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BATCH 41 - February - March 2024

Shruja Patel
Asmita Chandanshive

Submitted to:
Prof. Rangarao Chundru
Acmegrade Pvt Ltd


This is to clarify that the project work embodied in the project entitled
Rangarao Chundru and was carried out by Shruja Patel and Asmita
Chandanshive (BATCH 41- February- March 2024) they have successfully
completed the course in Human Resource Management.

Shruja Patel
Asmita Chandanshive

First, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Ranga Rao Chundru

for providing us an opportunity to do our internship at Acmegrade Private
Limited. For us it is a unique experience to study about human resource
management. This period of internship is a great chance of learning and
professional development.

We would like to take this time to gratefully thank everyone who helped
us to complete this research and including the expertise who are given a
great source of information. We are especially very grateful to Prof.
Ranga Rao Chundru for his guidance, support, inspiration, motivation
and encouragement, he provided during the course of the project study
and helped us in the successful completion of this project and the
management of Acmegrade Pvt Ltd For the vision and we pay a special
gratitude to our family and friends, who have encouraged and supported
us, and my teammates who helped for the completion of this research.

Shruja Patel
Asmita Chandanshive


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Importance of women empowerment at

1.2 Women empowerment at workplace

1.3 Women empowerment policies at workplace

1.4 Advantages of women empowerment at

Chapter 2 Literature reviews

Chapter 3 Objectives of your study

Chapter 4 Company profile

4.1 Company profile -

4.2 Peer analysis

4.3 Corporate social responsibility(CSR)

4.4 Company development

4.5 Company products and services

Chapter 5 HRM

5.1 Roles and responsibilities of human resource

in the company
5.2 Payroll

Chapter 6 Case study

Chapter 7 conclusion
Women's empowerment in the workplace goes beyond simply achieving
parity. It's about dismantling systemic barriers that have historically held
women back and fostering an environment where they can thrive. This
encompasses equal access to opportunities, from promotions and leadership
roles to training and development programs. It also recognizes the importance
of work-life balance, offering flexible arrangements that allow women to excel
in their careers without sacrificing personal commitments.

Empowerment isn't just about individual success; it's about creating a richer,
more innovative work environment. When women reach their full potential,
companies benefit from a wider range of perspectives and a more diverse
talent pool. This leads to better decision-making, increased creativity, and a
stronger overall company culture.

Here are some key aspects of workplace empowerment for women:

● Leadership development: Encouraging women to pursue leadership

roles through mentorship programs and sponsorship opportunities.
● Equal pay: Ensuring women receive fair compensation for their work
and experience.
● Combating bias: Implementing unconscious bias training and fostering
a culture of respect that eliminates gender-based stereotypes.
● Work-life balance: Offering flexible work arrangements, parental leave
policies, and childcare support programs.
● Mentorship and sponsorship: Connecting women with experienced
professionals who can guide their career development and advocate for
their advancement.

By actively promoting these initiatives, organisations can create a workplace

where women feel valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full
potential. This not only benefits women but also fosters a more successful and
innovative company as a whole.
Key words: women empowerment, companies benefit, equal access to opportunities,
work life balance
In today's working world, women's empowerment is no longer a fringe
concept, but a driving force for progress. It's about dismantling the glass
ceiling and ensuring a level playing field where women can excel and
contribute their unique talents. This translates into equal opportunities for
advancement, fair compensation, and access to training and development
programs that propel them towards leadership roles.

But empowerment goes beyond individual success. When women are

supported and encouraged to thrive, companies reap the benefits of a
more diverse and innovative workforce. Studies have shown that
businesses with strong female leadership outperform their counterparts. A
wider range of perspectives fosters better decision-making, increased
creativity, and a company culture that reflects the richness of the talent

Imagine a brainstorming session where a woman's perspective leads to a

breakthrough solution. Or a leadership team where diverse experiences
inform a strategic vision. Empowering women unlocks this potential,
creating a win-win scenario for both employees and organisations.

