SAP Support Project Questions.

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1. What is your support team size?

2. How you got KT form the support client?

3. Tell me the process how you will get ticket from the client?

4. What is SLA? And what information you should know from SLA?

5. What documents you prepare in support?

6. Did you worked on any high priority issues?

7. Did you worked on any user exit?

8. Did you develop any Z reports?

9. Tell me one critical issue that you solved for this client?

10. What you did yesterday?

11. What is the pending issue you are working on now?

12. What is your present client’s business process?

13. What is the ticketing tool your client is using?

14. Where is your client located?

15. What is change request?

16. Do you have levels in support team?

17. What is your role in weekly meeting?

18. If core user is assigning the wrong priority as consultant what you will do?

19. Did you worked on any change request?

20. What do you mean by escalation?

21. What happens if you are not in a position to solve high priority issue within 4 hrs?

22. You got a ticket from core user for which there is no solution from your end?

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