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केन्द्रीय विद्यालया संगठन, कोलकाता संभाग


प्री-बोर्ड परीक्षा/ PRE - BOARD MARKING SCHEME -2023-24

कक्षा/CLASS :X अधिकतम अंक/ MAX. MARKS: 80

समय/TIME- 3 घंटे/Hours

SECTION A : READING (20 marks)

i Discursive passage 1X10=10

A survey was conducted where it was found that 2 for a completely

less than 50 % of the surveyed population got the appropriate
required sleep. ( Any relevant answer) explanation
Partial credit 1 for just an appropriate
-No ½ credit

ii C. Free 1
No partial credit

iii C. Excited at getting good marks in a subject where 1

you were weak No partial credit

iv Night person 1
No partial credit

v anxiety, low productivity, accidents, insomnia and 1

daytime drowsiness. No partial credit

vi Madhu should not sleep immediately. She should -2 for a completely

get up, turn on the light and do something else till appropriate
she falls asleep again. explanation
Partial credit 1 for just an appropriate
-No ½ credit
vii D. He was a literary……………….., willing to defy 1
convention. No partial credit

viii D. The science of sleep 1

No partial credit

2 Case-based factual passage 10 M

i It is expected to grow in the near future affecting 1

people of all age groups across the world -No partial credit
- Full credit to be given for rationalised
response other than that indicated

ii fact, objective detail 1

-No partial credit
-Both need to answered correctly as
they are rationally linked

iii Obesity affects GDP. In 2020, the impact of obesity 2

on GDP was 1.2% which will increase to as high as Full credit 2, when complete justification
1.8% if not controlled. is presented
Partial credit 1 , when just a point is
stated without evidence from table 1.
No credit of ½

iv India’s global preparedness ranking is 99/183 1

countries which is average. No partial credit

v The poor countries do not have proper resources -2 for a completely

or proper medical facilities to address the needs appropriate
of people. Much of the resources are spent in explanation
meeting up with the basic necessities of life. ( Any Partial credit 1 for just an appropriate
other relevant details) mention
-No ½ credit

vi c. express 1
No partial credit

vii If promotion of unhealthy food is discouraged, -2 for correctly addressing both

people will not get attracted to advertisements and -Partial credit 1 for correctly addressing
there will be less urge to eat unhealthy food. There either of two
will be less knowledge about such kinds of foods as - No ½ credit
well. (Any relevant details)

viii Any relevant answer. For example: The need to 1

control Obesity. No partial credit

3. Grammar Any Ten only 10x1=10

i. (c)has been repairing 1 mark for correct answer. No partial


ii they only had milk bottles 1 mark for correct answer. No partial

iii (a) can 1 mark for correct answer. No partial


iv c) Error-some Correction - any 1 mark for correct answer. No partial


v (c) known 1 mark for correct answer. No partial


vi is 1 mark for correct answer. No partial


vii what she wanted as a gift 1 mark for correct answer. No partial

viii Error -draw Correction-drawing 1 mark for correct answer. No partial


ix Ravi asked Raju if anybody had been unkind to 1 mark for correct answer.No partial
him. credit

x Error -each Correction-every 1 mark for correct answer.No partial


xi (b) she had visited Kashmir with her parents 1 mark for correct answer.No partial

xii Error - few Correction-some/a few 1 mark for correct answer.No partial

Writing Skill
4A. Suggested response Total - 5
Tagore Public School (For 4A &4B)
Format - 1
[full credit if all aspects included.
5 December 2023 Partial credit (½ mark) if one-two
aspects are missing. No credit if more
Messer's New Star Sports Co than two aspects are missing.]
Content -2 [ ½ mark for each content
New Delhi point area addressed - suggestion,
Subject: Placing an order for Sports materials for importance, implication,
the school.
Organisation of ideas -1 [effective style,
orderly sequence, paragraphed
With reference to our quotation dated 20 structure and formal tone and
November 2023 we are pleased to place order for vocabulary]
the sports materials for our school. We request you
to supply us with the following items as per your
mentioned rates and quality. Please see that the Accuracy 1
consignment is booked well in time to reach us [Spelling, punctuation and grammar]
latest by 26 December 2023 as we are planning to
implement more sports in our school. Kindly
provide us with the following sports materials.

