Booklet Curso 10 Chapter 2

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Student booklet Course 10 - Chapter 2 - Sections A, B, C and D

Section A

Goal: Worry about others....................................................03

Vocabulary. Describing symptoms.......................................08

Grammar. Drawing conclusions with must.............................10

Conversation. Worrying about others and offering help................11

Section B

Goal: Go to the doctor............................................................13

Grammar. Will be able to; modals may and might.......................13

Vocabulary. Medical procedures.............................................15

Conversation. Making a medical appointment............................17

Section C

Goal: Consider health care options.............................................18

Section D

Goal: Discuss prescriptions.......................................................23

Vocabulary. Types of medications......................................23

Conversation. Talk about medication......................................27

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Chapter 2, Section A

: Worry about
Preview. Have you ever had a medical or dental emergency when you were in a foreign

Read. Your health abroad

When traveling to a foreign country, it’s important to do your research

and know the risks before you go.

You may want to ask these questions:

*What contagious diseases are easily transmitted through

mosquitoes, water, or unsanitary conditions?
*What type of climate will you be in? Will there be a risk of heat

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Chapter 2, Section A
stroke or sunburn?
*Will you be flying into a high elevation creating a risk for altitude
*Will hypothermia be a problem if you are traveling to a cold
*Are there poisonous animals to keep an eye out for and if you
come into contact with them, how do you safeguard yourself?

There are many questions to ask yourself about travel health

before traveling.

You can check warnings and advisories with your country’s government
website, visit the tourism board of the country you are visiting and
check out blogs or even social media for up to date information. Here
are some more helpful tips:

1.Healthy Immune system

“Keep your immune system boosted with healthy food. We like to

carry supplements in our backpacks for times when we are
traveling fast and hard. Healthy snacks are also important. When
your body has proper rest, it can fight sickness and disease
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Chapter 2, Section A

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Chapter 2, Section A

2.Vaccines and medications

The best way to maintain a healthy travel lifestyle when heading

abroad is to know what vaccines will protect you from a disease.
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever,
Cholera and Travellers’ Diarrhea are all the top vaccines for any
travel to South America or Asia.

3.Visit a medical clinic before travelling

If you visit a travel medical clinic before your trip, your doctor
will be able to give you the proper injections and prescribe the
medicine that you will need in case of an emergency.
Malaria medication, antibiotics and medicated creams are very
important to have on hand. Make sure to visit a couple of months
in advance, some vaccines require multiple injections and you
will have to go back more than once.

4.Travel smartly with prescription medications

Bring a supply of medication to cover you for your trip, and if

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Chapter 2, Section A
possible, for a few extra days in case there are delays.
Carry a letter from the attending physician that describes the
medical condition and any prescription medications, including
the generic name of prescribed drugs.
Keep medications in their original, labeled containers.
Check with the foreign embassy of the country you are visiting

ortransiting to make sure your medications are permitted in that



1. Why is it important to get information about the country you’re


2. Can you prevent any diseases with vaccines? Explain.

3. Why is it important to carry your medical prescription when

traveling abroad?

4. What else should people do before traveling?

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Chapter 2, Section A

Useful language

I’ll do it as
I’ll do it right
soon as

Thanks for Thanks for

fitting me in. making time for
an appointment.

Let’s see what’s Let’s see what

going on. the problem is

I’ll make I’ll arrange a

an time to
appointment come.

It’s killing me. It’s causing a

lot of pain.

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Chapter 2, Section A

Dental emergencies
red or swollen gums
break a tooth / have a broken
tooth have a loose tooth
lose a filling

Vocabulary. Describing symptoms

I feel…………… nauseous
short of breath

dizzy nauseous weak short of breath

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Chapter 2, Section A

I’ve been……… coughing

vomiting coughing sneezing wheezing

in my chest
I have in my hip
pain……. in my ribs
in my stomach

in my chest in my hip in my ribs in my stomach

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Chapter 2, Section A

Use rising intonation on each item before the last item in a list.
Use falling intonation on the last item.

I feel nauseous and dizzy.

I’ve been coughing, sneezing and wheezing.

I have pain my back, my and my neck.


Grammar. Drawing conclusions with must

Use the modal must + the base form of a verb to draw a conclusion
and indicate that you think something is probably true. Examples:

A: I think I just broke my be

tooth! so serious.
B: Oh, no. That must hurt.

A: The doctor said I would

be fine soon.
B: That’s good. It must not
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Chapter 2, Section A
A: I have a fever.
B: Oh! You must feel bad.

A: Mark is eating and

drinking a lot.
B: He must not feel sick
any more!

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Chapter 2, Section A

Practice. Draw a conclusion for each situation.

