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Đề thi ngày 3/2

01 SPEAKING ......................................................................................................1
WRITING TASK 1 ............................................................................................5
WRITING TASK 2 ...........................................................................................7

Đề thi ngày 17/2

02 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................9
WRITING TASK 1 ...........................................................................................13
WRITING TASK 2 ..........................................................................................16

Đề thi ngày 24/2

03 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................18
WRITING TASK 1 ...........................................................................................21
WRITING TASK 2 ..........................................................................................23

Part 1 - Sunglasses

1. Do you often wear sunglasses? Vocabulary

Sunglasses are a must-have for me, especially when the a must-have (noun phrase):
sun's out in full force. Whether I'm driving, hanging out một thứ không thể thiếu
at the beach, or just out for a stroll, you can bet I've got
a pair on to keep my eyes comfy and protected. out for a stroll (phrase): đi
2. Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?
comfy (adjective): thoải mái
No, I'm not one to drop a ton of cash on sunglasses. I
mean, I get the importance of eye protection, but I prefer break the bank (idiom): quá
to find a decent pair that won't break the bank. I'd rather đắt nên có thể xảy ra rủi ro
save my cash for other things, you know? tài chính

3. Do you give sunglasses as a gift?

stylish (adjective): phong cách

Absolutely! Sunglasses make awesome gifts, especially
for friends or family who love spending time outdoors or
a practical gift (noun phrase):
care about looking stylish. Plus, it's a practical gift –
một món quà thực dụng
everyone needs to shield their eyes from the sun.

shield their eyes from the sun

(verb phrase): che mắt khỏi ánh
nắng mặt trời

Part 1 - Sunglasses

4. Why do you wear sunglasses? Vocabulary

Well, first off, they're great for blocking out the sun's the sun's UV rays (noun
UV rays, which can be super annoying and even harmful phrase): tia UV của mặt trời
when you're driving or spending time outside a lot. And I
do have a knack for fashion. I think sunglasses can really have a knack for fashion
up your style game and add a bit of personality to your (idiomatic expression): có
look. năng khiếu về thời trang

Part 2 - A person

Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others

You should say:

• Who this person is
• What he/she likes to cook
• Why he/she likes to cook
• And explain how do you feel about the cooking

I’m going to describe my mom, who really enjoys cooking
for herself and for others around her. She's an amazing, a fundamental life skill
independent woman who firmly believes that everyone (noun phrase): một kỹ năng
should be able to cook for themselves and not rely on cơ bản của cuộc sống
others. She believes it's a fundamental life skill, just as
important as any other.

My mom excels at preparing these amazing traditional spring rolls (noun): nem
Vietnamese dishes. I absolutely love her pho and spring cuốn
rolls. When she's in the kitchen, it becomes a magical
place and you can see how much joy and satisfaction satisfaction (noun): sự hài
cooking brings her. It's not just about the act itself, but the lòng
happiness she sees on our faces when we enjoy her
dishes. For her, there's pleasure in taking care of her culinary skills (noun
family through her culinary skills. phrase): kỹ năng nấu ăn

Personally, I love it when she cooks. The aroma wafting aroma (noun): hương thơm
through the house, the excitement of the upcoming meal
she's cooking – it's all part of a comforting and a comforting and
heartwarming experience. And of course, the taste! It heartwarming experience
feels like pure joy with each mouthful. (noun phrase): một trải
nghiệm dễ chịu và ấm áp
I'm grateful for her lessons about the importance of being
self-sufficient and the joy that comes from taking care of
the ones you love through something as simple and
profound as cooking.

Part 3
1. Do you think food is a big part of celebrations and

Absolutely, food plays a huge role in celebrations and

festivals across cultures. It's not just about satisfying
hunger; it's about bringing people together, sharing hunger (noun): cơn đói
traditions, and creating memorable experiences.
memorable experiences
2. How does food help to preserve culture? (noun phrase): những trải
nghiệm đáng nhớ
Food is a powerful tool for preserving culture because it
carries with it the flavors, ingredients, and techniques be passed down (verb
unique to a particular region or community. Through phrase): được truyền lại
food, stories are passed down, customs are upheld, and
generations connect with their heritage. It's an uphold (verb): tuân thủ, giữ
expression of cultural identity that can be shared and vững
appreciated by people of all backgrounds.
heritage (noun): di sản
3. Is it the most important part of celebrations and

Well, while I do think food is undeniably a significant

aspect of celebrations and festivals, whether it's a
Thanksgiving feast or a Lunar New Year banquet, it's not banquet (noun): bữa tiệc
always the most important part. Often, I believe the
significance of these occasions lies in the gathering of
your loved ones and the shared experiences.

