind us that they are encountering a specific genre ~Visvals, props, character types, locations, events hips guile. comS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tash-cards! ent 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 expectation MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet can serve as a framing device for audience reception, priming the spectator for how they should interpret the media text social contract authors describe the relationship between producers of media text & consumers as a"__" because filmmakers sought to create hybrid genres to keep audience engagement comedy ~Character defined by physical feature. -Emphasis on GAGS over story. -Playful interaction with mise-en-scene. -Happy ending -Celebrates the resilience of social life. ~The physical triumphs over the intellectual. -Obstacles overcome through luck, wit, physical dexterity. -Reunion, reconciliation, reaffirmation romantic comedy -Happiness -Emotional attraction is lighthearted -An awkward social predicament Screwball Comedy -Popular in the 1930s and 40s -Fast-talking; verbal humor -Sexual tension replaced with barbed dialog hips guile. comS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tash-cards! a 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 horror MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet -Use of suspense or shock. Visibility: compositions moving between the seen and unseen. --The horror of the UNSEEN. -FEAR: Psychological; Sexual; Social..and more -Critique: Positive or Negative effects -Pervasiveness suggests cultural ritual -Dramatizing (admitting) fears as a COMMUNAL EXPERIENCE -Make it visible, make it manageable. supernatural horror a spiritual evil erupts in the human realm physical horror -the psychology of a character takes second place to the depiction of graphic violence -A relentless, unstoppable, frequently masked antagonist ~The presence of "the final girl” 4 reasons why the mindy project is arom com -She wasn't traditionally "likeable" -Her relationships never compromised the fullness of her characters -Her relationships were romantic but also realistic -Her happily ever after was satisfying but incomplete the final girl -Final girls are crucial to horror genre -Tough enough and strong enough to make it to the end -Coined by Carol J.Clover in her book Men, Women, and Chainsaws hips guile. comS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tash-cards! ant 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet Race as a Floating Signifier stereotype and the meanings are ever changing analysis of persistent stereotypes -Revealed patterns of prejudice -Addressed the destructive impact of stereotype -Defined the stereotypes as a form of social control, not an error of perception pitfalls ~"Essentialism": oversimplified -"Ahistorical’; static; divorced from issues like colonialism ~"moralizing" ; good vs bad -Racism "individval, attitudinal’ rather than institutional model minorities stereotypes even reach problems with greenbook ~The film is part of a long tradition of narratives that discover solution for racisms within the relationship between two people in conflict and it could disable prejudice -The film relies on likeable white character and the erasure of his racism suggest the possibility for all -Uses a titular object that was significant for civil rights era, as a prop buddy comedy -Location was mostly in deep south and incorrectly represents that institutionalized racism during that era was only below the Mason-Dixon Line hips guile. comvS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tfash-cards! ont 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 drawback of colorblind casting MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet -Be seen as a political tool in which racial privilege’s are maintained purpose of colorconscious -Neutrality of whiteness ~Validate people of color -Identify racist practices -Point out institutional racism hegemony the domination of one state or group over its allies understood as a mixture of physicial, behavioral, race and cultural attributes differences between people based on language Ethnicity and shared culture gender performativity The idea that gender, rather than a coherent component of identity incorporated through socialization, is in fact a bodily performance of discourse that exists only because people believe it is significant. practical consequences of butler's theory -Gender neutral bathrooms and dorms -The appropriation of Theory into common use -Academic argument in popular culture -Asking: How does womanhood get defined? -Assumptions? -If feminism is defined as fighting for women's rights, whose rights? -Consequences of language hips guile. comvS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tfash-cards! sont 311723, 1.07 AM MACS 100 Exam 1 cultural assertions of butler's theory MACS 100 Exam 1 Flasheards | Quilet things the world presumes everyone to be straight -People who don't follow expectations gender wise and straightness wise pay the price -questioning gender norms was perhaps inevitable ~in doing so we make life more livable for everybody Alice Guy Blache -director of first fictional films -THE CABBAGE FAIRY -early pioneer of special effects hips guile. comvS34078101hmacs-100-exam-tfash-cards! an

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