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“We all know that Rizal’s life has created a great influence in today’s time. With the help of his
literature and his story, there is no doubt that his influence is etched in various fields.

Regarding educational institutions, Rizal’s works are widely taught in numerous universities
nationwide. Dubbed the “Life and Works of Rizal”, this lecture aims to promote critical thinking,
social awareness, and nationalism for its students.

Aside from this, Rizal also touched the fields of Art and Literature. One of the best examples
aside from Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo would be “Mi Ultimo Adios” which highlighted
his dedication to fighting for his country that up until now serves as one of the foundations of the
martyr Filipinos who died for freedom.

ITEM 6: Rizal’s Ideals VS the Philippines Today

“His works clearly show his aspirations for a peaceful and fair system that can be achieved

If we're looking at the current status of society, we can now observe the strong sense of
education and critical thinking that he preached through his works. We can also see the
democratic image of the government by observing the dissemination of power. However, we
can't deny that corruption and impunity are still lingering in the administration which resulted in a
wider division between the rich and the poor.

As a result, his hope for peaceful reform is not thoroughly achieved due to the widespread
protests for good governance. Still, his vision and ideals may not be fully realized but thanks to
his trust and support for the youth, we can still hope that the country is still on the path of a
country that nests and empowers youth. critical thinkers

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