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A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for

direct methanol fuel cells Afdhal Yuda

& Anand Kumar
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A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct

methanol fuel cells

Afdhal Yuda, Anand Kumar*

Department of Chemical Engineering, Qatar University, P O Box 2713, Doha, Qatar


 g-C3N4 based MOR catalyst with noble metals and non-noble metals are presented.
 Synthesis methods and photo/electro-catalytic properties of g-C3N4 are described.
 Structural modifications and doping of g-C3N4 can lead to better performance.
 CO poisoning is a major challenge, and catalysts tolerant to CO are discussed.
 Challenges faced in MOR and critical points for future research are proposed.

article info abstract

Article history: Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) possess numerous advantages for powering portable
Received 2 November 2020 mobile devices. However, there are still major challenges in their development and
Received in revised form commercialization that originates from the anode catalyst responsible for methanol
26 December 2020 oxidation reaction. This has motivated researchers to find a cost effective and durable
Accepted 12 January 2021 catalyst material for methanol oxidation. Recently, carbon-based 2-D graphitic carbon
Available online xxx nitride (g-C3N4) has been found to have good potentials to catalyse alcohol oxidation re-
actions in fuel cells. This review provides a summarized information of previously devel-
Keywords: oped g-C3N4-containing-electrocatalysts based on the active sites present (e.g., non-metals,
Direct methanol fuel cells noble metals, and non-noble metals) for methanol electro-oxidation to compare their
g-C3N4 catalysts electrocatalytic performance. It also consists of brief examination of their structure,
Carbon based electrocatalysts description of different synthesis methods and post-synthesis treatments, and evaluation
of their properties that contributes to their resulting performance. The review then con-
cludes with the details of challenges and possible solutions that enable DMFC to be a
reliable source of energy in the future.
© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

continuous usage. As a result, significant attention has been

Introduction given towards investigating novel systems for energy preser-
vation and transformation, such as DMFCs, in recent years
The growth of industrialization has resulted in an increased due to it being highly efficient and low emitter of pollutants. In
demand for energy globally. Since energy generation is mostly DMFCs, the electrocatalyst system is one of its crucial
dependent on using pollutant-producing fossil fuels, there are component that determines the operation of the fuel cell [1].
serious environmental problems on a global scale with its

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Kumar).
0360-3199/© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy,
2 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Commonly, nanoparticles (NPs) of platinum (Pt) and catalyst containing nitrogen and carbon was developed using
platinum-alloys can demonstrate good performance as an an iron precursor (Fe-N-C catalyst) [39]. The purpose of the
anode electrocatalyst material. However, due to Pt being work was to not only avoid the usage of high cost platinum
expensive, limited in supply, and poor poison tolerance its use group metals, but also to minimize the inefficiency of oxygen
for commercial purposes has declined. Hence, the focus of reduction reaction (ORR) on cathode catalyst when permeated
many researchers has recently been towards minimizing the alcohols (e.g., methanol and ethanol) adsorb on the active
use of Pt and instead implement other metals, such as palla- sites of the catalyst. Based on Density Function Theory (DFT)
dium, or supporting platinum on carbon or alternative support calculations, it was observed that Fe-N2C2 and Fe-N4 active
materials [2e4]. Palladium has been chosen as one of the sites present on the synthesized catalyst preferably adsorb
alternative metals because of its relatively lower cost and oxygen with greater energy than to adsorb ethanol, methanol
exceptional activity for electrocatalytic oxidation and carbon to carry out partial ethanol oxidation products (0.73e1.16 eV
monoxide resistivity in comparison to catalysts that are based stronger adsorption). Sites related to nitrogen and carbon such
on platinum [5e7]. Nonetheless, the electrocatalytic activity of as pyridinic and graphitic nitrogen are much less selective
palladium is still low and the stability is not high enough to be towards ORR. Graphitic carbon nitride, or g-C3N4, another
used in the commercialization of DMFCs [8,9]. Carbon based carbon material that is rich in nitrogen, that is an allotrope of
materials have shown exceptional promise as support mate- carbon nitride, has been reported to have high structural
rials for electrocatalytic applications [10,11]. The types of stability with potential to be use in photocatalysis, heteroge-
carbon support material suitable for dispersing metal nano- neous catalysis, and fuel cells [40,41]. Apart from an ultrahigh
particles include carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [12], carbon black nitrogen content it also has other interesting properties that
[13], graphene [7,14], and carbon nanofibers [15], and they include ideal 2D structure, remarkable thermal and chemical
possess advantageous properties such as good conductor of stability that can be utilized in areas of water splitting with
electricity and great stability [16]. Vulcan XC-72R carbon black metal-free catalysts [42e47], organic pollutant degradation
is amongst the most extensively used carbon materials to [48e50], CO2 fixation [51,52], and so on. In addition, it has a
support active metals in various electrocatalytic applications. matrix that could offer coordination to various metals because
This is because the material is widely available, cheap, pos- of the nitrogen rich polymeric semiconductor system (C/
sesses large surface area and the necessary pore structure, N ¼ 0.75, a heterocyclic macrocycle structure with N-C-N-
and high electrical conductivity [16]. There are still, however, bonding pattern) [19-25], that behaves as Lewis basic sites
disadvantages presented by Vulcan carbon support, including (different amino groups). The unique characteristics leaves g-
insufficient resistivity towards corrosion [17]. Various C3N4 with plenty of reactive sites for the formation of metal/g-
methods could be undertaken to enhance the surface of C3N4 hybrids. Therefore, g-C3N4 might not only function as a
chemically inert carbon materials and to add microspores. template, but also as a support to anchor metal nano-
One of them is through performing chemical activation that structures, which is an advantageous addition to its photo-
utilizes activating agents in the form of alkali hydroxides to active ability to achieve improved performance. Nevertheless,
pull in microspores with small distribution and enlarge their g-C3N4 performance towards electrochemical reactions is still
surface areas. Surface modification is also a common tech- not satisfactory because of its poor electrical conductivity [53].
nique to minimize corrosion and this could be attained by Hence, many research studies have recently been concen-
functionalizing the surface with carboxylates, sulfonates, trated towards combining g-C3N4 with other suitable electro-
steric polymer/oligomer, and tertiary amines [18,19]. Another catalytic materials to achieve exceptional properties leading
approach is to alter pure carbon by heteroatom-doping of the to better electrochemical performance. Its use together with
respective materials that can help achieve significantly better platinum metal as an electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation
performance [20]. Studies performed recently have shown reaction has also shown an enhancement in electrocatalytic
that it is conductive to modify carbon chemical reactivity and ability relative to bare platinum nanoparticles [54]. Further
electronic structures to achieve improved catalytic perfor- enhancement was also observed upon visible light irradiation
mance. So far the development in doping of carbon with for methanol electro-oxidation and could be attributed to the
heteroatoms include the addition of phosphorous, nitrogen, or synergistic effects of photocatalytic and electrocatalytic abil-
boron-doped carbon black [21e23], nitrogen and sulfur- ity in addition to efficient interfacial charge transfer in the
codoped graphene [24e26] etc. Examples of structural modi- hybrid system.
fication or hybrid structures include carbon nanotubes There are some recent reviews on the development of
[27e29], or graphene [30e32], and carbon nitride-graphene methanol electro-oxidation catalysts [55], however a focused
hybrids [33e35] etc. Doping of carbon with nitrogen atoms review on g-C3N4 based 2-dimensional materials is lacking.
resulted in an improvement of the chemical activity of the This review paper has been made to provide more information
surface and modification of the surface characteristics such as on the subject, where it will first look at the structures and
basicity, polarity, heterogeneity, and adsorption capability properties of g-C3N4 that makes them a suitable electro-
[36]. It is also important to note that introducing heteroatoms catalyst material. It will then look at the various synthesis
into carbon frameworks can assist in removing absorbed methods that could be implemented to develop g-C3N4, and
poisoning intermediates, which could further ensure that the the results of different research studies involving the utiliza-
active sites are highly exposed to promote catalytic reactions tion of g-C3N4 as an electrocatalyst material for methanol
[37,38]. In a study performed by Baglio et al., a highly active oxidation reaction (MOR).

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

with a pattern of AB or ABC [68,71]. In addition, its bandgap

Understanding the structures of g-C3N4 was determined to be 2.7 eV. The polytriazine imide group of
crystalline graphitic carbon nitride materials grow by the
The term, “graphitic carbon nitride”, is used to refer to a large involvement of heteroatoms that include Li, H, Cl and Br
group of materials that has various structural and chemical within the system, that are inserted during production pro-
properties. Much of the recent publications have referred to cess in a molten salt (e.g., LiCl:KBr) or via high temperature-
these family of materials as “g-C3N4” compounds, however high pressure approaches [32,72e75]. Larger (C12N12) ring
almost none of the materials involved have the ratio of 3 to 4 voids are present in these materials inside the layers, with
for C to N. Commonly, they instead contain considerable bromide or chloride ions occupying the spaces between the
concentrations of hydrogen and other elements, that include layers or the void sites. -NH- groups link the units of triazine
oxygen. The layers of graphite are also possibly incomplete that decorate the void sites’ interior, and the hydrogens can be
and the sheet-like regions are less likely to be planar [56]. partially or completely substituted by cations of Liþ. More Liþ
There are other categories of graphitic carbon nitride mate- species can also be present between the layers (Fig. 1d and e)
rials that have been discovered and the first group is related to [68,74,76].
graphitic carbon, graphene-like carbons or carbon nanotubes
(CNTs). They are those that are synthesized by involving ni-
trogen to a degree that reaches up to a few atomic percent Properties of g-C3N4
[57,58] and have metallic characteristics [58,59]. This group is
better termed as N-doped carbon instead of graphitic carbon Chemical stability
nitrides and their implementation as support materials for
electrocatalysts started in the 1980s [60,61]. The carbonaceous Like graphite, the presence of stacking with van der Waals
materials were pyrolyzed along with precursors that contain bonds that are optimized in the middle of carbon nitride single
nitrogen. Since the beginning of their use, different produc- layers renders it insoluble in many solvents. There was also
tion techniques have been developed and through these ap- no noticeable reactivity or solubility of carbon nitride in reg-
proaches support materials were produced that could ular solvents such as alcohols, H2O, THF, DMF, toluene, and
potentially enhance the catalytic performance by combining diethyl ether [77]. The stability as well as the durability of
both transition metal and support [38,62e65]. graphitic carbon nitride in organic solvents was previously
Compounds with a range of polymeric or graphitic ar- analysed by dispersing a powder of carbon nitride in acetone,
rangements make up the largest category of true carbon H2O, C2H5OH, acetonitrile, pyridine, CH2Cl2, glacial acetic acid,
nitride compounds. These compounds are generated from DMF, and an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide of 0.1 M
condensation reactions of easily available precursors, that concentration for a duration of 30 days. The dispersed carbon
include melamine, urea, or dicyandiamide, that takes place nitride samples were next dried at a temperature of 80  C for
after thermal treatments in the temperature scale of 10 h and then measurement of their IR spectra was taken for
500e700  C [66]. They could precisely be called as compounds comparison with the fresh material. Results of IR spectra of
of gCNH whose structures are generally built from linked units the samples that were soaked were observed to be unaltered.
of heptazine (tri-s-triazine, or C6N7). When low temperature There were, however, two exceptions and one of them was
ranges are used for synthesis, these polyheptazine (PHs) that the treatment of g-C3N4 in molten alkali metal hydroxides
become imperfectly assembled ribbon-like shapes, similar to caused the hydrolysis of the structure. The other observation
those established in Liebig’s melon [67]. They are ended made was that treatment in concentrated acids resulted in a
laterally by groups of eNH2- and -NH- (Fig. 1a) [68]. With rising sheet-like dissolution to generate a colloidal distribution [78],
synthesis temperatures, the condensation extent increases that is nevertheless completely reversible.
with a drop in ammonia-containing components and units
with sheet-like appearance start to develop graphitic ar- Thermal stability
rangements. The procedure, in theory, can be extended to the
graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) composition (Fig. 1b) [68], Performing thermal gravimetric analysis, or TGA, on graphitic
although this has not been performed [56,66]. Instead, the carbon nitride has indicated that this substance is remarkably
limiting stoichiometries obtained until now amidst gCNH robust and remained non-volatile up to a temperature of
material have been near to the constitution of C2N3H. Another 600  C, even during exposure to air. A strong endothermal peak
category of carbon nitride system to note is constructed from also appeared at a temperature of 630  C at which there was
independent rings of triazine (C3N3) that are connected by also successive complete loss of weight. This reveals that the
groups of -NH- or eN ¼ . These layers of polytriazine imide fragments’ thermal decomposition and vaporization began at
(PTI) offer an alternative way of generating infinite sheets of the temperature value previously mentioned. In a study per-
graphite with the C3N4 compositions (Fig. 1c and d) [68]. formed by Gillan, carbon nitride was sealed in evacuated silica
Initially they were synthesized in the form of nanocrystal via ampoules and was then positioned within a temperature
chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method [69,70]. Afterwards, gradient [77]. Observations from the study showed that a very
graphitic carbon nitride based on triazine of crystalline form slow rate sublimation of carbon nitride occurred at 450  C and
(TGCN, Fig. 1c) was found during the synthesis of molten salt escalated greatly at 650  C. Carbon nitrides were then
that was deposited on the surface of the melt phase or the completely decomposed at 750  C and left no residue. From this
reaction vessel walls [68,71]. It was also observed that the analysis, the thermal stability observed is amongst the highest
layers in this material contain C6N6 voids that are stacked for an organic material (greater than the ordinary high-

