LA Finesse Agent and Supervisor User Guide

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LA Finesse Agent and

Supervisor User Guide

YRP1-508, 3-4 Hikari-no-Oka Yokosuka-Shi, Kanagawa, 239-0847, Japan

tel.: + 81-(0) 46-821-3362 |
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This document contains confidential information that is proprietary to CBA. No part of its contents
may be used, disclosed or conveyed to any party, in any manner whatsoever, without prior
written permission from CBA.
© Copyright 2023 CBA.

All rights reserved.

Updated: 2022-06-22

Document version: 1.64/1

Contact Information

For technical support or other queries, contact CBA Support at:

For our worldwide corporate office address, see: (Japanese) (English)

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Product Overview
Voice and Video
Document Push
Remote Control
Finesse Gadgets Overview
Finesse Agent Gadget
Sign In
Sign Out
Using the Finesse Agent Gadget
Active Voice and Video Call
Active Voice, Video, and Co-browse Session
Active Co-browse Session with a Form
Finesse Supervisor Gadget
Sign In
Sign Out
Managing URLs
URL Properties
Adding a URL
Editing a URL
Deleting a URL
Adding a URL Category
Deleting a URL Category

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Product Overview
Fusion Live Assist is a packaged solution based on the Fusion Client SDK. It provides voice
and video calling from a consumer to an agent, along with co-browsing, and document push by
the agent, and remote control and annotation of the consumer’s screen by the agent, using
simple, platform-specific APIs for Web, Android, and iOS. Refer to the CBA Live Assist
Developers Guides.

As Fusion Live Assist uses the Fusion Client SDK for the voice and video capabilities, it is
possible to integrate CBA Live Assist with existing SIP infrastructures such as call centers,
PBXs, and MCUs.

In addition to the Fusion Live Assist Agent Console SDK, CBA Live Assist provides pre-
packaged agent consoles. The consoles allow customers to make use of the CBA Live Assist
agent features without developing an agent console for themselves using the SDK. Two agent
consoles are provided:

A web console

A Finesse Gadget, for deployments using Cisco Finesse

Voice and Video

When a consumer requests support they see a small moveable video window that directly links
them to the agent on the call center. The application does not need to be aware of this window,
as it floats above all other screen content.

The voice and video link exists for the duration of the support call.


When a consumer requests support, their application view is shared with the agent. The
application does not need to do anything to cause this to happen, because the co-browsing API
works without interaction from the application. The co-browsing session exists for the duration of
the support call.

Document Push

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An agent in a support session can push PDF and image documents to the consumer. Both the
agent and the consumer can interact with the shared document, and the consumer’s view of the
document is replicated on the agent’s console.

Acceptable document types are: PDF, and the image formats GIF, PNG, and JPG/JPEG.

Remote Control

When a consumer requests support, their desktop is shared with the agent. The agent can click
on this shared desktop to interact with the consumer’s application. This ability to remote control
the session does not prevent the consumer continuing to interact with the application


While a consumer is in a support session, their view is shared. The agent can use the annotation
tool to draw on their shared image of the consumer’s screen. CBA Live Assist transfers these
annotations to the consumer’s application, which draws them on the consumer’s screen so that
the consumer can see them.

The consumer’s application does not need to be updated or aware of this annotation taking

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Finesse Gadgets Overview
Fusion Live Assist may be used in the Cisco Finesse® agent and supervisor desktop for Cisco
Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) and Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX). Fusion
Live Assist provides two Finesse gadgets with the following features:

Finesse Agent Gadget

Agent sign in or out

Co-browse, Remote Control, and Annotation

Document and URL push

Transfer and Conference co-browse

Form Editor

Finesse Supervisor Gadget

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Supervisor sign in or out

Manage pushed links and documents:

Add, Edit, and Delete URLs

Add and Delete URL Categories

Add, Edit, and Delete Documents

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Finesse Agent Gadget

Sign In

CBA Live Assist Finesse Gadgets require Internet Explorer 10.0, Internet Explorer 11.0, or
Firefox v36 or higher.

1. Launch the Finesse Desktop and use the standard Finesse sign in procedure as defined in
the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide.

You may be asked to accept a security certificate; contact your administrator for instructions
specific to your browser.

This action opens a Sign In page for Finesse Agent Console:

2. As the agent’s ID, enter the user name given to you by your administrator.

3. For Password, enter your agent password provided by your administrator.

4. For Extension, enter the phone extension provided by your administrator.

5. Click Sign In.

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6. After you have signed in successfully, the Finesse gadget tries to connect to the FAS:

7. If it succeeds, it shows the agent view window in the main viewing area:

Sign Out

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Follow the standard Finesse sign-out procedure as defined in the Cisco Finesse Agent and
Supervisor Desktop User Guide.

Using the Finesse Agent Gadget

This figure shows the CBA Live Assist Finesse Agent Gadget when in a voice, video, and co-
browsing session:

At the top of the Finesse Desktop is the Finesse header/other gadgets - this area

The Finesse Desktop header, which provides the ability to sign out, change agent state,
and choose which gadgets to display.