The graph below shows the percentage of Australian exports to four
countries from 1990 to 2012.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Biểu đồ đường.
Độ khó: Dễ. Đề bài cung cấp không quá nhiều nhóm số liệu (4), đồng thời sự thay đổi của các
nhóm này cũng không quá phức tạp để miêu tả.
Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:
Giá trị xuất khẩu của Australia đến India và China tăng qua các năm, trong khi con số tới
US và Japan thì ngược lại.
Japan là thị trường xuất khẩu lớn nhất của Australia ở những năm đầu, nhưng sau đó là
Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu của China và India.
Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu của Japan và US
Band điểm dự kiến: 8.0.

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

The line graph illustrates the proportion of goods exported from

Australia to four countries between 1990 and 2012.

In general, the export value to India and China increased

throughout the years, while the figures for Japan and the US
saw an opposite pattern. Japan was Australia’s largest export
market from 1990 to 2005, but this position was later taken by

Only around 2% of Australian goods were exported to China,

double the percentage of goods sold to India. In the following
years, the figure for China skyrocketed and reached 25% in skyrocket (verb): tăng phi
2010 before slowing down and standing at roughly 28% in mã
2012. The percentage of exported goods to India remained
almost the same until 2000, then jumped to about 7% in 2010,
and fell to 5% in 2012.

Regarding the other two countries, Japan recorded the largest

proportion of goods exported from Australia in 1990, at over
25%, compared to only around 12% in the USA. Japan’s figure
fell gradually throughout the years and stood at approximately
17% in 2012. On the other hand, the figure for the USA
fluctuated at around 10% until 2000 before declining to only decline (verb): giảm
5% in 2010 and recovering to around 7% two years later.

In many countries today, many people tend to move away from their friends
and families for work.

Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the


Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Advantages - Disadvantages
Keywords cần lưu ý: move away from families and friends for work

Độ khó: Dễ/ Trung bình - Nội dung trong đề có phần quen thuộc với nhiều thí sinh (việc
nhiều người dời khỏi gia đình để đi làm). Điểm thí sinh cần lưu ý là việc phải xác định rõ
hướng lập luận trong bài (mặt hại hay mặt lợi lớn hơn) do đề bài hỏi rất rõ điều này.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Lợi ích của việc làm việc xa nhà lớn hơn mặt trái.
Body 1: Trình bày những khó khăn ngắn hạn mà mọi người có thể gặp khi sống xa nhà.
Body 2: Giải thích tại sao những lợi ích xu hướng này mang lại lớn hơn.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

People in many countries nowadays live far from their families

and friends in order to find work. Though this trend comes with a
few drawbacks, I believe the benefits it brings are more

Moving away from friends and families for work purposes may
cause people some difficulties in the short term. Some people in the short term: trong
may struggle to adapt to a new environment, especially when they ngắn hạn
move to a place with different cultures and customs than their
hometown. For example, an Asian person might feel unfamiliar or hinder (verb): cản trở, kìm
even lost when first working in Western society, which could hãm
hinder their work productivity and daily life quality for weeks or
months before they can adapt. In addition, being far from friends
and families can provoke negative emotions, such as loneliness,
homesickness, or even fear and anxiety, especially for people who
have been dependent on their loved ones for a long time. If
people cannot cope with these emotions well, they can turn into
mental issues like anxiety disorder or even depression.

However, working far from friends and families is what people

should do because of the several long-term benefits. First, this
allows people to become more mature and independent over facilitate (verb): tạo điều
time. Living and working in an unfamiliar place means people have kiện, giúp đỡ thứ gì đó
to deal with their issues with receiving direct support from their phát triển
friends or families. This facilitates their maturity and several soft
skills, including problem-solving, which can be useful in many possess (verb): sở hữu
other contexts. Second, moving to a new place for work brings
people opportunities to broaden their perspectives about the pose challenges to: gây ra
world since they come into contact with new people who may thách thức với …
possess different traditions and beliefs. This is especially
beneficial for those working in multi-national companies since
their knowledge of different cultures can be a huge advantage
when they communicate internationally.