1.1 Importance of women's empowerment at the workplace

The Crucial Role of Women's Empowerment in the Workplace

Women's empowerment in the workplace isn't just a social justice issue,

it's a strategic imperative for businesses. Here's why:

● Diversity of Thought and Innovation: When women are actively

involved at all levels, companies benefit from a wider range of
perspectives. Women bring different experiences and approaches to
problem-solving, leading to more creative solutions and a stronger
competitive edge.
● Unlocking Potential: By removing barriers and fostering an
inclusive environment, organisations tap into the full talent pool.
Women represent a significant portion of the workforce, and
empowering them allows them to contribute their full potential,
leading to a more productive and successful company.
● Enhanced Decision-Making: Diverse leadership teams make
better decisions. Women bring different viewpoints and priorities to
the table, leading to more nuanced and well-rounded approaches.
This can be crucial in navigating complex situations and achieving
long-term success.
● Stronger Company Culture: When women feel valued and
respected, it fosters a more positive and collaborative work
environment. This translates to higher employee engagement,
improved morale, and ultimately, a stronger company culture that
attracts and retains top talent.
● Financial Performance: Studies have shown a clear link between
gender diversity in leadership and improved financial performance.
Companies with strong female representation on boards and in
executive positions tend to outperform their less diverse

In essence, empowering women in the workplace isn't just the right thing
to do, it's a smart business decision. It leads to a more innovative,
successful, and resilient organisation


Women empowerment in the workplace is fundamental for fostering an

environment where women can thrive, contribute their best, and reach their full
potential. To achieve this, several key strategies need to be implemented.
Firstly, ensuring equal opportunities for women is paramount. This entails
providing women with the same access to career advancement, promotions,
training, and skill development opportunities as their male counterparts. It requires
implementing fair and transparent hiring and promotion processes that are free
from gender bias.

Addressing gender bias is another critical aspect of women empowerment in the

workplace. Unconscious bias can pervade various aspects of the workplace,
including recruitment, performance evaluations, and decision-making processes.
Therefore, it's essential to offer bias training to all employees and implement
policies and procedures to mitigate bias effectively.

Flexible work policies play a crucial role in empowering women in the workplace.
Offering flexible work arrangements such as remote work, flexible hours, and
job-sharing options can help accommodate women's diverse needs, especially
those balancing work with caregiving responsibilities. Such policies not only
enhance women's work-life balance but also contribute to their overall job
satisfaction and productivity.

Supporting women's leadership development is also vital for fostering

empowerment. This includes providing mentoring and coaching programs tailored
to women's needs, as well as creating opportunities for them to take on leadership
roles and participate in decision-making processes within the organisation.

Promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity is essential for creating a supportive

work environment for women. This involves fostering open communication,
actively listening to women's voices, and addressing any instances of harassment
or discrimination promptly and effectively.

Finally, advocating for policies that support women's rights and gender equality
beyond the workplace is crucial. This includes supporting initiatives such as
parental leave policies, equal pay for equal work, and initiatives to promote
women's representation in male-dominated fields.

In conclusion, women empowerment in the workplace requires a multifaceted

approach that addresses issues such as equal opportunities, gender bias, flexible
work policies, leadership development, inclusive culture, and advocacy for
women's rights. By implementing these strategies, organisations can create a more
equitable and empowering environment where women can thrive and contribute to
their fullest potential.



In India, several policies and initiatives have been introduced to promote women's
empowerment in the workplace. Here are some key policies aimed at fostering
gender equality and supporting women's advancement in Indian workplaces:

1. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and

Redressal) Act (2013): This legislation mandates the establishment of Internal
Complaints Committees (ICCs) in organizations with 10 or more employees to
address complaints of sexual harassment at work. It ensures a safe and
harassment-free environment for women employees.

2. Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act (2017): This amendment increases the

duration of paid maternity leave from 12 weeks to 26 weeks, providing women
with more time to recover from childbirth and bond with their newborns without
worrying about job security or financial stability.

3. Equal Remuneration Act (1976): The Equal Remuneration Act prohibits

discrimination in wages and employment opportunities based on gender. It ensures
that women receive equal pay for equal work, promoting fairness and gender
equality in the workplace.

4. Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Policies: Many Indian companies have

adopted diversity and inclusion policies aimed at promoting gender diversity in the
workforce. These policies often include initiatives such as recruitment and
promotion targets for women, leadership development programs, mentorship
opportunities, and flexible work arrangements to support women's career
advancement and work-life balance.

