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A Thorny Predicament

“I’ll be back in a bit, Sucrose. I need some fresh air.”

Sucrose raised her head to meet her mentor’s gaze.

“Are you sure you’re feeling alright, Mister Albedo? Maybe it’s time you visit the cathedral.”

“I just need a small break. Don’t let me distract you.”

He avoided her eyes as he answered, slipping off his gloves and setting them on his desk. She lets
out a quiet sigh before nodding at him. With that he makes his way out the door, leaving Sucrose
alone in the lab’s silence.

The chief alchemist had been stepping out like this all week and it made his assistant worry. She
could tell he’d been less focused. Normally his attention never wavered, and they could remain in the
lab from dawn to dusk. But lately he’d been restless; leg bouncing, head in the clouds.

Chasing her thoughts away, the alchemist returned her attention to her potted garden of sweet
flowers, humming and whispering to herself as she sorted the plants. Hybrid Specimen No. 352 had
finally fully bloomed, white petals stretching out, exposing it’s fluffy sunny core. Sucrose gathered
samples from the flower and began inspecting each component, frantically scribbling down all of her

When she learned nearly everything there is to discover about sweet flowers, she decided to attempt
crossbreeding them. She encountered many failures, yet the successful cases, like her current sweet
flower-dandelion hybrid, made it worth the trouble, and Albedo’s praises encouraged her even further.
This type of research was her favourite and she excelled at it. Bioalchemy was truly her expertise.
Which is why she was shocked when she realized…

“Wait a second…this is..oh..oh no…” Sucrose gasped, quickly scrambling through her alchemy books
to confirm her suspicion. Comparing her data to the book, she mentally kicks herself when she
realizes it’s true;

“The pollen…it’s an aphrodisiac…How did I miss this in the early stages?” Memories of her week run
through her mind. It all made sense now. It explained why she felt hotter, and oddly aroused during
work hours. Each night of that week, she had her hand between her shaking legs before bedtime.
Moreso, she’d had a hard time staying focused when Mister Albedo would get so close-

Mister Albedo!!

He spent his time working in the same room. He breathed the same air as she did, inhaled the same
pollen. It must be why Albedo kept on excusing himself; his arousal would be harder to mask than her
own…Sucrose felt a pang of guilt and shame for having exposed her mentor to such an effect; it had
clearly disturbed his activities all week long.

Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Sucrose formed her plan.

Step 1: Dispose of the specimen. The farther it is away from anyone, the better.

Step 2: Store away her research notes. Keep them to prevent another incident of this type.

Step 3: Decontaminate the lab. Clean all traces of the flower and open the windows to eliminate the

Sucrose springs to her feet, rushes to grab the potted plant and heads to the exit. She will not speak
to Albedo of her discovery, as she feels too embarrassed about it. This shall not be mentioned. But
surely he will ask what happened once I’m cleaning the lab…Oh drat, his clothes need to be
decontaminated too—

It happens so fast. The door swings open, knocking the specimen right out of the Harmless Sweetie’s
grip. The pot meets the floor, ceramic shattering between their feet, the plant lying unrooted from its
home. The yellow center of the flower bursts on the floor, leaving behind a puff of pollen, floating
around like dandelion seeds. Albedo stands still, hand on the doorknob, startled by the sudden mess.

“I am so sorry.”

Seeing Sucrose’s horrified expression, he kneels down and scoops up as much dirt as he can, along
with the sweet flower. He feels bad as he knows how much her plants mean to her, and suggests
“Let’s grab another pot. We can still salvage it.”
To his surprise, Sucrose knocks the dirt out of his bare hands. “M-Mister Albedo, do not touch it! This
specimen is not safe! I was about to dispose of it.” She warns him, voice laced with panic.

The man gulps as he looks down at his hands. Albedo gulps as he looks down at his hands, realizing
his mistake. He had rushed to action when he saw his assistant looking so distressed, and had
completely ignored the lab’s most important safety rule: Do not handle substances without gloves.
He’d been so…distracted this week, he hadn’t noticed she was working with dangerous components.

“Is it toxic?” Albedo asks cautiously as he stands back upright.