In conclusion, though moving away from friends and families for

work may pose challenges to people at the beginning, I believe it
is more of a positive development. This allows people to mature
and opens up their knowledge about the world, which can benefit
them in the long run in today’s world.

(350 words)

Part 1 - Video Games Vocabulary

1. Do you like playing video games or watching others

play video games?

I'm definitely a fan of playing video games myself, but I a unique approach (noun
also enjoy watching others play, especially if it's a game phrase): một cách tiếp cận độc
I'm interested in or if the player has a unique approach or đáo

2. What kinds of video games do you like to play?

As for the kinds of video games I enjoy playing, I have a a varied taste (noun phrase):
pretty varied taste. I like everything from action- sở thích đa dạng
adventure games with rich storylines to strategy games storylines (noun): cốt truyện
that require critical thinking skills. I also enjoy multiplayer
games where I can team up with friends or compete multiplayer games (noun
against others online. phrase): trò chơi đa người chơi

3. Did you like playing video games when you were


Yeah, I've been into video games since I was a kid. I have immersed (adjective): đắm
fond memories of spending hours immersed in classic chìm
games like Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and
Pokémon. Gaming has always been a fun and enjoyable problem-solving skills (noun
hobby for me, and it's something that I've carried with me phrase): kỹ năng giải quyết vấn
into adulthood. đề

4. Is it good for young people to play video games? interfere (verb): can thiệp

I think it really depends on how they approach it. In

moderation, gaming can offer a lot of benefits, like
improving problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination,
and even socialization through multiplayer games.
However, like any form of entertainment, it's important to
set limits and ensure that gaming doesn't interfere with
other important aspects in life, like schoolwork.

Part 2 - A rule

Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work

You should say
• What the rule is
• What will happen If the people break this rule
• Why you think this is an important rule
And explain how you felt about this rule.


One important rule in my workplace is punctuality. punctuality (noun): sự đúng giờ

Everyone needs to show up for their shifts when they're
supposed to. show up late (verb phrase): đến
If someone keeps showing up late, they might get in
trouble. They could get verbal warnings, written warnings, verbal warnings (noun phrase):
or even disciplinary action, depending on the severity and cảnh cáo bằng lời nói
frequency of their tardiness. This could seriously impact
their job performance evaluations at the end of year. severity (noun): mức độ nghiêm
Well, I believe punctuality is an essential rule because it
shows respect for others' time and commitments. When tardiness (noun): sự đến muộn
everyone's on time, things run smoothly, and meetings can
start without everyone waiting around and being annoyed. respect (noun): sự tôn trọng

Additionally, being punctual makes you look good – it reliable (adjective): đáng tin cậy
shows you're reliable and professional. These are crucial
qualities in professional settings.
organized (adjective): có tổ chức
Overall, sticking to the punctuality rule helps keep things
organized and running well at work. It also helps foster a accountability (noun): trách
culture of accountability. nhiệm

Part 3
Rules Vocabulary

1. What rules should children abide by at home in your


In my country, kids are generally expected to follow some

basic rules at home, like cleaning up after themselves, chores (noun): công việc
respecting their elders, and completing their homework or nhà
chores on time. I think these rules are simple enough and
are easy ways to help children develop good behaviors. good behaviors (noun
phrase): hành vi tốt
2. What consequences can be for given for children
breaking rules at home?

If children break these rules, they might face privileges (noun): đặc quyền
consequences like losing privileges (like screen time or
going out with friends), having to do extra chores, or getting a time-out (verb
getting a time-out. The severity of consequences usually phrase): bị trừng phạt bằng
depends on the seriousness of the rule broken. I also think cách không được tham gia
it's important not to use violence. Resorting to violence hoạt động nào trong một
not only fails to address the underlying issue but can also thời gian
cause harm, both physically and emotionally, for the child
involved. violence (noun): bạo lực

Part 3

3. What rules should people obey in public Vocabulary


When using public transportation, people are expected to disabled passengers (noun
follow certain rules to ensure safety and comfort for phrase): hành khách khuyết
everyone, like giving up seats for the elderly or disabled tật
passengers, or keeping the noise down. You also have to
follow any specific guidelines set by the transportation follow specific guideline
provider, like wearing a mask during the COVID-19 (verb phrase): tuân theo
pandemic. hướng dẫn cụ thể


The chart and graph below give the information about three categories of
workers in Australia and unemployment levels within those categories.