Other gadgets may also be visible; these may be displayed above or below the CBA
Live Assist Agent Gadget, depending on the particular deployment configuration.

The Fusion Live Assist Agent Gadget shows:

The Agent Co-browse Toolbar contains buttons and drop-downs relating to the CBA
Live Assist Agent Gadget:

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While in a co-browse session, you will see, in order, buttons for Doc/URL Push, Remote
Control, Annotation, Clear Annotations, Form Editor, Expand, and Shrink.

The Agent Co-browse Window displays the co-browse session. Normally, it displays the
consumer’s application or browser tab, allowing the agent to see and interact with the
consumer’s desktop.

When the Form Editor tool is active, this area displays the Form Editor window, an agent tool for
completing customer forms rapidly. The tool presents a list of easily editable fields outside the
co-browse window to simplify agent entry.

Agents may also select specific fields in the co-browse window, and enter them on behalf of the
customer (see the Active Co-browse Session with a Form section on page 13).

The agent cannot start co-browse until they answer a call.

Active Voice and Video Call

When it detects an incoming call, the Finesse Desktop alerts the agent:

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After answering the call by clicking the Answer button ( ), the agent receives voice and
video on their endpoint or softphone.

The agent can request a co-browsing session using the Start Co-browse button ( ) in
the toolbar; after making the request, the agent must wait for the consumer to accept the co-
browse session.

During a co-browse session, the consumer knows that the agent can see their browser window
because the top of their screen displays a message This page is currently being shared; the
message disappears when either the agent clicks the Leave Co-browse button ( ),
or the call ends.

Active Voice, Video, and Co-browse Session

After the consumer accepts a co-browse session in their mobile or web application, the agent
sees the Co-browse Window. The Co-browse Window shows the content of the tab of the
remote consumer’s browser, or the application screen of a mobile device, which contains the
CBA Live Assist enabled application’s user interface, but for security the agent does not have
access to the whole of the consumer’s desktop. The application developer may mask or hide
portions of the application’s screen from the agent, in order to protect sensitive information such
as passwords and credit card numbers; the agent sees those parts of the screen as black or
colored areas (see the CBA Live Assist Developers Guides for details).

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During the co-browse session, the agent can use the Co-browse Toolbar:

Using these tools, the agent can:

Push a URL or link

The agent may push one of a list of CBA Live Assist enabled links to the consumer, enabling
the consumer’s application to jump to a specific web page or portion of the application. The
supervisor adds these URLs in the CBA Live Assist Web Supervisor Console (see the
Finesse Supervisor Gadget section on page 15).

Push a document

The agent may push a PDF document or image (PNG, JPEG, or GIF) to the consumer. The
agent and consumer can browse this document together, the agent can annotate it, and either
user can close it.

Point and click in the remote browser

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The agent can click areas of the consumer’s page to choose menu items, click buttons, and so
on, for them; the agent can focus on a form element, and use their keypad to enter information
into the form on behalf of the consumer. The agent can also vertically scroll the remote screen
with the scroll button on the right of the co-browse window.


The agent can draw on the remote screen to highlight specific sections of the remote application
or a pushed document:

Clear annotations

The agent can clear all the annotations they have made with the Annotation tool.

Zoom in or out of the view that they have of the consumer’s desktop.

(The final tool, the Form Editor, is only available if there is a form visible in the consumer’s
desktop. See the Active Co-browse Session with a Form section on page 13.)

The agent can place the user on hold through the Finesse desktop, or by using the Hold button
on their phone. When the agent does this, the CBA Live Assist Agent Gadget ends the co-
browse session while the agent is no longer talking to the consumer; the co-browse session
automatically resumes when the agent retrieves the call.

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The agent can click Leave Co-browse while the call is in progress, to end the co-browse
session without ending the call; as long as the call to the consumer continues, the agent can
click the Rejoin Co-browse button to resume the co-browsing session.

The consumer will not be prompted to re-accept the co-browse session. The consumer knows
when co-browse is being shared, because the top of their screen displays a sharing message


If the agent performs a direct transfer, the co-browse session ends, because the consumer is
transferred to another agent. The original agent cannot rejoin the co-browse session.

In the case of a consult transfer:

During the consult call, the co-browse session pauses. The agent cannot see the consumer
screen while they are not talking to the consumer.

The agent can do one of three things when in the consult call:


The co-browse session automatically resumes when the call with the consumer resumes.


The co-browse session permanently ends when the call is transferred to the other agent. The
original agent cannot rejoin the co-browse session.


The co-browse session automatically resumes when the call with the consumer joins the
conference. The second agent can choose to join the co-browse session by clicking their Start
Co-browse button.

Active Co-browse Session with a Form

Helping the consumer to fill in forms is a major reason for co-browsing. When the consumer is
viewing a form during a co-browse session, the agent can:

Complete the form in the co-browse window:

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When the consumer views a form in the web page or mobile application, the agent can complete
visible field on the form by selecting the field with the Agent Remote Control tool and typing into
the field.

The agent’s changes will be sent to the consumer when the agent presses Enter or Tab.

