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Aklan Catholic College

Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.

5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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Grade 6

Name _______________________________ Grade Level: _________________

General Instructions:
 Read each question carefully.
 Choose the best answer for each question.
 Encircle the letter of the correct answer .

I. Multiple Choice. Read each situation carefully. Using your scientific problem skills,
choose the best answer from the given choices. (1point each).


1. You're making a lemonade at home. Which of the following best describes the
appearance of the lemonade mixture after you add sugar to water?
a) The sugar crystals dissolve completely, making the mixture clear.
b) The sugar sinks to the bottom of the container.
c) The mixture turns cloudy with sugar particles suspended in it.
d) The sugar forms clumps on the surface of the water.

2. Your science teacher demonstrates an experiment by mixing oil and water in a jar.
What do you observe about the appearance of the mixture?
a) The oil and water form distinct layers.
b) The mixture turns into a solid.
c) The oil dissolves completely in the water.
d) The mixture becomes clear and transparent.

3. You're at a swimming pool, and your friend gets a splinter in their foot. As you help
them, you notice a small, hard, and pointed object embedded in the skin.
What part of the body are you observing?
a) Nerve
b) Tendon
c) Bone
d) Skin

4. You're on a nature walk when you see a spider crawl across your friend's arm. They
scream, and as you observe you notice small, raised bumps forming where the spider
touched their skin. What part of the body is responsible for that?
a) Blood vessel
b) Muscle
c) Sweat gland
d) Hair follicle

5. You're exploring a pond and notice floating lily pads, frogs hopping along the banks,
and dragonflies skimming the water's surface. What do you observe about the appearance
of this ecosystem?
a) Arid desert with cacti and sandy soil
b) Rocky shorelines with crashing waves
c) Dense forests with towering trees
d) Still water with abundant aquatic and semi-aquatic life
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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6. You're taking a walk in the forest and as you observe you notice tall trees with thick
trunks, ferns covering the ground, and moss growing on rocks. What type of ecosystem
do you think it is?
a) Desert ecosystem
b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Rainforest ecosystem
d) Tundra ecosystem


7. Jessica is experimenting to investigate the concentration of salt in different solutions.

She prepares three solutions by dissolving varying amounts of salt in water. She labels
the solutions as A, B, and C. Now, Jessica wants to determine the concentration of salt in
each solution accurately.
Which of the following measurement techniques should Jessica use to measure the
concentration of salt in each solution?
a) Using a ruler to measure the volume of each solution.
b) Using a balance to measure the mass of each solution.
c) Using a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of water before and after adding
d) Using a thermometer to measure the temperature of each solution.

8. Sarah is experimenting in her chemistry class. She separates a mixture of sand and
water. She pours the mixture into a funnel lined with filter paper. After some time, she
notices clear liquid collecting in the beaker below. What technique did Sarah most likely
use to separate the sand and water mixture?
a) Distillation
b) Filtration
c) Chromatography
d) Evaporation

9. During a health check-up, Maria's doctor wants to measure her heart rate. Which part
of her body should the doctor use to measure her heart rate?
a) Wrist
b) Ankle
c) Elbow
d) Forehead

10. During a science class experiment, Sarah wants to measure the height of her
classmates. Which instrument should she use for this purpose?

a) Thermometer
b) Ruler
c) Microscope
d) Graduated cylinder

11. In a science project studying a local pond ecosystem, Michael wants to measure the
temperature of the water. Which tool should he use for this purpose?
a) Thermometer
b) Compass
c) Binoculars
d) Measuring tape

12. Emily is studying the growth of plants in a garden. She wants to measure the amount
of rainfall the garden receives each week to understand its impact on plant growth. Which
tool should Emily use to measure rainfall accurately?
a) Thermometer
b) Barometer
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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c) Rain gauge
d) Hygrometer


13. In a science class, students are learning about different types of mixtures and their
characteristics. The teacher presents various examples of mixtures commonly found in
daily life and discusses their classification, characteristics, and potential uses. Which of
the following mixtures is classified as a homogeneous mixture?
a) Soil
b) Saltwater
c) Trail mix
d) Granite

14. In chemistry class, students are studying mixtures and their various types. To deepen
their understanding, the teacher introduces a series of mixtures commonly found in
household products. Students are tasked with classifying these mixtures by family and
evaluating their characteristics and potential uses. Which of the following mixtures
belongs to the suspension family?
a) Soda water
b) Salad dressing
c) Italian dressing
d) Paint

15. In a science class, students were asked to classify families based on their
understanding of the characteristics and uses of various parts of the human body.
Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates this classification?
a) The Smith family, where both parents work in the medical field and regularly discuss
anatomy and physiology at home, leading their children to develop a keen interest in the
human body's functions and structures.
b) The Johnson family, where the parents are both athletes and emphasize the
importance of physical fitness and health. They often engage in activities like running,
swimming, and weightlifting, encouraging their children to understand their bodies'
c) The Brown family, where the parents are chefs and frequently involve their children in
cooking and baking. They discuss the senses of taste, smell, and touch, helping their
children understand the role of different body parts in experiencing food.
d) The Thompson family, where the parents are both educators and prioritize learning in
their household. They regularly visit museums, including science museums, where their
children explore interactive exhibits about the human body's systems and functions.

16. You are sitting in class, listening intently to your teacher's lecture. Suddenly, you feel
your stomach growl loudly. You realize you haven't eaten since breakfast and are now
feeling hungry.

