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2021 全年口语题解析
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: current celebrities (like
musicians, actor/actress, athlete) set a good example as role models for young people.

【重复五年前同一时间,2016 年 1 月 9 日的原题】
1. 明星教会年轻人努力和坚持的重要性(importance of hardwork and

willpower/perseverance)。很多明星在成名的路上都遇到了很多的困难(many of them face

hardships in their pursuit of success),但是他们都克服了这些困难坚持了下来(overcome these

difficulties and pull through)。or 很多运动员都必须付出非常人的努力才能成功。年轻人可以从

他们身上学习到这种永不放弃的精神(this never give up attitude)。(也可以直接举例:Kobe

Bryant, C 罗,Lady Gaga...etc.)

2. 很多明星都会利用自己的影响力去做慈善,帮助弱势群体(use their influence to help people

from disadvantaged groups/)。比如 Taylor Swift 去医院探望小粉丝给他们唱歌,捐款。这些善

举(acts of kindness)会让他们的年轻粉丝意识到他们也有责任去回馈社会,帮助弱小(they too

have the responsibility to give back society)。

1. 有一些明星有不好的生活习惯(unhealthy habits),比如酗酒(drinking problem),吸毒(drug
abuse),甚至有犯罪行为(some of them even involve in criminal activites)。年轻人可能会把这种
生活方式当成是很酷的事情,甚至去盲目模仿(follow them blindly/indiscriminately)。
2. 有一些明星可能在社交媒体上发表一些不恰当的言论(say something wrong/inappropriate on
social media or during interviews), 比如种族歧视,性别歧视等言论(making racist/sexist

To be successful in sport, which is more important? Talent or hard work?

【重复 2015 年 8 月 30 日原题】

hard work 更重要
1. 体育行业确实竞争激烈(sports industry is extremely competitive),没有一定的天赋,连参与

的机会都没有(don't even have the chance to compete)。

2. 但是仅有天赋只能参与,要取得胜利(to win the game)必须要付出努力,不然就是白费天赋

(waste talent/potential)。历史上伟大的运动员都非常的努力,比如 Kobe Bryant, Cristiano


Do you agree or disagree: in order to have a happy life, one should love one's job.

1. 一个人一天中大部分的时间都是在工作,如果他厌恶自己的工作(hate/loathe what they


2. 当我们热爱我们的工作时,我们才能从中获得满足感,成就感 (attain a sense of

satisfaction/contentment and a sense of achievement),这些是幸福的基础(basis of happiness)。

1. 很多时候能给人们带来幸福的是钱,因为钱可以让他们买到喜欢的东西,做想做的事情,获得
2. 很多人对生活的热爱(passions in life)不来自工作和物质,而是来自其它东西,比如和家人
朋友的感情,看书,音乐等等。不喜欢自己的工作并不会让他们不幸福(not loving their jobs
doesn't necessarily mean that they're unhappy)。

Do you agree or disagree: children who participate in team sports will have better
social development than those who don't.

1. 参加团队运动可以让孩子锻炼交流技能(practice their social/communication skills)。他

们会发现胜利需要所有人的共同努力而不是单打独斗(victory relies on team effort rather

than fighting alone)。所以他们会努力和队友多沟通,倾听他人意见和想法,这样才能融入


2. 再者,团队运动教会孩子如何合作(teach collaboration)。在团队里每个人都有自己的特质和强

项(has their own characteristics and strengthens),所以每个人在团队里都有自己的位置和需要完成

的任务(have their own position in the team and the specific tasks to do)。这就教会他们如何作为团队

的一份子去努力(how to collaborate as part of a group)。

Some people believe robots will replace humans for many types of work in the future.
Others believe that robots will never be smarter or more useful than humans. Which do you
believe and why?

【重复 2015 年 10 月 24 日原题】

1. 确实,在未来机器人会取代一些人类工作,但主要是那些危险,枯燥的工作。比如代替流水线


2. 但是还有大量的工作需要的是创造力,解决问题的能力,领导能力,批判性思维等等,比如艺


In my opinion, robots will never be smarter or more useful than humans. Well it's true that robots
and A will replace certain jobs in the future, but only those dangerous and repetitive tasks. For
example, robots can definitely replace people who work at an assembly line or in a coal mine. But
there're still a lot of jobs that require creativity, problem solving, leadership and critical thinking
like music composition and fashion design. And these abilities and characteristics are unique
among humans beings, which means that robots can only be tools that We can use and they will
never replace humans in certain industries.

Some people now believe that animals should enjoy similar rights to human beings and be
respected as humans are. Do you agree or disagree with this belief?

【重复 2019.06.15 考试原题】

1. 让步:确实所有的生命都是平等的,但这并不意味着它们可以享受和人类一样的权利和尊重,


2. 比如,很多动物是人类食物和衣物等生活必需品的来源,在自然界中动物也依靠捕食其它动物


3. 又比如,在动物的世界中,没有人类的道德准则,动物们比如狮子为了争夺领地而互相伤害,


1. 很多动物都有感情和高的智力(they have feelings and even high intelligence),比如狗,海豚,

它们不仅可以陪伴人类(keep us company),帮助人类(assist us in our daily tasks),它们也能感受

到痛苦,快乐(feel pain and happiness)。它们应该获得人类的尊重。

2. 如果我们不尊重其它生命,不给动物同样的权利,比如享受自然资源的权利,那么就会导致人

们对动物的肆意伤害和捕杀(turture them for fun/overhunting)。这样地球的生态系统也会遭到


When giving students feedback, some professors prefer to do that face-to-face, while others
prefer to leave some written feedback. Which do you think is better?

【重复 2018.07.08 考试原题】

选择 face-to-face
1. 面对面反馈的效果更好,因为学生可以及时地针对教授的反馈提出问题和想法,更好地理解教


2. 面对面的反馈是一个非常好的让教授和学生互相熟悉的机会。学生可以 impress 教授,教授可以

通过学生的反馈和疑问更好地去改进调整他们的教学。而 written feedback 很多学生看完之后就丢

1. 书面反馈对于教授和学生都会更加方便。学生和教授都很忙,很难找到合适的时间会面。留个

评价 or 写封邮件是更 flexible 和 convenient 的形式。

2. 立人设:“我”是一个很内向的人,和教授说话会让我非常紧张,甚至忘记自己想要说什么。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's harder to save money now than

1. 现在的生活成本比以前高很多,吃的,用的,住的都更贵,教育医疗也比以前贵。但是现在人

们的收入并没有比以前高太多,所以很多人都是负债状态(many are living in debt),很难存钱。

2. 因为互联网和社交媒体的普及,广告和促销无处不在。看到广告里光鲜亮丽的人,精美的物件,

会让我们去买很多自己不需要的东西(比如名牌包包,鞋子,最新的电子产品 etc.)

3. 因为社交网络的普及,人们可以轻易地看到周围的人包括名人的生活。人类的本质就是喜欢和

他人攀比并且炫耀(it's easy to given to peer pressure and show others we have money),所以很

多人会因为虚荣心买自己难以负担的东西(buy things we can hardly afford to impress others)。

4. 还可以结合时事:现在很多人,特别是没有经验的年轻人想要通过股市赚快钱(invest in the

stock market for quick profits),而不是作为长期投资(a tool for long-term investment),很多

人亏了很多钱(lose a lot of money)。


Do you agree or disagree:If some students have not received enough credits because they
failed previous exams, they should be given an additional assignments by their professors to
make up the credits.

1. 当学生考试不及格时,说明他们没有认真对待这门课,没有花足够的多的时间去学习复习,给



2. 如果学生们都知道自己有第二次机会,那么他们就不会努力学习,认真备考,因为就算不及格,


3. 让教授布置额外的任务会增加他们的负担,他们本来就要搞研究,备课,上课,现在还要花额


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People's social skills have declined as their use of technology has increased. 【2020 年 10 月


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should limit/control their

kids' access to social media? Why or why not?【2019 年 12.01 线下】

1. 小朋友自控能力差,所以可能把太多的时间花在社交媒体比如 Twitter,Ins 以及玩网游,看视频等

等,以至于他们很少有时间进行面对面的交流和互动(real life social interactions)。久而久之他们

就缺乏锻炼社交技能的机会:比如他们很难识别或者使用 non verbal cues in a conversation such as

facial expressions, eye contact and the tone of voice.