Complete the form using the Form Editor tool:

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The Form Editor button ( ) opens the Form Editor in the main window, enabling the agent to
quickly complete the customer’s form.

After entering changes, the agent should click the Populate Form button to send the changes to
the consumer.

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Finesse Supervisor Gadget

Sign In

CBA Live Assist Finesse Gadgets require Internet Explorer 10.0, Internet Explorer 11.0, or
Firefox v36 or higher.

1. Launch the Finesse Desktop and use the standard Finesse sign in procedure as defined in
the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide.

You may be asked to accept a security certificate; contact your administrator for instructions
specific to your browser.

This action opens a Sign In page for the Finesse Supervisor Gadget.

2. As a supervisor, enter the Username given to you by your administrator.

3. For Password, enter the password provided by your administrator.

4. For Extension enter your phone extension as provided by your administrator.

5. Click Sign In.

6. After you have successfully signed in, you see the CBA Live Assist Supervisor Gadget
interface, showing the URL list in the main viewing area:

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See the Managing URLs section on page 16.

Sign Out

Follow the standard Finesse sign-out procedure as defined in the Cisco Finesse Agent and
Supervisor Desktop User Guide.

Managing URLs

Use the Supervisor Gadget to manage the following items:


Web pages and documents which will appear in the Agent Console or the Agent Gadget for
the agent to push to the consumer. There are two types of URL available to agents:

Link URLs

Provide a link to a web page. An agent can push one of these links to the customer to direct the
consumer’s browser to a new web page.

Document URLs

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Provide a link to a file or document. An agent can push one of these documents to the consumer,
for the consumer’s device to display it.

Acceptable document types are: PDF, and the image formats GIF, PNG, and JPG/JPEG. PDF
files should be limited in size as they will be downloaded into the consumer’s application. Load
time will vary with file size and internet connection speed. We recommend these files should not
exceed 2 MB; see the CBA Live Assist Release Notes.

The supervisor manages these URLs, and makes them available to the agent, using the
Supervisor Gadget. The available URLs appear in the Share drop down in the Agent Gadget.

URL categories

When a supervisor adds a URL (see the Adding a URL section on page 17), they can assign it to
a category (see the URL Properties section on page 16) in order to help agents decide which
URL to push to a consumer. These categories are also managed by the supervisor.

URLs must reference a server which does not require authentication, because the Finesse
Gadget cannot include authentication information in its request. For a similar reason (the Finesse
Gadget cannot include the Access Control headers in its request), documents should be on a
server which do not block a request due to access control restrictions on cross-origin resource
sharing (CORS) requests.

URL Properties
Each URL which is managed by the supervisor and available to agents has the following


A URL which the agent can resolve. In addition, the consumer application must be able to
resolve a Link URL, and the FAS must be able to resolve a Document URL.


A description of the URL, which might help the agent to decide how to use it

Type either:


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A URL which points to one of the supported document types, which an agent can push to the
consumer for display on the consumer’s desktop.

Acceptable document types are: PDF, and the image formats GIF, PNG, and JPG/JPEG.


A URL which points to a web page. When an agent pushes a Link URL to the consumer, the
consumer’s application redirects to that URL.

Category (optional)

A category for the URL, used to group similar URLs together.


The order that the URL should be displayed to the agent. URLs with a higher priority will appear
earlier in the list of URLs which the agent sees.

Adding a URL
1. Sign in to the Finesse Supervisor Gadget.

2. Select the URL tab.

The gadget shows a table with existing URLs.

3. Select the New (+) button above the table.

The gadget shows the Add URL dialog:

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4. Enter the URL, Description, Type, Category, and Priority fields.

5. Click Add.

The dialog closes, and the new URL is added to the URL table.

Editing a URL

1. Sign in to the Finesse Supervisor Gadget.

2. Select the URL tab.

The gadget shows a table with URLs .

3. Select the row to edit in the table and click the Edit (pencil) button.

The gadget shows the Edit URL dialog.

4. Edit the URL, Type, Description, Category, and Priority fields.

5. Click Update.

The dialog closes, and the updated URL is added to the URL table.

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Deleting a URL

1. Sign in to the Finesse Supervisor Gadget.

2. Select the URL tab.

The gadget shows a table with URLs.

3. Select the row to delete in the table, and click the Delete (-) button.

The gadget shows the Delete confirmation dialog.

4. Click Confirm.

The dialog closes, and the URL is removed from the URL table.

Adding a URL Category

1. Sign in to the Finesse Supervisor Gadget.

2. Select the URL Category tab.

The gadget shows a drop down of existing categories.

3. Select the New (+) button.

The gadget shows the Add category dialog:

4. Enter the category name and click Add.

The URL category is added to the drop down.

Deleting a URL Category

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1. Sign in to the Finesse Supervisor Gadget.

2. Select the URL Category tab.

The gadget displays a table with URL categories.

3. Select the row in the table to delete, then click the Delete (-) button.

The gadget shows the Delete confirmation dialog.

4. Click Confirm.

The dialog closes and the category is removed from the drop down.

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