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
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4 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1 e Structural motifs observed in g-C3N4 (a) Liebig’s melon that consists of chains with zig-zag pattern of units of
heptazine (tri-s-triazine) connected by linking nitrogens and adorned on their edges by groups of N-H, (b) C3N4 layer that is
fully condensed based on units of heptazine, (c) C3N4 layer that is totally condensed built from units of triazine, (d)
Foundation of PTI based on units of triazine rings, connected by bridges of N-H and (e) Side elevation of PTI. Licl that is fully
occupied [68].

temperature polymers, polyimides, and aromatic polyamides). Reports have also been made on several photoluminescent
It is also important to consider that carbon nitride’s stability species and some were able to demonstrate blue region
rather differs from one preparation technique to another, as emission. It appears that there is a high dependence of pho-
found in the literature [72,73,77,79,80], and this could be due to toluminescence spectrum towards the condensation degree
different degrees of polymerization. as well as the packing in the middle of layers [79,84,89,90].
Conventional polymeric carbon nitride has, in many cases,
Optical and photo-electrochemical properties exhibited intense blue photoluminescence at ambient tem-
perature. It was established that the luminescence spans over
UV/Vis absorption and photoluminescence experiments have a wide range of 430e550 nm and showed a maximal value at
previously been used to investigate the optical characteristics around 470 nm.
of carbon nitride. Based on calculations performed theoreti- With an electronic band structure that is satisfactory,
cally, carbon nitride of polymeric form is an ordinary semi- carbon nitride has become a potential material for use in
conductor that has a band gap reaching 5 eV, which depends systems that harvest and convert solar energy (e.g., photo-
on the structural variants or adatoms [81]. In fact, carbon electrochemical cells). It is also known that photocurrent was
nitride commonly demonstrates a pattern of absorption of an determined even by bulk graphitic carbon nitride when radi-
organic semiconductor that has a bandgap adsorption that ated with visible light (wavelength of greater than 420 nm)
appears strongly at approximately 420 nm. This is in line with [87]. Carbon nitride’s high level of chemical and thermal sta-
the pale yellow colour it presents that has been reported bility improves the stability of photoelectrochemical cells in
earlier by various authors [82e84]. presence of oxygen. In addition, it is possible to tune graphitic
An important point to note is that synthesis approach, carbon nitride’s electronic band structure by nanomorphology
precursors utilized, and the condensation temperature alteration or by doping and this helps in the enhancement of
applied could have a slight impact on carbon nitride’s ab- photocurrent. For instance, carbon nitride with mesoporous
sorption edge. This may be because of the distinct local structure (mpg-C3N4) can usually assist in boosting the ca-
structure, defects, and packing that are formed throughout pacity to harvest light due to its multiple scattering effect and
the production or alteration process [83,85]. Different alter- large surface area, and hence demonstrated a rise in photo-
ations of carbon nitride, for instance, may cause a blue-shift current [91]. Other types of modification that can increase the
(by either protonation [78] or doping with sulfur [86]) or red- photocurrent include protonation and doping [87].
shift (by copolymerization with barbituric acid [87] and by Even though carbon nitride modification can partially
boron and fluorine doping [88]) of the adsorption edge. enhance the photocurrent, it is still presently considered to be

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
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international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

rather low. This is supposed to be the result of the presence of The group also examined the EIS of the synthesized Pt/g-
grain boundary defects as well as the lack of ability to generate C3N4 nanosheets modified electrode in different range of po-
bigger domain sizes with the present synthesis strategy. tentials in both the presence and absence of light. The ex-
amination further provided a proof of the suggested
synergistic effect and the photo-catalysis aspect of the
Mechanism of methanol oxidation reaction on g- methanol oxidation reaction. It was established that from a
C3N4 catalysts potential of 0.60 V to 0.40 V the diameters of the impedance
arcs (DIA) significantly reduced with increasing potential
The mechanism described in this section is based on that value in darkness (Fig. 3a). This signifies that at a lower po-
proposed by Zhu et al. in which they utilized an ultrathin 2- tential there are more active sites available for methanol
dimensional g-C3N4 nanosheet as a support for ultrasmall oxidation reaction as a result of CO intermediate species
platinum nanoclusters [54] (Fig. 2). It was observed that the removal by oxidation (CO is generated from methanol dehy-
electrode modified with the as-prepared Pt/g-C3N4 demon- drogenation [100,101]). With increasing potential value, from
strated better electrocatalytic performance for methanol 0.40 V to 0.20 V, the DIA also increased because of catalyst
oxidation reaction in comparison to bare platinum nano- poisoning and oxidation at relatively higher value of poten-
particles. Much higher performance was also observed when tials (Fig. 3b). However, there is a sudden reverse trend
the modified electrode was irradiated with visible light. observed in the arc to the second quadrant at a potential of
In a traditional electrocatalytic methanol oxidation process 0.15 V. This pattern is due to CO oxidative removal from the
involving platinum nanoparticles, the particles would serve as surface of the catalyst and regeneration of the active sites.
active sites on which methanol molecules would be electro- Further increase in the potential from 0 V to 0.15 V caused
oxidized to carbon dioxide. With the introduction of ultra- the arcs to adjust to normal positive behaviour gradually with
thin g-C3N4 as a support, the aggregation of platinum during a large DIA (Fig. 3c). The observed behaviour is due to the
the synthesis process could be avoided to help in forming carbon monoxide intermediate species being absent while the
small platinum nanoparticles. This also improves the platinum might be covered by platinum oxides that inhibits
adsorption of target molecules due to the 2-dimensional methanol oxidation [100].
structures. Furthermore, upon visible light irradiation Upon light illumination on the Pt/g-C3N4 electrode, smaller
(>400 nm), the graphitic carbon nitride could be excited to DIAs were generated at the same potential values (Fig. 3d).
generate electrons (e CB) in the conduction band (CB) and holes This is an indication that the methanol oxidation reaction
VB) in the valence (VB) [92e95]. Therein, the holes possess an charge-transfer resistance (Rct) during the photo-assisted
oxidative ability and could react with OH/H2O adsorbed on process is relatively smaller. The arc reversing to the second
the surface to produce strong oxidative hydroxyl radicals quadrant previously observed also occurred at 0.20 V, a
(∙OHs) [96e99]. The methanol molecules being adsorbed on comparatively lower value than that observed in absence of
the catalyst surface could also be oxidized in presence of the light, as the applied potential is continuously increased
hydroxyl radicals as in photocatalytic methanol oxidation (Fig. 3e). A more negative onset potential of negative imped-
reaction [96e99]. Generally, the pairs of hole and electron will ance seen during visible light illumination suggested that
quickly recombine and only some portion of the holes could removal of CO species by oxidation on the surface of the
be utilized. During the interfacial charge transfers between modified electrode is much easier [102]. In addition, from a
photoexcited g-C3N4 nanosheets and platinum nanoclusters, potential of 0 V to 0.15 V (Fig. 3f), the arcs adjusted to normal
the photoexcited electrons will first transfer to platinum and positive behaviour gradually with a large DIA, while the ten-
then flow to the circuit under external electric field. This is dency of the arc to turn back towards the first quadrant at
what prevents the charges from recombining. 0.10 V was more apparent. Furthermore, based on the
Nyquist plots obtained by the research team, the DIAs at the
entire range of potential were smaller than those seen in the
absence of light. This indicates that in presence of light there
is lesser charge-transfer resistance, due to the effective
interfacial charge transfer on Pt/g-C3N4, which further leads to
improved photo-electrocatalytic performance towards meth-
anol oxidation reaction.

Various g-C3N4 preparation and modification


Carbon nitrides are commonly synthesized by direct

condensation organic precursors that contain nitrogen. Ex-
amples of these precursors include thiourea, urea, dicyan-
Fig. 2 e Representation of the synergistic photocatalytic diamide, melamine, cyanamide, and guanidine
(PC) and electrocatalytic (EC) influence of the Pt/g-C3N4 hydrochloride. They are bulk materials that are characterized
modified electrode for methanol oxidation reaction (in the by small surface areas that are often less than 10 m2 g1.
presence of visible light) [54]. Providing well-controlled porosity of nanoscale level in the

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Fig. 3 e Nyquist plots of the electrode modified with Pt/g-C3N4 in a solution of 1 M methanol and 1 M KOH at electrode
potential values ranging from ¡0.6 V to 0 V (aec) in the absence of light and (def) under visible light illumination [54].

bulk carbon nitride is necessary for practical applications in nitride with mesoporous arrangement include the templating
areas of a single catalyst or a support substrate of co-catalysts strategy which can either be the hard-templating methods (of
(e.g., heterojunctions) to improve its use to a large scale. The nanocasting) or the soft-templating methods (or self-
creation of mesoporous system and the enhancement of assembly). Through these techniques, a continuous meso-
specific surface area are vital to properly adjust the physico- porous g-C3N4 structure possessing spherical or cylindrical
chemical properties and upgrade the photocatalytic perfor- mesopores and their inverse duplicates could be achieved.
mance [103]. Reports from analysis in the past indicate that
the mesoporous g-C3N4 was first attained by the performance Mesoporous g-C3N4 e soft-templating synthesis method
of duplication or nanocasting on matrices of mesoporous sil- Formation of mesoporous array using this technique is
ica that are notable for producing the corresponding nano- attainable through cooperative construction of molecules of
structures of carbon [104e106]. Several experiments were amphiphilic surfactant and guest species that are directed by
performed after gaining inspiration from this hard template the likelihood of decreasing interfacial energy. The compo-
method to discover new approaches for g-C3N4 alteration. nents of the organic templates, as well as their properties are
These new techniques include the ultrasonic dispersion essential to produce mesoporous structures. Hence, they are
technique [48], the soft template method [107e109], the also identified as structure-directing agents (SDAs). This
chemical functionalization technique [80,86,87,110], and the method is usually performed in hydrothermal environment
acidic solution impregnation method [78,111]. The strategies that is achievable through evaporation induced self-assembly
mentioned are also useful in modifying the electronic prop- (EISA).
erties as well as the texture and surface chemical properties. To be precise, ionic liquids (ILS) or surfactants (e.g., P123,
Triton X-100, F127, Brij76, Brij58, and Brij30) have also been
Nanoporous g-C3N4 synthesis methods utilized as soft templates for synthesizing meso-g-C3N4 by
dicyandiamide self-polymerization reaction [118] to obtain
Materials with porous characteristics are particularly attrac- various specific surface areas and pore structures. It is
tive for use as heterogeneous catalysts or as a component for important, however, to note that only certain pyrolysis design
catalytic reactions that convert energy because of their vast and template pathways could be used to produce the desired
surface areas and accessible porosity [112e117]. Graphitic mesoporous arrangements as the template components could
carbon nitride with mesoporous features (meso-g-C3N4) is a decompose before graphitic carbon nitride could be formed.
potential material for producing metal-free catalysts. It is Moreover, some carbon residue could still be left over in the
because it displays distinctive semiconductor properties in final products from the templating polymers that could seri-
addition to large surface area and available crystalline pore ously minimize the nitrogen content of the resulting materials
walls to assist with the transfer of mass. Relative to the bulk further affecting their catalytic performance. A study reported
graphitic carbon nitride, the material could demonstrate by Shen and team described the generation of bimodal mes-
greater porosity that could reach 1.25 cm3 g1, larger specific oporous g-C3N4 that possesses pores of 3.8 nm and a diameter
surface area that could reach a value of 830 m2 g1, larger of between 10 and 40 nm when Triton X-100 template and
quantities of active sites as well as higher size- or shape- precursors of glutaraldehyde and melamine were used [119].
selectivity that overall improve the catalytic performance. The resulting meso-g-C3N4 surface has a polar nature that
Approaches that are vital to synthesize graphitic carbon could enhance the immobilization of Candida rugosa lipase,