The shorter alchemist’s eyes dart around the room, avoiding his gaze. She lets out a nervous hiccup.
“N-No! A-Actually, it’s not toxic, o-or dangerous per say…Y-You see, w-what happened is…”

Sucrose rubs her knees together, hands holding up her bangs from her damp forehead. Albedo
watches her as she stutters on her words. Her lips are rosy, cheeks as red as a cherry and her ears
cling to the sides of her head. He catches her eyes as they glimpse up at him and notices that her
pupils are dilated. His concerns about the plant fade as all he can think about is how adorable his
assistant looks right now. Suddenly, his coat feels too warm around his shoulders.

Albedo tugs at his collar. The heat, the arousal in his body, the lustful thoughts pestering his mind;
they’ve been bothering him all week. It seems that this time, stepping out to take a breather somehow
made it worse.

“T-the pollen..It has certain properties. It’s behaving as an….an aphrodisiac.” Sucrose’s voice calls
him back to reality. Her expression holds a mix of panic, humiliation, and something he can’t quite

“Oh.” Is all Albedo manages to say as he processes her spoken information. It certainly explains his
recent predicaments, but he’s not about to tell her how he’s been rubbing one out more frequently
than usual. Belatedly, he recognizes the last emotion in her expression: Lust.

His pants are feeling tighter, and while the pollen is to blame, the gorgeous alchemist in front of him is
only making it worse with her fiery blush and glossy eyes.

The awkward silence in the room feels so loud. The tension thickens as they both feel the effect of the
pollen getting stronger, yet neither of them make a move to clean up the mess. Albedo’s bulge is
becoming painfully obvious, and he can tell Sucrose is feeling the same by the way she is lightly
rubbing her thighs together.

Her eyes finally rise up to meet his, and he swears her gaze is pleading him to come closer. Albedo
raises his foot and slowly waltzes towards her. Once they are mere inches apart, he delicately brings
his palm up to her cheek, keeping his eyes locked onto hers, searching for any sign of objection.
However, he catches her purring softly as she angles her chin up ever so slightly. Sucrose’s eyes
blink slowly before closing again. She’s waiting for him to kiss her. Hesitation all gone, Albedo obliges,
as it is all he wishes to do at this instance.

The moment their lips connect, the tension shifts, transforming into sparks. Sucrose immediately
wraps her arms around Albedo’s neck, pulling his body against hers, their eagerness for each other
growing as they exchange breaths. Requesting entrance into her mouth, he presses his tongue
against her lips, a cute purr escaping her as she parts them. His arm snakes around her waist, the
kisses becoming desperate and hungry.

Sucrose has to take a few steps back from the strength of his embrace- dragging him along with her-
until her bosom meets the edge of his desk. She let out a squeak when Albedo’s hands moved to her
thighs, hoisting her upward and seating her on the desk, parting her knees to keep his body as close
against hers as possible.

They separate for a moment, needing to catch their breaths. He rests his forehead against hers and
dares to peek at her through his eyelashes. Her lips are swollen, and she’s panting as hard as he is,
but her eyes are burning with lust and love , so Albedo claims her mouth again, receiving a hum of
contentment in return.

His hands begin roaming the sides of her body, exploring her curves through her clothes. Her desire
rising, Sucrose rolls her hips forward against his groin, causing Albedo to moan onto her lips.

His body is screaming, telling him to tear off her shorts and take her instantly. But this isn’t just
anyone, this is Sucrose . As much as Albedo wants to satisfy his needs (pent up for a week now
thanks to the pollen), he wants to pleasure her, cherish her, love her. So he uses all of his strength to
manage his urges and keep a grip on his self control.

He responds to her action by giving her butt a squeeze, and the way Sucrose sucks on his bottom lip
indicates to him that she likes it. He’s surprised by her boldness when she begins peppering kisses
on his chin, all the way down to his neck. Taking in a sharp breath, Albedo tries to gather his thoughts,
but it’s proven difficult when her tongue is on his neck and she’s still rubbing her pelvis against his.

