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Assignment 1 – Identity Map & Reflection

Due: Sunday February 11, 2024 @ 11:59pm
See syllabus for full details on late assignment submissions
30% of final grade

As you begin to take charge of your own career development it is essential that you really know
yourself. You have talents, strengths, and skills (some may even be hidden at this point). This
assignment helps you map these as well as make a road map or action plan to ensure you
graduate with a portfolio that helps you reach your post-university goals.

Attached is an advanced organizer career organizer (originally designed by A. Magnifico), herein

called the Identity Map, adapted for this course. Use this Identity Map to guide your thinking
and reflection, and in turn, gather data about yourself and your post-university goals related to
career. Use this template as a draft, go through each section and explore the information,
reflect, and find connections back to your Career Goal (developed for purposes of this class).
Then, finalize your responses and create a Power Point Presentation and in numerical order
include the content required for each of the 16 sections, plus connection statement back to
you career question. For sections that require additional documents (e.g. resume, cover letter),
you can either embed the documents into the PPT or write “See additional documents” and
then submit them via Blackboard as additional documents.

Please read all the instructions and grading requirements carefully.

How to start this assignment:

1) Start with section 1 and formulate a Career Goal (This is also the Online Activity &
Discussion Post 1). This does not have to be your “forever” career question, just one
that you want to explore at the present time. BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE
2) Once you have established Section 1, work through the rest of the sections (in any
order) with your Career Goal in mind. DO THIS IN DRAFT FORM FIRST. It may take a few
rounds of revisions and it will take time to think and reflect through this assignment.
Finalize your Identity Map as a Power Point Presentation. Additional documents (e.g.
resume, cover letter) can either be embedded into the PPT or write “See additional
documents” and then submit them via Blackboard as additional documents.
3) Ensure you ad a connection statement is every section that relates back to your Career

For example:
If your Career Goal (Section 1) is: “I will pursue a career as a Graphic Designer. To make this
happen, I will complete my Degree in Graphic + Digital Design at UFV and seek out a mentor
from the School of Creative Arts to support me”.
Section 12 (Resume, Cover Letter, Business Card) – should be written and/or highlight your
experience (paid, volunteer etc.), passion, or aspirations that relate to GRAPHIC DESIGN,

Try to be as detailed and explicit as possible. Once you have the Identity Map complete, making
reference to at least one Reflective Learning Theory or process, write a 250-300 word Reflection
that addresses:
 What aspect of this Assignment did you enjoy the most? The least? What does that tell
you about your interests, abilities, values, or personality?
 How can this process (the Identity Map) help inform your career decisions now and in
the future?

Grading (/30)
This assignment will be graded as follows:

Identity Map Content & Connection (20 marks)

All 16 sections are complete with responses and content AND provide relevant or connected
reflection back to your Career Goal
Identity Map Design & Completeness (6 marks)

 The overall assignment is descriptive and provides explicit examples to avoid over
generalized statements .
 Includes all required sections, clearly labeled in numerical order, and organized with
exceptional / creative design
 Font type and font size is consistent and aligned to a professional workplace context
 Exceptionally clear and professional language, no spelling or grammatical errors in the
 Thorough detail is presented in a way that is organized, easy to understand and read.
Reflection (4 marks)
Your reflection should address the questions outlined above. Ensure your reflection refers to at
least one Reflective Learning theory or process, and is written in an open, honest, descriptive
way. Please provide explicit examples and details to avoid overgeneralized statements. Your
reflection should demonstrate your ability to learn through introspection.

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