Sl.No Item Quantity

1 Roller skating equipment 20

2 Archery equipment 15

3 Baseball 15

4 Table tennis racket and ball 20

5 Badminton racket and ball 20

As we are your regular customer we request you

give us a 15% discount on the overall purchase
along with the regular 10% discount you had earlier
agreed upon.Please make sure that all the items
are in good condition and well packed. Any damage
caused to the goods during transportation will not
be accepted.Payment will be made through cheque
on receipt of the delivery of the items.
Thank You
Yours faithfully
(Head boy)

4B Suggested response
1545, Kirti Nagar

New Delhi
5th January 2008

The Director of Police


Sub: Deteriorating law and order situation in the


I wish to bring to you kind attention towards the
deteriorating law and order situation in the city.
Many incidents of daylight thefts and killings have
been reported during the recent days. It seems
nobody is safe. The anti-social elements are freely
roaming around our locality and threatening
people.The matter has been reported to the local
police a couple of times but no police or security
personnel has been posted till now.

Criminals take advantage due to these anti-social

incidents. Terrorists are also wandering in the
broad daylight. There are cases of chain snatching
and even kidnapping. None of these criminals have
been arrested so far. It seems there is no law and
order to control this kind of incident. We the
citizens are afraid to go out. The old and the elderly
are equally terrified to go out for their regular
walks in the nearby park. Young children too have
to remain indoors as there could be some danger
to their lives too.

Therefore, I request you to look into this matter

and take necessary action immediately.

Thank you

Yours faithfully
Mohammad Ali

5A. Suggested response Total 5

Monthly Average Temperature of Three Cities
The given line graph illustrates the changes in the (For 5 A & B) Analytical paragraph
average monthly temperature of three significant writing should NOT be confused with
Descriptive paragraph writing.
cities, namely Dubai, Paris and Sydney. Overall, it is
clear from the graph that at the very first glance, Content -2
the temperature is increasing and then decreasing For trends/ points included & well-
in Paris and Dubai, whereas the temperature in developed with sustained clarity
Sydney decreased and then increased.
Moving into a more detailed analysis, from January Organisation of ideas -2 [effective style,
to August, the average monthly temperature in orderly sequence, single paragraph
structure, formal tone and functional
Paris and Dubai is increasing eventually from 5° c
and 20° c to 25°c and 35° c, while in Sydney, the
average monthly temperature decreased up to July Accuracy 1 [Spelling, punctuation and
as 12°c from 25°c. Moreover, from August to grammar
December, the average monthly temperature in
Paris and Dubai declined to 5° c and 21° c from 25°
c and 35° c. Furthermore, there is a gradual
increase in the average monthly temperature in
Sydney to 24° c from the previous lowest
temperature record of 12°c.

5B Suggested response
The bar graph shows the percentage of fast food
consumed by both men and women of different
age groups in 2015.The percentage of daily
calories from fast food decreased in both groups
as age increased.
According to the graph,men consumed less fast
food as they got older.The 18-34 age group had
the highest rate getting around 17% of daily
calories from fast food.There was a significant
drop to just over 10% between this group and the
next age group is 35-49.A small drop of around 9%
is found in the age group of 50-64.The oldest age
group being 65 and above had a much lower
consumption rate with just over 4% of daily
calories coming from fast food.Among women
there was similar decrease in fast food
consumption with age increase.
Women in the age group of 18-34 got 16% of their
calories from fast food .Like men,there was a
significant drop between this and the next age
group to the next age group, to a little under10%
and then a smaller drop to the next age group.The
oldest age group consumed far less,under 4%
than the other age groups.There was a similar
decrease in fast food consumption with age
increase for both men and women, although
women tended to consume slightly less than men
across all age groups.