2. 良好的社交技能要求人们在面对面交流的时候保持注意力集中,认真倾听对方。但是小朋友很难

培养这样的习惯因为他们在做任何事情的时候都会控制不住地去查看他们的手机(have this

constant compulsion to check their phones),去看是否有人给他们的社交账号留言点赞(get

comments or likes on their posts),或者查看更新的各类新闻。

3. 使用电子设备会让小朋友更多地在互联网上和他人进行交流,但很多时候在网上交流是保持匿名

的(remain anonymous),所以他们会随意地去评判他人(judge others),发表刻薄的评论

(give mean comments),而当他们回到现实中,也有可能忘记和人面对面交流时需要表现出礼貌和

尊重(respect and courtesy)

1. 对于那些对社交有焦虑的小朋友(with social anxiety disorder/social phobia),或者性格比较内

向的孩子来说,和人面对面交流是很困难的一件事(struggle with communication in person)。使


2. 现代科技可以让人们即使远程交流也和面对面交流没有区别。孩子可以和家人朋友之间使用

facetime,video chat 的方式随时联系。他们锻炼自己社交能力的机会和时间并没有减少。

Do you agree or disagree: teachers should reqiure students to participate in class
1. 要求学生参与课堂讨论可以让他们学得更好,因为如果只是一直老师讲课(passive listener to a



2. 要求学生参加课堂讨论可以让加深同学之间的感情。他们会有更多的互动和交流,更加了解彼


3. 学生都参加课堂讨论可以营造一个轻松的课堂氛围(lively class atmosphere),这样学生会感到更


When kids need to do experiments at school, should they do the experiments themselves or
should they watch videos of other people doing experiments?

【重复 2019.05.19 线下考试原题】

1. 看视频很无聊,小朋友注意力集中的时间很短,一会儿就失去兴趣了,很难真的学会。自己动


2. 自己做实验可以增进孩子们之间的感情。在做实验的时候,孩子们可以分组一起讨论,互相合

1. 小朋友如果有对实验步骤不明白的地方可以反复观看,直到弄明白为止。

2. 小朋友调皮,可能不遵守规定,如果操作不当,实验的器械和化学制品可能会对他们造成危险。

The school is going to film the lecture of classes and release it on the website the next day. Do
you think it’s a good idea? Explain why.

【重复 2019 年 11 月 3 日线下原题】

1. 录讲座对学生的学习有好处,有时上课教授讲得太快,或者学生注意力没集中(find it hard to

focus),学生没法将所有重要信息都记下来(unable to write everything down),下课后如果能重新看

录像,则可以补上自己漏掉的信息(find out what they missed)。

2. 录讲座还可以让学生更好地理解教授讲的内容,有时学生上课没听明白一些重要信息或者概念

(fail to understand certain key points or concepts),播放录像可以让他们反复看他们没明白的部分,

知道搞清楚为止(watch the video over and over again until they fully understand them)。

3. 对于那些还没有选这门课的学生来说,提前了解课堂内容可以帮他们搞清楚自己是否真的对这门


Your city owns a large piece of vacant land in the city center and wants to do something useful
with it. Some people want to rent it to a company that will create job opportunities for local
residents. Other people prefer to use the land to create a large park and community garden.

Which option do you think would be best?

【重复 2021 年 1 月第三周家考原题】


1. 建公园意味着居民们可以有地方去锻炼放松(a place to work out and relax),他们可以饭后去散

步(take a walk after dinner),或者上班前去晨跑(jog before they go to work)。这对他们的身心健康
2. 如果建公园可以让城市景观更美(improve/better the cityscape)。我的城市已经像是由高楼大厦铸
成的钢筋森林(the city where I live is like a concrete jungle made of skyscrapers), 看起来非常的没
有生气(boring and lifeless)。一个公园可以给城市增添一些活力和个性(add some personality
and energy)。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Children should be taught to be

independent at an early age.

【重复 2019 年 8.10 号原题】


1. 现在的大人都很忙。学会独立生活必须的技能比如做饭,洗衣服等,可以让孩子们在父母不在


2. 学会独立可以帮助孩子建立自信。不依靠父母或他人的帮忙完成一个挑战或者任务的时候,他


Some people prefer a job which deals with the same task routinely, while others prefer a job
that deals with many different tasks. Which do you prefer and why?

【重复 2015.01.25 原题】

1. 兴趣:每天做同样的任务会让人丧失对工作的兴趣,因为过多的重复一件事情,人们很容易感到



2. 技能培养:每天做不同的任务可以培养和提升我的各方面能力,因为不同的任务有不同的要求。



3. 成就感:完成不一样的任务可以增加我的成就感,因为每一个新任务都是一个新挑战。而每天做

相同的任务,时间久了,这个任务对我来说会很简单,这样我就很难有自我满足感( a sense of fulfil

I definitely prefer a job that deals with many different tasks.Firstly,repeating the same task
everyday is only gonna make me hate my job,because the task will become so boring that I'll
consider it as a chore and nuisance .And this will affect my job performance as well as my
mental health. Secondly,dealing with different tasks help me develop a lot of useful skills. For
example,if I have to work on a project with my colleagues, I'll have the opportunities to practice
my social skills and organizational skills. And if I'm assigned with a task that I have to do alone,
then I can improve my problem solving ability.

Your community has received a large amount of donation, should it be used to construct
a playground for children or build a garden for the community?


1. 交友:有一个儿童操场可以让社区里的孩子有结交新朋友的机会。在和其他小朋友玩的时候,他


2. 健康:一个儿童操场可以改善小朋友的健康。他们现在喜欢花大量时间在手机上玩游戏,看视频,



1. 减少污染:我居住的社区就在市中心,车很多所以空气质量不好。如果能有个花园,里面的花草


2. 美化环境:在市中心,到处都是高楼大厦,像一个有钢筋水泥构成的丛林,无趣没有生气。如果


I think using this money to build a garden is a better idea. First, my community is located in the
center of the city, so there s a lot of traffic. And all the carbon dioxide and exhaust fumes
coming from all those cars on the road is polluting the environment. But the flowers, plants and
trees in the garden can help purify the air, so the residents can have a better place to live.
Second, there are a lot of skyscrapers in the city center and I sometimes feel like I live in a
concrete jungle that looks boring and lifeless. A garden with flowers and vegetations can add
some energy and personality to the community and improve the cityscape.

Some people enjoy travelling to a new place, while others feel stressed to do this or
dislike it. Which do you prefer?

2020 年 7.11 类似(When you travel next time, would you like to go somewhere you have

never been to before or the places you have?)


1. 拓宽视野: 去一个全新的地方可以拓宽我的视野,我可以见识到全新的文化,风俗习惯,让我消


2. 兴趣: 去全新的地方玩意味着我可以探索很多全新,未知的东西,我能领略到全新的风景,美食 ,



1. 安全:没去过的地方充满了未知,对当地不了解可能会引发一些危险,这会让人压力很大

(stressful experience), 在旅途过程中就不能享受了。

2. 时间:去不熟悉的地方意味着我们要事先先花很多时间去做攻略(make travel plans), 比如查景点


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is important to know the
history of the city that you live in?

本题重复 2016.07.10 原题,4 月家考题目


1. 了解自己城市的历史是必要的,因为如果有好朋友来拜访这座城市,我们就能当一名称职的



2. 我们居住的城市社区里一条看似普通的道路或者建筑,背后可能都有一段历史久远的故事。


I totally agree that we should learn the history of the city we live in. Firstly, if my friends come
to visit me, I can be a good guide to them if I know the history of the city I can show them
around and tell them the history and interesting stories related to all those tourist attractions.
It would be embarrassing when they ask me questions about the city but I don't have an
answer. Secondly, there may be a cool story behind the name of an old street or an old building
in our community. And learning these origins or histories behind our community makes us feel
proud of our city and gives us a sense of belonging and identity.

