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should have asked patients with chronic lung some modification of those borrowed pas- therapy students, pulmonary function test
disease which profession above all others sages should have been made. (PFT) laboratories, and anyone preparing to
has educated, treated, and encouraged them Part III includes a list of common abbre- take the National Board for Respiratory Care
to live? viations. Medical professionals often speak PFT examinations. I began my training in
The chapter “Special Challenges” covers and write with acronyms, which can be con- respiratory care one year after the publica-
a topic of great interest to patients with fusing and limit a patient’s understanding of tion of the 4th edition (which is still on my
chronic lung disease and their families, es- the disease process. Some of the acronyms bookshelf), and it is an honor to review such
pecially: “the Vicious Cycle of Dyspnea.” used in the text are not included in the list. a distinguished and important book.
The illustration makes a wonderful presen- The section “Caregiver Organizations” is Key components of the book’s success-
tation of the cycle. In turning the page, how- a wonderful resource for additional help; it ful format have carried over to the 9th edi-
ever, we find page 342 of the index, not supplements the chapter-by-chapter re- tion, including learning objectives, interpre-
page 242, which would have been a contin- source guides that make this book valuable tive strategies, case studies, and tests for
uation of the discussion on seasonal affec- to the caregiver. I think many readers will each chapter, which are divided into entry-
tive disorder and whatever the next topic find the last section, “Glossary,” to be their level and advanced-practitioner categories.
was. “caregiver bible.” The definitions provided Ruppel’s changes and additions to the 9th
Another topic important to the target au- are clear and easily understandable and will addition were prompted by reader input and
dience is traveling with oxygen equipment. take some of the mystery and fear out of in response to evolutionary changes in the
This section should have received a more medical jargon. field of pulmonary medicine, including
prominent place in the chapter, rather than This book meets the goals of the authors American Thoracic Society/European Tho-
being behind the section on consumer fraud. and the mission of CareTrust Publications, racic Society guidelines, office-based spi-
Diet and nutrition are topics of interest to and it meets a caregiver’s need for a general rometry, and exhaled gas analyzers (eg, ni-
most people and need to be addressed when resource. However, the specific challenges tric oxide). In addition, online learning
caring for someone with any disease pro- faced by and the specific information needed materials are available at Elsevier’s Evolve
cess. The authors cover several dietary plans by the caregiver of a person with a chronic Web site (http://evolve.elsevier.com).
lung disease would not possibly have been Aesthetically, this is a very nice book. It
directed more at the person with or trying to
missed had the authors utilized respiratory includes 229 illustrations, which success-
prevent cardiac disease. On a couple of oc-
therapists to review the manuscript. fully depict the intended teaching points.
casions the authors mention the idea of nu-
The photographs are in black-and-white, but
tritional snacks for patients with COPD. A
JoAnn P Hurd RRT RPSGT this does not distract. The index and glos-
list of suggested types of snacks would have
CPFT AE-C sary are comprehensive and useful. The ap-
been helpful.
Chicago Sleep Group pendices provide predicted regressions and
The chapter on emergencies is a quick
Suburban Lung Associates pulmonary function equations.
reference to first aid. Putting the topics in
Elk Grove Village, Illinois Each of the 11 chapters begins with a
alphabetical order might have made this re-
chapter outline, a list of learning objectives
source more user-friendly. A concern about
for entry-level and advanced practitioners,
the book’s suggested handling of shortness and key terms. One of my favorite features
of breath was the directive to increase the REFERENCE
is the “PFT Tip” teaching vignettes, which
oxygen liter flow. 1. Friedland RB. Caregivers and long-term offer important insights. Each chapter ends
Being a caregiver is physically and emo- care needs in the 21st century: will public with a bullet-format summary, case studies,
tionally demanding, and the authors com- policy meet the challenge? Georgetown
self-assessment questions, and a selected
prehensively cover both aspects. Part II ends University Long-Term Care Financing
bibliography. I prefer textbooks that are ref-
with a chapter on body mechanics for the Project. 2004. http://ltc.georgetown.edu/
pdfs/caregiversfriedland.pdf. Accessed De- erenced in the style of journal articles, and
caregiver. The illustrations and step-by-step I think this book would be improved by
cember 18, 2008.
instructions are well written. The emphasis incorporating that format. Throughout the
on the caregiver was well deserved and could The author declares no conflicts of interest. book the writing style is concise and intel-
have been amplified by moving the section ligible; however, there are some areas where
on caregiver burnout to this same position Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, the text is redundant to the point of distrac-
in Part II. The analogy of caregiving to a 9th edition. Gregg L Ruppel MEd RRT tion. For example, pages 173 and 174 re-
race was used throughout the chapter. The RPFT FAARC. St Louis: Mosby Elsevier. peat the elementary fact that respiratory fre-
suggestions made were simple and aug- 2009. Soft cover, illustrated, 512 pages, quency can be derived from capnography.
mented by highlighted “tip windows.” Au- $59.95. Chapter 1, “Indications for Pulmonary
thor Derr’s personal experience as a care- Function Testing,” would be more appro-
giver assisted this chapter and is a wonderful Many textbooks enjoy short runs of pop- priately named “Introduction to Pulmonary
addition to the guide. The authors mention ularity in respiratory therapy and pulmo- Function Testing,” since the chapter’s con-
in the acknowledgments that portions of the nary medicine, but only a few span the ca- tent includes not only indications for PFT
book were taken from previous books in the reers of several generations of clinicians. but also a well organized overview of the
series. This was evident throughout the text, First published in 1975, Ruppel’s Manual types of tests, preliminaries to testing, re-
but especially in the section “Respite Time,” of Pulmonary Function Testing is one such port layouts, and technologist-adapted pro-
which uses the word “survivor.” Obviously, textbook. It is a “must-have” for respiratory tocols.