5. Women-specific Training and Development Programs: Some organisations offer

specialised training and development programs designed specifically for women
employees. These programs focus on building leadership skills, enhancing
technical competencies, and addressing the unique challenges faced by women in
the workplace.

6. Government Schemes and Initiatives: The Government of India has introduced

various schemes and initiatives to promote women's entrepreneurship and
economic empowerment, such as the Stand-Up India scheme, which provides
loans to women entrepreneurs from marginalised communities to start or expand
their businesses.

7. Employment Quotas: Certain sectors and government institutions in India have

implemented reservation policies or quotas for women in employment, particularly
in public sector organisations and government-funded projects. These quotas
ensure representation and participation of women in various sectors where they are
traditionally underrepresented.

8. Support for Work-Life Balance: Some companies in India offer support services
and facilities to help women employees balance their work and personal
responsibilities. These may include on-site childcare facilities, flexible working
hours, telecommuting options, and maternity support programs.
Overall, these policies and initiatives play a crucial role in promoting women's
empowerment and gender equality in Indian workplaces. However, there is still
much work to be done to address systemic barriers and create truly inclusive and
equitable work environments for women across all sectors and industries.



Empowering women in the workplace brings numerous advantages, not only for
women themselves but also for organisations and society as a whole. Here are
some key advantages of women's empowerment in the workplace:

1. Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion: Women empowerment fosters a more diverse

and inclusive workplace culture. By promoting gender diversity, organisations can
benefit from a wider range of perspectives, ideas, and approaches, leading to better
decision-making and innovation.

2. Improved Organisational Performance: Studies have shown that companies with

greater gender diversity tend to perform better financially. Empowering women in
the workplace can lead to increased productivity, profitability, and

3. Talent Acquisition and Retention: Organisations that prioritise women

empowerment are more attractive to top talent, including women who seek
opportunities for career advancement and a supportive work environment. By
offering equal opportunities and supportive policies, companies can attract and
retain skilled women employees.

4. Enhanced Creativity and Problem-Solving: Women bring unique perspectives

and problem-solving skills to the workplace. Empowering women to participate
fully in decision-making processes and leadership roles can lead to more creative
solutions and better outcomes for the organisation.

5. Improved Employee Morale and Satisfaction: Women empowerment initiatives

contribute to a positive work culture where all employees feel valued, respected,
and supported. This leads to higher levels of employee morale, job satisfaction,
and loyalty.

6. Reduced Gender Pay Gap: Empowering women in the workplace helps address
disparities in pay and career advancement opportunities. By ensuring equal pay for
equal work and offering support for women's career development, organisations
can contribute to closing the gender pay gap.

7. Positive Impact on Society: Women empowerment in the workplace has broader

societal benefits, including promoting gender equality, reducing poverty, and
empowering communities. When women are economically empowered, they can
contribute more effectively to their families' well-being and the overall
development of society.

8. Role Modeling and Mentorship Opportunities: Empowered women serve as role

models and mentors for other women in the organisation. By showcasing their
achievements and supporting the professional growth of their female colleagues,
they help create a pipeline of future leaders and contribute to a more inclusive
workplace culture.

Overall, women empowerment in the workplace is not only the right thing to do
from a social justice perspective but also makes good business sense. By creating a
supportive and inclusive environment where women can thrive, organisations can
unlock the full potential of their workforce and drive sustainable growth and

1. Empowering women in the workplace: Improving the quality of work

life (Afroz, 2020) analyses how Rosabeth Moss Kanter's theory of empowerment
can be applied to improve women's work experience and overall well-being.
Kanter identifies five key factors for empowerment: opportunity (access to
promotions and leadership roles), resources (tools and training), information
(transparency and clear communication), support (mentorship and sponsorship
networks), and power (decision-making authority). The review explores how
workplaces can implement these factors to create a more equitable and fulfilling
environment for women.

2. A Literature Review on Gender and Board Diversity (Smith et al., 2021)

investigates the link between gender diversity on corporate boards and a
company's financial performance. The review examines various studies that show
a positive correlation between the presence of women on boards and factors like
increased profitability, improved risk management, and enhanced corporate
social responsibility. This research highlights the economic benefits of women's
leadership in the workplace.