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
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international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

and further assist in maintaining its thermal stability and The template of choice to synthesize meso-g-C3N4 could be
catalytic activity. mesoporous silica or colloidal silica spheres. Using a template
of silica nanoparticles of 12 nm size, for example, could cause
Mesoporous g-C3N4 e hard-templating synthesis method the production of mesoporous g-C3N4 replica that possesses
With this technique nanostructured graphitic carbon nitride 12 nm spherical pores and 450 m2 g1 surface area organized
with nanowires or nanospheres features can be duplicated by in an irregular manner [129]. With hard templates of colloidal
making use of primary nanopores in the template of silica to crystals of silica with bigger particles (20e80 nm), meso- or
synthesize a replica arrangement that is stable. The final g- macroporous graphitic carbon nitride could be successfully
C3N4 of nanoporous form, that is an inverse duplicate of the fabricated [130]. Other than silica spheres, highly ordered
template of silica, is extracted after extracting the template meso-g-C3N4 could be synthesized with 2-dimensional hex-
with aqueous HF or NH4HF2. However, this method is not agonal SBA-15 and 3-dimensional cubic KIT-6 mesoporous
environmentally friendly and is unsafe. When SBA-15 was silica that can further act as a reactive template for producing
used as a hard template and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and metal nitride of mesoporous form [72,104,126,131].
ethylenediamine ((CH2-NH2)2) were used as precursors in a
nanocasting method, the generated final product was an or- Chemical modification of carbon nitride
dered mesoporous carbon nitride (meso-CN) [120,121]. Fea-
tures of the product included 140 m2 g1 specific surface area, Modifying through chemical approach is an effective way of
2-dimensional hexagonal ordered mesostructures with altering the physicochemical properties of the precursors so
approximately 2.9 nm pores, and 0.16 cm3 g1 pore volume. that their range of applications can be extended [132]. This
Furthermore, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen could be modified could be achieved by elemental doping of solid materials. It is
from a value of 4.5 to 3.5 by stepping up the weight ratio of a strategy that is often applied to tailor the texture and surface
(CH2-NH2)2 to CCl4 from 0.3 to 0.9. The same technique could chemical characteristics, in addition to the electronic prop-
also be applied to synthesize 3-dimensional cubic meso- erties of materials such as TiO2 [133], carbon [134,135], and
carbon nitride structures when a hard template of SBA-16 silicon [136]. Applications of this heteroatom doping method
silica is used [122]. Duplication using a hard template of have previously been used to modify carbon nitride materials,
mesoporous silica IBN-4 could help in producing meso-carbon and studies on the doping effects with fluorine [88], boron
nitride nanoparticles of about 150 nm. The product synthe- [110], sulfur [86], and other elements have also been reported.
sized in this way could demonstrate greater C/N atomic ratio
of 2.3 than those synthesized with KIT-6 and SBA-15 tem- Post-treatment modification
plates. The reason could be due to the IBN-4 template This technique, also known as post-functionalization, involves
magnified pore size that assists its impregnation with ethyl- introducing functional groups onto carbon nitrides’ surface. It
enediamine [123]. has been used in the past to modify fullerenes [137] and carbon
Examples of other C- and N-rich organic compounds that nanotubes [138] that enabled them to be suitable for different
could be utilized to produce highly condensed meso-g-C3N4 applications. Due to the nitrogen-rich feature of carbon nitride
include melem (C6N7(NH2)3), melamine (C3N3(NH2)3), dicyan- materials, direct protonation during counter ion addition is an
diamide ((CN-NH2)2), cyanamide (CN-NH2), and ammonium appropriate modification approach. In fact, it is possible to
dicyanamide (NH4(N(CN)2)) [82,106,124e126]. Antonietti et al. reversibly protonate carbon nitride by dissolving in 37% hy-
fabricated a disordered form of meso-g-C3N4 using a hard drochloric acid at room temperature for 3 h [78]. XRD patterns
template of silica nanospheres and a precursor of cyanamide. obtained after protonation have shown almost unchanged
The final product’s characteristics were pores of 12 nm and characteristics (2 characteristic diffraction peaks at approxi-
surface areas of between values of 86 and 439 m2 g1, mately 27 and 13 ) and this demonstrates that the original
depending on the weight ratio of precursor to silica utilized. carbon to nitrogen matrix has been preserved (Fig. 4aed).
Regarding the carbon to nitrogen atomic ratio a mean value of Through protonation, the electronic bandgaps of carbon
0.71 was established and this is near to 0.75, which is the nitride can be tuned to improve the ionic conductivity of the
theoretical value. Improvement of this approach was per- material. The addition of protons also assisted in dispersing
formed by Jun and co-workers by implementing a hard tem- the material in aqueous solutions that eased both character-
plate of ordered mesoporous silica SBA-15 to generate an ization and processing. In addition, further modification of the
ordered mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride [127]. The meso- technique could be attained by a simple counter anion
g-C3N4 produced were with 0.59 cm3 g1 pore volume, 4.89 nm exchange.
mean pore size, and 239 m2 g1 surface area. Park and Cheng et al. performed the post-functionalization tech-
research team utilized the same precursor and performed a nique by doping carbon nitride with sulfur [86]. The resulting
facile technique to form nitrogen rich mesoporous g-C3N4 material, g-C3N4-xSx, was attained by exposing pristine g-C3N4
with various 2- and 3-dimensional structures through the to a gaseous hydrogen sulfide atmosphere at 450  C. Energy-
incipient wetness method in the absence of solvents [128]. filtered TEM image showed a homogeneous sulfur doping
Replicas with nitrogen to carbon ratio of 1.13 was synthesized displaying a strong S contrast (Fig. 4e). Analysis with XPS and
after carbonization for 3 h at 550  C. The 2- and 3-dimensional XANES spectroscopy revealed the structural details of doping
mesoporous graphitic carbon nitrides were characterized by with sulfur into the carbon-nitrogen framework and the re-
big pore volumes of 0.50 and 0.67 cm3 g1 and high surface sults reported that C-S bonds generated in g-C3N4-sSx through
areas of 361 and 343 m2 g1. substitution of sulfur by lattice nitrogen (Fig. 4f). In a similar
way to protonation, doping with sulfur could also alter the

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8 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4 e (a) Images of as-prepared g-C3N4 and (b) regenerated g-C3N4 obtained using scanning electron microscope (with
200 nm scale bars). (c) The photocurrent-applied potential dependence at regenerated C3N4/ITO electrode in a solution of KCl
of 0.1 M concentration in the presence of visible light (inset image is the photocurrent biased at ¡0.2 V). (d) The plots of
Nyquist impedance (as scatter) of g-C3N4-HþCl¡ and g-C3N4 and simulation (as lines). The range of frequency is from a value
of 106 to 103 Hz, and the perturbation signal is of the value of 100 mV. The inset image shows the dotted area in large
magnification and the equivalent circuit mold. The value of the calculated resistances (Rb) pre- and post-protonation were
approximately 28 and 1.5 MU, respectively. (e) Images of energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy of carbon,
nitrogen, and sulfur in C3N4 (top row) and C3N4-xSx (bottom row). (f) The model of atomic structure of a perfect g-C3N4 sheet
that comprises of melem units, and 2 melem units with a substitutional N atom at various periodic sites by S atom. Carbon,
nitrogen, and sulfur in sites 1 and 2 are displayed by spheres in yellow, red, green, and blue colour [78,86]. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

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international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

morphology and surface area of graphitic carbon nitride to metal-modified carbon nitride [80]. The team reported that the
make it suitable for catalytic applications. proposed carbon nitride structure consists of a hole being
bounded by three radicals of amino in a unit cell. The hole
Modified carbon nitride in-situ synthesis strategy mentioned was expected to permit the introduction of specific
Through this method additive is added in situ before the for- species of chemicals that could be metal atoms. When the
mation of lattice, and heteroatoms of boron, fluorine or others powder of [(C3N3)2(NH)3]n was heated with metal chloride (e.g.,
are introduced into the matrix. An example that implements ZnCl2 or AlCl3) for an hour at 500  C a yellowish material was
this technique is the fabrication of mesoporous carbon nitride produced. The final product had an IR spectrum that was akin
polymers that contains fluorine and boron [139]. The method to that of the initial carbon nitride material, which further
involves ionic liquids with an anion of BF 4 from a range of proved the conservation of the original framework. Even
various ionic liquids. BF 4 anion is introduced in the C-N though the widening and weakening of (002) diffraction was
condensation process during organic precursor (e.g., dicyan- detected in the final material, its position remained un-
diamide) self-condensation. 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium changed and this indicated a graphitic stacking arrangement
hexafluorophosphate, or BmimPF6, is an ionic liquid that was like that of the host material. The nitrogen “pots” contained
used in another study as a mild source of phosphorous to dope large quantities of metal that could be partially included (up to
carbon nitride. The improvement achieved through phos- 59 wt%). Furthermore, the XRD patterns showed no metal (Zn
phorous doping offered better photocurrent production by a or Al) or metal salt (ZnCl2 or AlCl3) diffraction that signified the
factor of up to 5 in addition to enhanced electrical conduc- homogeneous incorporation of the metal in the host material
tivity that reached four orders of magnitude. This method matrix. Besides, only minute quantities of counter ions were
utilizing ionic liquid could be further modified to include other found in the matrix and this indicates that the CN framework
types of heteroatoms by replacing the ionic liquids’ cation or must have taken up the negative charges.
anion into materials based on carbon and nitrogen for other Similarly, the iron ions inclusion into the matrix of carbon
specific applications. nitride have also been observed without damaging the host’s
Another experiment demonstrated the doping of carbon graphitic system [140]. Optical absorption spectra studies and
nitride materials with fluorine and boron separately involved XRD patterns suggested that iron insertion into the carbon
co-monomers of ammonium fluoride and aminoborane. Fluo- nitride matrix could strongly alter the material’s electronic
rination was performed on the newly thermally induced properties and generate systems with novel capabilities.
condensation of dicyandiamide [88]. Analysis using solid-state
MAS NMR spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
showed fluorine atoms being introduced into the matrix of Types of electrocatalyst that uses g-C3N4 for MOR
carbon nitride as C-F bonds that caused the sp2 carbon to
convert partially to sp3 carbon in the matrix of carbon nitride Electrocatalysts of graphitic carbon nitride with non-metals
that may produce a lower plane order of the materials. Relative
to g-C3N4 that has not been modified, XRD revealed that after Graphitic carbon nitride itself is a stoichiometric material
fluorination has occurred the graphitic stacking is much which consists sites of Lewis acid and base (terminal and
weakened. Carbon atoms replacement in the system with bridging group of NH- and lone pairs of nitrogen in rings of
boron produces aminoborane-modified g-C3N4 that forms a triazine/heptazine, respectively) that could potentially act as
planar layered configuration in a similar manner to melon. The platinum anchoring sites and CO adsorption sites. Its first
planar heterocyclic macrocycle arrangement still exists in the known application as a support material for a catalyst was
material, while the boron sites present on the surface might performed by Yu and co-workers in 2007 for use in DMFC [141].
behave as sites of strong Lewis acid, that therefore comple- From their study, it was observed that an electrocatalyst of
ments the basic sites of nitrogen in bifunctional catalysis [110]. PtRu being supported by graphitic carbon nitride could
Information of the structure due to boron inclusion into the demonstrate 78e83% greater power density than when
carbon to nitrogen matrix were achieved through XPS and 11B Vulcan XC-72 was used as the support.
solid-state MAS NMR analysis. The 11B NMR spectrum dis- A research study performed by Meenu et al. implemented g-
played two peaks that designates two distinct positions in the C3N4 to develop, for the first time, morphologically engineered
structure (for bay boron and corner boron). metal-free g-C3N4 for the oxidation of methanol (Fig. 5) [142]. g-
Other modification techniques include nitrogen precursor C3N4 of 2-dimensional nanosheets, 1-dimensional nanorods,
(e.g., dicyandiamide) copolymerization with other organic and 0-dimensional quantum dots were successfully synthe-
additives (e.g., barbituric acid (BA)) [87]. When compared to sized from bulk by a process that involved thermo-chemical
the inorganic modification approaches, the carbon nitride etching. The team studied the behaviour of the different g-
obtained from the organic copolymerization-based method C3N4 materials for MOR in basic medium using cyclic voltam-
displayed significant optical absorption red shift from a value metry (CV) and found that the material in quantum dots form
of 470 nm to 750 nm with escalating amount of BA. This would showed greater methanol oxidation activity in comparison to
enable photochemical application of wavelengths that could the other types of graphitic carbon nitride developed. This is
lead to a maximum solar photon flux. because of the existence of abundant edges in nano-
It is also possible to dissolve metal salts into the cavities of morphology and maximum active site atomic percentages of
nitrogen in the matrix of graphitic carbon nitride. Such pyridinic nitrogen. However, the quantum dots g-C3N4 itself
strategy was reported by Kawaguchi et al. in 1995 to fabricate has unstable electrocatalytic activity as it exhibited a marked

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10 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5 e (a) CV results obtained for CNQD and CNQD-PANI in a solution of NaOH with 0.5 M concentration (with 50 mV/s scan
speed). (b) Cyclic voltammogram traces of methanol oxidation reaction of glassy carbon electrode modified with CNQD and
CNQD-PANI in a solution of methanol and NaOH, each with a concentration of 0.5 M. (c) Curves of CV of 1st (lined in black)
and 150th (lined in red) cycle in a solution of methanol and NaOH, each with a concentration of 0.5 M. (d) Curves of cyclic
voltammogram of methanol oxidation reaction of CNQD-PANI in different concentrations of methanol solutions [142]. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

reduction in the first cycle from 13 A g1 to 10.8 A g1 in the economically unsuitable for fuel cells commercialization.
hundredth cycle. Such phenomenon could be because of the Hence, proper utilization of platinum is necessary for their
slow catalyst dissolution in basic solution and material’s poor implementation in fuel cells. Platinum nanoparticles of few
electrical conductivity. The problem was subjugated when the nanometers dimension and narrow size distribution could
0-dimensional g-C3N4 was supported on conducting polyani- offer appropriate use of noble metals by enhancing the elec-
line (CNQD-PANI). The resulting material did not only display trocatalytic activity. A number of research teams reported
better methanol oxidation electrocatalytic activity than the Pt/ that the size and shape of platinum nanoparticles could in-
C commercially available, but also better carbon monoxide fluence the rate of electrooxidation [147]. There is also the
resistivity. The nanocomposite was able to display high current problem of long-term durability of anode platinum catalysts
density in the first cycle with a value of 28.4 A g1 and managed being supported by carbon for methanol oxidation. The car-
to maintain up to 92% of the value even after 1000 electro- bon support that is often used could also be effortlessly elec-
catalytic cycles. The reason for this development could be trochemically oxidized to CO2 during fuel cell operation,
assigned to the electrostatic interaction that exists between which could result in structural degradation of the support.
conducting polyaniline (PANI) and 0-dimensional g-C3N4, Platinum nanoparticles could, in addition, be electrically dis-
which could further enhance the methanol adsorption and engaged from the supporting material. Platinum nano-
electrical conductivity of CNQD-PANI and oxidation of adsor- particles’ migration, aggregation, and Ostwald ripening [148]
bed CO to minimize CO poisoning. could degrade the electrochemical characteristics. There are
two strategies often implemented to upgrade the durability
g-C3N4 as a support for metal nanoparticles and catalytic activity of platinum electrocatalysts. The first is
by synthesizing a platinum alloy with other metals and the
Containing noble metals second is by utilizing good support materials.
Platinum: With regards to noble metals, platinum is a popular The design and fabrication of a catalyst comprising of Ag-
catalyst material for use in methanol oxidation reaction Pt bimetal was performed by Liu and co-workers that dis-
[143e146]. The electrooxidation produces CO-based by-prod- played enhanced performance towards methanol oxidation
ucts that reduces the electrocatalyst’s performance. The issue by minimizing CO chemisorption affinity [149]. The inclusion
of CO poisoning and slow oxidation kinetics are the main of ruthenium into electrocatalyst containing platinum could
disadvantages faced with using platinum catalyst. Further- assist in the oxidation of carbon monoxide being produced
more, platinum is also an expensive material that makes it during methanol electrooxidation. In this way the issue of