Which classification best represents the organs responsible for this sensation?
a) Muscular system
b) Respiratory system
c) Digestive system
d) Nervous system

17. During a biology class, students are studying the classification of living organisms.
The teacher introduces the concept of classifying organisms into families based on their
shared characteristics. To illustrate this concept, the teacher provides examples of
different families of plants and discusses their characteristics and potential uses.

Which of the following is NOT a method used to classify organisms into families?
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
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a) Genetic sequencing
b) Morphological characteristics
c) Habitat preference
d) Nutritional requirements

18. You and your classmates are on a field trip to a nearby forest to learn about the
ecosystem, while exploring in the forest, you see various animals. Some are small rodents
darting between bushes, while others are birds flying overhead. How would you
categorize these animals?
a) Herbivores and carnivores
b) Nocturnal and diurnal
c) Vertebrates and invertebrates
d) Mammals and reptiles


19. You're provided with a clear liquid in a beaker. Upon tasting it, you notice that it is
sweet. What inference can you make about the liquid?
a) It is water.
b) It is sugar water.
c) It is vinegar.
d) It is both water and sugar

20. You're provided with a sample of saltwater. After evaporating the water, you notice
salt crystals left behind. What inference can you make about the original mixture?
a) It was a solution.
b) It was a suspension.
c) It was a colloid.
d) It was Evaporation.


21. You're having difficulty hearing your teacher during class and notice a ringing sound
in your ears. What inference can you make about your situation?
a) You have a headache.
b) You have a fever.
c) You have an ear infection.
d) You have a stomachache.

22. You're experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain after climbing stairs. What
inference can you make about your condition?
a) You have a headache.
b) You have a fever.
c) You have a cold.
d) You have a respiratory problem.


23. A forest fire destroys many trees and disrupts the habitat of various animals. What
inference can you make about the forest ecosystem?
a) It is thriving due to the forest fire.
b) It is endangered due to the forest fire.
c) It is unaffected by the forest fire.
d) All of the above

24. You're exploring a forest and notice many different types of trees, plants, insects, and
animals. What inference can you make about the forest ecosystem?
a) It has a high biodiversity
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
E-mail Add:

b) It has low biodiversity

c) It has no biodiversity
d) It has both biodiversity


25. You and your classmates are conducting a science experiment to explore mixtures.
You've been tasked with predicting the outcomes of different mixture combinations.
You are asked to mix salt and water in a glass. What do you predict will happen?
a) The salt will dissolve completely in the water, forming a clear solution.
b) The salt will remain as solid particles at the bottom of the glass.
c) The water will evaporate, leaving behind the salt.
d) The salt and water will react chemically, producing bubbles and heat.

26. You and your classmates are conducting a science experiment to mix different
substances to create new materials. As part of your experiment, you combine vinegar
(acidic) and baking soda (basic) in a container. However, instead of the expected
reaction, a new mixture is formed. Your teacher asks you what to do next.
a) Ask the teacher for help to identify the new mixture and understand its properties.
b) Pour the mixture down the sink and start the experiment again with fresh materials.
c) Take a sample of the mixture and observe its color, texture, and smell to learn more
about it.
d) Write down your observations and conclusions in your science notebook without
discussing them further.

27. During a science fair, a demonstration is set up to teach attendees about the human
nervous system. Participants are given a hands-on activity involving electrical circuits to
simulate nerve impulses. Your task is to predict and understand the function of the parts
of the human body involved in transmitting nerve impulses based on the demonstration.
As a participant, you are asked to touch one end of a wire connected to a battery while
holding a metal rod connected to the other end. When the circuit is completed, you feel a
tingling sensation in your fingers.

What function of the human body is most likely simulated by this activity?
a) Digestion
b) Respiration
c) Circulation
d) Sensation

28. Your teacher sets up an experiment using a rubber band and a wooden block. The
rubber band is stretched between two fixed points, and the wooden block is placed in the
middle. When the rubber band is released, it snaps back into its original position, moving
the wooden block.

What function of the human body does the rubber band and wooden block most likely
represent in this experiment?
a) Digestion
b) Respiration
c) Circulation
d) Sensation

29. During a visit to a local park, you notice several different organisms interacting
within the ecosystem. Your teacher gives you a task to predict and understand the
function of these organisms in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. So, as you walk
through it, you notice various organisms in their natural habitat. You see bees buzzing
around flowers, birds building nests in trees, earthworms burrowing in the soil, and
tadpoles swimming in a pond.
Aklan Catholic College
Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes St.
5600 Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines
Tel. Nos.: (036)268-4152; 268-9171
Fax No.: (036)268-4010
E-mail Add:

What is the function of the bees in this ecosystem?

a) Pollination of flowers
b) Providing food for birds
c) Breaking down organic matter
d) Filtering water in the pond

30. As you explore the park, you notice various environmental features and organisms. In
one area, you see tall trees, shrubs, and a diverse range of plant species, along with birds
chirping and small mammals scurrying on the ground. In another area, you find a body of
water with aquatic plants, fish swimming, and frogs croaking nearby. Finally, you come
across an open grassy area with few trees, where you spot insects buzzing around and
rabbits hopping about.

What type of ecosystem is represented by the area with tall trees, shrubs, and a diverse
range of plant species?
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Desert ecosystem
d) Tundra ecosystem

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