Computer 10

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L’ycos Excellence Grammar School®

Montessori to Matric (Cambridge System)

B-15, Sector 11-C/1, North Karachi. Ph #: 021-36993015 & 36940501
Subject Class Mid Term Examination Total Marks Time
Computer X 2023 60 3hrs

Section “A” Multiple Choice Questions (Marks = 12)

Question: 01 Choose the correct Answer for each from the given options

i. Which type of data structure store data in hierarchal manner :

* Stack * Graph * Queue * Array
ii. Another name of 1 D Array is :
* Linear Array * Tree * Stack * Binary Tree
iii. In a Flowchart Process is represent by:
* Rectangle * Oval * Diamond *
iv. Increment operator increase the value by:
* 01 * 10 * 02 * none of them
v. for loop expression has _________ parts.
* 03 * 01 * 02 * All of the above
vi. The output of following statement is cout << Class X ;
*class X * ”Class X” *Class x * none of them
vii. Find the data type of following statement : “Hello Class X”
* Boolean * integer * string * character
viii. What are the mandatory part of the functions declaration:
*return type, function name * Parameter, function name * both of
ix. The size of the floating point is:
* 8 bytes * 2 bytes * 1.8 bytes * 3 bytes
x. What is the default data type of functions in C++
* int * float * bool * all of the
xi. How many types of loop are in C++
*3 *6 *5 *2
xii. All variables declared in function definition are called:
*global variable * instance variable * local variable * static variable

L’ycos Excellence Grammar School®

Montessori to Matric (Cambridge System)
B-15, Sector 11-C/1, North Karachi. Ph #: 021-36993015 & 36940501

Section “B” Short Question Answer (Marks = 24)

Note: Attempt any Eight Questions from this section. All questions carry (3) equal marks.
2. Define Flowchart and draw and define 3 shapes of flowchart.
3. Write an Algorithm to calculate percentage.
4. Differentiate between Algorithm and flowchart.
5. Define graphs and its types.
6. Differentiate Machine Language and Assembly Language.
7. Define reserved words, data types and variables.
8. What do you know about string in C++?
9. Write the syntax of following input functions.
a. getchar() b. getch()
10.Explain some Escape Sequence with the help of examples.
11.What do you know about prefix and postfix increment operator? Explain with the
help of example.
12.Remove the error from the following statement (if any)
i. cout << I read in class X ii. if {c < 10}; iii. cin << abc
13.Write down the output of the following program.

Section “C” Descriptive Question Answer (Marks = 24)

Note: Answer any 4 Questions from this section. All Questions carry 6 equal marks

14.Write a program to find an Area of rectangle in form of Functions. (Area of

Rectangle: a = l b)
15.Write a program that print its table from 1 to 10 using while loop.
16.What do you know about Operators? Define Arithmetic, Logical and Relational
operator with example.
17.Define Data Structure. What do you know about linear data structure? (Also define
Nonlinear Data Structure)
18.Define Translators and types of Translators.
19.Write an Algorithm and Program of addition and division of two numbers.

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