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 11

carbon monoxide poisoning could be avoided during the peaks (in the forward scan and the backward scan). The for-
oxidation of methanol [150]. However, the issue being faced ward scan peak is the peak characterizing methanol oxidation
with utilizing bimetallic catalyst is in its synthesis because while the peak in the backward scan indicates the efficiency to
maintaining specific ratio of two metals is vital in addition to remove carbonaceous species. The Pt/CNx (310 mA/mgPt) dis-
its shape to acquire the desired effective catalytic played a forward peak current density that was 2.7 times
performance. greater than that of Pt/C catalyst that displayed 114 mA/mgPt.
A 2-dimensional support material known as graphene has The onset potentials of Pt/CNx and Pt/C towards methanol
been determined to be a suitable material to act as a support oxidation are 0.193 V and 0.28 V, respectively. The low onset
for nanoparticle dispersion due its physical and chemical potential and the high mass activity signify that Pt/CNx is a
properties [151] that include high electrical conductivity, sur- superior catalyst for MOR relative to commercial Pt/C. The
face area, and thermal stability [152e154]. Nonetheless, gra- forward to the backward current density ratio (If/Ib), an indi-
phene also has its limitation for electrocatalytic purposes cator of the catalyst’s poison resistance towards carbona-
such as high hydrophobicity and low polarity. Graphene ag- ceous species, was also determined. The team found out that
gregation in aqueous solution and the challenge in achieving the If to Ib ratio of Pt/CNx was 2.68 and this is greater than Pt/C
metal NPs uniform loading on graphene surface limits further commercially available (If/Ib ¼ 1.9) by 1.41 times. This shows
enhancement in the electrocatalytic activities [155]. Further- that MOR taking place on the Pt/CNx catalyst surface is much
more, the use of acidic media can lead to carbon support easier in the forward scan to form smaller quantities of
corrosion that generally takes place at the interface with the carbonaceous components. In addition, the Pt/CNx catalyst
novel metal NPs that further degrade supported catalysts’ could demonstrate an excellent long-term stability. This
performance. To upgrade both the stability and dispersion of ability was analysed through chronoamperometric (CA) ex-
the NPs on the surface of graphene, sheets of graphene need periments at a constant 0.7 V potential in a similar solution
to be functionalized. This strategy helps enhance the solubi- saturated with nitrogen. During the study, Pt/CNx continu-
lity and the NPs dispersion ability on the graphene surface. ously displayed greater current density than that of Pt/C
Graphene attachment with surfactant molecules or polymer, during the whole scan duration. When 5000 s of amperometric
and graphene oxidation to generate graphene oxide (GO) scan had passed, the current density of Pt/CNx (57.3 mA/mgPt)
reduce graphene aggregation and improve metal NPs disper- was 17 times larger than the value obtained for Pt/C (3.3 mA/
sion resulting in an enhancement of the electrocatalytic ac- mgPt).
tivities [156,157]. Mansor et al. developed three distinct materials of
On the other hand, graphene doping with heteroatom (e.g., graphitic carbon nitride in the form of polymeric carbon
nitrogen, boron, etc.) can be performed to alter graphene’s nitride (gCNM), poly(triazine) imide carbon nitride (PTI/
characteristics. Doping with nitrogen, for instance, can LiþCl), and boron-doped graphitic carbon nitride (B-gCNM)
improve the electrocatalytic activity in addition to better [175]. When the research group performed the accelerated
durability because of the strong interaction that exists be- corrosion experiment, all the developed materials were
tween the catalyst and the support [158,159]. A carbon-based observed to be electrochemically stable in comparison to
material of g-C3N4, similar in structure with graphene, could conventional carbon black (CB) with boron-doped graphitic
also be utilized as a support because of the existence of sites of carbon nitride displaying the superior stability. Analysis of
Lewis acid/base into the moiety [160e166]. Metal/semi- performance was also conducted with platinum nanoparticles
conductor NPs being supported by g-C3N4 have been proven deposition on each material and it was determined that Pt/
to be an effective composite for organo-catalysis [167], photo- PTI-LiþCl electrocatalyst exhibited greater durability with
catalysis [168], biosensors [169], and electrochemical applica- ECSA loss of only 19% relative to 36% obtained for Pt/Vulcan
tions [170]. Recently, various research studies have also been after 2000 scans.
performed to synthesize monometallic platinum catalysts Huang and co-workers developed an efficient technique to
that are supported by porous graphene composites [171e173] produce platinum-decorated 3-dimensional architectures
and by nitrogen-doped graphene [159] to electrochemically constructed from graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets and
oxidize methanol. graphene (Pt/G-CN) as an anode electrocatalysts for the
Sadhukhan et al. utilized g-C3N4 to produce a composite of oxidation of MeOH [173]. The final product possessed large,
Pt/CNx by involving sodium borohydride reduction that accessible, multi-size pores that could enable reactants to be
involve ultrasound technique (Fig. 6) [174]. The resulting swiftly transferred to the electroactive sites and favourable
composite of Pt/CNx possessed a large electrochemical surface conditions to preserve the catalyst’s electrical conductivity. In
area (ECSA) due to better platinum nanoparticles distribution comparison to Pt-Vulcan XC-72 and Pt-graphene hybrids (Pt/C
on sheets of CNx. Analysis using XPS and FT-IR performed by and Pt/G, respectively), the 3-dimensional Pt/G-CN electro-
the team have reported the existence of great interactions catalyst could demonstrate better properties such as good
between the metal and support material in the composite. To activity, satisfactory stability, and unusual poisoning species
observe the electrocatalytic performance of the materials on tolerance during MOR. The research team also varied the G/CN
methanol oxidation the team performed the experiments in ratios of the electrocatalyst’s architecture and investigation of
an aqueous H2SO4 solution of 1 M concentration consisting of its activity using CV in H2SO4 solution of 1 M concentration
1 M methanol using cyclic voltammogram (CV). Comparison showed that Pt/G3-(CN)7 possess the greatest electrochemi-
was also made with a Pt/C modified glassy carbon (GC) elec- cally active surface area value of 69 m2 g1. When compared to
trode using CV at a scan rate of 50 mV/s in an acidic solution. Pt/C, Pt/G, and Pt/CN, they displayed lower ECSA values of less
The CV curves generated by both the samples displayed two than 40.8 m2 g1. Methanol oxidation measurements

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12 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6 e (a) CV of MOR of the catalysts Pt/C and Pt/CNx in a solution of MeOH and H2SO4, each with a concentration of 1 M (at
50 mV/s scan rate). (b) Pt/CNx and Pt/C catalysts onset potentials being compared for MOR. (c) Mass activity and specific
activity comparison between the catalysts of Pt/C and Pt/CNx at a potential of 0.65 V in forward scan for MOR. (d) Pt/CNx
cyclic voltammogram curves in a solution of methanol and H2SO4, each with a concentration of 1 M, at various scan rates
(from 10 mV/s to 200 mV/s). (e) A plot of forward peak current densities against scan rates square root. (f) Curves obtained
from chronoamperometry analysis of the catalysts Pt/C and Pt/CNx for MOR in a solution of methanol and H2SO4, each with
a concentration of 1 M (at 0.7 V constant potential). (g) The variation of forward peak current density with number cycle for
MOR of the Pt/C and Pt/CNx catalysts in a solution of methanol and H2SO4, each with a concentration of 1 M [174].

conducted in H2SO4 and methanol solution of 1 M and 2 M poison resistivity, and excellent stability in the long run. It
concentration, respectively, showed that the forward anodic also possessed high value of electrochemically active specific
peak current density of the catalysts of Pt/G-CN declines in the surface area of 80.3 m2 g1 that is far greater than other recent
following pattern: Pt/G3-(CN)7 (15.7 mA cm2) > Pt/G5-(CN)5 state-of-the-art platinum-based electrocatalysts. The
(12.2 mA cm2) > Pt/G7-(CN)3 (10.8 mA cm2) > Pt/G1-(CN)9 enhanced features could be due to the existence of good
(1.3 mA cm2). An interesting discovery reported by the group conductivity and large specific surface area of g-C3N4-rGO,
was that when the content of nanosheets of g-C3N4 increase superlative structural stability as a result of covalent in-
from 30% to 90%, the catalyst poison resistance improved. The teractions that exist between rGO and graphitic carbon
If/Ib ratio of Pt/G3-(CN)7 is 1.82 and 1.3 times greater than the nitride, as well as the large triple-phase boundaries generated
ratio obtained for Pt/C and Pt/G catalysts, respectively. In by the Pt NPs that are finely distributed.
addition, Pt/G3-(CN)7 has a mass activity value of Zhu and research team prepared a support for ultrasmall
612.8 mA mg1 and its resistivity towards poisoning species platinum nanoclusters in the form of ultrathin 2-dimensional
are better than those of the recently discovered nano- g-C3N4 nanosheet [54]. The platinum nanoclusters had a mean
structures that are based on platinum that include Pt/gra- size of approximately 3.2 nm. In addition to demonstrating
phene [176,177], Pt/CNTs [178], Pt/N-doped carbons [159,179], better electrocatalytic ability towards MOR relative to bare Pt
Pt/porous carbons [180], and Pt-based bimetallic catalysts NPs, during the irradiation of visible light higher MOR per-
[37,181]. formance was discovered relative to traditional ambient
Zhang et al. previously published their work on the electrocatalytic oxidation. The reason could be due to the
development of 3-dimensioal hierarchically porous carbon synergistic influences of both photo- and electro-catalytic
nanocomposites that consisted of g-C3N4 that was chemically oxidation of MeOH along with efficient transfer of interfacial
combined with rGO through C-N covalent bonds to support Pt charge in Pt/g-C3N4. Linear sweep voltammetric (LSV) behav-
NPs (3D Pt-g-C3N4-rGO) [182]. The synthesized nanocomposite iours of Pt/g-C3N4 and pure platinum NPs were performed
possessed high nitrogen content, large surface area, fine under light and dark illumination in a solution of CH3OH and
electrical conductivity, and interconnected porous networks. KOH, each having a concentration of 1 M. The Pt/g-C3N4
Towards MOR, the catalyst could display high activity, good electrode when illuminated by light showed a value of onset

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international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 13