1. Mrs. Brown feels nauseous. Mrs Brown must go to the doctor

2. Jack is at the dentist. Jacky must follow the instructions with the

3. She’s been sneezing and coughing. You must go to the doctor to

cure yourself

4. I have pain in my hip, back, and neck. You must go to the hospital
to be checked by a doctor

5. I’m calling the doctor’s office, but no one is answering. You must
send an email to the clinic

Conversation. Worrying about others and offering help.

A: I don’t think I can go to

work today.
B: Really? Is there anything
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Chapter 2, Section A
A: Well, actually, I don’t feel well.

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Chapter 2, Section A

I’ve been vomiting since last night, and I feel dizzy and weak.
B: Oh, no. That must be terrible. Would you like me to call a
A: That’s really nice of you, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.
B: Then call me later and let me know how you feel, OK?
A: I will. Thanks

Other ways to offer help:

make a doctor’s appointment for someone
drive someone to a hospital or a clinic
pick up something from a pharmacy
bring someone some soup or tea

Show concern:
Oh, no. / I’m sorry to hear that.
That’s (a shame / too bad / terrible).
You must feel (awful / terrible / horrible /
pretty bad).

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Chapter 2, Section

: Go to the

Grammar. Will be able to; modals may and might

Will or won’t be able to + base form: future ability

The dentist will be able to see you next Monday. (= The dentist can see you next

He won’t be able to go to the doctor tomorrow. (= She can’t go to the doctor


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Chapter 2, Section
May / might or may not / might not + base form: possibility

Frank is absent today. He may/might be sick. (I’m not sure.)

She might go to the dentist today if her boss gives her permission.

Note: you can use be able to with may and might for
possibility or with must for drawing conclusions.

The dentist might be able to see you today.

He might be able to go to the doctor after work.

We must be able to park here. See the sign?

They must not be able to come. It’s raining hard

Practice. Complete the sentences using might, might not, might be able to, or
must not be able to and your own ideas.

1. The doctor is busy right now. He might not come back today .

2. I think I might not go to work . I don’t feel well.

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Chapter 2, Section
3. Mike’s not answering his phone. I think he might not answer .

He’s at work.

4. I don’t have any openings for today, but let me see. might be able
to squeeze you in

5. Jessie broke her leg. She’s not coming to work during a month.

She might be able to work from home.

Vocabulary. Medical procedures

a checkup / a shot / an EKG / an

an examination an injection electrocardiogram

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Chapter 2, Section

an X-ray a blood test a Magnetic a computarized

Resonance tomography (CT)
Imaging (MRI)

Practice. Complete each sentence with a word from the vocabulary.

1. The nurse will take

a sample of blood so an examination can be done.

2.The doctor will give her the medicine by giving her an injection in

the arm.

3.The doctor will take an x-ray to look at the broken bone.

4. A computerized tomography (ct)records electrical signals from the heart’s


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Chapter 2, Section
B for a checkup to make sure she’s healthy.
5. She’s going to the doctor

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Chapter 2, Section
Conversation. Making a medical appointment

A: Good morning. Doctor Stone’s office. Can I help you?

B: Hello. This is Marie Ferrec. I need to make an appointment for
a checkup. I wonder if I might be able to come in tomorrow
morning. A: Let’s see if I can fit you in. How about tomorrow at
B: Could I come earlier?
A: Let me check…. Would you be able to be here at 8?
B: That would be perfect.
A: We’ll see you then.
B: Thanks! I really appreciate it.

Page 21
Chapter 2, Section C

: Consider health care
Preview. What do you do when you are sick or in pain? Do you treat the problem yourself
or see a doctor right away?

Read. Your health abroad

Types of treatments

Conventional medicine is a
system in which medical doctors
and other healthcare professionals
(such as nurses, pharmacists, and
therapists) treat symptoms and
diseases using drugs, radiation,

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Chapter 2, Section C

or surgery. Also called allopathic medicine, biomedicine,

mainstream medicine, orthodox medicine, and Western medicine.

Homeopathy is a natural form of

medicine used by over 200 million
people worldwide to treat both
acute and chronic conditions. It is
based on the principle of ‘like
cures like’. In other words, a

taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if taken
in large amounts.

Homeopathy is usually taken in tablets or pills, but is also available in

liquid and powder form. You may be prescribed a homeopathic gel or
cream for topical use as well.

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Chapter 2, Section C
Acupuncture is a component of
the health care system of China
that can be traced back at least
2,500 years. The general theory
of acupuncture is based on the
premise that there are patterns of
energy flow (Qi) through the body
that are essential for health.

