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Computer Science

Grade IX

Holiday Homework

Name: ..........................................................
Computer Science Grade IX Holiday Homework

Computer Science 2210

Grade IX Holiday Homework

1. Research and produce a research report (2 page Word document) on how ChatGPT will
effect education (homework, assignments, projects, assessments). Will it lead to
plagiarism or will it be an effective learning aid?

2. Write pseudocode and python code for the following questions:

a. Take two integer variables as input and find their sum. Print the sum.

b. Take as input a user's first and last name and print them in reverse order with a space

between them.

c. Calculate the area of a circle based on the radius entered by the user.

d. Calculate the volume of a sphere. Your program should take the necessary

measurements for the shape as input and then print the calculated volume.

e. Determine whether a given number (entered by the user) is even or odd, and prints

an appropriate message to the user.

f. Test whether a user entered letter is a vowel or not. Print the result.

g. Display all the odd numbers from 1 to 50 using a FOR loop.

h. Print all the multiples of 5 between 1 and 100 using a FOR loop.

i. Input 20 numbers. Count how many of the entered numbers are positive, negative

and how many are zero. Then output the results.

j. Use a WHILE loop to displays 10 stars.

k. Use a WHILE loop to display the following series:


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