3. Full article: Gender and power work relationships: A systematic

review on the evidence from Africa and Asia (Charlesworth & Faria, 2022)
explores how cultural norms and social structures in specific regions influence
women's access to power within organisations. The review examines research
from Africa and Asia, identifying how deeply ingrained cultural expectations and
societal biases can create unique challenges for women seeking advancement in
these contexts.
4. Empowering women: A multidimensional approach (Singh et al., 2019)
takes a holistic view of women's empowerment in the workplace, examining
various facets that contribute to their success. This review delves into leadership
development programs designed to equip women with the skills and confidence
to excel in leadership roles. It also explores the importance of flexible work
arrangements, on-site childcare options, and parental leave policies in enabling
women to achieve work-life balance. Additionally, the review emphasises the
need to address unconscious bias through training programs and fostering a
culture of respect and inclusion.

5. Women and Leadership: A Review of the Literature (Eagly & Carmeli,

2003) provides a historical perspective on the research around women in
leadership roles. The review analyses the historical barriers faced by women,
such as stereotypes about their competence and leadership styles. It also explores
potential solutions for achieving gender parity in leadership positions, including
mentorship programs, sponsorship initiatives, and advocating for cultural shifts
within organisations.

6. The Glass Ceiling in the Workplace: Causes, Consequences, and

Solutions (Ryan & Haslam, 2005) delves into the concept of the glass ceiling, an
invisible barrier that limits women's career advancement. The review explores the
causes of the glass ceiling, including societal biases, unconscious stereotypes,
and a lack of access to mentorship and sponsorship opportunities. It also proposes
solutions for breaking through these barriers, such as implementing diversity and
inclusion initiatives, promoting work-life balance policies, and holding
companies accountable for achieving gender equality.
7. Women in STEM: A Review of the Literature on Gender Differences in
Interest, Persistence, and Achievement (Ceci & Williams, 2011) focuses on the
specific challenges faced by women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Math (STEM) fields. The review examines research on why women may be less
likely to pursue STEM careers and explores the factors that contribute to their
underrepresentation in these fields. It offers insights on how to foster
empowerment in STEM workplaces by promoting role models, addressing
implicit biases, and creating inclusive work environments that encourage women
to persist and achieve in these fields.

8. The Paradox of Meritocracy: Why Bringing Women into Power

Doesn't Ensure Gender Equality (Ryan & Baumert, 2019) explores how
seemingly meritocratic systems can still perpetuate gender inequality. The review
argues that relying solely on meritocratic ideals may not be enough to achieve
true parity. It highlights the need for proactive policies and cultural shifts within
organisations. This includes dismantling unconscious bias in hiring and
promotion practices, creating sponsorship programs specifically for women, and
fostering a culture that values diverse perspectives and leadership styles.
1. Identify Key Barriers: Analyse the specific challenges women face in
the workplace that hinder their advancement and overall success. This could
include unconscious bias, lack of access to leadership roles, or limitations on
training opportunities.
2. Evaluate Existing Policies: Assess the effectiveness of current
policies and initiatives aimed at empowering women. This might involve
analysing participation rates in mentorship programs, the impact of flexible
work arrangements, or the success of unconscious bias training.
3. Benchmark Best Practices: Investigate organisations known for their
success in women's empowerment. This research could explore their specific
policies, leadership development programs, or company culture initiatives
that contribute to a more equitable environment.
4. Measure the Impact of Empowerment: Develop methods to quantify
the positive effects of women's empowerment on the workplace. This could
involve analysing metrics like employee engagement, innovation rates, or
financial performance after implementing empowerment initiatives.
5. Explore the Role of Technology: Investigate how technology can be
leveraged to empower women. This could involve researching tools that
facilitate flexible work arrangements, support networking opportunities, or
address unconscious bias in hiring and promotion processes.
6. Investigate Cross-Cultural Differences: Analyse how cultural norms
and societal expectations influence women's empowerment in the workplace
across different regions of the world. This research could inform the
development of culturally sensitive policies and initiatives.
7. Identify the Role of Mentorship and Sponsorship: Research the
impact of mentorship and sponsorship programs in fostering women's
leadership development. This could involve analysing the types of support
provided, the career outcomes for mentees, and the benefits for mentors and
sponsors themselves.
8. Analyse the Business Case for Empowerment: Quantify the
economic benefits of a diverse and empowered workforce. This research
could delve into the link between gender diversity in leadership and financial
performance, innovation, or risk management within organisations.
9. Develop a Framework for Sustainable Empowerment: Create a
comprehensive framework for achieving and sustaining women's
empowerment in the workplace. This framework could encompass policies,
cultural shifts, training programs, and metrics for measuring long-term
10. Empowerment Beyond Leadership: While leadership roles are
important, empowerment goes beyond reaching the top. Research could
explore ways to create a more equitable work environment at all levels,
ensuring women feel valued, respected, and have opportunities for growth
and development in their chosen career paths.
CHAPTER 4- Company Profile
4.1 Company Profile - CISCO