Acupuncture is a family of procedures involving stimulation of

anatomical locations on or in the skin by a variety of techniques.
There are a variety of approaches to diagnosis and treatment in
American acupuncture that incorporate medical traditions from China,
Japan, Korea, and other countries. The most thoroughly studied
mechanism of stimulation of acupuncture points employs penetration
of the skin by thin, solid, metallic needles, which are manipulated
manually or by electrical stimulation.

Herbal Therapy is part of a

complete medical system which
has diagnosed, treated, and
prevented illness for over twenty-
three centuries. While it can
remedy ailments and alter states

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Chapter 2, Section C

of mind, Chinese medicine can also enhance recuperative power,

immunity and the capacity for pleasure, work and creativity. Herbs
are more like foods than drugs and can supplement our diet and
fortify our constitution as well as prevent or remedy ailments.

Herbal medicine is itself a powerful method of healing. Western drugs

often control symptoms, but do not alter the disease process
(Antibiotics eliminate bacteria but do not improve a person’s
resistance to infection. Diuretics rid excess fluid without improving
kidney function). Chinese herbs treat the underlying condition as
defined by traditional diagnosis and rarely cause unwanted side-

Spiritual Healing is usually a

mixture of interventions – physical
medical and non-medical,
energetic interventions and mental
interventions. When we transform
the cause of illness/disease and
grow beyond the problem, we
are then focused on healing.

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Chapter 2, Section C

is a whole package deal. Addressing only one element of an illness

rarely leads to healing.

In spiritual healing, we create a medicine story for ourselves that

includes both a curing process and a healing destination. A spiritual
healer creates a spiritual prescription for the body, heart, and mind.

Spiritual healing is a path of transformation, a journey that connects

the body, heart and mind to free the soul.

Answer the following questions.

1.Which of the treatments in the article have you or your family tried?
Of the treatments we have tried with my family are antibiotics, surgery when it was necessary

that the medicine no longer helped and herbal medicines that are also good and there are not as

many problems as antibiotics

2. Which treatment or treatments do you think are the most effective?


The most effective treatments are herbs since they help and give resistance to people

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Chapter 2, Section C
3.Which treatment would you never try? Why?

acupuncture because they introduce thin, solid metal needles into the skin, which are manipulated

manually or by electrical stimulation

Page 27
Chapter 2, Section D

Goal: Discuss

Vocabulary. Types of medications

1.a painkiller 2. cold tablets 3. a

spray /

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Chapter 2, Section D

4. eye drops 6. cough

5. an
antihistamine medicine antibiotic
8. an antacid 9. an ointment

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Chapter 2, Section D

10. vitamins 11. sleeping 12. thr

pills oat

13. throat

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Chapter 2, Section D

Medicine label information

dosage: Take 1 tablet by mouth
every morning.
warnings: Do not take while driving
or operating machinery.
side effects: May cause
dizziness, nausea, or vomiting.

Practice. Suggest medications for the following symptoms. Explain why you
recommend each medication.

Symptom Medication Reason

stomach problems an antacid
because it is the one that helps

prevent stomach pains

weakness vitamins
vitamins help keep us more balanced

and less weak

red eyes
eye drops
are the medications indicated according

to what the patient suffers and indicates

that he has red eyes

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Chapter 2, Section D
an infection


a toothache

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Chapter 2, Section D

Practice. Which medications do you need a prescription for? Check the correct

Medication Prescription
always Prescription Some kinds
needed always require a
needed prescription





cold tablets


eye drops

Conversation. Talk about medication

A. Hello, Mrs. Patricia Pérez. I’m Dr. Soon. I understand you’re

here on vacation.
B: That’s right. I’m from Guatemala, actually.
A: Oh, I see. And you’re not feeling well, are you?
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Chapter 2, Section D

B: No, I’m afraid not. My back has been killing me for several
days now.
A: Are you taking anything?
B: Just some painkillers. But they’re not really helping.
A: Let me give you a prescription for a stronger painkiller. I
think you might find it very helpful.
B: Does it have any side effects?
A: Well, for very few patients it causes nausea or vomiting. But
that’s very rare. I really don’t think you’ll have to worry. Call
me if you feel at all nauseous, OK?

B: OK. Thanks.
A: The dosage is one tablet in the morning, one in the evening,
with food. The pharmacist will give you a full set of
instructionswhen you pick up your medicine.
B: Thank you, Dr. Soon.

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Chapter 2, Section D

Practice. According to the conversation complete the following patient information


Patient information for

Last name: First name:

1. What are your symptoms?

2. How long have you had these


3. Are you currently taking any

medications? If so, which ones?

4. Are you allergic to any


5. Medicine prescribed:

6. Dosage:

7. Are there any side effects?

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