Some people prefer to do take a vacation in cities, others prefer to spend their vacation in
the countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

重复 2014.06.28 原题


1. 环境:我从小到大都在城市里生活,已经厌倦了城市景观,比如那些拥挤喧闹的街道和摩天大楼。


2. 省钱:去乡村度假比较省钱。大城市的消费很高,吃的住的都非常昂贵。而在乡村可以以低廉的



1. 便捷:大城市的交通还有公共设施比较发达,所以出行,住宿,吃饭都很方便。比如,在城市有

地铁,巴士,在景点之间移动很快。而在乡村,我不开车,所以可能等 1 小时才会有一辆巴士。

2. 兴趣:城市里可以观赏的游玩的地点非常多,大家都能找到让自己感兴趣的东西。比如,我非常


I prefer to take a vacation in the countryside because I've spent most of my life living in a big
city and I really want to have a change of scenery every now and then.You know, sometimes I'm
just tired of seeing all those boring and lifeless skyscrapers in the city,so it's really nice to
spend some time in the countryside to enjoy its peace and serenity. Also,I think having a
vacation in the countryside is more economical. You know,things like hotels and food are
relatively expensive in big cities. But I can enjoy very good accommodation and healthy foods
with lower prices in the countryside.

Which do you prefer: a leader who makes quick decisions without consulting others or a
leader who asks for the opinions of other group members before making a decision?


1. 如果一个人非常快速地做决定,可能意识不到决策中的问题,或者做出很冲动不理智的选择。如


2. 听取每个组员的意见可以让组员们感到自己的意见是有用的,他们会感觉到自己是团队的一份子 。




1. 大家的意见各不相同,想要达成统一非常耗时低效。而一个领导者一天可能要作出好几个决定,


2. 听取每个人的意见再做决定,会让领导者其他人留下一个犹豫不决的印象,这样组员会质疑领导

者的能力,这样会影响团队士气(affect team morale/team dynamics)。

I think a good leader should consult others' opinions before making a decision. Firstly, when a
leader makes a quick decision alone, they often fail to see the weakness and problems in that
decision. However, listening to different opinions means a leader can have a more
comprehensive analysis of the situation and see the pros and cons of each option more clearly.
So a better decision can be made. Secondly ,consulting other team members before making a
decision let them realize that their opinions actually matter. So they'll feel that they are part of
the team and they're recognized by their leader, which makes them more willing to contribute.

Some people prefer to do several tasks or projects together at the same time. Others prefer to
work on one task or project at a time. Which way of working do you prefer and why?


1. 同时做好几个任务可以锻炼我们 multitasking 这种重要的能力。比如,在工作中,很多时候员工



2. 同时做好几个任务效率更高。因为长时间做一个任务会让人感到枯燥和疲惫,很容易被其它事物



1. 一次完成一个任务效率更高。这是因为人的注意力一旦被打断,然后切换到另一个任务,再次集



2. 一次完成一个项目,任务完成的质量也会更高。我们把所有的注意力和精力都放在这个任务上,


I personally prefer to do several tasks or projects together at the same time. First, I think
multitasking ability is really important because it can improve our job performance. You know,
many companies require their employees to jump between different tasks. Take myself as an
example, at work I often have to move back and forth between emails, phone calls, and writing
reports. Second, I think dealing with different tasks at the same time is more productive. I often
get bored and tired when doing the same thing for a long time. However, switching to a
different task can keep me interested and motivated.


你喜欢一门课一学期最后有几个 exams 好还是一个月左右做一个 project 评价比较好?

类似 3 月家考题目"Some people think that exams can help students to learn course materials
while others believe that activities like doing research or writing papers are more effective to
learn. Which way of learning do you prefer and why? "

1. 期 末 考 试 会 让 学 生 有 更 大 的 压 力 , 很 多 学 生 会 把 压 力 转 化 成 动 力 ( turn pressure into
motivation), 所以他们上课会更专心,做作业更努力,花更多的时间和精力去记忆(memorize)
2. 考试的时候学生只能靠自己(be on one's own/e.g. You are on your own now.),只有掌握好了
知识(have a good command of what they learn)才能拿到好的分数。如果是者做项目,学生可以请
别人帮忙,甚至直接抄袭别人的想法(copy/plagiarize others' ideas), 这样是学不好的。

每个月完成一个 project
1. 在应对期末考试的时候,很多学生往往靠的是临时抱佛脚(cram for the test),在短时间内的机
械性地记忆(memorize mechanically)。但靠死记硬背是没法真正理解知识的(If students learn
things by rote, they'll never really understand them.)。并且,在考完试之后,我很快就把背过
2. 期末有很多考试会给学生很大的压力,让学生对学习产生厌烦。但是如果每个月完成一个项目,

I think doing a project every month is a better option. First, a lot of students including me like
to cram the night before a test, and this means they have to memorize the things they've
learned mechanically in a short time. But if students learn things by rote, they'll never really
understand what they learned . Besides, most of them would forget the things they memorized
the minute the exam is over. Second,when all students need to do is cramming for exams, they
will feel pretty stressed out. But when they do a project every month, they'll have less
pressure,and the different tasks and activities involved in a project will keep them interested in

6.26 上午
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: children should help with housework
as soon as they are old enough to do so.

【本题重复去年 8 月和 9 月家考托福口语原题】


1. 独立:尽早开始帮忙做家务可以培养孩子的独立能力,如果他们能养成做家务比如做饭,洗衣服


2. 亲子关系:孩子早点开始做家务,能促进他们和父母的感情。因为他们能体会到父母在家里付出



1. 时间:孩子每天有很多的任务要完成,比如学校的作业,课外活动等等,如果让他们帮忙做家务 ,


2. 兴趣: 孩子们一般都会觉得家务很无趣,如果逼迫他们去做,他们只会把它们当成苦差,不会认


I think children should help with housework as soon as they're old enough because first,doing
chores helps to teach important life skills. One day these kids will have to leave their parents
and live on their own. So chores like cooking,doing laundry and budgeting are important if they
want to take care of themselves and their families. So learning how to do housework and
forming a habit of doing it at a young age allow them to become more self- reliant in the future.
Second, I think if kids help their parents with housework when they're old enough, they'l learn
to appreciate and become more respectful of the hard work their parents do around the

6.26 下午
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High school students should be
required to take art and music classes.


1. 兴趣:很多学生对学习艺术和音乐不感兴趣,因为相关知识不仅难,还很可能和他们将来从事的



2. 时间:高中生的时间和精力是非常有限的,他们要上常规课,要参加课外活动。如果他们得挤出



1. 学习艺术和音乐可以提高学生的审美和品味。他们能够学到一些专业知识和技巧,这样将来才能


2. 学习艺术和音乐可以给他们一个机会放松。学生平时有很多的作业和活动,容易疲惫压力大,而

欣赏艺术品和音乐则可以给他们带来平静和 comfort,这样能让他们的学习更加高效。

I dont think that high school students should be required to take art and music classes because
there are a lot of students who are not interested in these subjects at all. And when they re
forced to learn something they have little interest in, they re not able to stay motivated and
focused when they learn. They II even treat the assignments and classes as a chore and
nuisance, so there s no way they can learn well. Also, I think students time and energy are
limited, so if they have to squeeze some time from their busy schedule to study music and art, it
may affect their performance on other important courses and activities.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?University students should do

some part-time jobs or summer internships to determine their future career. Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


1. 很多学生学习的专业在毕业后可以有很多的职业选择,兼职和实习可以让学生知道自己的能力和


2. 在实习过程中可以认识很多人,他们有更多在行业里的经验,可以给学生提供很多职业上的建议


I think students should do some part-time jobs or internships before they determine their
future career.First,a lot of students study a variety of subjects in college,which means they have
many career options when they graduate. So an internship or part-time job offer students
valuable experiences that help them decide if certain jobs or positions fit their talents and
personality. Second, internships and part-time jobs allow students to meet people who have
years of working experience in the industry. With their experience and expertise, they can give
students career advice and guidance, which is can not be offered by their peers or classmates.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Students should have a one-year
vacation before they attend universities.
应该 gap