Name: Cisco Systems, Inc.

Founded: December 10, 1984

Founders: Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner

CEO: Chuck Robbins

Headquarters: San Jose, California, United States

Industry: Technology, Networking Equipment

Products: Networking hardware, telecommunications equipment,

software, and services


Cisco Systems, Inc. is a global leader in networking solutions and

technology infrastructure. Founded in 1984 by Leonard Bosack and
Sandy Lerner, Cisco has played a significant role in shaping the way the
world connects, communicates, and collaborates. The company is
renowned for its innovative products and solutions that power the Internet
and networks of organisations worldwide.

Products and Services:

Cisco offers a wide range of products and services catering to various

segments of networking and communications needs:

Networking Hardware: Cisco manufactures routers, switches, wireless

access points, security appliances, and other networking hardware
essential for building and managing networks of all sizes.

Telecommunications Equipment: The company provides

telecommunications equipment, including IP phones, video conferencing
systems, and collaboration tools, enabling seamless communication
across organisations.

Software Solutions: Cisco develops software solutions for network

management, security, collaboration, and data centre operations. Their
software portfolio includes operating systems, security applications,
analytics tools, and cloud-based services.

Services: Cisco offers a comprehensive suite of services to support its

products, including consulting, technical support, training, and managed
services. These services help customers deploy, optimise, and maintain
their network infrastructure effectively.

Industry Leadership:

Cisco is recognized as a leader in the networking industry, with a strong

presence in both enterprise and service provider markets. The company's
technologies power the backbone of the Internet, facilitating connectivity
for billions of devices worldwide. Cisco's solutions are widely adopted
across various sectors, including telecommunications, government,
healthcare, education, and finance.


Cisco maintains its dominant position in the networking industry due to
its extensive product portfolio, strong brand reputation, and focus on
innovation. However, it faces competition from various players and must
adapt to evolving market dynamics to sustain its leadership.

Juniper Networks, Inc.: Competes directly with Cisco in networking

hardware, software, and services. Juniper excels in high-performance
solutions but has a smaller share in enterprise networking compared to
Arista Networks, Inc.: Specialises in cloud networking with a focus on
data centre switches and SDN technologies. Arista is known for
innovation but has a narrower product range compared to Cisco.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE): Offers a wide range of IT

infrastructure solutions including networking, servers, and storage. While
HPE provides end-to-end IT solutions, its networking division may lack
the same level of focus as Cisco.

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.: A global leader in telecommunications

equipment and networking solutions, known for competitive pricing and
technological advancements. However, geopolitical challenges may affect
its competitiveness in certain markets.

SWOT Analysis of CISCO:

Cisco's corporate social responsibility efforts reflect its commitment to
making a meaningful difference in the world by leveraging its
technology, resources, and expertise to create sustainable impact and
promote social justice. Through these initiatives, Cisco strives to build a
better future for people, communities, and the planet.

Cisco Systems, Inc. is committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR)

initiatives aimed at making a positive impact on society and the
environment. Here are some key aspects of Cisco's CSR efforts:

Networking Academy: Cisco Networking Academy is a global education

program that empowers individuals with IT and networking skills. It
provides free or low-cost training in networking technologies,
cybersecurity, and entrepreneurship, helping students, educators, and
communities worldwide prepare for careers in the digital economy.