Phân tích đề bài
Dạng bài: Biểu đồ hỗn hợp có sự thay đổi theo thời gian.
Độ khó: Dễ. Thông tin trong 2 biểu đồ không quá nhiều (3 nhóm ở mỗi hình), đồng thời các
sự thay đổi không quá phức tạp để miêu tả.
Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:
Australian chiếm phần lớn lực lượng lao động.
Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp của non-English speaking people cao nhất.
Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu của hình 1 - tỷ lệ người trong workforce.
Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu của hình 2 - tỷ lệ thất nghiệp.

Band điểm dự kiến: 8.0

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

The charts give information about the proportions of workers

who speak different languages in the Australian workforce and
the unemployment rates for these groups between 1993 and

Overall, Australians made up the majority of the workforce

while the percentages of workers who speak English and other
languages were relatively the same. In addition, the
unemployment rate of people who speak other languages rather
than English always ranked first during the period.

In 1993, Australians comprised more than three-fourths of the

workforce at 76%, while only 11% of English speakers comprise (verb): bao
participated in the Australian workforce. The remaining gồm
workforce were people who spoke other languages.

In terms of unemployment rates, nearly 8% of people who are

non-English speakers were unemployed in 1993, double the
unemployment rate for Australians and people who speak
English. After 2 years, the unemployment rate for people who
are non-English speakers plunged to 5%, and then hovered at plunge (verb): giảm rất
around 4% until 2003. The figures for the other groups followed nhanh
a similar pattern, plummeting to 2% in 1995 and hovering
around this point during the remaining period. hover at (verb): duy trì
gần mức …
(179 words)

More people put their personal information online (address, telephone
number…) for everyday activities such as socializing on social networks or

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Positive - Negative

Keywords cần lưu ý: put personal information online - everyday activities

Độ khó: Trung bình - Chủ đề trong đề bài không quá xa lạ với mọi người trong cuộc sống hiện
đại, tuy nhiên thí sinh vẫn cần lưu ý rằng phạm vi đề khá rộng khi đưa ra “everyday activities”
nói chung. Ngoài ra, thí sinh cũng cần phân tích kỹ những đối tượng chịu ảnh hưởng tốt/ xấu
để có hướng đi phù hợp trong bài.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Đây là xu hướng có hại.
Body 1: Ảnh hưởng xấu của xu hướng này đến với cá nhân.
Body 2: Ảnh hưởng xấu của xu hướng đến chính phủ và xã hội.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

Many people tend to leave their personal information online out of

convenience for communicating or banking activities. I believe this is
an unwelcome development since it will pose various threats to
people’s lives and the government.

On an individual level, leaving personal information on untrusted sites

can lead to financial loss and reputation damage. Personal reputation damage: thiệt
information such as ID or phone number serves as gateways to many hại về danh tiếng
online platforms and financial services. Once this data is stored on
untrusted sites, it becomes susceptible to collection, disclosure, and gateways (noun): đường
access by cyber attackers seeking to steal money from people’s vào/ đường dẫn tới điều
accounts. Moreover, in instances where business owners experience gì đó
identity theft, their financial losses become more severe as hackers
gain entry to customer and business-related data. Additionally, becomes susceptible to:
hackers with access to personal information can take control of trở nên dễ bị ảnh hưởng
people's social accounts, posting embarrassing pictures or videos that (tiêu cực) bởi …
can ruin both personal and professional life.

Reckless sharing of personal information on the internet will pose Reckless (adjective): bất
significant challenges for the government regarding cybersecurity cẩn, có thể gây nguy
management. As more people share personal information recklessly, hiểm cho bản thân hoặc
cybercrimes exacerbate in scale and severity, making it more difficult người khác
for the government to combat these crimes. In addition, this
cybercrimes advancement also requires governments to allocate cybercrime (noun): tội
more funds for cybersecurity technology to detect criminal activities. phạm công nghệ
These are major challenges to the government in terms of governing
and protecting data security for people.

In conclusion, leaving personal information online recklessly will pose

risks of financial loss and reputation damage for individuals. From the
government's perspective, this trend presents significant challenges
for government cybersecurity management, requiring increased
resources to combat escalating cybercrimes.

