Poster Group 4

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MY PLATE ON A CHILD'S GROWTH There an increase in the average knowledge of pre-test

results (55,9) and post-test (95,40). Compared to
previous studies, the average knowledge of school
ABSTRACT children's nutrition increased after the nutrition
Providing nutrition education is to explain to students that it is important to implement a education intervention. This proves that nutritional
balanced nutrition and encourage them to eat enough green vegetables, legumes, cereals knowledge is the variable that has the most role in
and fruits so that the food consumed is varied in both quantity and quality appropriately. influencing children's breakfast habits. After being given
The purpose of this poster is to improve students knowledge and skills about balanced
a demonstration of how to properly fill food portions the
nutrition through the demonstration of “Fill My Plate.” The methods used are counseling,
Fill My Plate has occurred improvement of student's
demonstration, and simulation. The result is that students can fill the plate correctly which
skills in filling my plate.
means the students ability increases. It is recommended that student always eat nutritionally
Providing education on balanced nutrition on a regular
balanced meals that match the portion sizes on my plate.
basis is one of the efforts to increase the ability of food
handlers to provide food that is healthy, nutritious and
safe for consumption. Balanced nutrition education can
According to research in Indonesia regarding breakfast from 2002-2011, as many as 16.9-59%
increase elementary school student's knowledge about
children aged 7-12 do not have breakfast due to several factors, including children's knowledge
of health and nutrition, availability of breakfast at home, filling snack habits, ideal body balanced nutrition. The “Fill my plate” media has proven
perceptions, fear of children being late for school and education, work and parents' income to be effective in increasing knowledge, attitudes and
(Hardinsyah & Aries, 2016). Fulfillment of nutrition is important and must be considered. practices of balanced nutrition. Providing education can
The nutritional knowledge factor in school children will have an impact on the low quality of increase student's knowledge, which ultimately
human life, therefore to prevent unwanted impacts, students need to be introduced to
knowledge about balanced nutrition.
influences student's attitudes and actions to carry out
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 41 of 2014 has introduced My Plate as a life behaviors in accordance with balanced nutrition
guideline for balanced nutrition, and is a guide for a healthy lifestyle with balanced nutrition as a guidelines and what's on my plate.
guide for consuming one meal. Through visualization, My Plate is then perfected into Fill My
Plate. Fill My Plate is the proportion of food from each food group in one plate and should be
filled with 50% vegetables and fruit and 50% carbohydrates and protein.
From the results of the above research it can be
The output is that the The method used is the provision of concluded that:
public understands balanced nutrition material and the 1. “Fill my plate” media has proven to be effective in
the fulfillment of contents of my plate then followed increasing knowledge, attitudes, and practices of
by a pre-test, demonstration and balanced nutrition.
nutrition with the
simulation of the contents of my 2. There is an increase in school children's nutritional
contents of my plate plate by involving all participants. knowledge after the nutrition education intervention.
so that it can prevent The series of events are carried out 3. There is an increase in students' skills in filling my plate.
nutritional problems through the Zoom meeting
from occurring. application and WhatsApp group. SOURCE
Mardiana., Yuniarti, Hana., & Susanto, Eddy. 2021. Improvement of Balanced
Nutritional Knowledge and Skills through the Demonstration of Isi Piringku in Basic
School Children. JCES (Journal of Character Education Society), 4(2): 495-503.
Isna (039) - Anggita (063) - Aqilla (071) - Aulia (085) - Anisah (101)

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