1. 经历了高中最后一年的各种考试,申请,学生已经非常地疲惫,丧失了对学习的热情。一个长假


2. 很多学生在高中毕业时,并不知道自己将来想从事什么工作。而如果有一年的长假期,学生可以


3. 大学的知识要比高中的难不少,在一年的假期里,学生可以预习所学专业的知识,这样就避免了


不应该 gap

1. 有了一年的假期,很多学生会全部拿来旅行,玩游戏,休息。在这样一个非常放松的状态下,他


2. 经过一年的时间,学生会把高中很多所学的知识遗忘了。这样他们在学习大学中更难的知识时,


I think students should take a year off before they go to universities. First,by the time students
graduate from high schools,they'll be completely burnt out from their finals and college
applications. So it can be healthy to take a long break to recharge for college life. They can go
traveling, explore their own interests. They'll become happier after the vacation, so they can
start college with greater energy. Second,a lot of high school graduates don't know what they
want to do for a living in the future. So taking a year off to do some part-time jobs or volunteer
work can give them better ideas about their career interests and major.

Which do you prefer, to do a face-to-face interview or to do a telephone interview?

1. 面对面地进行面试,交流的效率更高。因为如果是电话面试,一旦网络或者信号不好,就有可能


2. 面对面地进行面试,还意味着我可以更清楚地传达我的想法。因为我可以和面试官保持眼神交流,

TA 也能看清我的面部表情,肢体语言。


1. 电话面试很方便,可以节约时间,因为在任何地方任何时间都可以进行。而我平时很忙,我不想


2. 电话面试还可以省钱。如果我必须要去公司面试,我就得花钱在往返的交通和住宿上。我平时预


I definitely prefer to do a face to face interview. First, I can communicate my ideas more clearly
to the interviewers because I can make eye contact with them and they can see my facial
expressions and body language. And because of these non-verbal cues, you know, they won't
misinterpret what I say, which is really important. Second, a face to face interview makes sure
that the interview will proceed smoothly because if the reception is not good, the interview
may get interrupted frequently. So I may have to constantly repeat myself and the efficiency of
the interview will be greatly reduced.

Some companies are controversial and criticized for their business practices. Do you think it is
acceptable for people to take jobs at such companies, even if the jobs pay well? Explain why or
why not.

【本题重复 2019.10.12/2021 年 1 月家考原题】

1. 钱可以给我带来正真的快乐,我可以尽情买我喜欢的东西,比如大 house,去做我想做的事情,
状态(constantly anxious and insecure)。
2. 一份好的薪水能够帮我赢的别人的尊重(help me win the respect from others),因为人们一般都
比较欣赏收入高,富有的人,这会让我感觉良好(feel good about myself)。
3. 一个好的收入可以让我的家人过上更好的生活,这对我来说比什么都重要( which matters to me
above all else),包括公司的名声。

I think it's totally acceptable to take this job offer. Firstly, to me, money can bring true
happiness. I can buy anything I want as long as I have a lot of money, like a big house with a
beautiful garden, and I'Il be able to do things I really enjoy such as traveling around the world.
But if I only get paid a little, I think I'II be constantly anxious and insecure even if I work in a
company with perfect reputation. Secondly, a good salary also helps me win the respect from
others cuz people tend to respect those who are rich, and this will boost my confidence, which
is essential when interacting with others.

Do you prefer to be taught by experienced teachers or new teachers who have just finished
their training?

【本题重复 2019.11.09 线下原题】

1. 教学经验丰富的老师更懂得在课堂上寓教于乐,比如上课设计一些游戏或者有趣的故事,让学生
2. 经验丰富的老师教过很多学生,所以他们知道如何去根据不同学生的水平去调整自己的教学,来
1. 经验丰富的老师已经教了很多年了,他们大多对教学没有什么热情了(not that enthusiastic about
2. 经验丰富的老师已经习惯了用老方法教学(keep doing things the old way),而新老师更愿意在

Personally, I prefer to be taught by experienced teachers. First, because they've been teaching
for so many years, they know how to combine entertainment with teaching to make students
learn better. For example, instead of just repeating the key points in the textbook, they may use
some interesting materials or design games to help students stay focused. Also, with their
experience of teaching so many students with different ability levels, they are better able to
find out the strengths and weakness of their students. So they are more likely to come up with
specific plans to help students overcome their difficulties in study.

Some people like to collect old things such as newspapers, toys, or books while others
throw things away after they have used them. Which do you prefer and why?

本题重复 2014 年 12 月 27 日线下考试原题,今年上半年的家考也有一道类似的题目:

Some people feel an emotional attachment to old items from the past, such as childhood toys
and school projects, and prefer to keep them as long as possible. Others don't feel such an
attachment and so don't keep them. Which do you prefer?

1. 旧的东西能让我回想起和它们在一起的美好时光。比如说,我一直留着我小时候的毛绒公仔,因



2. 旧的物件带着旧地的重要回忆。比如旧的校服,球衣,笔记本,你让我想起在曾经的学校,球队

时的时光,它代表了重要的回忆和一种归属感。( Old items in some way commermorate the places

where I had precisou memories and a sense of belonging.)

3. 我这个人就是习惯了被旧东西包围,看不到它们我就会浑身难受。

1. 我这人有洁癖,房间里有旧东西,比如旧报纸,旧衣服会让我浑身难受。( I'm a neat freak,
so keeping old toys or clothes makes me feel uncomfortable. )
2. 我房间不大,不把旧东西扔了,没地儿放新的东西。(I don't have a big room and if don't throw
the old stuff away, there'll be no room left for the new things I bought. So all these old items will make
my room look cramped and messy. )

I prefer to collect old things and keep them because old stuff sometimes remind me of the good
time I had with them. which can serve as a means of comfort when I feel upset. For example, I
still keep my favorite stuffed animal from childhood because whenever I see it. I recall the good
memories of playing with it, talking to it, and pretending it was real. Also, Im just so used to
having these old stuff around. You know, they make me feel comfortable and secure. So I just
cant stand the idea of throwing them away and not being able to see them again.

Your university plans to restrict the use of the Internet to research only and to no longer allow
access to personal e-mail and social media Websites on library computers. Do you think this is
a good idea? Explain why or why not.
1. 这样可以提高学生的学习效率,因为他们能够集中注意力在完成自己的 projects 上,而不是花时
间在看 youtube,或者刷 ins 上面。
2. 这样不会干扰到别的同学,有些同学用图书馆电脑看视频刷社交网站会发出声音,分散其他同学
3. 这样学生就不会一直占着图书馆的电脑,有些同学做完了学习任务就用图书馆电脑看视频,刷社
1. 学校这么做的一个目的是为了提高学生的学习效率,不占用公用电脑做私事,但是这并没有什么
2. 学生在做研究或者自己的 project 时,也需要和组员还有教授沟通和偶尔的放松。如果限制了网络

I think this is a great idea because it helps to improve students' study efficiency in the library.
You know, if they can gain access to everything on the internet when they're working on their
projects, they're gonna stop every now and then to check their social media account for
comments or just watch YouTube videos. So this policy can actually make students more
productive. Second. I think when students are watching videos or playing games on the library
computers, that can also be a distraction for other students.For example,if the guy sitting next
to me in the library is watching Netflix shows on the computer,I definitely can't focus on the
things I am doing.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Watching TV is a waste of time.