Lightly pushing against her shoulders, he forces Sucrose to remove her lips from his skin. “Could you
lie down for me?” His whisper sends a shiver down her spine, and she slowly reclines, until her spine
touches the wooden desk. Having her mentor look down on her, his hips straddled between her
thighs, reminds her of one too many selfish dreams. Little does she know, the view he’s currently
seeing reminds him of his own dreams.

Albedo rids himself of his coat, throwing it onto his chair, before returning his attention to his beautiful
assistant, lying flushed below him. Her ears twitch in ecstasy when he leans down, planting a sweet
kiss on the exposed skin between her neck and her bust. His left hand rests on her hip, and his right
sneaks up her waist, stopping over her breast to give it a light squeeze. He delicately tugs at her
neckline, watching for her approval. She bites her lower lip, giving him an affirmative nod. He then
pulls down the top of her dress, exposing her pink nipples, before softly flicking one of them.
Sucrose’s mewls encourage him to continue, and Albedo grabs the neglected one between his lips,
twirling his tongue all over it.

She slips her fingers in his hair, stroking his locks. The way her hips are wiggling beneath his chest is
making it hard for him to focus; her breathy moans adding fuel to the fire in his pants. The caresses
on her chest send sparks down to her core. Her feet are jerking impatiently, rubbing against his
thighs, and Albedo swears he hears her whisper his name, not preceded by any honorifics. He
decides he wants to hear it again.

Sucrose whines when she feels his weight off her body. Meanwhile, Albedo beams at the sight in front
of him: the woman of his desires, lying on his desk, bare chested, face flushed, glasses crooked. He
fixes her glasses and puts her fallen hat aside before bringing his hands down to where her dress and
shorts connect, the fabric unmistakably wet. He doesn’t even need to ask for permission- Sucrose
immediately lifts her heels to the edge of the desk and raises her hips to allow Albedo to pull down
her shorts and underwear. He takes the opportunity to remove her boots as well, leaving her
stockings in place.

When he attempts to admire the view of her newly exposed skin, Sucrose shyly crosses her legs
together. “D-Don’t stare….i-it’s embarrassing.”

He places a gentle kiss on her knee. “You’re stunning, Sucrose.”

Whether it’s the compliment or the effects of the pollen, she gains enough confidence to relax and
permit him to nudge her legs apart. Albedo’s lips travel up her thigh, leaving hungry kisses on his trail.
Upon reaching his target, he hears her inhale, holding her breath in anticipation. Once he drags his
tongue across her slit, Sucrose lets out a desperate whimper, shutting her eyes and throwing her
head back in bliss. A second lick and her back arches. He places his lips over her sensitive bead and
gives it a gentle suck, receiving eager moans from his lover.

She can’t decide if she wants to look. She wants to see Albedo’s face between her legs, but she’s
afraid one glance and she’ll come undone; she doesn’t want this ending so soon.

His strong grip on her hips keeps her steady while she melts into his touch. It’s not long before she
tangles her fingers into his golden locks, caressing his scalp as she begins to purr in contentment
once more.

Albedo feels his arousal getting even stronger, but he remains patient, absolutely enamored by the
sounds Sucrose is unleashing. In this position, all he can taste is Sucrose, all he can smell is
Sucrose, all he can breathe is Sucrose; and he adores it.

As much as she enjoys their current situation, she can’t stand it anymore. She’d love to return him the
favour but her patience is growing thin. She needs more and she needs it now .

He continues to devour her temple until he feels her lightly tapping his forehead; so he stops and
looks up into her eyes. She looks disheveled and almost irritated. Before he can ask her what’s
wrong, taking a deep breath, she mutters, “I need….Inside.”

Acknowledging her request, Albedo stands upright and dips two of his fingers into his mouth before
approaching her entrance. For the second time today, Sucrose slaps his hand away.

“Not that. Your…” She’s too embarrassed to say the word, but Albedo understands what she wants.
He starts unbuckling his pants, blood rising to his face when he notices Sucrose, eyes fixated on his
crotch, licking her lips in anticipation. And she told me not to stare… He thinks to himself amusedly.

He finally opens his fly, feeling relief as his shaft is no longer restricted by the fabric of his clothes. He
strokes himself a few times before positioning his pelvis near her center.