IV Reference to Context 5+5=10

6A Drama

i B. Iota needs to present his opinion firmly. 1

ii frown: smile: gloomily: brightly 1

iii D. accomplish a specific task. 1

iv a.Help actors and director gain clarity about the 2

emotions and gestures required while performing
/ directing
b. Helps with understanding stage setting and
movements (Or any other suitable explanation)


6B c) Speaker 3 1

ii He must have felt sad/pity/worried/miserable/any 1

relevant answer.

iii b) It could have made the place untidy. 1

iv The box was lined with a metal sheet. Mij didn’t 2

feel comfortable in the box and tried to escape. In
his attempt to escape, Mij tore into the metal
lining of the box and in the process hurt himself.

7 Poetry

Ai b) Option 2 1

ii A person who is not familiar with the wild will be 1

confused & not be able to discriminate between
beasts of prey.

iii The poem is humorous. In the poem, the poet 2

describes beasts of prey who are feared animals in
a witty manner.

iv b) A novice might nonplus 1

Bi a) hardly, leaving 1

ii A place of confinement ( any relevant answer) 1

iii It is humans who do not care for nature in the first 2

place/ The struggle of women through ages have
not been documented.

iv b) some part of the sky still left open for women 1

to explore, away from limitations set by
patriarchal norms.

8 FOUR of five Short Answer Questions - First Flight 4x3=12

Content-2; Organisation -1 ; ½ mark to be deducted for Accuracy from the overall credit of a
response, if error density is high -more than a total of 2 spellings and/or grammatical errors.

The given detailed reference points can be drawn upon to structure the desired response:

i The baby seagull could not take his first flight as he was scared that his wings will not support
his body weight Saw his family fly –Yet, the fear of falling down gripped his mind—it
overpowered any sense of assurance or example Result—was too scared to even try

ii Tale: The poem tells the story of Custard, the dragon (setting, characters, rising action,
climax, resolution). ▪ portrays his life with Belinda and the other pets where he is considered
a coward ▪ Surprise ending: The end of the poem shows how Custard rose to the occasion;
gobbled the pirate and proved his bravery.

iii It is justified as Rapunzel lived with a witch who would constantly keep a check on her and
had several rules to be followed. -Amanda too, feels caged by the impositions -Amanda
desires peace in isolation like Rapunzel had in her tower; clarifying she will not let her hair
down for anyone

iv Upper hand – She was able to answer every query and present an argument defeating the
one presented by Lomov. Arguments-- Argument about ownership of Oxen meadows –
Natalya argued that it is a matter of principle and not greed. She showed conviction and
belief while arguing. OR Argument about dogs – Natalya argued that her dog was cheaper,
was of better breed and could run faster. Never lost cool while presenting her arguments.

v According to Nelson Mandela, both the oppressor and the oppressed are robbed of their
humanity. Mandela believed that the oppressor is a prisoner of hatred, prejudice, and
narrow-mindedness. He also believed that the oppressed are victims of injustice and have
no confidence in humanity. Mandela thought that both the oppressor and the oppressed
need to be liberated.
8 TWO of three Short Answer Questions - (2x3=6)
Footprints Without Feet

Content-2 Organisation -1 ; ½ mark to be deducted for Accuracy from the overall credit of a
response, if error density is high -more than a total of 2 spellings and/or grammatical errors.

i The Necklace teaches a powerful moral lesson on the importance of finding contentment in
what one already has. ♦ Matilda's desire for social status and material possessions led to her
own downfall and Page 13 of 16 a decade of hardship. ♦ Had Matilda simply been grateful
and content with all that she had, she could have avoided a lot of pain. ♦ The twist at the
end of the story, which revealed the true value of the necklace, emphasizes the emptiness
that lies in the pursuit of material wealth. Accept any other valid response.

ii Horace Danby studied the house at Shotover Grange for two weeks. He studied its rooms, its
electric wiring, its paths and its garden. He was sure that the family was in London. The two
servants had gone to the movies and they would not come back before four hours. He came
out from behind the garden wall and entered the house.

iii Curiosity is extremely important to scientific exploration and discovery. It is curiosity that
leads a person to question things around them, which in turn could help them stumble onto
new discoveries. ♦ It was Ebright's curiosity that led him to collect items such as butterflies,
fossils and coins. His desire to explore and constantly learn served as the foundation for his
future scientific pursuits. ♦ It was curiosity that led Ebright to investigate different aspects of
butterflies for his school projects. Since he was curious to understand the cause of the viral
disease that killed monarch butterflies, that was what he studied. ♦ While in high school,
Ebright was curious about the purpose of the twelve gold spots found on a monarch pupa.
This drove him to conduct more research on the topic, which indirectly led to his new theory
on the life of cells.