Environmental Sustainability: Cisco is committed to reducing its

environmental footprint through various initiatives. The company aims to
minimise waste, conserve energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
in its operations. Cisco also focuses on designing energy-efficient
products and solutions to help customers achieve their sustainability

Social Impact Grants: Cisco offers social impact grants to support

nonprofit organisations and initiatives addressing critical social
challenges. These grants fund projects in areas such as education,
healthcare, disaster response, and economic empowerment, enabling
communities to thrive and grow.

Corporate Giving and Employee Volunteering: Cisco encourages

employee participation in volunteering and philanthropic activities
through its Corporate Social Responsibility programs. The company
provides matching donations for employee contributions to eligible
charitable organisations and offers paid time off for volunteering efforts.

Diversity and Inclusion: Cisco promotes diversity and inclusion within its
workforce and beyond. The company is committed to fostering a culture
of belonging where employees from diverse backgrounds feel valued and
empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. Cisco also partners
with organisations that support diversity and inclusion initiatives in the
tech industry.

Human Rights and Ethics: Cisco upholds human rights principles and
ethical business practices in its operations and supply chain. The
company complies with international labour standards and conducts
regular assessments to ensure ethical sourcing and fair labour practices
throughout its global supply chain.

Community Engagement: Cisco engages with local communities through

various outreach programs and partnerships. The company collaborates
with nonprofits, educational institutions, and government agencies to
address community needs and drive positive social change.


Cisco's development efforts are aimed at driving innovation, enhancing
customer value, and addressing complex challenges in the rapidly
evolving technology landscape. By staying at the forefront of
technological innovation and aligning its development initiatives with
customer needs and market dynamics, Cisco remains a leader in the
networking industry.

Cisco Systems, Inc. focuses on continuous development and innovation

across various aspects of its business, including technology, products,
services, and corporate initiatives. Here are some key areas of
development for Cisco:

Technology Innovation: Cisco invests heavily in research and

development to drive technological advancements in networking,
cybersecurity, cloud computing, and emerging technologies such as
artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). The company
explores new solutions and architectures to address evolving customer
needs and market trends.

Product Development: Cisco continuously enhances its product portfolio

to deliver innovative networking hardware, software, and services. This
includes developing next-generation routers, switches, security
appliances, collaboration tools, and management software designed to
improve performance, reliability, and security for customers.

Services Expansion: Cisco expands its services offerings to provide

comprehensive support and solutions to customers. This includes
consulting services, technical support, managed services, and training
programs aimed at helping organisations deploy, optimise, and secure
their network infrastructure effectively.

Strategic Partnerships and Acquisitions: Cisco forms strategic

partnerships and makes acquisitions to strengthen its capabilities, enter
new markets, and drive innovation. By collaborating with industry
leaders and integrating cutting-edge technologies, Cisco enhances its
product offerings and accelerates growth in key areas.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Cisco continues to develop and

expand its CSR initiatives to make a positive impact on society and the
environment. This includes investing in education, supporting community
development projects, promoting diversity and inclusion, and advancing
environmental sustainability efforts.
Digital Transformation: Cisco helps customers navigate digital
transformation by providing solutions that enable connectivity,
automation, and security in the digital age. The company develops
technologies and strategies to help organisations embrace digital
innovation and drive business outcomes.

Cybersecurity: With the increasing threat of cyber attacks, Cisco focuses

on developing robust cybersecurity solutions to protect organisations
from advanced threats and vulnerabilities. This includes developing
next-generation security platforms, threat intelligence, and advanced
analytics to detect and respond to cyber threats effectively.

Cisco Systems, Inc. communication is facilitated through various
channels and platforms to ensure effective collaboration and information
sharing among employees, teams, and stakeholders.

Cisco Webex: As a leading provider of collaboration tools, Cisco utilises

its own Webex platform extensively for virtual meetings, video
conferencing, messaging, and file sharing. Webex enables real-time
communication and collaboration among employees across different
locations and time zones.

Cisco Spark: Cisco Spark, now integrated into Webex, offers messaging,
video calling, and file-sharing capabilities, allowing teams to
communicate and collaborate in a secure and integrated environment.

Email and Instant Messaging: Cisco employees commonly use email for
formal communication and announcements, while instant messaging
platforms like Cisco Jabber or Webex Teams provide a quick and
informal way to communicate within teams or with individual colleagues.
Internal Social Networks: Cisco employs internal social networks and
forums, such as Cisco Community, where employees can share ideas, ask
questions, and engage in discussions on various topics related to their
work and interests.