Both of them hold their breaths when Albedo pushes his cock past her folds until he is fully inserted
into her. He releases a groan of satisfaction, while Sucrose winces, feeling a mix of pleasure and
slight discomfort. Quick to notice, Albedo keeps still, reaching for her hand and intertwining their
fingers together. They remain like this for a few seconds; Sucrose opens her eyes and squeezes his
hand, indicating that she is ready.
Following her signal, he pulls back his hips and slowly enters again. This time, she moans through
her sealed lips and so he repeats the action, keeping a slow, steady pace, letting out moans of his

They continue like this for a while, hands still tangled, basking in the pleasure of their physical union.
The silence from earlier is long gone, replaced by cries of delight from both alchemists. The slapping
sound of their bodies connecting echoes through the room when Albedo picks up speed.

Sucrose feels his skin making contact with her bundle of nerves and she arches her back to improve
the angle. He’s massaging the places inside that are out of her reach and she thinks to herself that
this is much better than the toy she keeps hidden in her bedside drawer.

Using her free hand, she stretches her arm out and places her fingers on his navel. She then lowers
them and tugs at the hem of his shirt. He unlinks their hands to unbutton his shirt, keeping his
movements consistent. He doesn’t remove it, simply leaves it open and Sucrose is perfectly pleased
with the view; Albedo hovering over her, hazy teal eyes, messy ashy hair, lip quivering, chest newly
exposed. She spots a diamond below his belly button, matching the one on his neck. Aroused by her
new discovery, she extends her fingers to touch the spot and hopes she is the only one to have seen
this intimate secret.

Albedo watches her in awe while he caresses her body from top to bottom; stroking her jawline,
groping her chest gently, trickling his fingers along the sides of her waist. His hands stop at her hips.
He grabs onto them tightly as he begins rocking his hips even harder.

Sucrose’s ears are wiggling frantically and her breasts are bouncing in rhythm with his thrusts. She’s
so wet and warm around him, her walls squeezing his member so tightly. The desk is shaking
furiously but they pay no mind to it. The fallen specimen, the cause of the incident, is long forgotten
as the pair continues to exchange body heat.
Blond locks meet green ones when he leans down to kiss her. She responds passionately, mewls of
pleasure vibrating against his lips. The fabric of his shirt tickles her ribs as his bare chest rests
against her own. The friction against her sensitive nubs sends a shiver down to her core. Sucrose
doesn’t want this moment to end, but she can feel her climax approaching rapidly.

Albedo shifts his kisses down to her neck and she finds out that’s exactly what she needs. His navel
is grinding against her pearl in the perfect angle and his hands greedily roam her body, igniting all of
her nerves. Sucrose sings a melody of ‘Oh’s as she feels waves of bliss and euphoria travel through
her body. Her lover does his best to maintain the stimulation, extending the overwhelming sensation
of her orgasm. She finally cries out in relief, her eyes rolling back before her muscles relax beneath

After witnessing her come undone, Albedo senses he is reaching his own limit now, so he warns her.
Standing upright again, his hands go back to grasp her hips, lifting them slightly from the desk, as he
pounds into her as fast as his body allows him. Sucrose’s thighs squeeze around his waist even
tighter, her ankles locking together behind his lower back. Albedo knows what this means; he’s
unsure if he’s even capable of conceiving, but he’d rather be cautious.

“Are you sure?” he asks, slowing down his movement.

“Trust me?” Sucrose utters back between sobs of delight, and he finds it difficult not to when she
looks so delicious sprawled out on the desk, her insides tightening around him. Doubling his speed
and force, he continues to slam his length in and out of Sucrose, feeling himself getting closer and
closer to his release.
With a long groan and a final deep thrust, Albedo shoots his seed inside her walls. He remains
inserted, still throbbing, as he feels the waves of pleasure wash over him.

He assumes Sucrose felt another wave of her own as his lover still looks dazed, and he’s surprised
she managed to keep her glasses on the whole time. They observe each other as they catch their
breaths, eyes glazed with love and lust.

After a moment, Albedo slides himself out, Sucrose gasping lightly at the sudden emptiness. He looks
down where they were connected. At the creamy sight, he opens his mouth to question her, but she
interrupts him with a reassuring smile.

