03-03-2024 - Draft Punk

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UNIT 1 Draft for Project: Life after high school

EFL Teacher: Sara Calderón

Team member 1: Romina Isabel

Team member 2: Ximena Velásquez Ximénez

Team member 3: Leonardo Pérez

Team member 4 :Olam Salgado

Team member 5 (optional):Morales García Jesus

Group and section: 441 B

Date: 03/03/2024
Teacher’s feedback
Esta plantilla les servirá para cumplir con los lineamientos para el video del proyecto
final de la unidad 1.

Speaker Dialogue

Greet your audience. Leonardo Welcome to our podcast! This is

Leonardo, and today we have a
special episode where we'll be
diving into the exciting journeys
that our fellow classmates are
embarking on as they approach
their senior year. Stay tuned as we
explore their aspirations, dreams,
and plans for the future. Let's get

Introduce yourselves. Romina, Ximena, Olam, Romina - estudiará medicina

Jesuatli forense

"Hi everyone, I'm Romina.

Currently, I'm in my senior
year of high school and after
graduating, I will pursue a
career in forensic medicine.
I've always been fascinated
by the intricacies of human
anatomy and the science of
examining evidence to
uncover the truth behind
various causes of death. I'm
excited to contribute to the
field of forensic science and
help bring closure to families
through my future work."
Ximena - estudiará

“Hi everyone, my name is

Ximena! As a senior, I'm
excited to start the next
chapter of my academic
journey. I am going to study
veterinary medicine because
I have a passion for animals
and their well-being. I hope
to make a positive impact on
the lives of animals and their
owners through my future

Olam - iba a estudiar

comunicación, pero será padre:

"Hi everyone. I'm Olam.

Although I initially planned to
study communication, life had
other plans for me. Recently,
my girlfriend and I received
unexpected news: we're going
to be parents! So, instead of
focusing on my studies right
away, I will dedicate myself to
preparing to welcome our new
addition to the family."

Jesuatli - estudiará
producción musical:

"Hi guys! I'm Jesuatli. As I

approach the end of my
senior year, I'm ready to
pursue my passion for music.
I am going to study music
production in college
because I have always been
drawn to the art of sound
production and composition.
In the future, I will work in
the music industry and
produce songs that reach
many people."
Explain the topic of your Leonardo
Q&A podcast video.
"Hi everyone, and welcome
back to our Q&A podcast
video series. Today, we have
a very exciting topic to
discuss: our plans after
senior year. We're going to
interview four of our fellow
students to hear about their
career aspirations and goals
for the future. They will
share their insights and
experiences, giving us
valuable perspectives on
what lies ahead."

Simulate a live transmission, with a discussion among friends. Use questions and
answers in simple future with will and going to. Use will for decisions, beliefs about the
future, promises, or spontaneous actions. Use going to for the consequences of a
decision or plans already organized.
Speake Dialogue
Question 1. Leonardo
Question about plans after high
school. For example, Sara: "Hi Romina, Ximena, Olam, and Jesuatli!
What are your plans when you As we wrap up our senior year, I'm
finish CCH? curious to know about your plans after
high school. What are you going to do,
and what do you think you will achieve in
the next few years?"

Answer 1a: Romina

Emilio: I’m going to take a
sabbatical year. I will travel Romina: "Hi Leonardo, thanks for having
around Mexico. What about me. After high school, I'm going to pursue
you, Lilian? a career in forensic medicine. I've always
been fascinated by the science behind
examining bodies and determining causes
of death. I will study hard to become a
forensic pathologist and contribute to
solving criminal cases. In the next few
years, I hope to gain experience working
in forensic labs and eventually specialize
in forensic anthropology. I'm excited
about the challenges ahead and the
opportunity to make a difference in the
field of forensic science."

Answer 1b: Ximena Ximena: "Hi Leonardo, thank you for

Lilian: I will pursuit a bachelor’s having me. After high school, I'm going to
degree on Law. What about pursue a career in veterinary medicine.
you, Ale? I've always had a passion for animals and
their well-being, and becoming a
veterinarian will allow me to help them
directly. I will enroll in a veterinary school
and focus on learning about animal
health and care. In the future, I plan to
work in clinics and animal hospitals,
providing medical assistance to pets and

Answer 1c: Olam Olam: "Hey Leonardo, thanks for having

Ale: I’m going to work and me on the podcast. Well, my plans kind of
study. I will work in a clinic lab. took an unexpected turn. Originally, I was
I’m going to get my Vocational going to study communications, but then
Diploma next year. Jeremy, tell my girlfriend surprised me with the news
us about your plans. that we're going to be parents. It's a big
responsibility, but I'm determined to
support my family. I will work hard to
provide for them and be the best father I
can be. I'm not sure yet what career path
I'll take, but right now, my focus is on
preparing for parenthood and ensuring a
bright future for my child."