(265 words)

Part 1 - Losing things Vocabulary

1. Do you often lose things?

Yeah, I have my moments of losing things, especially

when I'm in a rush or not paying attention. I remember in a rush (idiomatic expression):
this one time I was running late for work, and in my rush, I hối hả, vội vàng
left my phone on the kitchen counter. It wasn't until I was
halfway to the office that I realized I didn't have it with pay attention (verb phrase):
me. That was a stressful morning! chú ý

2. What can we do to avoid losing things? stay organized (verb phrase):

giữ gìn gọn gàng, ngăn nắp
To avoid losing stuff, I try to stay organized. I try to have
designated spots for keys, wallets, and other essentials. It designated spots (noun
does help a lot. Also, making a habit of double-checking phrase): vị trí được chỉ định,
before leaving places can save you a ton of hassle. sắp xếp trước

3. Why do some people tend to lose things more often save you a ton of hassle
than others? (idiomatic expression): giúp bạn
tránh rất nhiều rắc rối
Well, some people are just naturally more forgetful or
easily distracted by other things going on in their lives. forgetful (adjective): hay quên
Stress or a busy lifestyle can also play a part. Plus,
sometimes it's just bad luck – you know, certain things the void (noun): hư không
like your keys or your pencils can just disappear into the
void. its rightful owner (noun
phrase): chủ sở hữu đúng
4. What will you do if you find something lost by others?

If I find something lost by someone else, I'll do my best to

return it to its rightful owner. Whether it's checking for
ID or asking around to see if anyone's missing it, it's the
right thing to do. After all, I'd hope someone would do the
same for me if I lost something important.

Part 2 - An experience

Describe a time you found something that somebody lost

You should say
• What it was
• When and Where did you find it
• What you did do after you found it
And explain how you felt about finding it


One time, I found a lost wallet. It was a brown leather stumble upon (verb phrase):
wallet, and I stumbled upon it when I was walking home vô tình tìm thấy
from work one evening. It was lying on the sidewalk near
a bus stop, and it looked like it had been dropped recently sidewalk (noun): vỉa hè
because it wasn't dirty or damaged.
take a closer look (verb
After I found the wallet, I stopped and picked it up to take phrase): xem xét kỹ lưỡng
a closer look. Inside, I found the owner's ID, some cash, hơn
and a few credit cards. I felt a mix of emotions – part of
me was relieved that I had stumbled upon it before relieved (adjective): nhẹ
someone else did, but I also felt a sense of responsibility nhõm, thoải mái
to make sure it got back to its rightful owner.
incredibly grateful (adjective
So, I decided to take the wallet home with me and phrase): cảm kích vô cùng
contacted the owner through the contact information on
their ID. We arranged to meet up the next day, and I profusely (adverb): nhiều,
returned the wallet to them. They were incredibly nhiệt tình
grateful and thanked me profusely for returning it.

Finding the lost wallet was a bit of a rollercoaster of a rollercoaster of emotions

emotions, but ultimately, it felt good to do the right thing (idiomatic expression): một
and help someone out. It reminded me that even small loạt cảm xúc đa dạng
acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's

Part 3
Losing things Vocabulary

1, What kinds of things do people often lose?

People lose all sorts of stuff! Common things are keys,

phones, wallets, glasses – you name it. It's like they have a
knack for disappearing at the most inconvenient times! I inconvenient (adjective):
guess it’s because they’re small and people usually don’t bất tiện
have designated spots for them.
belongings (noun): đồ đạc,
2. How can parents teach their children about tài sản cá nhân
take responsibility for
Parents can start teaching their kids about ownership (verb phrase): chịu trách
from a young age by helping them understand the nhiệm về
concept of taking care of their belongings. Simple things
like encouraging them to put their toys away after playing, nostalgic (adjective): hoài
respecting others' belongings, and showing them how to niệm
take responsibility for their stuff can definitely help.
reminiscing (verb): hồi
3. Why do some people like to collect things from the tưởng
bygone eras (noun phrase):
There's something nostalgic and special about holding thời kỳ đã qua
onto pieces of the past. Some people find comfort and joy
in reminiscing about bygone eras. For them, collecting cherish (verb): trân trọng,
items from the past isn't just about acquiring stuff; it's quý trọng
about preserving memories and cherishing the stories
behind each artifact. artifact (noun): hiện vật, cổ

The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the UK, the rest of
Europe and Japan from 1993 to 2007.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Biểu đồ đường
Độ khó: Dễ. Đề bài chỉ cho 3 nhóm số liệu với sự thay đổi không quá phức tạp. Điểm thí sinh
cần phải lưu ý khi đặt câu là việc cụm từ “the rest of Europe” thể khiến chủ ngữ hơi “dài dòng”.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

The UK và the rest of Europe có tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao hơn Japan nhưng số liệu giảm nhanh
qua các năm.
Japan có số liệu thấp nhất nhưng tăng mạnh cho đến năm 2003.

Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu của the UK và Europe

Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu của Japan

Band điểm dự kiến: 7.5

Từ vựng
Bài mẫu

The line graph illustrates the unemployment figures in three

places, namely the UK, the rest of Europe and Japan,
between 1993 and 2007.

In general, the UK and the rest of Europe had higher

unemployment rates than Japan in most parts of the period,
but their figures fell rapidly throughout the years. In fall rapidly (verb
contrast, the figure for Japan surged and only dropped after phrase): giảm nhanh
surge (verb): tăng mạnh
The UK recorded the highest unemployment rate in 1993
among the three surveyed areas, at around 11%, followed
closely by the rest of Europe with around 9%. However,
Europe overtook the UK’s position in later years, as its figure overtake (verb): chiếm
peaked at nearly 12% in 1997 before falling quickly to under
8% ten years later. On the other hand, the UK’s number
plummeted to about 5% in 2001, remained at this point in
the next four years, and then rose by only 1% in 2007.

Compared to the other two areas, Japan’s unemployment

rate was the lowest until 1999, when it started at only 2% in
1993 and rose by just around 1% in the next six years. After
that, this figure soared to 6% in 2003, surpassing the UK’s
figure, but then quickly fell to 4% in 2007.

(202 words)

Parents are putting a lot pressure on their children to succeed.

What are the reasons for this?

Is it a positive or negative development?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: 2-question essay
Keywords cần lưu ý: parents, pressure, children, succeed

Độ khó: Trung bình – Nội dung và câu hỏi trong đề không quá xa lạ với thí sinh nhưng việc
lựa chọn idea có thể gây cho thí sinh một số khó khăn, do khái niệm “áp lực” (pressure) có
thể mơ hồ với một số bạn.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Có nhiều lý do tại sao việc này xảy ra và đây là một xu hướng có hại.
Body 1: Trình bày 2 lý do tại sao cha mẹ gây áp lực lên con cái.
Body 2: Trình bày 2 tác hại của việc này đối với con cái.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu
Từ vựng

It is true that many parents are placing too much pressure

on their children in today’s world. There could be several
reasons for this, and I consider it to be a very negative

There are several reasons why some parents feel the need
to exert pressure on their children. The leading cause of exert pressure: gây ra áp
this stems from the concern for their children’s future lực
employment. This is because the job market has become
extremely crowded, so job search is more competitive
than ever before. Consequently, parents put considerable
stress on their children so that they can pursue academic
excellence which is, in their belief, the key to success in
life. Another reason may be because they are trying to
correct their past mistakes by imposing their ideals upon
children. It is possible that these parents have many
regrets in the past, so they might wonder what they
would do differently and force their children to execute it.

Putting too much pressure on the young comes with many

negative effects. Firstly, high levels of pressure can lead to
higher rates of mental illness. Children who are under
constant pressure can experience chronic stress and chronic stress and anxiety
anxiety, which will hurt their social life and even academic (noun phrase): stress và lo
performance. In addition, always pushing young people to âu kéo dài
their limits can erode their self- esteem and make them
feel like they will never be good enough no matter how
hard they try. For example, a child who is not the best in
his Chinese class might quit learning Chinese altogether
because of the fear of being judged by their parents and
others. As a result, children might never take a chance to hone their skills: mài giũa
hone their skills and shine. kỹ năng

To sum up, while it is somewhat understandable for

parents to place pressure upon their children, taking it to
an extreme might be counterproductive and might hurt
the young in many ways.

(311 words)

Biên tập và chỉnh sửa: Huỳnh Đình Trúc Khuê
Biên soạn nội dung Speaking: Huỳnh Đình Trúc Khuê
Biên soạn nội dung Writing: Đinh Quang Tùng - Nguyễn Phượng Duyên - Hồ Thị Thùy
Trang - Vũ Phan Phương Huyền

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