Intranet and Corporate Portals: Cisco maintains an intranet and corporate

portals where employees can access company news, resources, policies,
and training materials. These platforms serve as centralised hubs for
important information and updates.

Town Hall Meetings and All-Hands Calls: Cisco hosts regular town hall
meetings and all-hands calls, often led by senior executives, to provide
company updates, share strategic initiatives, and foster transparency and
open communication across the organisation.

Employee Feedback Channels: Cisco encourages employee feedback

through surveys, suggestion boxes, and dedicated feedback channels,
allowing employees to voice their opinions, raise concerns, and
contribute ideas for improvement.


These are just a selection of Cisco's extensive range of products and
services, demonstrating the company's comprehensive offerings across
various technology domains.


Networking Hardware: Includes routers, switches, wireless access points,

and security appliances.

Collaboration Tools: IP phones, video conferencing systems, and Webex

collaboration suite.
Data Center Infrastructure: Servers, hyper converged infrastructure
(HyperFlex), and Nexus switches.

Security Solutions: Next-generation firewalls, secure access solutions,

and cloud security offerings.

CISCO Services:

Consulting Services: Strategic consulting and network design and

implementation services.

Technical Support: Troubleshooting, issue resolution, and software

support services.

Managed Services: Managed network, security, collaboration, and cloud


Training and Certification: Training courses, certifications, and

educational programs through Cisco Learning Services and Cisco
Networking Academy.
At Cisco Systems, Inc., human resources processes and procedures are
meticulously designed to foster a thriving and inclusive workplace
culture while strategically managing the workforce. Their recruitment
and selection process ensures that they attract top talent globally,
employing rigorous assessment methods to align candidates with our
values and objectives. Once onboarded, new hires undergo a
comprehensive orientation process to seamlessly integrate them into the
environment, equipping them with the tools, knowledge, and support
needed for success. Performance management practices set clear
expectations, offer regular feedback, and recognize high performance,
while also identifying areas for growth and development. Through robust
learning and development initiatives, they empower their employees to
continuously enhance their skills and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving
industry. Our commitment to employee well-being is evident through a
comprehensive benefits package and initiatives promoting work-life
balance and mental health support. Open communication channels,
diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, and a focus on employee
relations further reinforce our commitment to maintaining a positive and
supportive workplace environment. Together, these HR processes and
procedures enable them to attract, retain, and develop exceptional talent,
driving our collective success and innovation as a global technology
HR plays a pivotal role in managing Cisco's most valuable asset—its
people. By providing strategic guidance, operational support, and
employee-focused initiatives, HR contributes to creating a positive work
environment and driving organisational success.

In Cisco Systems, Inc., the Human Resources (HR) department plays a

critical role in various aspects of talent management and organisational
development. Here are some key roles and responsibilities of HR in

Talent Acquisition: HR is responsible for attracting, sourcing, and

recruiting top talent globally to meet the company's staffing needs. This
involves developing recruitment strategies, managing job postings,
conducting interviews, and negotiating job offers.

Onboarding and Orientation: HR oversees the onboarding process for

new hires, ensuring they have a smooth transition into the organisation.
This includes coordinating orientation sessions, providing necessary
paperwork, and facilitating introductions to team members and company

Employee Relations: HR manages employee relations by addressing

workplace conflicts, grievances, and disciplinary issues. They provide
guidance to managers and employees on company policies, procedures,
and legal compliance to maintain a positive work environment.

Performance Management: HR develops and implements performance

management processes to set performance goals, provide feedback, and
evaluate employee performance. They work closely with managers to
identify areas for improvement and support employee development.
Learning and Development: HR designs and delivers training programs
and learning initiatives to enhance employee skills and competencies.
They identify training needs, coordinate training sessions, and evaluate
training effectiveness to support employee growth and development.

Compensation and Benefits: HR manages employee compensation and

benefits programs, including salary administration, incentive plans, and
employee benefits packages. They ensure compensation practices are
competitive and aligned with company goals and industry standards.


Cisco's payroll system plays a crucial role in managing employee
compensation efficiently, accurately, and securely, contributing to the
company's commitment to employee satisfaction and compliance with
legal and regulatory requirements.