1. 电视节目是重要的知识来源。比如电视上有教育类的节目,纪录片,给人们提供免费的知识,让


2. 人们从电视上可以获得最实时的新闻,了解当地和世界上其它地方发生的事情,是人们了解世界


3. 电视节目可以给人们提供很多娱乐,各种各样的电视剧,综艺节目,可以让人们在工作学习结束


4. 看电视是一个很好的和家人聚在一起交流的机会。现在的人们喜欢在手机上用社交软件交流,家



1. 看电视容易上瘾,比如肥皂剧,综艺节目,人们一看就是好几个小时,即学不到东西,还会耽误


2. 人们一旦对电视节目上瘾,就会久坐不动,而且还喜欢边看边吃垃圾食品和零食,这样对健康非


Well I don't think watching television is a waste of time. First, tv programs are a great source of
learning. For example, there're a lot of educational programs such as documentaries on TV that
allow people to learn a variety of knowledge and at the same time stimulate their interest in
certain subjects. Second, television can also be a window to the world. You know, people can
watch the latest news on tv about their community, their city and even things that's happening
in other parts of the world. And this can broaden their horizon and give them a global

Some professors allow students who have not done well on graded assignments during a
course to do additional assignments in order to improve their overall course grade. Do you
think this is a good idea?

【 类 似 3 月 10 日 : Do you agree or disagree : If some students have not received enough credits
because they failed previous exams, they should be given an additional assignments by their

professors to make up the credits.】

1. 当学生作业分数低,说明他们没有认真对待这门课,没有花足够的多的时间去完成作业,给他们



2. 如果学生们都知道自己有第二次机会,那么他们就不会努力学习,认真完成作业,因为就算常规


3. 让教授布置额外的任务会增加他们的负担,他们本来就要搞研究,备课,上课,现在还要花额外


I don't think this is a good idea because when students get a low grade on their graded
assignments, that means they weren't taking the course seriously, and they didn't spend
enough time on studying. So giving them a second chance is not fair to the students who
actually worked really hard to do well in their assignments. Also,assigning extra homework will
add up to more work for the professor. Professors are usually very busy with, you know,doing
research, preparing the classes and grading exams. And now they have to spend extra time and
energy on designing new assignments and grading them. This is not fair to them either.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: children should be encouraged to
use computers and other electronic devices as early as possible.

重复 2018.03.31/2020.10.14 原题


1. interest: 现在有很多线上应用和游戏不仅是用来娱乐,还为了给孩子们提供知识和学习机会。



2. broaden horizon:通过互联网,孩子们可以了解到外面的世界都在发生什么,同时他们可以

接触到不同的文化,生活方式,让他们更加包容不同(embrace diversity),消除刻板印象和

偏见。(get rid of stereotypes and false assumptions)。

3. make friends/strengthen relationship:小朋友们可以邀请朋友一起玩电脑游戏,更他妈更


4. study efficiency: 电脑和电子设备在将来的孩子的学习工作生活中是必不可少的工具,尽早学


5: relax: 网络游戏,看 youtube 视频等等可以帮孩子放松(help kids unwind)。


1. physical health:长时间的盯着电脑屏幕会对孩子的视力造成负面影响。孩子沉迷于电脑游戏

也会让他们缺乏运动(physical inactivity),造成肥胖等健康问题。

2. time:小朋友缺乏自控能力,所以很容易对电脑游戏或者社交媒体上瘾,他们就没法在学习,


3. mental health : 网 络 上 有 很 多 不 健 康 的 信 息 (inappropriate content) , 比 如 暴 力 和 色 情

(violence and pornography),有些孩子年纪还小没法区对错(tell right from wrong),接触


I agree with this statement. First, computers and tablets can be powerful learning tools, because
there are now a lot of online applications and games designed both for education and
entertainment purposes. So compared to traditional way of learning, like just reading books,
kids can learn and explore their Interests in a fun way. Also the internet can be a window to the
world, which exposes kids to a variety of knowledge, culture and way of thinking. For example,
kids can explore the deep ocean by just sitting on their couch and watching YouTube videos .

Some people prefer to celebrate special occasions like birthdays with
large gatherings and parties, others prefer to celebrate quietly with only a few people at
such occasions. Which do you prefer?

办大 party

1. 可以结实很多新朋友,扩大自己的社交圈,还能锻炼自己的交际能力。

2. 可以锻炼自己的组织能力(organizational skills),因为筹划一个大的排队需要做很多安排和准备,


3. 一群人一起庆祝更加有趣,人多可以玩很多有趣的游戏,接收到大家的祝福也会让我更开心。
1. 办大的聚会是一件非常费时的事情,我得提前好几天就开始预约选择场地,布置场地,购买各种


2. 办趴体还非常的费钱,我得买吃的喝的,结束了还得雇人收拾场地,因为 party 结束一定会一团


3. 我是个非常内向害羞的人,参加人很多的聚会会让我非常紧张不安。我更喜欢一个人或者和几个


I prefer to celebrate quietly at such occasions because first, preparing for a large party is really time-
consuming. I have to buy snacks and drinks to make sure I' II have enough to feed everyone. Then I
have to decorate the house to make it presentable. After all these have to figure out what activities or
games that the guests can do at the party. I really don’t have time for all that so I usually just keep it
simple, like, I would invite my best friends over to have dinner together to celebrate. Second, I’m a
really introverted and shy person, so attending a large party with a lot of people around makes me feel
really nervous and uncomfortable.

The university is now in financial trouble and needs to shut down some clubs. Which of the
following clubs do you think your university should shut down?
1. Sports clubs like the skiing club
2. ( Non-Sports clubs like the speech and debate club) Academic clubs like the math club
重复 3.24,4.24; 7.4


1. 学生每天已经把大量时间用在上课,学习,做学术作业上。再继续逼迫他们去参加学术社团只会



2. 参加运动社团可以培养很多有用的技能,比如社交能力,领导能力,团队合作,解决问题的能力,


I think the university should shut down academic clubs because students have to spend a lot of time
on attending classes and doing homework everyday, so forcing them to attend more academic
activities is only gonna make them hate the idea of learning. However attending sports clubs helps
students form the habit of doing sports regularly and gives them the opportunities to relax. And this
will keep them healthy and energetic, which is really important. Also, through engagement in sports,
students can learn leadership, problem solving, teamwork, and self-discipline. And these skills can
definitely help them in school as well as in their future career.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Athletes do not deserve the high
salarie they're paid?


1. 和很多其它行业相比,运动员们能给整个社会,尤其是年轻人树立一个好的榜样。他们鼓励人们



2. 运动员们值得高薪还因为教会人们努力和坚持的重要性。很多运动员在成功的路上都遇到了很

多的困难(many of them face hardships in their pursuit of success) ,但是他们都克服了这些困难

坚持了下来(overcome these difficulties and pull through) 。or 很多运动员都必须付出非常人的

努力才能成功。人们可以从他们身上学习到这种永不放弃的精神(this never give up attitude),从

中获得力量。(也可以说自律,可以举例:Kobe Bryant, C 罗 etc.)

3. 运动员们的职业寿命比较短,他们大多 30 多岁就退役了,高薪能够帮助他们退役后去学习,去维


4. 运动员为了获得成绩需要牺牲很多常人拥有的东西,比如健康和家庭。他们在训练中经常受伤,


I think athletes' high salaries are fair because first, they sacrifice important aspects of their lives,
especially their health. In order to become the best in this industry, athletes have to put their bodies in
danger everyday. And sometimes,severe physical injury may even leave them disabled for the rest of
their lives. Second. I think athletes are setting an example for people, especially young people to be
healthier. They encourage people to go out there and just enjoy running, swimming and playing
basketball. They're making the whole society healthy, so I think their high incomes are justified.

Do you agree or disagree: we should not try to help our friends with
their problems unless they ask for our help.