potential that was more negative than in the absence of light. content from 0% to 30% caused the catalysts’ poison resis-
In addition, Pt/g-C3N4 electrode displayed a value tance ability to become much better. Hence, PtRu/G70-(CN)30
132 mA mg1 as the current density under visible light irra- has higher If/Ib ration (4.06) than that of PtRu/G75-(CN)25 (2.34).
diation and this is approximately 2.4 and 3.1 times higher than Such phenomenon could be due to the marginal nitrogen
the value obtained for Pt/g-C3N4 without light irradiation composition in the supports that would activate a huge
(56 mA mg1) and of pure platinum NPs electrode quantity of neighbouring atoms of carbon and further speed
(42.3 mA mg1), respectively. up the generation of OH by H2O dissociation. Therefore, pro-
Li et al. supported an alloy of platinum and ruthenium motion of the oxidative removal of the intermediate poisoning
(PtRu) on a g-C3N4 nanosheet covered Vulcan XC-72 carbon species that were absorbed takes place.
black (C@g-C3N4 NS) to produce an electrocatalyst that is Wang et al. deposited a traditional electrocatalyst of Pt
synthesized through a microwave-assisted polyol process and Au on a 2-dimensional visible-light-activated nano-
(MAPP) [183]. An excellent activity was observed during elec- sheets of graphitic carbon nitride through a facile one-pot
trochemical measurements of PtRu/C@g-C3N4 NS because of hydrothermal technique [184]. Altering the quantities of
even distribution and minute size of NPs of PtRu, and greater gold and platinum allowed the construction of 3-
stability owing to robust interaction between the composite dimensional platinum island-on-gold architectures on
support and the PtRu NPs. Analysis using X-ray diffraction graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets surface (Pt-Au/CN). The
(XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and trans- performance of the resulting Pt-Au/CN composite towards
mission electron microscopy (TEM) determined that the shell MOR was analysed by the research team. In comparison to a
of the bulk graphitic carbon nitride on the exterior of the graphitic carbon nitride-supported platinum (Pt/CN) modi-
produced bulk graphitic carbon nitride coated Vulcan XC-72 fied electrode, the prepared catalyst could demonstrate an
carbon black (C@bulk g-C3N4) in fact exfoliated to g-C3N4 of enhanced electrocatalytic activity for MOR by 13.8 times.
layered nanosheets and resulted in a composite material of Visible light illumination also continuously enhanced the
Vulcan XC-72 coated with nanosheets of g-C3N4. Furthermore, current density and stability of the composite. Factors that
the mass catalytic activity of synthesized catalyst significantly contribute to the improved stability and electrocatalytic ac-
improved by 2.1 times greater than the mass catalytic activity tivity include the bimetallic electronic effects of platinum
observed for PtRu/C catalyst produced by similar method. and gold, 3-dimensional Pt islands-on-Au architectures, 2-
Accelerated potential cycling tests (APCTs) showed that the dimensional support nanosheet of graphitic carbon nitride,
catalyst can display 14% greater stability in addition to higher and the synergistic influence of electro- and photo-catalytic
poison resistivity when compared to the as-synthesized PtRu/ processes.
C. The enhancement in performance observed could be due to Palladium: Many researchers have studied the inclusion of
a few reasons. The first one could be due to the support’s palladium as a noble metal to substitute platinum to produce
upgraded electron conductivity by generating C@g-C3N4 NS non-Pt based anode catalysts. For example Qian et al. reported
core-shell structure. Secondly, there is also the presence of the development of high-performance Pd/g-C3N4/carbon black
excellent mechanical resistance and stability of the nano- for the electrooxidation of both MeOH and formic acid [185].
sheets of g-C3N4 in oxidative and acidic conditions. Thirdly, a The production was achieved by a facile 2-step technique that
stronger interaction is present between the metal and support involved g-C3N4 coating on the carbon black surface by heating
(SMSI) that exists between the composite support and the treatment at low temperature followed by uniform deposition
metal nanoparticles. of palladium NPs through wet chemistry approach. Promoted
Li and team also implemented a p-p stacking technique to by the individual components’ synergistic influences, the
synthesize a support for ultrafine PtRu nanoparticles in the resulting catalyst could exhibit excellent forward peak current
form of graphene/ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheet composite ma- densities of the value 1720 mA mg1Pd for MOR in alkaline so-
terial for methanol electrooxidation [160]. Graphitic carbon lutions. This performance is significantly better than that
nitride electrical conductivity is due to the electron-hole shown by the commercial Pd-C catalyst.
puddle that developed on the sheet interfaces between gra- In another study performed by Fang and co-workers, g-
phene and g-C3N4. Due to the remarkable textural properties C3N4 and rGO was combined to fabricate a hybrid support to
that include large surface area, layered structure, high nitro- anchor ultrafine Pd NPs through a simple technique involving
gen content, homogeneous ultrafine PtRu NPs dispersion, and a one-step electrodeposition [186]. Characterization study of
the strong interaction between the nanosheet of g-C3N4 and the morphology and structure by implementing XRD, scan-
metal nanoparticles, the final material could perform well as ning/transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM), XPS, and
an electrocatalyst. The enhanced properties include greater Raman spectroscopy confirmed the uniform dispersion of Pd
stability, better poison tolerance, and excellent electro- NPs on g-C3N4@rGO support with particles of 5.87 nm mean
catalytic activity. The existence of 25% g-C3N4 content in the size, originating from the N in graphitic carbon nitride that
mixed support enabled the catalyst (PtRu/G75-(CN)25) to contribute to the electron transport highway on the reduced
perform with best activity and stability. The forward peak graphene oxide nanosheet layer surface. In addition, reports
current densities of 0.91 A mg1 Pt was determined for this from electrochemical experiments indicated that the syn-
catalyst, which is 1.4 times greater than the value achieved by thesized catalyst displayed a high efficiency of electrocatalytic
PtRu/rGO. Increasing the content of g-C3N4 would lead to activity for MOR with a value of current density of
graphitic carbon nitride nanosheet agglomeration on the rGO 0.131 mA cm2.
surface that could reduce the catalytic activity because of poor Zhang and team developed a covalently coupled g-C3N4
conductivity of electron. However, increasing the g-C3N4 NS and rGO hybrid to load Pd NPs using an in situ chemical

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy,
14 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

synthesis technique [33]. Pd NPs with a 3.83 nm mean diam- screen-printed electrode (SPE) to achieve efficient MOR [195].
eter were deposited evenly on the g-C3N4-rGO surface. When The structure of the nanohybrid was attained by a single-step
compared to catalysts of commercial Pd-activated carbon (Pd- simultaneous electro-deposition technique that involved an
AC) and Pd-rGO, the nanocomposite of ternary Pd-g-C3N4-rGO electrolyte solution of aniline, palladium chloride, and nano-
possesses great electrocatalytic characteristics for the oxida- sheets of graphitic carbon nitride. The final product also
tion of both formic acid and MeOH. These remarkable prop- featured needle-shaped polyaniline and spherical nano-
erties include notably high forward peak current densities, particles of palladium being positioned between nanomatrix
large electrochemically active surface area (ECSA), and fine of g-C3N4. Analysis of the as-prepared composite altered SPE
long-term stability. Reasons for the improved activity could be using CV and CA have shown that a great electro-oxidation
due to the specific properties of the catalyst’s special nano- and excellent catalytic performance for MOR could be
structure and the synergistic influence of the individual spe- exhibited by the material in comparison to commercial 10% Pd
cies. These include the large specific surface area of the deposited carbon black and other type of catalysts previously
mesoporous structure, finer rGO conductivity, well-dispersed studied.
Pd NPs due to the influence of planar groups introduced by Qian et al. have, in the past, utilized bimetallic NPs of Pt-Pd
g-C3N4, and satisfactory stability of the structure due to the to fabricate a composite catalyst with g-C3N4 modified carbon
covalent interactions that exists between rGO and graphitic black through a facile 2-step approach [196]. An extraordi-
carbon nitride. narily fine catalytic activity as well as stability in the long-
Zhang et al. also developed a novel support material rich term could be demonstrated by the resulting materials for
in nitrogen, consisting of rGO and g-C3N4 in the form of oxidizing MeOH, C2H5OH, glycerol and ethylene glycol in basic
nanoflakelets (CNNF) to load Pd NPs [35]. The CNNF was solutions. The enhanced properties could be due to the planar
formed by splitting decomposition of the polymer of graphitic amino group of graphitic carbon nitride promoting a template
carbon nitride on reduced graphene oxide at higher temper- effect for the distributed decoration of platinum-palladium
ature values. The CNNF produced was also intimately com- nanoparticles, with complementary roles of platinum (site
bined with the reduced graphene oxide nanosheets. It was for dehydrogenation) and palladium (site for removal of CO-
observed that the CNNF could help in offering edge sites that like species). Other factors could include the presence of car-
are more exposed and species containing active nitrogen for bon black having large specific surface area to promote a fast
the great distribution of palladium NPs. It was also deter- diffusion of electrolyte, quick elimination of carbonaceous
mined that the nanoparticles of palladium had a mean species, and the support’s structural stability established on
diameter of the value 3.92 nm that were evenly distributed on the covalent link that exists between CB and g-C3N4 for pre-
sheets of CNNF-G. DFT computations reported that the CNNF serving the catalytic system durability. The group studied the
could trap the palladium adatom, and therefore behave as a behaviour of the as-prepared catalyst towards MOR in alkaline
nucleation site for palladium at which atoms of palladium medium using CV. It was determined that Pt-Pd-gCN-CB dis-
are more likely to gather to generate palladium clusters. The played the greatest value of anodic peak current density of
excellent properties possessed by the final Pd-CNNF-G 4420 mA mg1metal. This value is then followed by the result-
nanocatalyst were satisfactory for both MOR and formic ing current densities in the following order: Pt-Pd-CB (2017 mA
acid oxidation and they include large ECSA values mg1metal) > Pt-gCN-CB (2000 mA mg1Pt) > Pd-gCN-CB
(91.2 m2 g1), fine stability and durability, and remarkably (955 mA mg1Pd). The value obtained for Pt-Pd-gCN-CB is even
high forward peak current densities. These properties remarkably higher than the value attained for Pt/C commer-
enabled Pd-CNNF-G nanocatalyst to surpass Pd-graphene, cially available (1410 mA mg1Pt) [197], Pt-Pd/graphene
commercial palladium catalyst supported by activated car- (636 mA mg1metal) [198], Pt@Pd/RGO (588 mA mg1metal)
bon or Pd-carbon nanotubes. Pd-CNNF-G had the ability to [199], and commercial Pd/C (459 mA mg1Pd) [185].
display a peak current density as great as 1770 mA mg1 for
MOR in NaOH and methanol solution, each with a concen- Containing non-noble metals
tration of 1 M. This value is much greater than the value Junlan Lv and co-workers utilized a low-cost transition metal
found for Pd-g-C3N4-rGO (1550 mA mg1), Pd-rGO of iron and g-C3N4 to fabricate a novel type of anode catalyst
(835 mA mg1), Pd-CNT (725 mA mg1), Pd-AC [200]. Iron was chosen because the d-orbital of its atoms is
(535 mA mg1), Pd-g-C3N4 (67 mA mg1). In addition, the likely to obtain or lose electrons, and the resulting catalyst
recorded value is even greater than those recently reported could possess strong redox properties. Catalysts containing
for nanostructures based on palladium that include Pd-SnO2/ iron have also been shown to have great performance towards
MWNTs (778.8 mA mg1) [187], Pd/graphene hydrogel on a methanol decomposition and oxidation [201,202]. Adsorption
foam of nickel (788 mA mg1) [188], Pd1Ag1 nanoparticles/ results have also reported that methanol molecules could get
graphene (630 mA mg1) [189], Pd-Cu bimetallic nano- adsorbed on the iron atoms through the O atoms, that they
particles/graphene (392.6 mA mg1) [190], Pd1Pt3/nano- could easily dissociate into H and CH3O, and then C-H bond
platelets of graphite (385.22 mA mg1) [191], Pd/CuO-TiO2 could be gradually broken to generate the final products.
(381 mA mg1) [192], Pd-Ni-P NPs/carbon black Using g-C3N4 as a catalyst substrate that possesses six-fold
(~360 mA mg1) [193], and porous Pt-Pd nanospheres/gra- cavities has higher potential of capturing metal atoms. The
phene (180 mA mg1) [194]. energy required for O-H bond cleavage in methanol is 0.99 eV,
Eswaran and team previously reported a simple one-step which signifies that the reaction could proceed easily.
approach of producing a new g-C3N4/polyaniline/palladium Furthermore, the adsorption energy of CO2 (3.44 eV) is
NPs (g-C3N4/PANI/PdNPs) based nanohybrid composite altered smaller in value than that of CO (4.65 eV), suitable for

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 15

Fig. 7 e Curves obtained from CV analysis of glassy carbon electrodes modified with (a) Ni/CN, (b) (Ni-Cu)/CN, and Cu/CN in a
solution of 1 M sodium hydroxide and different concentrations of methanol (at 50 mV/s potential scan rate). (d) Curves
attained from CV study of glassy carbon electrode modified with catalysts of Cu/CN (in black), Cu-Ni/CN (in red), and Ni/CN
(in blue) in a solution of 1 M sodium hydroxide and 3 M MeOH (at 50 mV/s scan rate). Inset image displays the magnified
version of the CV curves to show the onset of MOR. (e) A plot of current densities against time for a glassy carbon electrode
modified with films of Ni/CN (in blue), Ni-Cu/CN (in red), and Cu/CN (in black) catalysts in a solution of 1 M sodium hydroxide
and 3 M MeOH (at E ¼ 0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl). (f) A graph of current densities of electrodes modified with Ni/CN, Ni-Cu/CN, and Cu/
CN in the presence and absence of visible light [203]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

minimizing the toxicity of CO to iron and enhancing the

efficiency. Key challenges and future prospects
Pieta et al. synthesized nanostructures of Cu, Ni, and Cu-Ni
that were homogeneously embedded on ultrathin 2- With the many studies performed on electrocatalysts consist-
dimensional g-C3N4 (Fig. 7) [203]. The research team drop- ing of graphitic carbon nitride, significant progress could be
casted the novel hierarchical hetero-structures on glassy observed in this field. However, further systematic examina-
carbon anodes. The behaviour of the novel electrocatalyst tions are required as the studies are still in the early stages.
toward MOR was also examined under basic conditions. Implementing rational design of complex heterostructures
Nanosized nickel particles, finely dispersed on g-C3N4, were could enable the simultaneous achievement of efficient carrier
very active towards MOR and exhibited a value of 0.35 V as the formation, separation, transfer, and utilization in addition to
onset potential and a charge transfer resistance of 0.12 kU. efficient optical absorption that is fundamental to the devel-
The modified glassy carbon electrode stability was also stud- opment of new generation of excellent performing photo-
ied using CA and a consistent current density of around catalysts. Challenges still exist in the development of such
36 A g1 (12 A cm2) was attained during the duration of the complex structure that needs to be considered as follows:
entire experiment (up to 160 min) when 4 wt% of nickel oxide
was loaded on the electrode. In addition, illumination by UV - It is necessary to understand the basics of charge transport
light with wavelength of ~400 nm assisted in enhancing the process taking place in photocatalysts with multi-
current density of all the catalysts studied. It was determined heterostructure to optimize the charge cascading process
that 4 wt% Ni/CN catalyst exhibited the highest current den- to ensure the maximum usage of photogenerated charge
sity value of 127 A g1 (22 A cm2). The inclusion of copper into carriers to achieve the satisfactory reduction-oxidation
the hybrid material helped reduce the activity losses due to chemistry. Although electron-hole separation and trans-
Cuþ undergoing irreversible reduction/oxidation to Cu0 and portation in a 2-component heterostructure can easily be
Cu2þ, segregation of copper oxide, and affecting the process of understood, the understanding becomes much more
electron transfer that lead to increased redox potential. complex in multi-component heterostructures to control
Table 1 presents a list of selected C3N4 based electrocatalysts charge transport, especially in the scale of nanometers.
along with key experimental observations for a quick The photocatalysts interface properties determine the
reference. resulting efficiency of the photocatalyst. Furthermore, it is

