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5E Lesson Plan Template

Your name or Meagan Buttram

teacher name
(if needed)

Date(s) taught April 3, 2024

Subject Ancient History/8th Grade

Grade level

Materials Chromebook
Promethean Board
Internet Access
Access to Canva
Paper Copies of assignment, if needed

Standards State
(State and
SS10.8.9- Describe the rise of the Byzantine Empire, its institutions and its
legacy, including the influence of the Emperors Constantine and Justinian and
Standards for
the effect of the Byzantine Empire on art, religion, architecture, and law.
1.1c- Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
1.1d- Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations’
demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies;
and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
1.2a- Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation, and
are aware of their permanence of their actions in the digital world.
1.2b- Students engage in a positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when
using technology, including in social interactions online or when using
networked devices.
1.3a- Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate
information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
1.3b- Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of

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information, media, data or other resources.
1.4a- Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas,
testing theories, creating innovative artifacts and solving authentic problems.

Objectives The objective for this lesson is to know the factors that led to the rise of the
Byzantine Empire and examples of Byzantine influences on art, culture,
religion, architecture, and law.
Students will use safely and legally use technology to showcase their research
findings and develop a technologically produced product to display their work.

Differentiation Visual Learners- The reading passages will be online for students to see, as
Strategies well as printed out for those who’s individualized plans call for that. There will
also be examples of the finished product for students to gain an idea of what is
expected of them.
Auditory Learners- Students will have the option to have the reading passages
read to them either by me or by Google Read and Write.
Kinesthetic Learners- Students will be able to create their own product
showcasing their research findings. This will be completed through Canva.
EL- Students will receive the assignment in Spanish. I will provided a chucked
reading for them versus them having to read the entire passage.
SPED- Students will work in a small group on the reading portion of the
assignment. We will read the assignment together by using the chunking
method and summarize each paragraph or two. The students will not be
required to complete the entire travel brochure but will choose three sections to

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The 5 Es

E Description

Enga Replace these directions with your work.

Catch the students’ attention with the activities in this phase. Pose questions or design an
activity to help the students build on what they already know in preparation for learning
something new. Technology must be used by the teacher or student, or both.
Provide specific details of your engaging activity and the directions needed for students
to complete the activity. Include all supporting materials such as handouts, presentations,
hyperlinks to videos, websites, resources, and screenshots of mobile applications.
We will begin the lesson with a “virtual field trip” using Google Earth to visit the Hagia
Sophia in Istanbul, formally Constantinople. This will come after a brief introduction via
power point of the Byzantine Empire. The students will be given a couple of questions to
answer based on their “tour” of the Hagia Sophia. 1. What Roman influence do you notice
while touring the Hagia Sophia? 2. What Arab influence do you notice while touring the
Hagia Sophia? 3. What was the Hagia Sophia built and used for?

Enga The following questions will be posted on the board for the students to answer:
1. What Roman influence do you notice while touring the Hagia Sophia?
Asse 2.What Arab influence do you notice while touring the Hagia Sophia?
ssme 3.What was the purpose of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople?

Expl The students and I will work on a Nearpod activity, which is an online, interactive lesson.
During the onlince activity, there will be many opportunities for students to explore more
information about the Byzantine Empire. They will be instructed to answer several
questions throughout the lesson and also be able to add their input and opinions.

Expl The students will answer various questions that are embedded in the Nearpod activity.
orati These questions will be graded immediately through Nearpod and the comments they
on write will be graded by me. We will discuss the questions together after the completion of
Asse them.

Expl The students will begin their final assignment of this lesson. Students will be presented
anati with a reading passage and annotation/notetaking guide about the Byzantine Empire. The
on passage highlights important vocabulary the students need to know and also includes

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E Description

comprehension questions for the students to complete during/after the reading. The
passage can be chunked if needed for my struggling readers. After reading and
answering the questions, the students will complete their travel brochure by using Canva.

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E Description


Elab After the informational portion of the lesson, the students will use guided questions to
orati answer and complete a travel brochure by using the online website, Canva. Students will
on have the freedom to create it however they want to, as long as they include the necessary
information. Students will use the reading passage to answer the questions, but if they
need to use other resources, or the web, they can while practicing digital citizenship.
Below are the questions the student needs to answer and an example of what the final
product may look like.

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E Description

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E Description


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Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.

Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices.

Oxford: Heinemann.

National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.

Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through

guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

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