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Chapter 1


Inks are widely used as essential materials for education, business, and several other
areas. It is a liquid-pigmented substance used for writing, drawing, and printing purposes. Most
commonly seen in pens, markers, and printers, which are mostly used nowadays. Typically, the
ink used in most markers is made from synthetic materials like petroleum and chemical solvents
that are dangerous, especially to the health of the users.

Alugbati fruit extract as an alternative source of ink presents a compelling study of

sustainable and eco-friendly products. Alugbati, commonly known as Malabar spinach, grows
and is abundant in tropical regions, including the Philippines. It has a purplish stem and green
leaves, along with stalkless fruit that can reach 5 to 6 millimeters and turn purple when ripe. It is
a fast-growing crop that can be harvested 30 to 45 days after transplanting. Alugbati fruit extract
contains anthocyanin, which can be used to make an alternative marker and ink refill.
Anthocyanin is a dissolvable glycoside color that can create colors in flowers and plants.

According to research, the size of the global refillable markers market is anticipated to
reach $767 million by 2032 expanding at a CAGR of 6.6% from 2024 to 2032.These refillable
marker pens are turning out to be progressively famous among artists, students and professionals
due to their convenience, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability. Unlike traditional
marker pens that are disposed after use, refillable markers can be refilled with ink, allowing them
to be used repeatedly. This not only saves money in the long run but also reduces waste and
helps to protect the environment. This growth can be attributed to the various factors such as
increasing demand for marker pens in educational institutions, and rising popularity of
calligraphy and hand lettering.

Considering these factors, the researchers came up with the idea of manufacturing ink that
is made from an organic material. This product would not only be a safer alternative but would
also be helpful for the environment. The production of Alugbati ink would prove as a better
alternative and would encourage the recurring purchases of customers.
Background of the Study

The invention of ink dates back around 4500 years, and it was created simultaneously by the
Chinese and Egyptians. The Egyptians used this to write on their paper called the papyrus. As
technology advanced, different chemical based inks began to be used. These inks became really
popular during the 1900s and is still widely used.

Up until this date ink is still an essential in the day-to-day life of people. Almost all people
regardless of age, gender, and status uses ink in their day-to-day activities. Marker pens,
especially are widely used. In today's age, most schools have transitioned from using
blackboards to using white boards. Due to this, marker inks are commercialized, however most
of these markers are expensive. Not only is it expensive but some of it are also toxic.

There is a misconception that marker ink is non-toxic. Even though ink from markers is
considered minimally toxic, excessive exposure to the fumes of whiteboard markers can
potentially have negative side effects. This is because whiteboard markers contain xylene.
Xylene is a chemical produced from petroleum and coal tar. It is rapidly absorbed by your lungs
after you breathe air containing it, and then passes into the blood soon after entering the body.
Excessive exposure to xylene can irritate the eyes, nose, skin, and throat. Not only is chemical
based markers harmful, but they also have a strong odor that is quite noticeable.

This is why the researchers came up with the idea of manufacturing a cheaper and safer
alternative that would compete well with the quality of other inks in the market. Alugbati ink,
made from the fruits of the Alugbati plant, offers a better alternative to chemical based marker
inks. Since it is made from the juice of the plant, it would be a safer alternative to other inks in
the market. Not only is it safer it is less expensive as well. Since the Alugbati plant is easy to
propagate, raw materials would be readily available. With peoples growing preference on
organic, natural and less expensive products, manufacturing Alugbati ink would pose to be a
profitable business.

The main objectives of this study are to determine the feasibility of manufacturing Alugbati
ink in Lucena City, Quezon, to offer a safer ink substitute to those made of chemicals, and to
earn a profit while maintaining the quality of the product.

It specifically aims to:

1. Provide a product that is organic and safe.

2. To determine the advantages and benefits of using Alugbati as a marker ink alternative.

3. Explore the potential applications and market for Alugbati ink.

4. Develop new formulations or modifications to enhance the ink's properties and expand its
range of applications.

Scope and Limitations

This study aims to have a healthier and safer organic alternative source of ink available to
public. And so, the researchers are deciding to produce the alugbati ink as a substitute ink for
markers.The study will cover several parts of Lucena City having its residents as its target

Definition of Terms

To better understand this study, the following terms are defined technically and

Alugbati- Locally named alugbati, it is also called Malabar Spinach. It is a leafy green vegetable
native to Southeast Asia, Indian Subcontinent, and New Guinea
Xylene-a colorless flammable volatile liquid hydrocarbon used as a solvent. Commonly used in
solvents and permanent markers.

Papyrus- a material similar to thick paper that was used in ancient times as a writing surface. It
was made from the pith of the papyrus plant.

Calligraphy - a visual art related to writing; beautiful handwriting using an ink brush, pen, or
other writing materials.

Ink- a colored liquid material for writing and printing

Propagate- the process of creating or increasing the number of something.

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