Answer 1d: Jesuatli Jesuatli: "Hey Leonardo, thanks for having

Jeremy,: Well, I don’t know. I me. After graduating, I'm going to pursue
have no idea what I’m going to a career in music production. I've always
do when I finish high school. been passionate about music, and I
And you, Alice?
believe this is the right path for me. I will
enroll in a music production program and
hone my skills in audio engineering and
music composition. I'm excited about the
opportunities ahead and can't wait to
start creating my own music. With
dedication and hard work, I'm confident
that I will achieve success in the music
Answer 1e:
Alice: I will go to College, but I
haven’t decided which career
I’m going to study. I’m between
Engineering and Architecture.

Speake Dialogue
Question 2 about the subjects Leonardo Leonardo: "Alright, let's move on to our
for senior year. next question. What subjects are you going
to take or do you plan to take for your
senior year, and how do you think they will
help you in your future careers?"

Answer 2a Romina Romina: "For my senior year, I'm going to

take advanced biology and chemistry
classes. I believe these subjects will
provide me with a strong foundation for
my future career in forensic medicine.
Additionally, I plan to enroll in a
criminology elective, which will help me
gain a deeper understanding of the legal
aspects related to forensic investigations."

Answer 2b Ximena Ximena: "Um, well, for senior year, I'm kind
of unsure about my subjects. I'm
considering taking some advanced courses
in animal biology and physiology, but I'm
not entirely sure if I'll go through with it. I
might also look into joining a veterinary
internship program, but I'm not totally
convinced yet. I guess I'm just trying to
figure out what will be the best fit for me
and my future career as a veterinarian."

Answer 2c Olam Olam: "Well, you see, my plans for senior

year are a bit up in the air right now. I was
originally going to pursue a degree in
communications, but, uh, recent events
have kind of thrown a curveball at me. My
girlfriend and I found out that we're going
to be parents, so now I'm not entirely sure
what the future holds for me. I mean, I
want to support my family and be there for
my child, so I'm thinking I might have to
put my academic plans on hold for a while.
I guess I'll have to wait and see how
everything pans out."

Answer 2d Jesuatli Jesuatli: "Alright, so for my senior year, I'm

definitely going to focus on my passion for
music production. It's been my dream for
as long as I can remember, and I'm
confident that I will succeed in this field.
I've already started working on some
projects, and I'm excited about the
opportunities that lie ahead. Music is my
escape, you know? It's what keeps me
going, especially when things get tough.
So, yeah, I'm going to pour my heart and
soul into my music, and I know it will pay
off in the end."

Answer 2e Leonardo

Leonardo: "Well, Romina, that sounds like

a fascinating career path! Your dedication
to forensic medicine is admirable, and I
have no doubt that you're going to excel in
this field. It's evident that you have a
passion for understanding the complexities
of the human body and seeking justice
through your work. I wish you all the best
in pursuing your goals, and I'm excited to
see where your journey will take you."

Leonardo: "Ximena, it's inspiring to hear

about your passion for veterinary
medicine. Your love for animals and your
desire to care for them is truly admirable. I
have no doubt that you're going to have a
significant impact in the field of veterinary
science. Your dedication and compassion
will undoubtedly lead to many successful
outcomes in your career. I wish you the
best of luck as you embark on this
rewarding journey!"

Leonardo: "Olam, becoming a father is a

significant responsibility, and I admire your
determination to balance your academic
studies with your new role. Although
unexpected, this announcement opens up
a new chapter in your life, full of
challenges and blessings. Your
commitment to your studies and your
growing family is commendable, and I'm
confident that you're going to navigate this
journey with strength and resilience."

Leonardo: "Jesuatli, your passion for music

production is palpable, and it's evident
that you have a clear vision for your future
in the industry. While there may be
challenges along the way, your confidence
and determination are going to carry you
forward. Remember that it's okay to seek
support when needed, and your journey in
music is going to be filled with growth and
creativity. I look forward to witnessing
your success in the world of music

Question 3 about the Leonardo

predictions you got on the
palmistry game. For example: "Did we hear correctly that your teacher
Emilio: Last week we played the organized a palmistry game? If so, what
palmistry game. Which predictions did you receive about your
predictions did you get? future? How do you feel about these
predictions? Do you think they accurately
represent what lies ahead for you?"