Chapters 2 through 6 cover the most com- patient with hemolytic anemia, a hemoglo- concise, coherent descriptions of how the
mon tests in PFT laboratories, including spi- bin of 7.4 g/dL, and a concomitant carboxy- different pneumotachographs operate. The
rometry, lung volume determination, basic hemoglobin of 0.3%, which is highly un- chapter on quality-control should be man-
measures of ventilation, ventilatory control usual, because hemolysis to the extent that datory reading for anyone working in or
tests, diffusion capacity of the lung for car- it causes severe anemia should increase car- managing a PFT laboratory.
bon monoxide, and blood gases. As one boxyhemoglobin as a consequence of heme This is a “must-have” book for anyone
might expect from Ruppel and this book’s breakdown by heme oxygenase.3 performing or interpreting PFTs. The $59.95
contributors, the reader will find all the es- Chapter 7 provides an excellent review price is a bargain, given the wealth of in-
sential information about the physiologic ba- of the fundamentals of cardiopulmonary ex- formation contained within. I echo the ad-
sis, performance, critique, and interpretation ercise testing. This topic can be overwhelm- vice from Enright in the book’s foreword:
of these core PFTs. That said, there are a ing for students and practitioners alike, and “Take this book home and read it chapter
few statements that are not completely ac- I applaud contributor Mottram for explain- by chapter for the first time. Then take it to
curate. All the inaccuracies I found were in ing a very complex arena of testing with your office and keep it as a reference.”
the realm of pathophysiology. such intelligibility. As pointed out in the
For example, Chapter 2 states that a “re- preface, readers are encouraged to continue Jeffrey M Haynes RRT RPFT
duction in inspiratory capacity is consistent their learning by utilizing the chapter bibli- Department of Respiratory Therapy
with restrictive defects”; however, it should ographies. This advice is particularly appli- St Joseph Hospital
be pointed out that reduced inspiratory ca- cable to this chapter, because Mottram’s Nashua, New Hampshire
pacity is a very important feature of ob- clear description of the fundamentals of car-
structive diseases, such as emphysema.1 diopulmonary exercise testing is made at The author declares no conflicts of interest.
Chapter 2 also states that “obstruction is the cost of little discussion of its intricacies.
characterized by a reduction of maximal air- For example, on page 211 the anaerobic
flow at all lung volumes.” That is not com- threshold is described to “occur when the REFERENCES
pletely accurate, because many patients with energy demands of the exercising muscles
obstruction can have normal forced expira- exceed the body’s ability to produce energy 1. O’Donnell DE, Lam M, Webb KA. Spiro-
tory flow at the start of the maneuver (ie, by aerobic metabolism.” However, the an- metric correlates of improvement in exer-
near the total lung capacity), but the flow aerobic threshold is a complex, poorly un- cise performance after anticholinergic ther-
apy in chronic obstructive disease. Am J
rapidly drops below the expected rate as the derstood concept that involves lactate accu-
Respir Crit Care Med 1999;160(2):542-549.
maneuver continues. There is mention made mulation and can occur even in the presence 2. O’Donnell DE, Forkert L, Webb KA. Eval-
of that possibility, but not until 12 pages of abundant intracellular oxygen.4 uation of bronchodilator responses in pa-
later. Chapters 8 and 9 review pediatric testing tients with “irreversible” emphysema. Eur
In Chapter 3, case study 3-3 refers to a and specialized test regimens (eg, bronchial Respir J 2001;18(6):914-920.
9.2%, 100-mL increase in the forced expi- challenge, exhaled nitric oxide) and provide 3. Morimatsu H, Takahashi T, Maeshima K,
ratory volume in the first second (FEV1) as concise information about testing situations Inoue K, Kawakami T, Shimizu H, et al.
clinically unimportant; however, many pa- that may not be commonly encountered in Increased heme catabolism in critically ill
tients with chronic obstructive pulmonary many laboratories, which makes this a great patients: correlation among exhaled carbon
disease have clinically important improve- book for quick reference. monoxide, arterial carboxyhemoglobin, and
serum bilirubin IXalpha concentrations.
ments in dyspnea with little or no change in Chapters 10 and 11 review PFT equip-
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2006;
FEV1.2 Perhaps “statistically insignificant” ment and quality-control in the PFT labo- 290(1):L114-119.
would be a more appropriate description of ratory. Ruppel’s writing style, insight, and 4. Myers J, Ashley E. Dangerous curves: a
such FEV1 changes. It is not clear whether organizational skill make these sometimes perspective on exercise, lactate, and the an-
the case studies are real or fictional. I men- ponderously dull topics interesting and even aerobic threshold. Chest 1997;111(3):787-
tion this only because case 6-2 describes a fun to read. I am particularly fond of the 795.


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