“No need to worry. I use a contraceptive brew daily.”

Although he is relieved, Albedo feels his heart clench. Does this mean she is…doing this…with other
people? He knows it’s none of his business, but he can’t help feeling jealous to think of someone
else, anyone else having this experience with Sucrose. He tries to hide it, but his face must’ve
betrayed him because she places her hand lightly on his wrist and explains. “I-It keeps my
menstruation cycle regulated. It’s very convenient.”

The weight on his heart releases upon hearing her words.

Once they meet the end of the afterglow, reality abruptly sinks back in. Despite the mortification she
feels about the current situation, Sucrose can’t peel her eyes off of his. Albedo’s face is burning as hot
and red as a jueyen chili, and she’s certain it’s a reflection of her own. They spend a few moments
staring at each other awkwardly before Albedo breaks the silence by clearing his throat;

“I’ll go find your shorts.” He steps away to begin his search.

Sucrose nods rapidly, sliding her body down to stand on her feet. She pulls her dress up to its
intended position as she watches him search around the desk. While his top remains unbuttoned, she
notices his pants are already buckled around his waist again. Once his target is found, Albedo stands
in front of her, and she grabs her bottoms from his hands with thanks.

“Wait a moment before you put those on.”

Albedo bids her before he strides over to the lab sink to drench a washcloth. He doesn’t mind his
crotch being damp from her fluids, but he can’t stand to watch his own semen dripping down her inner
thigh; it makes him feel as if he just tainted an angel.

Soon after, he’s crouched down before her, hand on her knee as he uses the other to clean up the
mess he left on her skin. He slides the cloth from her thigh to the junction between her legs, hesitating
momentarily. Sucrose bites her lip when he passes the wet cloth over her entrance.

“T-thank you”
Recovering from the tension, Albedo puts the small towel aside and shifts his attention to the much
bigger mess.

“I’ll get some masks and proper cleaning equipment so we can cleanse the lab before-”

“M-Mister Albedo…” Her whimper reaches his ears and he instantly turns to face her. Sucrose stands
there, red faced, legs trembling, hair disheveled, her shorts still in hand. Albedo gulps.

“The itch…i-it’s not going away.”

He takes a deep breath. The universe is testing him.

Meanwhile, the desire crawling through Sucrose’s body makes her insides throb and her skin sweat,
and it’s becoming unbearable. The fleeting memories are already spinning through her mind again,
fuelling her yearning even more. Under the spell of the flower, she doesn’t care if she’s being a
disturbance; her desperation is rising and she finds she’s quite addicted to his touch. Staring at her
own feet, she finds the courage to plead.

Albedo wonders if another round will eliminate the effects of the pollen or simply aggravate them
further. Before he can ponder on the decision, Sucrose looks at him. With her big, round, and
adorable golden eyes paralyzing all rational thought until he feels himself giving up to what she

Her heart sinks when her mentor heads towards the exit.

But it floats right back up when she spies him locking the door instead.

Barely a moment later, Albedo’s lips crash onto hers. His arms encircle her delicate frame and
Sucrose drops her shorts, melting into his embrace. The kiss is sloppy, hungry, impatient. Their union
is disrupted for a second when he decides to relocate them to her own desk, further away from the
disastrous plant. From there, the passion picks up where it left off, their tongues entangled, tasting
each other eagerly.

The speed at whichh his erection grows indicates that the pollen is still within his system. Or maybe
Sucrose is the one intoxicating him- he doesn’t care. At this instance, he wants nothing other than to
ravish the woman of his fantasies once more.

His fingers fumble at the neckline of her bolero coat, eager to strip her of it. Once undone, she lets it
slide off her shoulders, and he pulls it off her arms in one smooth motion.
Albedo dives tongue first onto the now exposed skin between her neck and shoulder, rewarded by a
smooth purr from his companion. The sweet sounds and vibrations she creates encourage him, and
he sucks a little too vigorously, the thought of leaving a mark upon her skin exciting him. He drags his
tongue up towards her jaw and feels her fluffy ear fluttering softly against his scalp.

While his attention remains on her throat, Sucrose traces her slender fingers on top of the fabric
below his waistband. Albedo groans in response, gently rocking his hips against her palm. He is
surprised to see his assistant being so bold, but he welcomes it.

