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SlsLema de CesLln

de la Calldad
Servicio NacionaI de Aprendizaje - SENA

Intensive EngIish 1 (CompIementary Course)
Workshop 1

CcLubre de 2010

versln 100

glna 1 de 3

I Wr|te the words |n the correct order to make quest|ons and answer them (Lscrlba las palabras
en el orden correcLo para formar pregunLas y respndalas)
*Lxamp|e you /who/ do/ wlLh /llve? Who do you llve wlLh?

l llve wlLh my moLher my faLher my broLher and my Lwo slsLers

1 are ] where] from you? where are you from?
A I'm from mon|qu|r
2 o|d ] you ]how ]are? now are you o|d?
A I'm seventeen ears o|d
3 you] do] what do? What do you do?
A I do noth|ng
4 your ]what ]name] |s? What |s you name?
A My name |s rob|nson reyes
S where ]you ]study do?_ Where do you study?
A I'm Study In 1he Anton|o Nar|o
II Comp|ete w|th "a" "an" or "the" accord|ng to the word (CompleLe con a" an" o Lhe" de
acuerdo con la palabra)

*Lxamp|e a door

__an__ orange __the__ school __the_ boys
An elephanL __the__ glrls ___a___ Leacher
the desk ___an__ umbrella ___a___ sLudenL
III Wr|te the p|ura| of the fo||ow|ng nouns (Lscrlba el plural de los slgulenLes susLanLlvos)
p|e glrl g|r|s

Apple_______App|es_____ Man ____ Men______ CaL ____Cats______
Chlld ____ Ch||dren_______ Woman __ Women____ 8oy _____8oys____

SlsLema de CesLln
de la Calldad
Servicio NacionaI de Aprendizaje - SENA

Intensive EngIish 1 (CompIementary Course)
Workshop 1

CcLubre de 2010

versln 100

glna 2 de 3

IV Choose the correct form of the verb or aux|||ary verb and comp|ete the sentence (Lsco[a la
forma correcLa del verbo o verbo auxlllary y compleLe la oracln)

*Lxamp|e Mr arker plays Lhe gulLar (p|ay ] p|ays)

1 1he chlldren _____don't p|ay________ wlLh Lhe dog (doesnt p|ay ] don't p|ay)
2 1he glrls ____run____________ ln Lhe park (runs ] run)
3 ___do_______ Lhe women cook Lhe breakfasL? (Do ] Does)
4 1he man _____works__________ aL nlghL (works ] work)
3 1he dog _____does't p|ay___________wlLh Lhe ball (dont p|ay ] doesnt p|ay)
6_____does________Lhe boy eaL an apple? (Do ] Does)

V What are they do|ng? Look at the p|cture and wr|te 6 sentences |n present cont|nuous us|ng
d|fferent verbs (Cue esLn haclendo ellos? Cbserve la flgura y escrlba 6 oraclones en presenLe
conLlnuo usando dlferenLes verbos)
*Lxamp|e 1he people are danclng ln Lhe garden

SlsLema de CesLln
de la Calldad
Servicio NacionaI de Aprendizaje - SENA

Intensive EngIish 1 (CompIementary Course)
Workshop 1

CcLubre de 2010

versln 100

glna 3 de 3

1 the dog are sw|mm|ng |n the |ake
2 the ch||d |s f|sh|ng
3 I|ve persons are s|tt|ng |n the tab|e
4 1he ducks are sw|mm|ng
3 she |s danc|ng wh|t her boyfr|end
6 everyone |s danc|ng

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