本题重复 2020 年 7 月和 12 月家考题目


1. 有时朋友没有问就主动提出帮助会伤害到他们的自尊心(hurt their self-esteem), 朋友会觉得我

认为他很弱(weak), 没有能力(be unable to/be incapable of) 处理好自己的问题(take care of

themselves), 这样会伤害到我们的感情。

2. 不主动提出帮助而是让朋友们自己解决问题,可以让朋友锻炼解决问题的能力(problem

solving ability),一味地主动提出帮助会让他们对我的帮助产生依赖(become dependent on our

help), 这是不好的。


1. 很多时候朋友需要帮忙但是他们不想麻烦(bother)别人或者不好意思开口(too embarrassed to

ask for help),但其实他们碰到的问题很困难(the problem they have is very tricky),无力自己


2. 主动帮忙能够增进朋友间的感情(strengthen our freindship), 朋友会认为我们关心他们,把他

们看得很重要(they matter to us),下次我们在碰到问题的时候他们也会帮助我们。

3. 有时候我们的朋友可能都没意思到自己碰到麻烦(our freinds may not even know that they're

in big trouble),我们应该主动帮助他们以防他们遭受伤害(prevent them from getting hurt)。

I actually agree with this statement. First,when our friends are not asking for help,it means the
situation is still under control and they can handle it. So offering help to our friends when
they're not asking for it may hurt their self-esteem.They may think that we consider them as a
weak person who is not even capable of taking care of themselves. And I don't think this will do
any good to our friendship. Second,we should let our friends learn to solve their own problems.
If we just offer to help them whenever there is a problem. Our friends may dependent on our
help, which is not good for them at all.

Some people like to attend a live performance or live sporting event, while others prefer to stay
at home and watch it on TV or other electronic devices. Which do you prefer?


1. 在家看这些表演比较省钱。到现场看我得花钱买票,而大型演出票一般都不便宜。不仅如此,停


2. 在家看这些表演更舒适方便。我不用出门前打扮一番,也不用一直站着或者坐在不舒服的椅子上


3. 在电视或电脑上看演出会更享受。我可以近距离地清晰地在屏幕上看到表演者,但在现场他们离


4. 去现场看表演还特别浪费时间。这些体育馆或者表演场地往往都在市中心,去和回家的路上经常



1. 现场看表演更有氛围,周围的人一起尖叫,一期舞动,会带给我一种非常开心难忘的体验。这是


2. 去现场看表演有机会结识很多新的朋友。大家都喜欢同样的歌手,演员或者球队,所以有共同话


I prefer to stay at home and watch these events on TV or on my computer. First, nowadays live
performances and professional sports are becoming very expensive to attend. The ticket prices
are really high especially if I want to get good seats. Also, parking and the snacks sold inside the
stadium can be costly too. Second, watching these events at home can be much more
comfortable and convenient. You know I can lie on the cozy sofa in my pajamas, drink beer and
eat pizza when I'm watching the game. And I can pause the game if I want to go to the bathroom
or the kitchen.

Do you agree or disagree:
Only students who have finished secondary school should be allowed to attend university.

【本题重复今年 1.10 日线下原题】

2. 高中不仅是教授知识的地方,还会教会青少年如何自学,养成好的学习习惯,如何独立辩证地思

1. 每个人应该都要拥有同样的机会上大学,这样才公平。只要能够符合大学对学术的要求,通过高
2. 如果学生能通过自学达到大学的学术要求,说明学生有很强的自学能力或者天赋,非常适合大学

I think students should finish secondary education before they attend college because
first,high school is the only place where students get to explore different academic fields. They
can learn the basic knowledge of all kinds of subjects in a systematic way so they could find out
what subject interests them the most.And it's really important that they figure out what major
they're gonna study before they go to college. Second, high school is like a miniature society
where teenagers can learn how to cooperate and get along with their peers and teachers. This
experience is really important because it helps them better adapt to their college life.

Some people like to make decisions based on their own experience while others prefer to
ask other people for advice. Which do you prefer?


1. 自己做决定可以培养独立思考的能力。如果我总是询问他人的看法,我会对他们的帮助产生依赖。


2. 自己做决定效率更高。朋友家人们提出的意见很多,也各不相同,这么多信息反而让我头疼,不


3. 周围的人建议不一定适合我。我是真正经历我现在处境的人,而朋友家人们和我的人生经历不一


4. 朋友家人们的建议有时候反而会干扰我的判断。他们的建议可能并没有用,但是因为我们对他们



1. 朋友们能想到我们考虑不到的因素,给我们提供看待同一问题的不同视角。这样能帮助我们作出


2. 有些朋友家人比我年长,他们的经历更加丰富,我所经历的困境或问题他们都经历过。所以他们


I prefer to make decisions based on my own experience. First, making decisions on my own is more
efficient. If I ask my friends for advice, I'll get so many different opinions and ideas, and all this
information will make my head spin. And this actually makes it more difficult for me to make a
decision. Second, I think sometimes the opinions of my friends and family can cloud my own
judgment. You know, they're not the ones who actually experience my situation, so their advice is not
always helpful. But because I trust them so much, I may follow their advice blindly and make the
wrong decision.


Some people like to seek advice from their parents or grandparents when they encounter a
difficult situation, while others prefer to get advice from their peers. Which do you prefer?


1. 长辈们有更多的生活阅历,他们往往经历过我们现在碰到的问题,所以他们能提供看问题的不同


2. 我的父母是世界上最关心我的人,他们的建议一定是最为我着想的(in my best inerest)。而同龄


3. 我的长辈们相较于我的同龄人接受过更多的教育,他们的知识更加丰富,所以他们的建议更好。


1. 长辈们和我们的生长年代和环境完全不同,所以他们会用陈旧的标准和知识来判断现在的事物。


2. 向同龄人寻求意见让我感到更自在。我们会平等地讨论交流,而我的父母则很可能借机 judge me


I personally prefer to seek advice from my peers. First,it's true that my parents and grandparents have
more life experiences, but they grew up in a completely different age than I do, and they often use old
standards to judge things today. So their advice may come out as outdated and it would be hard to
apply them in making decisions or solving problems. Second, I just feel more comfortable getting
advice from my friends,because we can talk and discuss the situation as equals. But if I seek advice
from my parents, they may use it as an opportunity to judge me and lecture me, which I really dislike.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students can learn more if they have

friends in class?

1. 和好朋友一起上课会更有动力。人们一般都不喜欢和朋友差距太大,甚至都希望能够比朋友考的


2. 好朋友一起上一门课,不懂的地方朋友更愿意耐心解答。遇到学习上的困难,朋友也会互相鼓励,


3. 和好朋友一起上课,学生会感到更放松,所以就更愿意积极参与课堂讨论和活动,学习效果就会



1. 和好朋友上一门课容易在课上分心。我们可能和自己的好朋友在坐在一块聊一些和课堂内容无关


2. 学生和好朋友一起上一门课反而不会很努力,因为可以依赖朋友。比如,自己不听课,因为可以


I think students can learn better if they're in the same class as their friends. First,when
students and their friends are in the same class, they feel more relaxed and comfortable,which
means they'll be more willing to speak out their ideas and take part in class activities. And
being more actively involved in class is definitely good for their study. Second, friends can offer
each other help and encouragement when they're in the same class. For example, our friends
are more likely to help us solve a tricky math problem and they'll comfort us when we get a bad

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People in small towns are often more
willing to help their neighbors than people in big cities are.

1. 小镇上人少,互相之间都认识。不仅如此小镇上娱乐方式也没大城市多,所以居民们和邻居的交
2. 大城市的人生活节奏快,工作忙,所以很少有机会去和邻居打交道。彼此就是住的很近的陌生人,

I totally agree with this statement. First, there're just not that many people in a small town, so
everybody knows everybody.And to be honest,there isn't much to do in a small town cuz people
don't have many entertainment options. So people in small towns tend to have more
interactions with their neighbors, which means they're very close to each other and therefore
more willing to help each other.But in big cites,it's crowded and people are busier,so they really
don't have the time or interest to get to know their neighbors. To them, their neighbors are just
strangers living next door. So there is no need to be supportive or helpful.

Should universities limit the time students are allowed to spend on part-time jobs on campus?

