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Barium chloride can be prepared by reacting barium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid.

BaCO 3 + 2HCl BaCl2 + H2 O + CO2

Excess barium carbonate is reacted with 40.0 cm 3 of 1.50 mol / dm 3 hydrochloric acid.
After purification the percentage yield of barium chloride was 75.0 %.
Calculate the mass of barium chloride prepared.
Give your answer to three significant figures.Chemistry – Class 11 – P2 – Marking Scheme
Question Answer Marks
1(a) sulfur dioxide 1
1(b) iron(II) oxide 1
1(c) aluminium oxide 1
1(d) calcium oxide 1
1(e) sulfur dioxide 1
2(a) 21 (%) 1
2(b) steel making / welding / cutting metals / oxygen tents in hospitals / breathing 1
apparatus / fuel cells
2(c)(i) same electronic structure / same electronic configuration 1

2(c)(ii) polonium-210 has one more neutron / polonium-209 has one less neutron / 1
polonium-209 has 125 neutrons and polonium210 has 126 neutrons

2(d) percentage of selenium = 47.6 (1) 3

mole ratio Se : O : Cl is 47.6 / 79 : 9.6 / 16 : 42.8 / 35.5 OR 0.60 : 0.60 : 1.21 (1)

empirical formula SeOCl2 (1)

2(e)(i) volume decreases 1

particles move slower / particles less spread out / particles closer together
2(e)(ii) volume increases 1
particles move further apart / particles more spread out / distance between
particles increases
2(e)(iii) mol = 11.5 / 24 OR 0.479(117) (1) 2
mass = 15 (g) (1)
3(a)(i) mix (solutions) together AND then filter (1) wash the residue (with distilled 3
water or solvent) (1) place residue in warm place (to dry) / place in oven (to
dry) / use of filter paper (to dry) / leave (to dry) on the windowsill (1) 3

3(a)(ii) Ba2+(aq) + SO4 2–(aq) → BaSO4(s) 2

formulae and balancing correct (1)

correct state symbols – dependent on correct formulae (1)

3(b) moles of hydrochloric acid = 6 × 10–2 / 0.06 (1) 3

(moles of barium chloride = moles of HCl ÷ 2) = 3 × 10–2 / 0.03 (1)

(mass of barium chloride = moles × 208 × 0.75) = 4.68 (1)

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Barium chloride can be prepared by reacting barium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid.
BaCO 3 + 2HCl BaCl2 + H2 O + CO2
Excess barium carbonate is reacted with 40.0 cm 3 of 1.50 mol / dm 3 hydrochloric acid.
After purification the percentage yield of barium chloride was 75.0 %.
Calculate the mass of barium chloride prepared.
Give your answer to three significant figures.Chemistry – Class 11 – P2 – Marking Scheme

Question Answer Marks

4(a) aluminium is more reactive than carbon 1

4(b)(i) oxide ion has an outer shell with six dots and two crosses 1
oxide ion has a charge of 2– 1
4(b)(ii) (electrostatic) forces of attraction between ions 1
(are) strong OR require lots of energy to overcome 1
4(c)(i) the wires: electrons 1
the electrolyte: ions 1
4(c)(ii) any 1 from: 1
• increases conductivity
• as a solvent
• lowers the operating temperature
4(c)(iii) Al3+ + 3e– à Al 1
4(c)(iv) oxygen is made at the anode 1
the anodes are made of carbon 1
oxygen (made) reacts with carbon 1
4(d) aluminium coated with layer of (unreactive) aluminium oxide 1
5(a) (moles of H2O2) = 680/34 2
OR 20 (1)
(energy = 20 × 98) = 1960 (kJ) (1)
5(b) bond breaking is endothermic and bond making is exothermic / bond breaking 2
absorbs energy and bond making releases energy(1)

more energy released (in bond making) than absorbed (in bond breaking) (1)
5(c) A is enthalpy change / Δ H (1) 2
B is activation energy / Ea (1)
5(d) particles have more energy / particles moving faster (1) 2

more successful collisions / more particles with energy equal or above activation
energy (1)
6(a) Mr = 184 (1) 2

(% copper = 34.8 so mass of copper = % × 20) = 6.96 (1)

6(b) 2CuFeS2 + 6½O2 → 2CuO + Fe2O3 + 4SO2 2

correct formulae (1)
balancing – dependent on correct formulae (1)
6(c) 2CuO + C→ 2Cu + CO2 1
ORBarium chloride can be prepared by reacting barium carbonate with
dilute hydrochloric acid.