Employee Compensation Management: This includes the calculation and

processing of employee salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, and other
forms of compensation based on factors such as hours worked,
performance, and company policies.

Payroll Processing: Cisco's payroll system likely automates the process of

payroll processing, from collecting and verifying employee time and
attendance data to calculating gross wages, taxes, deductions, and net
pay. It may also handle additional payments such as reimbursements and

Direct Deposit and Payment Methods: Employees at Cisco likely have

the option to receive their pay through direct deposit into their bank
accounts. The payroll system facilitates direct deposit transactions and
may also support other payment methods such as paper checks or prepaid
debit cards.
Tax Withholdings and Compliance: Cisco's payroll system ensures
accurate calculation and withholding of federal, state, and local taxes
from employee wages. It also handles tax reporting and compliance with
tax laws and regulations, including filing payroll tax returns, issuing W-2
forms, and adhering to tax deadlines.

Employee Self-Service Portals: Cisco may provide employees with

self-service portals or mobile apps where they can access their pay stubs,
view their earnings history, update personal information, and manage
their direct deposit preferences.

Integration with HR and Accounting Systems: Cisco's payroll system

likely integrates with other internal systems, such as human resources
(HR) and accounting software, to streamline data exchange and ensure
consistency across payroll, benefits administration, and financial

Reporting and Analytics: The payroll system generates various reports

and analytics to provide insights into payroll expenses, employee
compensation trends, tax liabilities, and other payroll-related metrics.
These reports help management make informed decisions and ensure
compliance with financial and regulatory requirements.
“Retail Entrepreneurs Create an Empowering Identity for Women
in Business”

Cisco's Smart Business Communications System played a pivotal role in

empowering women at Bonitas International LLC by facilitating a
supportive and flexible work environment conducive to managing both
career and family responsibilities. The implementation of Cisco's network
solution enabled remote access to business applications, allowing
employees, primarily working mothers, to work from home or other
remote locations. This flexibility empowered women to balance their
professional and personal lives effectively, enhancing their job
satisfaction and overall well-being.

With the ability to connect seamlessly to the company's network from

anywhere, employees could maintain productivity while attending to
family obligations or other personal commitments. This flexibility
eliminated the need for rigid work schedules and lengthy commutes,
providing working mothers with greater autonomy and control over their
work-life balance.

Moreover, the improved operational efficiency resulting from Cisco's

network solution reduced stress and workload for employees, fostering a
positive work environment. By streamlining processes and enabling
real-time access to information, the system enhanced job satisfaction and
morale among employees, particularly women juggling multiple roles.

Additionally, the scalability and support for remote work offered by

Cisco's network infrastructure allowed Bonitas to recruit talented women
regardless of geographical location. This inclusivity empowered women
who may have been previously excluded from traditional office-based
roles due to geographic constraints or family responsibilities, thereby
promoting gender diversity and equity within the organisation.
In summary, Cisco's Smart Business Communications System was crucial
in empowering women at Bonitas International LLC by providing the
technological infrastructure necessary to support flexible work
arrangements, enhance job satisfaction, and promote inclusivity in the
workforce. By enabling working mothers to balance their professional
aspirations with their family commitments, the network solution
contributed to creating a more supportive and empowering environment
for women in business.
This research has shed light on the multifaceted nature of women's
empowerment in the workplace. By identifying key barriers, evaluating
existing policies, and exploring best practices, we gain valuable insights
into fostering a more equitable and inclusive work environment.

The research findings highlight the positive impact of empowerment on

both individual women and the organisation as a whole. When women
feel empowered, they are more likely to reach their full potential,
contribute diverse perspectives, and drive innovation. This translates into
a more successful and resilient workplace.

However, achieving true empowerment is an ongoing journey. Continued

research is crucial to explore the evolving challenges and opportunities
women face in the workplace. This includes investigating the role of
technology, understanding cross-cultural nuances, and developing
frameworks for sustainable empowerment.

By implementing effective policies, fostering a culture of respect and

inclusion, and promoting mentorship and sponsorship, organisations can
play a vital role in dismantling barriers and empowering women at all
levels. This not only leads to a more just workplace, but also unlocks the
full potential of a diverse workforce, shaping a thriving future for women
in the workplace.

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