Answer 3a Romina

"Actually, yes, we did have a palmistry

game in class. According to the predictions,
I will be passionate and jealous in my
relationships. Additionally, it says I will
easily fall in love, which seems accurate
because I've always been a romantic at
heart. However, it also predicts that I will
have times of sorrow and sadness in love
during my life, which makes me a bit
apprehensive about what's to come.
Nevertheless, I'm optimistic about my
future. I believe I will have a lot of
relationships, but I won’t be serious about
love, at least not until I find the right
person. Overall, the predictions were
intriguing, but I'm not letting them dictate
my life. I'm determined to make my own
path and create the future I want."

Answer 3b Ximena

**Ximena**: Yes, that's correct. According

to the palmistry reading, I will be warm-
hearted, reasonable, and affectionate in
my relationships. But, I will also be picky
with my lovers. Additionally, I will
experience times of sorrow and sadness in
love during my life.

Answer 3c Olam **Olam**: Yeah, that's right. According to

the palmistry reading, I will easily fall in
love and will have friendship with many
different people. However, I'm also going
to be cautious with love relationships and
won't be generous with my time and
energy, which makes me a bit
apprehensive about my future, especially
considering my unexpected journey into
fatherhood. I feel like I'll have to balance
my responsibilities as a parent with my
personal life, and these predictions seem
to highlight some potential challenges

Answer 3d Jesuatli **Jesuatli**: Well, another prediction I got

is that I will have good control over my
emotions in crucial moments of my life.
That's something I've been working on,
trying to stay grounded when things get
tough. I'm also told that I'll have a big
change in my life. Maybe it's time for me
to make some decisions and take some
risks. Who knows, maybe this change will
bring some positive energy into my life.
Answer 3e

Question 4 about a prediction Leonardo **Leonardo**: Given the predictions you

from the palmistry game you received from the palmistry game, do you
agree with. For example: find yourself believing in the accuracy of
Alice: Which of the predictions such readings? How do you think these
from the palmistry game do you
predictions might influence your future
agree with?
decisions or perceptions about life? Do you
see yourself being guided by them in any

Answer 4a Romina

**Romina**: Well, I'm quite skeptical

about these predictions, to be honest.
While it's fun to participate in these games,
I don't believe they will hold any real
insight into the future. I'm more inclined to
trust my own judgment and decisions
rather than relying on what some lines on
my palm might suggest. As for how they
might influence my future decisions, I don't
see them having much of an impact. I will
prefer to focus on concrete evidence and
logical reasoning when making choices. So,
while it's interesting to hear what the
predictions say, I'm not going to let them
dictate my life.

Answer 4b Olam **Olam**: Yeah, it's true. Our teacher

organized this palmistry game, and I did
get some predictions. Honestly, I'm not
sure how much weight I put on them, but
they were quite interesting. According to
the readings, it seems like I'm going to
have a lot of responsibilities ahead,
especially with this unexpected news
about becoming a father. But you know
what? I'm going to take it in stride. I
believe that everything happens for a
reason, and while it might be challenging,
I'm confident that I will be able to handle
it. As for the predictions about my future
career or personal life, I think they're just
speculative. I'm going to focus on being the
best father I can be and working hard to
provide for my family, regardless of what
the lines on my palm might say.

Ximena **Ximena**: Yeah, our teacher organized

that palmistry game, and I got some
predictions too. Honestly, I'm not entirely
sure what to make of them. Some parts
seem spot on, like the one about me being
warm-hearted and affectionate, but also
picky with lovers. I guess I can see that.
However, the part about being cautious
with love relationships and not generous
with my time and energy... I don't know,
it's a bit contradictory. As for the
predictions about my future career or
personal life, I think they're interesting to
think about, but I'm not going to let them
dictate my choices. I will take them into
consideration, sure, but ultimately, I'm the
one in control of my destiny.

Answer 4c Jesuatli **Jesuatli**: Yeah, we did that palmistry

thing. Got a bunch of predictions about my
future. Some of them seemed kinda bleak,
you know? Like, "times of sorrow and
sadness in love"? That hit a nerve. But hey,
it's not all bad. I'm also going to have to
take some important decisions, and I'm
confident that I'll make the right ones. As
for the big changes ahead, well, I'm a bit
scared, but I'm also excited. It's like I'm
standing at a crossroads, you know? Not
sure which way to go, but I'm willing to
take the leap. Will it all turn out alright?
Who knows, but I'm ready to find out.