重复 2020 年 1 月 11 日线下原题


1. time:不限时的话,学生花太多时间在打工上,那么就没有时间完成作业,复习考试,那么就会


2. health:每天长时间打工,那么就要经常熬夜做作业或者复习考试,缺乏睡眠,劳累,压力大,


3. friends/relationship:花太多时间打工,会影响学生的正常社交,和同学老师的交流减少,也会


I think universities should definitely do this, because first, if students spend too much time on
doing part-time jobs like 3 hours a day, they'll barely have time to finish their assignments,or
prepare for their exams.So they may end up failing some of their courses. Second, I think
spending too much on part-time jobs may do harm to students' health, which will ultimately
take a toll on their academic performances. This is because they have to stay up late everyday
to keep up with others and they'll feel stressed out.So the lack of sleep and anxiety may lead to
illness and make them hard to concentrate on their study.


Some people prefer to do team sports, other prefer to do individual sports. Which do you


1. 参加团队运动可以结交到更多的朋友,扩大社交圈。

2. 参加团队运动可以培养我的合作能力,交流能力,因为要想取得胜利,必须要和队友互相信任,


3. 一个人的运动太无聊了,比如游泳,跑步,一直在重复同样的动作,没有人陪伴,很容易放弃。



1. 在不依赖他人的情况下完成训练,可以培养自律 (discipline))独立能力(independence)和毅力


2. 运动对于我来说是一个放松,自我反思的机会。还要和别人交流或者互动会让我感到很疲惫。

3. 一个人做运动会有更强的成就感(a greater sense of achievement)。当我独自完成 2000 米的游泳或

者 10 公里的跑步,我会觉得自己做了一件了不起的事情。

4. 一个人运动更加灵活,我不需要去配合其他人的时间。

I personally prefer to do team sports because first,in a team,no matter how talented I am,I still have to
work together with my teammates and rely on them in order to win the game. So I think team sports
can promote cooperation and help me practice and improve my social skills,because I need to get
along with my teammates and form a close bond with them. Second,I just find individual sports such
as swimming and running a little bit boring and less enjoyable than team sports, cuz there's no one out
there to support or encourage me when I feel like giving up.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should state
our honest opinions even though others may disagree with them.


1. 如果我们因为别人可能不同意就不说自己的真实想法,我们会变得太过关注别人的看法,老想着

迎合他人(please others/become a people-pleaser)。这样久而久之,我们就很难形成自己的独有的观


2. 大家的想法不同,才能引发讨论和思考。表达自己的真实想法,不同意我的人可以和我辩论,从



1. 当别人不同意我的观点,甚至因为我的观点而失望时候,我会感到非常尴尬,压力很大。

2. 提出多数人可能会不同意的观点会让一群人在做决定的时候效率低下。比如,在小组讨论的时候


Personally, I don’t agree with this statement. First, if I state my honest opinions knowing that my
friends may disagree with them, they may think I do this on purpose and get offended. And I'm a
typical people-pleaser, which means I feel really stressful when it comes to disappointing others. I
really don’t want my friends to dislike me because of what I think. Second, stating our honest opinions
can reduce the efficiency of decision making in a group. You know, a different opinion may lead to a lot
of discussion and debate. So it takes more time for the group to make the final decision. And it may
cause dissatisfaction among other group members.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Because of the increasing popularity of
entertainment technology, fewer people are taking the time to read books for pleasure.

重复 2020 年 10 月家考题目

1. 科技和网络给人们提供了更多的娱乐形式(other forms of entertainment),比如电子游戏还有电
视剧(unlimited tv shows and movies online/on netflix)等等。对很多人来说,阅读比这些娱乐方式要
更有挑战性(more challenging),在阅读的时候我们得积极思考(think actively),得运用我们的
想 象 力 (use our imagination to visualize) , 有 时 还 得 做 查 些 背 景 资 料 (do some research on
the background of the story in order to understand it better)。而看电影或者玩游戏要简单有趣得多。
所以阅读变成了一种获取信息的工具,人们很少花时间享受阅读。(Heather: 给出充足细节,这一个
2. 新的娱乐方式要比读书便宜很多。网上有很多免费的游戏可以玩( free games to download),娱
乐视频可以看(free youtube videos to watch),不需要什么花费。而一本书的价格还是比较贵的,
所以人们不愿意花钱去 read for pleasure,除非是学习和工作的需要。
3. 在社交媒体上互动也成为了人们现在娱乐的一种主要方式。人们控制不住地想要通过网络和外面
的世界连接(a constant need to feel connected),查看他们的手机(a constant compulsion to check
their phones)看看是否有人给他们的帖子留言点赞(get comments and likes on their posts),所以很
难长时间集中注意力去做一件事,比如 reading for pleasure。
4. 除了娱乐科技的流行以外,单纯地没有时间阅读也是大家很少为乐趣阅读的原因。学生也好打工
人也好每天都有很多的任务要完成,比如要复习考试,要加班(work overtime)。而阅读是一个需要
大量时间才能完成的事情,大家很难挤出时间阅读(squeeze time from their schedules to read)。

Well I totally agree with this statement. First, technologies now offer people many new forms of
entertainment, like video games, and unlimited movies online. And compared to them, reading is not
fun anymore because it's just too challenging sometimes. We have to think actively when we read, we
have to use our imagination to visualize the characters. and sometimes we even have to do some
research to better understand the story. But when were watching a movie or playing video games, we
just have to be there and have fun. So instead of reading books for pleasure, people now read them to
simply get information.

When people acquire a new product, some prefer to read the directions in the manual to understand
how it works. Other people prefer to experiment with the product to try to figure it out on their own.
Which do you prefer and why?

同 今 年 3 月 家 考 的 题 目 : When people acquire a new electronic device, such as a camera or a

computer they may be unsure of how it works. Some people prefer to read the directions to
understand how it works. Other people prefer to experiment with the device, to try to figure it out on
their own. Which do you prefer and why?
1. 现在很多商品,特别是电子产品,比如手机电脑,更新升级得非常快,所以它们都有很多复杂的
2. 很多新产品特别是电子产品都非常精细,所以我要是不看说明书就自己摆弄可能会弄坏它。我可
3. 有些产品比如药物,护肤品,运动器械,如果不按照指示去操作使用,可能会伤害到我们的健康。

1. 自己研究更有有乐趣,我很享受这种探索发现的过程。
2. 说明书一般都写得非常复杂和书面化,理解起来很困难。现在很多产品设计得都非常简单易操作,

I prefer to read the directions to understand how a new product works, because today stuff like
electronic devices get upgraded pretty quickly, so many of them have some fancy new features and
complicated functions which take a lot of time to get a hang of. That's why I think reading the manual
is a much more efficient way to figure out how it works.And also, many of these new products,like
digital cameras and cellphones are very sophisticated, so there's a chance that I might break it
accidentally when I experiment with it without any instructions.I don't want to waste money on
sending it back to the store to repair.

Agree or disagree with the following statement? High school students should be required to take
music and art classes?


1. 兴趣:很多学生对学习艺术和音乐不感兴趣,因为相关知识不仅难,还很可能和他们将来从事的



2. 时间:高中生的时间和精力是非常有限的,他们要上常规课,要参加课外活动。如果他们得挤出



1. 学习艺术和音乐可以提高学生的审美和品味。他们能够学到一些专业知识和技巧,这样将来才能


2. 学习艺术和音乐可以给他们一个机会放松。学生平时有很多的作业和活动,容易疲惫压力大,而

欣赏艺术品和音乐则可以给他们带来平静和 comfort,这样能让他们的学习更加高效。

I don't think that high school students should be required to take art and music classes because there
are a lot of students who are not interested in these subjects at all.And when they're forced to learn
something they have little interest in,they're not able to stay motivated and focused when they learn.
They'll even treat the assignments and classes as a chore and nuisance, so there's no way they can
learn well. Also, I think students' time and energy are limited, so if they have to squeeze some time
from their busy schedule to study music and art,it may affect their performance on other important
courses and activities.

大学政策,比如和毕业相关的政策,学校 budget 等,应该让行政人员来做,还是让学生投票来决定?