She makes quick work of his fly and soon his bare flesh is in her hand. Once she begins stroking him,
he loses his focus and surrenders to her touch. He rests his forehead onto her shoulder and makes
no effort to conceal his moans.

Sucrose admires the feel of his cock. He’s warm and hard, and twitching in delight. He shudders
pleasantly when her thumb brushes the underside of its head and the way Albedo is whimpering her
name boosts her confidence. Fingers snugly wrapped around his girth, she slides her hand up and
down at an increasing pace, drawing out more sounds from her lover.

It's her turn to make an advance on his neck. Showering him with a fleet of kisses, her lips begin on
the diamond in the middle of his collarbone, trail up to the side of his throat, and send shivers through
his body as she nibbles gently on his skin.

Using her free hand, she tugs on his sleeve, prodding him to get rid of his shirt. Albedo obliges,
hastily discarding it and carelessly throwing it behind him. She pulls back to admire the full view of his
chest, brushing her fingertips over his lightly toned physique. It was not often the knights called him
into battle, so his skin remained free from any scars.
Sucrose decides it’s her opportunity to return the favour from before and begins placing kisses down
his chest. Before she can think of getting on her knees, Albedo’s fingers sneak between her legs. He
rubs her clitoris in a slow circular motion, her crotch already drenched from arousal. The sensation
causes her to lose the rhythm of her strokes, but he doesn’t complain.

Their lips meet again, this time more tenderly. Albedo loops his arm around her waist, his other hand
increasing the pressure against her folds. Sucrose’s legs quiver from his touch, her moans muffled
against his mouth.

She breaks the kiss shortly after, releasing his shaft to grip his wrist instead. He stops.

“C-could we try….this way?” Biting her lip, Sucrose spins her body around and bends over the table,
legs spread. Albedo takes a minute to absorb the sight; she looks stunning in every angle. The way
Sucrose glances over her shoulder, wiggling her hips impatiently, fires up all the nerves below his

No longer making her wait, he lines up his member at her slick entrance and slides it all the way in.
She whimpers his name in pleasure when he stretches out her walls, filling her up perfectly.

Albedo grinds his hips repeatedly against her, the skin of her bosom lapping with every thrust. Her
breasts press into the table each time their hips collide, the rocking causing a few small trinkets to fall
over. In an attempt to keep steady, Sucrose grips onto her desk, her nails leaving tiny scratches on its
flat surface.
With a hand on her shoulder, he swiftly pulls her body up until her back meets his chest, burying his
face into her silky green locks. At this proximity, he notices her hair smells of vanilla, and he thinks it
suits her sweet persona quite nicely.

Purrs resonate through her body when he kisses her ears delicately and she thinks that she ought to
let him touch them more often. He plasters a dozen more kisses across her neck and shoulders,
groaning blissfully between each one.

After neatly unzipping the back of her dress, he slides his hands into her top, kneading the soft flesh
of her breasts. Sucrose can’t contain the shaky moans from escaping her throat when he pinches her
nipples. All of the stimulation combined overwhelming her, she feels an eruption of pleasure
forthcoming. However, Albedo’s tempo decreases and he plants a tender kiss on her cheek as his
hips come to a complete halt.

“Sucrose…as much as I love this, I’d prefer to see your face.”

And so they relocate to the sofa near the lab window, Albedo kicking off his boots on the way and
Sucrose leaving her dress on the floor near the desk.

Without a second for doubt, she settles into his lap, thighs straddling his waist. Her expression is no
longer hidden from his sight and Albedo is pleased. From here, he savours the clear view of her
breasts and notes how beautiful they are; round and perky, but just small enough to fit nicely into his
Eager to proceed, Sucrose sinks down onto his cock with a sigh of contentment. Albedo grunts
through his teeth, snaking his arms around her waist securely, pressing her body into his own.
Resting her forehead against his, she raises her hips up and down his length, setting a comfortable

Blush dusts her cheeks when Albedo stares directly into her eyes, his turquoise orbs full of adoration.
Wanting to shy away from the intensity of his gaze, she leans forward to wrap her arms over his
shoulders, bringing their forms even closer together.