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
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16 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 e List of various electrocatalysts containing graphitic carbon nitride and their electrocatalytic properties toward
methanol oxidation reaction.
Catalysts Method Mass/Specific activity/ If/Ib Medium Reference
Current density
CNQD-PANI Thermo-chemical etching 28.4 A g1 (mass spec. peak - 3.58 0.5 M MeOH þ 0.5 M NaOH [142]
Stellated Pt NPs þ Ag core One-pot approach 72 mA cm2 (peak current 1.125 1 M MeOH þ 0.1 M HClO4 [149]
density e forward)
Pt-CNx Ultrasound mediated 310 mA mg1 Pt (mass activity 2.68 1 M MeOH þ 1 M H2SO4 [174]
sodium borohydride e forward scan)
reduction of H2PtCl6 (CNx
nanosheets present)
Pt/gCNM Thermolysis and 3.21 mA cm2ECSA e 1 M MeOH þ 0.1 M HClO4 [175]
condensation reactions,
ethylene glycol reduction
Pt/PTI-LiþCl e 174 mA cm2ECSA e 1 M MeOH þ 0.1 M HClO4 [175]
Pt/B-gCNM e 209 mA cm2ECSA e 1 M MeOH þ 0.1 M HClO4 [175]
Pt/G3-(CN)7 Modified Hummers method, 15.7 mA cm2 (peak current 1.64 2 M MeOH þ 1 M H2SO4 [173]
liquid-phase exfoliation density e forward)
3D Pt-g-C3N4-rGO e 705 mA mg1 (peak current 1.47 1 M MeOH þ 0.5 M H2SO4 [182]
density e forward)
Pt/g-C3N4 nanosheets Simple reflux method 158.9 mA mg1 (in e 1 M MeOH þ 1 M KOH [54]
520.4 mA mg1 (visible light
PtRu/C@g-C3N4 NS Microwave-assisted polyol 1.14 A mg1
Pt (peak current 1.73 0.5 M MeOH þ 0.5 M H2SO4 [183]
process density e forward)
PtRu/G75-(CN)25 Microwave-assisted polyol 0.91 A mg1
Pt (peak current 2.34 0.5 M MeOH þ 0.5 M H2SO4 [160]
process density e forward)
Pt10-Au1/CN One-pot hydrothermal 1.52 mA cm2 (in darkness), e 1 M MeOH þ 1 M KOH [184]
approach 2.58 mA cm2 (visible light
irradiation) (peak current
density e forward)
Pd/g-C3N4/carbon black-30 Facile ultrasonic process, 1.66 mA cm2 Pd (peak current e 1 M MeOH þ 1 M NaOH [185]
wet chemistry method density e forward)
Pd/g-C3N4@rGO One-step electrodeposition 0.131 A cm2 (peak current e 1 M MeOH þ 1 M KOH [186]
technique density e forward)
Ternary Pd-g-C3N4-rGO-2 In situ chemical synthesis 1550 mA mg1 (peak current e 1 M MeOH þ 1 M NaOH [33]
nanocomposite method, modified density e forward)
Hummers’ method
Pd-CNNF-G Modified Hummers’ method 1770 mA mg1 (peak current e 1 M MeOH þ 1 M NaOH [35]
density e forward)
ASPE-g-C3N4/PANI/PdNPs e 3.42 mA cm2 (peak current 2.736 1 M MeOH þ 0.5 M KOH [195]
density e forward)
Pt-Pd-gCN-CB Surfactant-free soft 4420 mA mg1 metal (peak e 1 M MeOH þ 1 M NaOH [196]
chemistry process current density e forward)
Ni/CN One-pot hydrothermal 57 A g1 (in darkness), e 3 M MeOH þ 1 M NaOH [203]
synthesis 127 A g1 (visible light

critical to have a good understanding of the nanoscale in- cannot be prevented. So far, satisfactory stability has
terfaces of charge generation, separation, and trans- only been achieved by few photocatalysts which was
portation. Studies performed so far have mostly focused on possible through very sophisticated synthesis techniques.
the photocatalytic system’s overall apparent efficiency. In One of the focus of future research could be to develop a
order to further advance in the field, detailed study on the stable photocatalyst possessing great efficiency at a rela-
mechanism of charge transfer should be performed for tively cheaper cost that could be suitable for practical ap-
photocatalysts that consists three or more components. plications and commercialization.
- A less addressed property of g-C3N4-based nanocomposites - It is still necessary to understand the mechanisms involved
is the stability, which could become the main obstacle in in the photocatalytic enhancement by semiconductor
the development of photocatalysts. Even if a photocatalyst composites based on graphitic carbon nitride. In addition,
with very high efficiency is developed its application could it is important to come up with a uniform technique to
be limited if its lifetime is short. In many cases, a photo- evaluate the photocatalytic performance as currently there
catalyst’s chemical corrosion and/or photo-degradation are multiple assessment methods available.

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy,
international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx 17

- Efforts should be made to explore the enhancement in (original C/N matrix is unchanged). Furthermore, protonation
properties from the combination of g-C3N4 and novel can tune the electronic bandgaps to enhance the ionic con-
photocatalysts. Good understanding of the photocatalytic ductivity of the material. Protonation could also help in
mechanism of the combination in addition to rapid novel achieving fine dispersion of the materials that can then make
nanomaterials development could help overcome the characterization and processing simpler. Sulfur doping has
bottleneck that arises from global energy and environ- emerged as an alternative to protonation that could also
mental issues. modify the surface area and morphology of g-C3N4 allowing it
to be used in catalytic processes.
Involving an ionic liquid of 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium
Conclusions and outlook hexafluorophosphate (BmimPF6) as a mild phosphorous
source for carbon nitride doping could help obtain enhanced
Many research studies have utilized g-C3N4 in various forms generation of photocurrent by a factor that could reach a value
and as supports to design and construct suitable electro- of five. Improved electrical conductivity could also be ach-
catalysts for methanol oxidation reaction. Graphitic carbon ieved up to four orders of magnitude.
nitride inclusion as a support component has been proven to Related to the possibility of dissolving metal salts into g-
improve the properties, and hence the performance of the C3N4 matrix’s nitrogen cavities, the incorporation of iron ions
final material owing to its ideal 2-dimensional structure, into the carbon nitride matrix could help avoid damaging the
remarkable chemical and thermal stability. host graphitic structure. In addition, iron introduction could
Based on the studies that have used g-C3N4 as an additional strongly modify the final product’s electronic properties.
electrocatalyst material for MOR there are several fabrication Graphitic carbon nitride of 0-dimensional quantum dots
techniques that could be followed to ensure that a satisfactory could show better performance towards MOR in comparison
performance is achieved during methanol oxidation process. to those with 1-dimensional nanorods or 2-dimensional
Incorporating mesoporous structures and modifying the spe- nanosheets structure. Factors that contribute to the
cific surface area could assist in obtaining appropriate physi- enhancement include maximum active site atomic per-
cochemical properties suitable for better photo/electro- centages of pyridinic N and abundant edges in nano
catalytic performance. Such improvements are achievable morphology. Further improvement of the carbon-based
by performing nanocasting, or mesoporous silica matrices materials property could be attained by supporting it on
duplication. Mesoporous features on graphitic carbon nitride conducting polyaniline. In this way, better catalytic perfor-
allows the enhancement of semiconductor properties and mance in the form of better electrical conductivity and CO
introduces more pore walls of crystalline form suitable for poisoning resistivity could be observed in the resulting
enhancing mass transfer. Utilizing soft templates of some combination for MOR because of the electrostatic interaction
ionic liquids or surfactants for meso-g-C3N4 synthesis (via between the two components.
self-polymerization reaction of dicyandiamide) is an option to Using Pt by itself as an electrocatalyst is a challenge as it
achieve various forms of pore structures as well as specific has slow oxidation kinetics and it is prone to poisoning by CO
surface area. With the hard-templating method that involve species produced during the methanol oxidation reactions. In
using primary nanopores present in the silica template, a addition, anode platinum catalysts also have an issue of
stable replica structure could be fabricated. Utilization of maintaining stability in the long run. Nanoparticles of plat-
ethylenediamine precursors, carbon tetrachloride and a hard- inum could migrate, aggregate, and undergo Ostwald
template of SBA-15 in nanocasting method produces an or- ripening leading to poor electrochemical performance. Ap-
dered meso-CN. The ratio of C to N of the final material could proaches such as alloying of platinum with other metals and
also be adjusted from a value of 4.5 to 3.5 by escalating the supporting platinum on good support materials with high
weight ratio of ethylenediamine to CCl4 from a value of 0.3 to conductivity, durability and suitable pore structure could
0.9. The hard template that could also be utilized to synthesize lead to enhanced mass transfer to the active sites. For
a meso-carbon nitride NPs with relatively greater C to N instance, preparing a Pt/CNx composite can help achieve
atomic ratio of 2.3 is the mesoporous silica IBN-4. This could large electrochemical surface area as Pt NPs are widely
be a result of the enlarged pore size of the template helping dispersed on CNx sheets. As a result, low onset potentials,
with the ethylenediamine impregnation. Implementing a high mass activity, better poison tolerance towards carbo-
precursor of cyanamide and a hard template of silica nano- naceous species, and reliable long-term stability could be
spheres can help develop mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride demonstrated by Pt/CNx in comparison to commercially
with an average atomic ratio of C to N of 0.71, near to the available Pt/C. Synthesizing g-C3N4 materials in the form of
theoretical value of 0.75. poly(triazine) imide carbon nitride (PTI/LiþCl) and using it to
Modification of carbon nitride by elemental doping of solid support platinum can enhance the durability by maintaining
materials can help in adjusting the physicochemical proper- 81% of the ECSA during MOR. Supporting Pt on g-C3N4 nano-
ties. With this strategy, one can change the texture, surface sheets and graphene could help build large pores of different
chemical characteristics, and the electronic properties of sizes to promote the reactants transportation to the electro-
carbon-based materials. Direct protonation method during active sites as well as suitable environment for maintaining
counter-ion addition is a suitable modification technique as good electrical conductivity. In addition, Pt/G3-(CN)7 dis-
the characteristics of the carbon nitride could be maintained played the highest forward anodic peak current density

Please cite this article as: Yuda A, Kumar A, A review of g-C3N4 based catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy,
18 international journal of hydrogen energy xxx (xxxx) xxx

relative to other Pt/G-CN electrocatalyst with different G/CN

ratios for MOR. Increasing the g-C3N4 nanosheets content to Declaration of competing interest
90% also improved the catalyst ability to resist poisoning
species. The authors declare that they have no known competing
Alloying platinum with ruthenium and supporting them financial interests or personal relationships that could have
on a Vulcan XC-72 carbon black coated with graphitic carbon appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
nitride nanosheet could help establish an even dispersion of
small nanoparticles of PtRu and fabricate a catalyst that is
highly stable as a result of a strong link that is present be- Acknowledgements
tween the composite support and the bimetallic nano-
particles. Alloying Pt with gold, on the other hand, and The author(s) would like to acknowledge the support from
depositing the two metals on the graphitic carbon nitride Qatar University internal grant QUCG-CENG-19/20-7.
nanosheets surface could demonstrate greater activity rela-
tive to Pt/CN. Illuminating the electrocatalyst with visible light
further improved both the current density and stability of the
composite. Replacing platinum with palladium and support-
ing the metal on reduced graphene oxide and graphitic carbon
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Hannes painoi kiiltävän sormuksen tytön nimettömään. Tytön
täytyi painaa päänsä piiloon pojan olkapäähän.

Runsaat suortuvat hivelivät pojan kasvoja ja tytön käsi hieman

epävarmana kiertyi hänen kaulaansa. Tyttö värähteli siinä hänen
sylissään. Miten sillä olikin raikkaan pehmeät huulet.

— Mutta minulla ei ole… virkkoi tyttö hiljaa katsellen sormustaan.

— Minullapas on.

Ja Hannes otti toisen samanlaisen esille.

— Anna kun minä panen sen sinun sormeesi, pyysi tyttö


He katselivat vain vaieten toisiaan.

— Ja sitten elonkorjuun jälkeen on meidän häämme, sanoi

Hannes. Vai tahtoisitko ehkä myöhemmin.

— Milloin sinä vain tahdot.


Hannes seisoi ikkunassa ja katseli ulos. Liisa oli jo mennyt

Oo, miten ruumiissa tuntui pidätetty voima pursuvan.

Olisi ihanata antaa se perinnöksi tulevalle polvelle. Pieni

herttainen Liisa oli koskematon kuin tuomen kukka salolla. Hänkin
antaisi terveen sukuelämän perinnöksi lapsilleen.

Keskikesän henki liikkui kartanolla, täyteläisessä ruispellossa ja

pienen puutarhan kukkaismaassa. Hakalassa oli piha niitetty ja
kuivuva heinä tuoksui voimakkaasti.

Pieni poika koetti astuksia heinäluokojen yli, mutta tupsahti

suulleen heiniin ja kirkaisi ilosta. Äiti istui tuvan portaan alimmalla
astuimella ja katseli hymyillen pienokaisensa puuhia.

— Missä äidin poju!