1. 学校做的许多决策,都和学生的学习,生活息息相关。但如果学生无法参与到决策制定的过程,
2. 让学生做的决策才能让学生最满意。其他行政人员不一定正在了解学生的喜好和需求,做出的决
3. 让学生参与到决策制定可以锻炼他们的能力,比如如何做预算,cricital thinking 等等。
1. 学生做决策可能只考虑到了自己的喜好,但不一定是科学的,对自己有好处的。(比如食堂的饭
菜,学生可能都会选好吃高热量的垃圾食品,学校可能做的 menu 更健康)
2. 让所有学生投票去做决定,很花时间,效率很低。

I think students should participate in decisions made about the school. First, these policies are closely
related to their study and daily life on campus. So it's only fair that students have a say in this process.
If the university refuses to take their opinions into consideration, then it will definitely cause
dissatisfaction and resentment from the them. Second,the school administrators may think they're
making the best decisions for the students, but in reality they're not the ones who actually experience
students' life on campus or the problems they go through. That means they don't necessarily know
students' preferences and needs. So the policies they make may not be welcomed by the students.

Some students prefer to write many short assignments for a semester, while others prefer to write one
or two long assignments. Which do you prefer?

好几个 short assginments

1. 一学期只有一两个 long assignments 会让我压力很大,很紧张。一旦我做不好我的 final grade 就

会很低。但是如果有很多个 assignments,哪怕有一两个做得不好也没有太大的影响。
2. short assignments 通常比大的作业要简单一些,做起来更轻松也更容易拿到好的分数。大作业可
能是要写一个很长的 paper 或者是复杂的 survey,需要大量的阅读和研究,而且想要拿到高分很不
3. 我这个人有拖延症,如果是做一两个特别大的 project,我临近死线才开始做可能就做不完。
一两个 long assignments
1. 一两个比较大的作业意味着每个作业我都有足够的时间去准备,我能花更多时间去查找资料,阅
2. 我有更多的时间去检查,询问教授或者同学意见,不断地去完善我的作业。这样我就能拿到更高

I prefer to write many short assignments in a semester. First, if there's only one long assignment, then
I'll be really stressed out and nervous cuz if I get a bad grade on this assignment,then it may lower my
final grade a lot for the semester. But with many short assignments,I can spread the risk. My final
grade won't get affected if I perform poorly in only one or two of these assignments. Second,a long
assignment may involve writing a long paper or survey, which requires a lot of research and
reading.It'll be very challenging.But short assignments are usually much easier to deal with and I'll
also have a better chance of getting a good grade.

Do you think government should spend money saving the endangered animals or the money has to
come from private sources?


1. 政府需要背负起这样的责任,因为只有政府可以通过立法来有效保护这些濒危物种。比如限制商

2. 相较于个人,政府拥有更强大的财力,可以在很多方面投资来保护这些动物。比如,建立自然保

I think the government has the resources and effective tools to better protect endangered species, so it
should carry this responsibility. First, the government can effectively protect these animals through
implementation of policies and regulations. For example, it can adopt stricter conservation legislation
that prohibit poaching or ban the trade in endangered species to better protect them. Second, only the
government owns the resources and money to invest on projects that protect these species, like
setting up more protected areas for endangered wildlife.

12.11 上午
Which do you prefer: go to the gym everyday or only when you are free? (重复 2016.9.24 原题)

1. 每天坚持去健身房锻炼才能让健身成为我每天日常的一部分,养成锻炼的习惯,这对我的健康有
2. 去健身房是一个让我放松的机会,我每天的学习/工作压力很大,锻炼可以让我忘却烦恼,有个好

1. 每天都去健身房锻炼很累,而且容易受伤,这都会让我对锻炼产生厌烦情绪,这样我可能很快就
2. 我现在学习/工作很忙,每天要做很多任务,还有各种社交活动,健身房离我住的地方又远,我实

Well, I prefer to work out at the gym everyday. First, going to the gym everyday means that doing
exercise will eventually become part of my daily routine, so it's easier for me to make the habit stick.
And forming this habit is important because it not only keeps me healthy, but also makes me feel more
energized, so I can perform better at work. Second, I think doing exercise on a daily basis also benefits
my mental health .I'm very busy and my work can be quite stressful.So working out can really help
me reduce the stress and anxiety. So I really need and enjoy this major daily mood boost.

12.11 下午
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The way people dress tells about their


1. 大部分人的穿衣只能告诉我们他们的职业。学生在学校一般要穿着校服,很多行业需要员工穿制
服,或者有 dress code,所以人们的穿着很难展现他们的性格。

2. 现在大部分人穿衣都会遵循时下流行的款式。大家的穿着只能体现当下的时尚,很难体现他们的


1. 我们可以从他人穿衣的颜色看出他们的性格。一般喜欢穿亮色衣服的人,比如大红色,性格比较
2.我们还可以从人们穿衣的风格看出他们的性格。喜欢穿着休闲装的人,比如 t 恤牛仔裤 sneakers

I agree that the way people dress reveals their personality. First of all, I think the color of one's clothes
can tell us something about what kind of person they are. For example, people who wear gaudy clothes
with bright colors are usually extroverts who are out-going and maybe love to party. Second, the
style of one's clothes also reflects their personality. For instance, people who like to wear casual and
loose clothing, like t- shirts,jeans and sneakers, are often easy-going, and they think about comfort
more than anything else. But people wearing suits and coats daily are often sophisticated and formal
in real life.

12.18 上午
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's acceptable for students to disagree with
their instructors?
重复 2015 年 11 月 21


1. 学生不同意老师的观点,提出质疑,说明学生有真正地思考问题。在于老师的讨论中,能帮助他
们更好地理解所学的知识。所以很多老师甚至喜欢学生去 challenge 他们。

2. 这样做还能提升学生独立学习的能力。为了证明自己是对的,他们会去图书馆查阅资料,做背景

3. 学生不反驳老师,那么就会认为老师说的永远是对的,这样他们只会一味地接受,不利于他们形
成自己的看法(form their own opinion)和 critical thinking。

I think it's totally fine for students to disagree with their instructors. First of all, disagreement means
students are receiving the information and thinking about it. And during the discussions with their
teachers, they can actually better understand the concept or theory. That s why a lot of teachers
actually prefer their students questioning them and even encourage it. Second of all, disagreeing with
the instructors can push students to study harder and to learn more independently. In order to prove
that they re right, students will do extra work like digging into some background studies from books
and the internet.

When visiting a museum that allows photography, some people like to take photographs of the
exhibits they see. Others prefer to simply look at the exhibits and do not take photographs. Which do
you prefer? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.

重复 2018 年 12.8 线下,2020 年 12 月家考原题


1. 拍照可能会影响其它看展的人/不拍照可以确保大家的观展体验。拍照的时候会发出声音,会

有闪光灯,还会不停地在展品前走动摆 pose 自拍,这样都会打扰到其他看展的人。

2. 相机的闪光灯还可能会对展品造成伤害。有些古老的画作非常珍贵,闪光灯可能会对他们造成


3. 很多展品在网上都可以找到高清的照片,没必要再拍照。

I prefer to simply look at the exhibits and not take any photos.First,not taking pictures improves
the visitor experience, because when people take photos using their smartphone or camera,the
shutter noises and the flashlights would be hard for others to ignore.And it would be hard to
enjoy a painting when people keep moving around in front of it in order to find the best spot for
selfies. Also,flashlights from camera emit intense light,which may hurt valuable and old
paintings.The museum has to pay for expensive restoration costs and if the damage is
irreversible,it would be a great loss for all of us.

Some students like to review their notes regularly on a daily basis, while others like to
review their notes just before the test. Which do you prefer?


1. 如果临时抱佛脚,复习的时间是很有限的,只能靠段时间内的机械性记忆。但死记硬背是没办


2. 每天规律地去复习,我的压力会比较小。期末会有很多考试,短时间复习很多内容会让我感觉


I prefer to spend some time on reviewing course materials everyday because cramming
for a test means I have to memorize a lot of things mechanically in a short period of time.
And that can cause me a lot of stress and probably a lack of sleep. And these will affect my
ability to concentrate, which makes the preparation even more difficult. Also, I don't want
this type of studying become a routine cuz if I just learn things by rote, I'll never really
understand them. Besides, I'll probably forget the things I've memorized the minute the
test is over.


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