Sucrose shifts her riding motion to a grind upon his pelvis, moaning aloud at the new sensation. His
grasp lowers to her buttocks, giving it affectionate squeezes. The caresses ignite the pool of heat in
her core, her movements becoming frantic.

Sucrose’s fingers comb through the golden strands of his hair, causing him to shiver in delight. Albedo
mimics her action, twirling the long locks from her ponytail between his thumb and index.

She pulls back from the embrace and returns to bouncing onto his stiff cock, faster than before. The
friction is intense, their sweaty skin slapping against each other. He moves his grip to her chubby
thighs, fingers tracing the hem of her stockings.

Legs trembling, breath uneven, her inner walls clench onto his throbbing shaft. The honey orbs of her
eyes disappear to the back of her skull as she indulges into the euphoria of her orgasm. She
continues to ride him, prolonging the sensation she receives from the friction.
With a groan from deep within, Albedo’s own climax follows soon after, his load filling her up once
more. His head falls back in delight while the ecstasy tingles all over his body.

The sound of their panting fills the room. Sucrose’s petite figure collapses onto him, exhausted. He
wraps his arms around her tightly, pulling her into a sincere hug. He knows he’ll have to let her go
eventually, but for now, he cherishes this moment of pure bliss.

They remain like this for a few minutes, his member still tucked snugly inside her temple. Their
heartbeats pound against each other while the couple embraces their shared warmth. Albedo
mentally prays to Barbatos that the pollen’s effects are diminished for good, as he’s unsure his
stamina can keep up if this goes on any longer.

The sun Is beginning to set, and her stillness makes him wonder if she fell asleep. After a gurgling
noise from her stomach, Sucrose separates their bodies as she sits up and lets him slide out of her
folds. When she settles back into his lap, a small puddle of their mixed fluids drips out of her on his
thigh, pooling onto the sofa. She takes notice and squeals.

“I’m so sorry about the mess, Mister Albedo!”

A pang of disappointment spreads through his chest. She’s still persisting with the formalities.

“Is that all I am to you? Your Mentor? Your co-worker? Even after all of…this,” He gestures to their
mostly naked bodies, “Am I just Mister Albedo?”
“Of course not! You’re my friend!”

Normally, Albedo is hard to read, but at this moment the pain in his face is clear. Realizing her
mistake, Sucrose quickly stammers out to clarify. “U-Unless you want more! I-I mean, I would…like
more. Love more! W-Well, not just this, but y-you know, also…”

Her face is burning red. Not able to find her words, she decides to express herself through action
instead. She grabs his cheeks and plants a quick but passionate kiss on his lips. Once she lets go,
she takes a deep breath, and puts on a brave face.

“Y-you mean so much to me . ”

She’s so flustered it makes him chuckle. His hand cups her cheek.

“I think I love you Sucrose.”

Her heart skips a beat.

“And it’s not the pollen talking. I’ve felt these emotions for a long time now, and I believe I finally
understand them.”

The air flees from her lungs. Silence. He looks away.

“Let’s….take the rest of the day off.”

She wants to speak but her voice isn’t responding.

“We’ll have to quarantine the lab until it gets decontaminated. I’ll notify Noelle about it, and make sure
she’s properly equipped.”

Her body is paralyzed. She can’t move.

“We should get cleaned up.”

Her stomach growls again.

“And eat. It’s getting late.”

Her senses return all at once.

“I love you too Albedo!!”

She shouts. Right in his face.

Sucrose rapidly hides behind her hands, feeling her glasses digging on her skin as she does. After a
few seconds, she hears him giggle, urging her to take a peek.

What she sees through her fingers is the most genuine smile she’s ever witnessed on Albedo’s face.
If she wasn’t already in love, this sight would have undoubtedly enchanted her. He winks and she

“Go hop in the shower. I’ll do the same. And if you want, meet me outside afterwards, I’ll treat you to
dinner. Consider it…. Our first date.

She shifts her hands from her blushing cheeks to his, her expression reflecting his joyous one. She

“I’d love to.”

Perhaps Hybrid Specimen No. 352 wasn’t a failure after all.

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