10 ONE of two, Long Answer Question -First Flight 6

A The learning from the referenced quote of Content 3 Expression 2 Accuracy 1

Buddha-- the loss of irreplaceable things brings
grief and sorrows. Learning to stay calm and
understanding the perishable/mortal nature of
things helps in living life normally and forgetting
loss To help the boy cope with the loss --- that
loss is an important part of life –important to
learn from experience –adapt and move on.
Difficult for the boy to understand the notion---
The boy is too young to understand the depth of
these words-- is alone in his loss ---has no one to
explain and must learn from his experience
painstakingly--requires time to cope ---easy to
feel disheartened at that age

(B) Rajvir: Hey Pranjol! I think we should be visiting Content 3 Expression 2 Accuracy 1
Coorg. It is a beautiful place with coffee
plantations. I can smell the aroma already!
Pranjol: I gave you the opportunity to explore a
tea plantation last year, in Assam; I want to…
Rajvir: There is a lot more to do in Coorg than
smelling the coffee! The place has rainforests, so
the megafauna will be worth watching. Not just
this, Coorg provides opportunities to indulge in
adventure sports like river rafting, rappelling,
mountain biking, to name a few.
Pranjol: That sounds interesting, but I would
prefer some serene moments too, away from this
post-pandemic hustle-bustle. Rajvir: Oh! The
answer is Coorg again!
Pranjol: Oh, come on! You can’t be serious…
Rajvir: Believe me, I am. Coorg is the place. It has
beautiful natural walking trails and the
Brahmagiri hills offer a panoramic view. I read
that the place has the largest Tibetan settlement,
so the environment will reflect peace and
spirituality, I’m sure.
Pranjol: Have to say, you’ve presented a fine case
in favour of Coorg and convinced me. Let’s plan
to leave for Coorg next Wednesday! (Any
other relevant answer)

11 ONE of two, Long Answer Question -Footprints 6

Without Feet

Points from the given detailed suggested response can be drawn upon to structure the
desired final response.

(A) The evolution process supported by examples Content 3 Expression 2 Accuracy 1

from the text: - dumb cow----
people’s perception of her lack of sense,
stammering which kept her quiet and submissive
demeanor, most of the times - going to school----
guidance of the teacher and education,
overcame stammering- instilled confidence and a
sense of self-esteem - Did not succumb to the
greedy demands of the prospective groom and
spoke out.
Conclusion: This journey of Bholi’s growth clearly
showcases the idea of being an individual and
not being exploited by people or circumstances.
Instead, evolves to being a person being
proactive and contributing to the wellbeing of
others around (which is exactly what she decides
to do)


(B) Today, I had a dreadful realisation. I love my dear Content 3 Expression 2 Accuracy 1
Tricki, but I fear that that love has caused me to
excessively indulge and pamper my dear pet. The
sight of him, bloated and unhealthy, broke my
heart. I believed that showering him with treats
and rich delicacies was a sign of care and would
make him feel better. But instead, I was causing
him more harm than good. Thank goodness for
Mr Herriot. He aptly deduced that the reason for
Tricki's decline in health was my lack of strict
boundaries with Tricki. He advised me to cut
down Tricki's food, make him exercise, and
provide a strict diet. When he noticed that I was
not following his advice, he took Tricki away from
me to take care of him. During Tricki's absence, I
began to reflect upon my actions. I was still
deeply worried about Tricki though, so I sent
indulgent gifts to Mr Herriot. Old habits die hard,
but I will try my best to be a better caretaker for
Tricki now that he is back home. It brought me
great joy to see Tricki transform into a healthy
and happy dog after his stay with Mr Herriot.
Accept any other valid response

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