Answer 4d

Answer 4e
Question 5 about a prediction Leonardo **Leonardo**: So, there were all these
from the palmistry game you predictions from the palmistry game,
disagree with. right? Some might have resonated with
you, but did any of them feel completely
off? Like, you just couldn't see that
happening in your life? What was it, and
why do you think it doesn't fit?

Answer 5a Romina **Romina**: Well, I have to say, one

prediction that didn't quite sit well with me
was the one about easily falling in love. I
mean, sure, I'm passionate about my
relationships, but I'm not the type to just
fall head over heels at the drop of a hat. I
think I'll be more cautious and selective
when it comes to matters of the heart. So,
I don't see that happening as easily as the
prediction suggests.

Answer 5b Ximena

**Ximena**: You know, one prediction

that felt off for me was the one about
easily being manipulated by others. I may
be warm-hearted and affectionate, but I'm
also quite assertive and independent. I
don't see myself letting others easily sway
my decisions. I'm going to be more careful
and discerning in my interactions with

Answer 5c Olam

**Olam**: Interestingly, the prediction

about easily getting tired due to not being
generous with my time and energy didn't
quite resonate with me. Yes, I'll admit,
being a young father might bring some
challenges, but it's also going to motivate
me to be more responsible and dedicated.
I will make sure to balance my
responsibilities and take care of myself.
Answer 5d Jesuatli

**Jesuali**: You know, one prediction that

felt way off for me was the one about
having a pleasant and quiet life. Sure, I
might appear confident on the surface, but
deep down, I know life is going to throw
some curveballs my way. I'm going to face
challenges head-on and strive for success,
but it's not going to be all smooth sailing.

Answer 5e

Llenen esta tabla con el cierre y despedida de su vlog.
Observaciones Speaker Dialogue
Ask your audience to react Leonardo Leonardo: "Now that we've heard from
to your q&a podcast video. Romina, Ximena, Olam, and Jesuatli about
their plans after high school, I'd love to hear
from all of you, our audience. What are your
thoughts on their diverse career paths and
life choices? Will you be supporting their
decisions, or do you have different
perspectives on their future endeavors? Do
you think they're going to succeed in their
chosen fields, or do you believe they will face
challenges along the way? Feel free to share
your reactions, questions, or any insights you
may have. Your feedback is valuable to us
and can spark meaningful conversations.

Ask your audience to leave Leonardo y Leonardo: "Listeners, as you've heard,

an opinion about the Jesuatli Jesuatli and I have shared our thoughts on
predictions you presented. the future paths and aspirations of Romina,
Ximena, Olam, and himself. Now, we want to
hear from you. What do you think about the
predictions we've discussed? Are you
optimistic about the future plans outlined by
our guests, or do you have reservations? Will
you be following their journeys closely, and
do you believe they're going to achieve what
they've set out to do? Your opinions are
valuable, so please share them in the
comments below."

Jesuatli: "Yes, and I'd like to add my own

perspective. While I may have expressed
some doubts and concerns, I'm genuinely
interested in hearing what our audience
thinks. Do you share my apprehensions, or
are you more hopeful about the future? Will
you be watching to see if our predictions
come true, and do you believe these
individuals have the willpower and
determination to succeed? Your feedback
matters, so don't hesitate to let us know
what you think."

Leonardo: "Absolutely, Jesuatli. Your insights

are invaluable, and I echo your sentiments.
Listeners, your engagement and feedback
play a crucial role in shaping our discussions.
Whether you agree with our viewpoints or
offer a different perspective, we want to
hear from you. So, please take a moment to
share your thoughts in the comments
section. We look forward to reading your

Ask your audience to share leonardo Leonardo: "Alright, folks, it's time for us to
your video. wrap up today's Q&A podcast session. Before
we go, don't forget to hit that like button if
you enjoyed the conversation and subscribe
to our channel for more insightful
discussions. We're counting on you to spread
the word, so share this video with your
friends, family, and anyone else who might
find it interesting. Together, we can build a
community of engaged listeners who are
going to explore the possibilities of the
future. Thank you for tuning in, and until
next time, take care!"
Say Goodbye! todos Entendido, aquí tienes las despedidas con un
simple "bye":

Romina: "Thanks for listening, guys! Bye!"

Ximena: "Catch you later, everyone! Bye!"

Olam: "Take care, folks! Bye!"

Jesuatli: "Until next time, friends! Bye!"

Leonardo: "That's all for today, folks! Bye for


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