Page 2 of 5
Barium chloride can be prepared by reacting barium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid.
BaCO 3 + 2HCl BaCl2 + H2 O + CO2
Excess barium carbonate is reacted with 40.0 cm 3 of 1.50 mol / dm 3 hydrochloric acid.
After purification the percentage yield of barium chloride was 75.0 %.
Calculate the mass of barium chloride prepared.
Give your answer to three significant figures.Chemistry – Class 11 – P2 – Marking Scheme
BaCO 3 + 2HCl BaCl2 + H2 O + CO2
Excess barium carbonate is reacted with 40.0 cm 3 of 1.50 mol / dm 3
hydrochloric acid.
After purification the percentage yield of barium chloride was 75.0 %.
Calculate the mass of barium chloride prepared.
Give your answer to three significant figures.
CuO + C →Cu + CO (1)
6(d) (aqueous) copper(II) sulfate (1) 1

Page 3 of 5
Barium chloride can be prepared by reacting barium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid.
BaCO 3 + 2HCl BaCl2 + H2 O + CO2
Excess barium carbonate is reacted with 40.0 cm 3 of 1.50 mol / dm 3 hydrochloric acid.
After purification the percentage yield of barium chloride was 75.0 %.
Calculate the mass of barium chloride prepared.
Give your answer to three significant figures.Chemistry – Class 11 – P2 – Marking Scheme
Question Answer Marks
7(a) 1 mark each for any two of: 2
• Shiny / lustrous
• Ductile
• Malleable
7(b) Iron<magnesium<cerium<sodium (1) 1

7(c)(i) Mol Fe = 39.2/56 OR 0.7(00) (1) 3

Mol Fe3O4 = 0.7(00) 3 OR 0.233 (1)
Mass = 0.233 × 232 = 54.1 (1)
7(c)(ii) Moles H2 = 4 × 0.233 OR 0.933 (1) 2
Volume = 0.933 × 24 = 22.4 dm3 (1)
7(d) CO is poisonous / toxic (1) 1
8(a)(i) No effect (1) 2
Equal number of moles (of gases) on each side of the equation / each volumes (of
gases) on each side of the equation(1)
8(a)(ii) Equilibrium moves to the left (1) 2
The (forward) reaction is endothermic / backward reaction exothermic / goes in
the direction of the exothermic reaction (1)
8(b)(i) Substance which completely dissociates to form H+ ions / substance which 1
completely ionises to form H+ ions
8(b)(ii) HI → H+ + I– (1) 1
8(c) Addition (1) 1
8(d)(i) Increases (as the number of C atoms increases) (1) 1
8(d)(ii) Liquid because –7 °C / it is above its melting point and below its boiling point / 1
liquid because –7 °C / it is between the melting point and boiling point (1)
8(d)(iii) There is no clear trend / the values go up and down / the values go down and up 1
9(a) It has a carbon-carbon double bond 1
9(b) (aqueous) bromine / Br2 (1) 2
orange to colourless / decolourised (1)
9(c)(i) ethanoic acid 1
9(c)(ii) lowers activation energy (1) 2
by having an alternative pathway / alternative mechanism (1)
9(d)(i) relative formula mass of alcohol is 58 (1) 3
mol of alcohol = 0.2 OR 11.6/58 (1)
mass of ester = 0.2 × Mr AND 0.2 × 100 OR
Mr × 11.6 / 58 AND 100 ×.6 / 58 (1)

Page 4 of 5
Barium chloride can be prepared by reacting barium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid.
BaCO 3 + 2HCl BaCl2 + H2 O + CO2
Excess barium carbonate is reacted with 40.0 cm 3 of 1.50 mol / dm 3 hydrochloric acid.
After purification the percentage yield of barium chloride was 75.0 %.
Calculate the mass of barium chloride prepared.
Give your answer to three significant figures.Chemistry – Class 11 – P2 – Marking Scheme
9(d)(ii) 33.6 (%) 1

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