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CONTACT INFO Date: _________________________

To: _______________________
RE: Notice of Termination

Dear _______________________:

On _________________, you received a copy of the Notice to Explain directing you to submit an
explanation within five (5) days from receipt thereof, your violations of the Code of Conduct of
_________________________ (the “Company”).
Despite receipt thereof and the lapse of the 5-day period, you failed and/or refused to submit an
After careful consideration and objective investigation, the Company found that you indeed violated
the following provisions in the Code of Conduct:
Section 4.1.2 Absence and Tardiness. Unauthorized and unexcused absence from
work for three (3) days or more in a month* i.e. failure to notify immediate superior
within two (2) hours from the start of employee’s supposed regular work schedule.
Section 4.1.3 Absence and Tardiness. Unauthorized and unexcused absences for
three (3) or more workdays in one month shall be considered as excessive
Section 4.1.4 Absence and Tardiness. Unauthorized and unexcused absences for
seven (7) consecutive workdays shall constitute abandonment of work.
Section 4.1.5 Absence and Tardiness. The employee’s Department Head upon
recommendation of his immediate superior shall decide, whether to excuse an
unauthorized absence from work or not. Excused absence/s shall be charged
against the employee’s available vacation leave credits. Unauthorized and
unexcused absence/s shall be without pay.
Section 4.1.7 Absence and Tardiness. Incurring four (4) times tardy or a cumulative
lost time of ninety (90) minutes a month* whichever comes first.
*Month is based on calendar i.e. January 1-31, February 1-28, March 1-31, etc.
Section 4.1.7 Neglect of Duty. Unnecessary delay or failure to carry out official
orders, regularly assigned duties or specific instructions related to employee’s work
such as: delayed submission of required output, delayed response or failure to
respond to important customer communications, delayed submission of required
reports, and similar acts that delay the smooth flow of operations.
Section 4.6.1 Sick Leave. While working, going home on sick leave without
personally securing prior authorization from immediate superior or Company Nurse
on duty.
Section 4.6.3 Sick Leave. Where the nature of illness requires three (3) or more
days of absence, failure to submit a medical certificate on the first day of
employee’s return to work.
Section 4.7.2 Insubordination. Refusal to acknowledge receipt of any
memorandum or notice from his supervisor or any other Company official.
The foregoing act/s were found to constitute serious misconduct and gross and habitual disregard
of company rules and regulations. As you were very well aware, this is not the first time that you
committed the same violation. Despite warnings and our attempts to contact you to address your
violations, you have failed to provide any explanation or communication. You even failed to report
despite receipt of the return to work order to you dated _____________________.
The repeated and blatant violations necessitate your dismissal. Such gross disregard company
rules and regulations cannot be condoned as it is inimical to company discipline and sets a bad
example to others.
Please take notice that we are terminating your employment effective immediately.
You are entitled to your last pay. You may coordinate with the Administration office for any pending
accountabilities. Please note that upon receipt of your last pay, you are no longer allowed to enter
the premises of the Company.
Considering that you still have in your possession;
1. _______________________________
2. _________________________________
Which you received from the Company, DEMAND is hereby made upon you within three (3)
days from receipt hereof to return the said property at ____’s office. Otherwise, we will be
constrained to file the appropriate criminal action against you. If a criminal case is filed against
you, a WARRANT OF ARREST may be issued against you and you will be held to face the full force
of the law.
Please give this your most preferential attention.

Name & Signature


Received By:
Date and Time:


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