Pienokainen tallusteli ja kutsun kuultuaan lähti juoksemaan. Jalka

tarttui heiniin ja nenä sattui kovaan hiekkaan. Äyväyväy!

Isä koppasi pojan syliinsä ja antoi äidille.

Se oli heidän ensimäinen lapsensa, onnen ja raikkaan ilon

täyskypsä hedelmä.

Liisasta oli tullut herttainen, hyvä emäntä. Täyteläisenä, iloa

ympärilleen jakavana liikkui hän askareissaan aamusta iltaan. Yksi
piirre hänessä oli vain ilmaantunut, joka oli outoa Hannekselle. Liisa
oli alkanut salaa seurailla miehensä liikkeitä, peläten häntä

Tämän oli Hannes huomannut ja pitänyt sitä ensin leikkinä ja

ainakin pienenä mustasukkaisuutena. Vaikka eihän oikea rakkaus
tällaiselle tilaa antanut kuin joko kehittymättömien tai sitten
ajattelemattomien ihmisten keskuudessa.

Vaikka Liisa oli kansan lapsi niinkuin hänkin, ei hän olisi ollut
taipuvainen mitään tällaista uskomaan.

Mutta näytti sittenkin siltä, että olisi uskottava.

Toinenkin seikka oli ehken synnyttänyt Liisassa harha-ajatuksia.

Hannes oli viime aikoina ja heti avioliittoon mentyään alkanut lueksia
kaikkina joutohetkinään. Hän seuraili etupäässä avioliittoa ja
sukukysymystä käsittelevää kirjallisuutta. Ja tämä kirjallisuus oli
saanut hänet vakuutetuksi, että avioliitossakin oli ainakin henkisesti
edullista elää säännöllisesti ja kohtuullisen pidättyvästi.

Liisa oli voimakas luonne ja pohjaltaan melkoisen tulinen. Kun

Hannes aikoi panna käytäntöön saamiaan vaikutelmia heidän
yhteiselämässään ja puhui tästä Liisalle, arveli tämä kiivaasti:

— Sinä et siis rakasta minua.

Hannes koetti selittää, ettei raakuus ole rakkautta ja jos he kovin

pian kuluttaisivat tulensa, tulisi heidän keski-ikänsä varmasti

Liisa ei vain tuntunut tätä käsittävän. Se vahvisti hänen orastavia

Mutta Hannes ei voinut aavistaa, että tässä oli myöskin
sukuperintö kysymyksessä. Liisan äiti oli ollut luulosairas ja hänen
äitinsä samoin. Liisan isoäiti oli lopettanut elämänsä väkivaltaisesti
sairautensa takia ja Liisan äiti sairasti sukuvikaa synkkyyteen
saakka, tehden miehensäkin elämän synkäksi ja ilottomaksi.

Mistäpä Hannes tätä osasi aavistaakaan. Sen vähemmän hän voi

sitä ottaa vakavasti, kun se oli vasta selvennyt hänelle. Eihän Liisa
vielä ollut koskaan mitään sanonut. Silmissä vain oli ollut
epäluuloinen välähdys.

Mutta pian oli taistelu alkava tästäkin sukuperinnöstä, joka heidän

onneansa uhkasi.

Kesäinen iltapäivä. Helteisenä paahtoi aurinko ja Hakalahti talon alla

lepäsi rantojaan kuvastellen.

Hannes katseli järvelle pihamaan laidassa aitaan nojaten. Pitäisipä

käydä laskemassa verkot. Ei ollut aamullisella uimakäynnillään
muistanutkaan. Nyt sieltä saisi suuria särkiä ja ahvenia. Saattoivatpa
hauetkin paistatella kaislikossa.

— Käyn laskemassa verkot, tulkoon Mari toveriksi, sanoi Hannes

vaimolleen, joka kulki hänen ohitseen.

Hannes astui jo muutaman askelen rantatielle.

— Mari ei tule nyt verkonlaskuun, kuuli hän vaimonsa kylmästi


Hannes kääntyi.

— Ja miks'ei? Joutaahan se…

— Kyllä sen puolesta, mutta muuten. Enköhän minäkin kelpaisi

joskus toveriksi?
Nyt oli Liisan äänessä jo pistävä sointi. Hannes hätkähti. Joko
taaskin. Tuliko se tästäpuolin jokapäivä tuo Liisan luulonpuuska?
Sillä muutakaan se ei saattanut olla. Liisa oli eilenkin väittänyt: —
Sinä et välitä minusta enää, muuten ottaisit joskus mukaasi

— Tule sitten pian, luikkasi Hannes mennessään Liisalle. Rantaan

oli vain muutama kivenheitto ja Hannes kiirehti jo verkkoja
puikkaroimaan. Tottapahan sieltä Liisa tulisi.

Hannes sai jo verkot veneeseen ja istui kivelle odottamaan. Miksei

se jo tule? Ahvenet hyppivät niin että ruohikko meni yhtenä
pohkeena. Olisi pitänytkin mennä nuotalle.

Hannes käveli pihaan hakemaan Liisaa. Liisa oli porstuakamarissa


— Mitä on tapahtunut?

Hannes istui nolona sängynlaidalla. Tähän saakka hän oli tuntenut

vain onnea kotielämässä, nyt tuntui kuin joku olisi haparoinut ilkeillä
niljaisilla sormillaan hänen kohtalonsa lankoja: pitää sinun saada
tuntea hieman toistakin puolta.

Tuntui kuin kukkaset kamarin ikkunalla olisivat surkastuneet ja

päivä ulkona lakannut paistamasta.

Ei, jotain tässä olisi tehtävä. Liisan tunteista ja mielialasta olisi

päästävä selvyyteen.

Miten tässä oikein aloittaisi?

— Liisa, oma hyvä toverini, selitä minulle surusi syyt. Sinä olet jo
usein sanonut, että minä en pitäisi sinusta. Olen sen käsittänyt
pieneksi tuskitteluksi tytöltäni siitä, että en haluaisi uhrata
lakkaamatta elämän voimaa syystä, että siten vanhuus tulee ennen
keski-ikää. Mutta äsken sinä sanoit sellaista, jota en sinun
sanomanasi ymmärrä. Jos kävisi päinsä, pitäisin sinut aina
mukanani. Mutta vaikka et olekaan aina luonani ja mukanani,
ajattelen minä sinua silti melkein aina, ehkä liiankin paljon. Pitäisihän
minun jakaa ajatuksiani niin kovin moneen muuhunkin asiaan, mutta
sinäpä niistä aina viet suurimman osan. Mitä varten siis tällaista…
minä en ymmärrä… Sinä kannat meidän toista lastamme ja sinun
pitäisi olla rauhallinen. Ethän luule, että muista pitäisin kuin sinusta?

Hannes oli puhunut viihdytellen kuin lapselle.

Liisa kietasi kätensä hänen kaulaansa.

— Minä taidan olla paha välistä sinulle… anna anteeksi typerälle

vaimollesi, mutta minä tosiaankin pelkään, että sinä välittäisit muista
etkä minusta.

— Voi sitä omaa pientä hupakkoani. Et saa enää milloinkaan

ajatella niin… Tule pian rantaan.

— Vietkös minut joskus mukanasi metsäänkin?

Liisa seisoi siinä sinisissä silmissään vielä kyynelten jälkiä, hiukset

auenneina, valkoiset käsivarret paljaina.

Miten somalle hän näyttikään siristäessään vielä silmiään ja

poskille hymykuoppien kuin väkivalloin ilmestyessä.

Hannes koppasi hänet syliinsä.

— Johan toki vienkin oman tyttöni. Pistän taskuuni kuin omenan.
Mennään pian verkonlaskuun.

Varjot olivat taas hävinneet. Mutta Hannes oli varma siitä, että
ne ilmestyisivät uudelleen. Hän olisi tahtonut vielä puhua asiasta
Liisalle, muttei kehdannut tällä kertaa. Saisipahan toiste sanoa, että
Liisa tällä tavoin särki pala palalta kodin onnea ja rauhallisuutta.

Liisa oli virkeä ja iloinen. Kun verkot oli saatu lasketuksi, ehdotti
hän, että jäätäisi uimaan. Lahden vastaisella rannalla pulisi lapsia ja
aikuisia vedessä mekastaen ja hoilaten.

Oli hiestävää ja Hannes riisuutui nopeasti pulahtaen järveen.

Pohja oli matalalla ja Hannes ohjaili venhettä Liisaa odotellen.

— Miten sinä oletkin kaunis, Liisa. En koskaan olisi sitä osannut

ajatella. Tuntuu kuin ihmeeltä että sinä olet vaimoni.

— Miten niin?

— Minähän rikoin niin paljon nuoruudessani, enkä olisi ollut

oikeutettu sellaiseen kuin sinä… Miten ihmeen tavalla sitä voikin.
Nuorukaisena en olisi voinut tällä tavoin katsella alastomuutta. Nyt
se on minulle pyhää, niin kuin kuuntelisin kaunista musiikkia.

— Kaikki eivät voi niin katsella.

— Eivät voikaan, mutta heillehän on lapsesta pitäen opetettu että

ihmisen ruumis on syntipesä ja että alastomuus on jotain hyvin
häpeällistä ja saastaista, ja se on johtanut ja johtaa yhä edelleen
nuorisoa väärään. Uskopas tyttö, kerran tulee vielä aika, jolloin
alastomuutta katsellaan vain kauneuden kannalta, pidetään sitä
— Mutta silloin ei saa ihmisillä olla rumia ajatuksia.

— Ei saakaan. Ihmiskunnan täytyy tulla uudeksi ja se tulee siksi

vielä kerran.

— Miten luulet sen siksi tulevan?

— Kasvatuksen kautta. Luonto ja työ karkaisee ja muuttaa huonon

hyväksi. Minä en olisi ennen näin voinut sinua siinä katsella.

— Enhän minä olisi ollut sinun katseltavanasikaan, nauroi Liisa

vettä pärskytellen.

— Kun näin vähänkin alastomuutta, värisin himosta.

— Miten opit sitten toisin katselemaan?

— Minä opin sen siellä tehtaassa. No, älä naura! Tämä on vakava
Väkivasarain jyskeessä minä aloin kasvattaa itseäni uudeksi
Työ ja luonto minua paransi.

— Sinä puhut niin kauniisti.

— Jos sen kaikki oppisivat samalla tavalla, niin miten voimakas ja

raitis nuoriso meille kasvaisikaan.

He meloivat rantaan. Liisa istui venheen kokassa kuin veden neito.

Ihmeellinen mies tuo Hannes, mietti hän. On täynnä aina niin
ihmeellisiä ajatuksia ja puhuu niin kauniisti. Sanoo työn opettaneen
itseään kaikessa. Olisiko todellakin työ semmoinen koulu, jossa niin
paljon oppii. Kun minä vain voisin kaikessa pysyä hänen rinnallaan.
Pitääköhän hän todellakin minusta enemmän kuin kenestäkään
muusta? Olenhan minä tosin kaunis, ajatteli hän lopuksi katsellen
itseään. Ettei hän vain rakastuisi milloinkaan johonkin toiseen. Taitaa
olla typerää ajatella sellaista.

Liisa oli mennyt pihaan ja Hannes jäänyt pellolle, jossa

rakennettiin uutta riihtä. Miehet hikoilivat helteessä. Pihka hikosi
veistetyistä petäjistä ja tuoksui voimakkaasti. Miehet istuivat
levähtämään hirsikasalle. Heillä näytti olevan jotain erikoista
mielessä, se selveni liikkeistä, joilla piippuja rassailtiin ja täytettiin.

Kohta aloittikin yksi miehistä.

— Ei tässä pysy leivissä… lisäpalkkaa on saatava. Johan minä

sen sanoin jo alussa…

Hannes odotti.

— Ja kyllähän tämä isäntä maksaakin… jatkoi toinen. Sopuisa


Vai viitattiin siihen. Hän oli tosin rakennuttanut mökkeihin, joiden

asukkaita nämä olivat, uudet tilavat asunnot ja perkkauttanut
palstoja. Siihen ei olisi tarvinnut vedota. Siitä ei näyttänyt paljonkaan
hyötyä koituneen, ainakaan muutamien suhteen.

— Onhan isännällä varoja, jos maksaa kohtupalkatkin, jurahti

kolmas imien piippuaan.

Hannesta hieman sapetti miesten kyyräily. Tämä ei ollut sitä

suoraa, rehellistä työainesta, jollaiseksi hän oli kerran kuvitellut talon
alustalaiset kasvattavansa. Mutta olihan se ymmärrettävääkin. Vihaa
ja kiukkua oli kylvettykin tämän polven työväen vereen. Kuinkapa
moni tahtoi ja kehtasi rakkaudella rakentaa hyvää sopua.

— Miksi ette sanoneet aikanaan, että palkka on pieni? Ja onhan

teillä leipä talosta itsellenne ja perheellenne, eikä sitä grammoilla
mitata. Paljonko teidän pitäisi saada?

Miehet sanoivat summan.

— Tällä kertaa minä sen maksan, mutta periaatettani vastaan.

Minä tahtoisin kasvattaa teistä kunnon työmiehiä ja siksi…

— Kasvattaa, kivahti vanhin mies joukosta, Mutkan Tuomas,

Hanneksen puheen… Mikä sinä olet, poikaloppi, vanhojen

— Voi p—le! kivahti toinenkin. Siitä on paisunut aika pohto. Vie


Mies mutisi puoliääneen toisille, mutta Hannes kuuli sen hyvin.

