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The World of APPS

Subject English
Objective: Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explícita en textos
adaptados y auténticos simples, en formato impreso o digital, acerca de temas variados.
Ability: Recordar, comprender, analizar, aplicar, construir.

Activity 1. - Answer the following questions.

a. Do you use apps? How many apps have you installed in your cellphone?


b. What apps do you use the most?


c. What is Apps?


Activity 2: Complete the diagram with examples of the Apps.

Activity 3: These are some the most popular apps now.

a) Do you know them? b) What are they used for?

Activity 3: MATCH these words with their definition.
a) Enable 1. ____to give permission for someone to do something

b) Allow 2. ____able to be bought or used

c) User 3. ____to make someone able to do something, or to make something

d) Available 4. ____a typical quality or an important part of something

e) Features 5. ____someone who uses a product, machine, or service

Activity 4: Color the apps using the corresponding color.

Activity 5: Look at the pictures and choose the correct option.

Activity 6: Write and complete with the correct Number to each picture.

Activity 7: Read the definition and write the correct number.

Activity 8: Choose an App, draw the icon and explain its use

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