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Title: Terms of Reference (TOR) for Procurement of IT Services

1. Background: The DEF Corporation is planning to upgrade its IT infrastructure to enhance efficiency
and security. To achieve this goal, the company intends to procure IT services for system upgrade and
cybersecurity measures.

2. Objectives of the Task or Assignment:

• Upgrade existing IT systems to improve performance and reliability.

• Implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive company data.

• Ensure seamless integration of new technology without disrupting ongoing operations.

3. Scope of the Task or Assignment:

• Assess the current IT infrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and develop a
comprehensive upgrade plan.

• Procure necessary hardware, software, and licenses required for system upgrades.

• Implement cybersecurity measures, including firewall installation, data encryption, and

employee training on security best practices.

• Conduct system testing and ensure compatibility and functionality post-upgrade.

• Provide ongoing technical support and maintenance services.

4. Duration and Phasing:

• Phase 1: Assessment and planning (Duration: 2 months)

• Phase 2: Implementation and integration (Duration: 6 months)

• Phase 3: Post-implementation support and maintenance (Ongoing)

5. Specifications of the Skills and Expertise Required: The IT service provider should possess the
following qualifications:

• Proven track record in IT infrastructure upgrades and cybersecurity implementation for

corporate entities.

• Expertise in network architecture, system integration, and cybersecurity protocols.

• Certifications or recognitions in relevant IT security standards (e.g., CISSP, CISM).

6. Reporting Requirements:

• Weekly progress reports during the implementation phase, highlighting completed tasks and any
issues encountered.

• Monthly meetings to review project status and address concerns.

• Quarterly reports on system performance, cybersecurity efficacy, and maintenance activities.

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