— Te käsitätte väärin. Minä rakennutin teille uudet asunnot ja

paransin olojanne…

— No, siitä ei kannata ylpeillä, keskeytti tulistunut Tuomas. Jos se

on isännälle niin suuri asia, niin ottaa vain pois mökin. Niinhän ne
suurporvarit tekevät aina.

Hannes tulistui.

— Enkö minä lähtenyt tästä talosta tyhjempänä kuin yksikään

teistä ja eikö ole työllä ansaittua kaikki mitä olen saanut? Minä olen
antanut teille osan työllä kokoomastani ja toivonut, että voisimme
työskennellä yhdessä kuin veljet. Teidän pitäisi hävetä!

Miehet olivat käyneet noloiksi. Hannes taisi olla oikeassa.

Työllähän hän oli saanut riippumattoman aseman. Taisi tulla suotta

Ei puhuttu enää sanaakaan ja Hannes lähti pihaan alakuloisena.

Huonoja hedelmiä kantoivat hänen hyvät työnsä. Eivät osanneet

arvostella asioita paikalleen. Se oli tavallaan yhteiskunnankin syy,
joka oli antanut työväen kasvaa sosialistiagitaattorien varassa. Koko
työväenliike maassa oli saanut asettua väärälle pohjalle. Seuraukset
siitä varmasti pian tulisivat näkyviin.

Kun nyt jo täälläkin, hänen hiljaisessa ympäristössään, hymähti

Ei voinut kieltää, että tuntui kuin joten kuten ilkeältä.

Olihan hyväkin, että sattui aina jotain, joka ei ollut myötäsukaista.

Siten ei päässyt pensistymään eikä raukeamaan yhtämittaiseen

Talon koko työväki oli lähdössä takamaalle kaskenkaatoon.

Heinänkorjuu oli saatu lopetetuksi ja kun peltotöiltä jäi kaskenkaato
juhannuksen jälkeen, oli se nyt suoritettava.

Varusteltiin eväskontteja ja piimäleilejä ja kaksi talon nuorta

palvelijatarta, Mari ja Maikki, odotteli jo vesurit kädessä pihamaalla.

Liisa tuli portaille.

— Minutko te aiotte kotiin jättää? sanoi hän palvelijoille.

— Niin, emännän tietysti, virkkoivat ja nauraa tirskuttelivat omille

vähäpätöisille asioilleen.

Se nauru kirpaisi Liisan mieltä, joka oli taas kipeytynyt. Heillä on

varmasti jotain mielessä. Olisikohan Hannes sanonut, ettei emäntää
oteta mukaan? Olisihan siellä piikojen mukava kiemailla
Hannekselle, kun hänen tarkka silmänsä ei olisi vartioimassa.

Hannes tuli pirtistä täysinäinen eväskontti selässä.

— Minä lähden kaskeen. Mari saa jäädä kotiin, sanoi Liisa hänelle.
En minä suostu aina jäämään…
— Mutta eihän se käy… talo jäisi moneksi päiväksi vieraaseen
varaan, esteli Hannes. Ja muutenkin tulisi hankalaksi sinulle.
Voinhan minä käydä kotona joka yö.

Mutta Liisa ei tahtonut kuulla puhuttavankaan kotiin jäämisestä.

Hän neuvoi jo töitä Marille.

Miehet olivat jo kujasilla menossa ja tytöt olivat loitonneet

pihamaan toiselle puolelle.

— Jos minä jään, niin Mari jää myöskin, sinkosi Liisa tiukasti.
Sinne kuhertelemaan…

— Mitä, mitä sinä sanot, kivahti Hannes. Kuhertelemaan… minäkö

piikojen kanssa…

— Kaipa minun pitää niin uskoa, kun sinä et milloinkaan laskisi

minua mukaan.

Minä en nyt tiedä mitä ajatella, sanoi Hannes synkästi.

Tapahtukoon siis sinun tahtosi tällä kertaa, jatkoi hän kylmästi. Mari
saa jäädä sinun kanssasi.

Hannes lähti astumaan miesten jälkeen.

Liisa jäi portaille.

— Nyt minä tiedän, minkälainen sinä olet, huusi hän Hanneksen

jälkeen, mutta tämä ei enää kääntynyt.

Hannes polki kuin vihoissaan kumahtelevaa kangaspolkua. Kaunis

sopu, joka oli kestänyt useita päiviä, oli taaskin särkynyt. Liisa oli
heittänyt hänelle solvaavia sanoja. Liisa, hänen oma vaimonsa.
Mikä oli oikein vaikuttamassa Liisan luulomieltä? Hän ei
kertaakaan ollut aiheuttanut sitä millään muotoa. Talon naispalvelijat
tiesivät velvollisuutensa ja puhuivat vain välttämättömistä asioista
hänen kanssaan. Hän oli kyllä ystävällinen heille, mutta sitähän hän
oli kaikille, jotka kunnollisesti suorittivat tehtävänsä. Maikki oli
hiljainen ja erillään pysyvä kaikista, Mari oli kyllä iloinen hälläkkä,
mutta mitään ei ollut sattunut hänenkään kanssaan, joka
vähimmässäkään määrässä olisi aiheuttanut Liisan naurettavaa

Mistä se sitten johtui?

Selvyyttä tähän ei saanut miettimälläkään. Liisa oli hellä ja hyvä

hänelle. Joskus vain purkautui esiin tällaista, joka sanomattomasti
painoi häntä. Jos hän olisi vähemmän välittänyt Liisasta, ei hänen
mielenpurkauksensa olisi tuntunut niin tuskallisilta.

Merkillistä, mietti Hannes. Minä sain murskatuksi sukukiroukseni,

tulin kuin onnen potkusta saaneeksi kotikonnun itselleni. Kaikki
menestyy. Pellot lupaavat runsaita satoja ja kaikki on kuin
voittokulkua, mutta kaikista kallein ja rakkain on menossa murskaksi

Ennemmin muuta vastoinkäymistä kuin tätä. Ennemmin joku

karjasta kuolleeksi aholle, viljapelloista joku lohko raesateen
ruhjottavaksi, ennemmin mitä tahansa, kuin oma vaimo epäilemään

Tie kulki kiemurrellen Hakalan takamaahongikon läpi. Vahvat

petäjät ojentelivat suorana runkojaan korkeuteen. Oli kuin ihmeen
kaupalla jäänyt ukolta tämä lohko myymättä.
Hänen edellään kulkeva vanha Tuomas virkkoi puita katsellen:

— On siinä aika älliköitä… Saat sinä Hannes niistä tuhansia


Hannes käveli allapäin. Suuri omaisuus ei antanut onnea. Hän oli

tottunut aina vain luottamaan työhön. Hän olisi luovuttanut kernaasti
tämän metsäpalstansa, jos olisi sillä saanut korjatuksi sen mitä oli
vinossa. Taisi olla köyhä mökin mies, sellainen kuin tuo Tuomas
tuossa, kaikista onnellisin. Terve ruumis ja hyvä työhalu. Ei huolta
suurista tuloista eikä menoista. Oma turve antoi ja hankkimalla sai

Olisi pitänyt kysyä Tuomaalta, oliko hän täysin tyytyväinen ja

onnellinen. Tuomas olisi varmaan merkitsevästi hymähtänyt. Heidän
taannoisen riitansa jälkeen oli Tuomaasta tullut mitä mukavin mies.
Teki aina työnsä hyvin eikä pyrkinyt napisemaan. Ehkä hän oli
tyytyväinen elämäänsä.

Toiset olivat menneet edellä ja Hannes pysähtyi Tuomaan kanssa


— Sanohan Tuomas, olisitko mieluummin talon- kuin

mökinmiehenä? kysyi

Tuomas vilkaisi kysyjään ja mietittyään virkkoi

— Enpä tahtoisi talonmieheksi. On niin vapaata olla

mökinmiehenä. Mitä varten sitä kysyt?

— Muuten vain. Olin halukas tietämään, oletko tyytyväinen

— Mikäpäs siinä… kun vain olisi terveyttä, että jaksaisi tehdä

Se oli mökinmiehen elämänfilosofiaa. Tyyntä ja tervettä. Jaksaisi

tehdä työtä, olisi terveyttä… Ei olisi kai tuokaan tuossa vaihtanut
mökkiään ja pientä perkkiötään mihinkään maailmassa.

Kaskimaa oli päivärinteessä. Ei tuulen henkäyskään vilvoittanut

hikisiä raatajia. Puut kaatuivat parahdellen ja ennen päivällistä oli jo
iso aukio kaadettuna. Kun oli lämmintä ja aurinkoa, niin oli iloa
myöskin. Rupatellen ja naureksien syötiin tuoksuvassa

Hannes ei voinut tällä kertaa ottaa juttuihin osaa. Liisa oli jäänyt
sinne alakuloisena, ehken vihaisenakin. Oli saattanut itkeäkin. Taisi
tulla liian jyrkästi hänelle sanotuksi. Vaikka sanoihan hänkin. Olisi
kumminkin mukaan saanut tulla ja niinhän hän oli jo aikonutkin,
mutta kun katkerat, solvaavat sanansa sanoi, niin tuli niinkuin
äkäpäissä lähdetyksi.

Kuinkahan tässä vielä viimein käy? Eikö millään saa Liisaa

vakuutetuksi, että luulonsa ovat aiheettomia?

Miehet kuorsailivat ruokauntaan lehdesvuoteillaan ja naiset

taittelivat vastoja. Hannes istui erillään muista koivun rungolla
ajatuksiin vaipuneena.

Käki lensi koivuun, joka oli sille kasken keskellä lepopuuksi jätetty,
ja alkoi kukkua. Miehet heräsivät siihen ja lähtivät työhönsä.

— Hyvää halmeonnea kukkuu, sanoi joku miehistä.

— Onnen vuosiapa se minulle helkyttää, tiesi iloinen Mari.

Hannes nousi ja sanoi miehille kotiin lähtevänsä ja aamulla
tulevansa takaisin.

Ei jaksanut olla, vaikka vasta illalla oli luvannut kotiutua. Liisa voisi
siellä taas tuhertaa kauniit silmänsä punaisiksi.

— Kovinpa pian sille tuli eukkoaan ikävä, jurahti joku mies

Hanneksen mentyä.

Liisa seisoi vielä hetkisen portailla Hanneksen mentyä. Sitten hän

kuin juosten meni kamariinsa ja alkoi nyyhkiä. Pikku Pentti nukkui
kehdossaan sinikellokimppu pääaluksella. Hannes oli ennen
lähtöään jättänyt sen siihen. Ikkuna oli auki ja tuulenhenkäykset
toivat sisään ruispellon tuoksua. Pelto kartanon alla lainehti

Liisa koetti rauhoittua, mutta ei voinut. Miksi Hannes ei ottanut

häntä mukaansa, vaikka hän pyysi? Miksi hän on joskus niin kovin
jyrkkä päätöksissään? Ja onko sittenkin niin, että hän saattoi välittää
muistakin, ei vain yksin hänestä.

Liisa koetti miettiä ja päästä selvyyteen.

Jos Hannes ei olisi kertonut hänelle nuoruudestaan, ei hän ehkä

olisi mitään epäillytkään. Hannes syytti nuoruudenhairioistaan
sukuperintöä, mutta oliko hän sen jo kokonaan voittanut? Hän kyllä
vakuutti niin, mutta saattoihan siltikin… Ja Mari on viehättävä tyttö,
ehkä kauniimpi kuin minä, jatkoi Liisa tuskallisia ajatuksiaan.

Voisiko Hannes pitää kahdesta yhtaikaa?

Tuntui pahalta ajatella sitä ja että ehkä luuloillaan loukkasi
syyttömästi miestään, joka oli aina hyvä hänelle, vaikka joskus oli
tinkimätön päätöksissään.

Liisa ajatteli äitiään, joka hänen mielestään oli saanut kärsiä

samanlaisesta… Isä oli ollut uskoton hänelle, niin äiti oli ainakin
sanonut. — Uskottomalle miehelle ei voi mitään, oli äiti aina
päätellyt, ja hänen vanhempiensa elämä oli ollut alituista riitaa,
aamusta iltaan.

Sellaiseksiko heidänkin kaunis elämänsä oli muuttuva? Tuntui

tuskalliselta ajatella sitä.

Liisa oli tuntenut syvää kiitollisuutta miestään kohtaan aina.

Kaikesta huolimatta Hannes olisi saanut ison talon isäntänä
vaimokseen kenet vain olisi ottanut. Hän, köyhä mökin tyttö, oli tullut
hänen valitukseen. Eikä Hannes ollut vielä kertaakaan sanonut
moitteen sanaa mistään. Ja oli aina vakuuttanut rakastavansa vain
häntä ja houkutellut kuin pientä lasta silloin, kun hänelle sattui omat
omituiset mielenpurkauksensa.

Hannes oli kovin hyvä. Hän saattoikin olla lapsellisen typerä

luulotellessaan kaikkea sellaista.

Liisa oli rauhoittunut ja katseli nukkuvaa lasta. Isän

hellyydenosoitus, sinikellokimppu pieluksella, liikutti häntä. Tuntui
niinkuin joku näkymätön olisi sanonut: Niin, hän on hyvä, mutta
miten sinun laitasi on? Ansaitsetko sinä rehellisen ja uskollisen
miehen hyvyyttä? — Olenhan minä hyvä ja hellä hänelle ja hoidan
hyvin tehtäväni. — Se ei riitä, jyrisi tuntematon. Sinun on jätettävä
turhat ajatuksesi, kasvatettava itseäsi niinkuin hänkin. Sinun on

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