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Ashok Sharma WhatsApp – 9521725483

Winners World
Previous Years Questions
RPSC 2012

1. 'Macbeth' is a play by William

Shakespeare about a-

(1) homicide

(2) suicide

(3) black mailing

(4)regicide (4)

2. Who are Malcolm and Donallbain in this play?

(1) King Duncan's sons

(2) Friends of Macbeth

(3) Banquo's sons

(4) Macduff’s brothers (1)
3. What title did Macbeth originally have?

(1) Thane of Cowdor


(2) Thane of Glamis

(3) Thane of Fife


(4) Earl of Northumberland (2)

4. The Porter scene provides-

(1) a clue to play

(2) time for the army to come

(3) comic relief

(4)time for Banquo to escape (3)

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5. Where is Macbeth's castle located?

(1) at Ireland (2) at Norway

(3) at Cawdor (4) at Inverness (4)

6. Who plans to kill Banquo and his son?

(1) Macduff (2)Macbeth

(3) Malcolm (4)Ross (2)

7. Why is Banquo killed?

(1) Because he is a powerful general

(2) Because he is the son of King Duncan

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(3) Because he disobeyed Macbeth

(4) Because he is aware of the witches'prophecy (4)

8. The witches are equivocators. This means

that the witches were-

(1) false in their prophecies

(2) ambiguous in their saying

(3) extremely truthful


(4) very kind in their dealings (2)

9. With the death of Macbeth-

(1) Fleance comes to the throne


(2) Macduff is able to meet his family

(3) Moral order is restored

(4) The witches die (3)

10. How does Birnam Wood come to

Dunsinane Hill?

(1) The woods starts walking

(2) The branches have magical properties

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(3) The witches lift the wood.

(4) Soldiers cut branches of trees and

march forward with those branches.


RPSC 2014
11. What to do witches prophecy to Banquo

on the heath in Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'?

(1) that he will rule the kingdom

(2) that his children will be king

(3) that he will be less great and happy

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than Macbeth

(4) that he is a mere foil to Macbeth (2)

12. In The guilty conscience of Macbeth is

revealed in-

(1)The porter scene

(2)The banquet scene

(3)The sleepwalking scene


(4)The second meeting with the witches (2)

13. Why was Macduff able to kill Macbeth

despite the Witches' prophecy in



(1) he killed the Witches first

(2) he received a charm from Grinswindle

(3) he was a very powerful warrior

(4) he was born by cesarean section (4)

14. How did Birnam Wood come to

Dunsinane in Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'?

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(1) the witches carried it there

(2) the foul weather caused an upheaval

(3) Malcolm's army marched behind its

cut branches

(4) Through an exchange of lands after victory (3)

15. Macbeth utters his soliloque "Tomorrow and tomorrow and

tomorrow" when-

(1) Malcolm and Siward enter the castle

(2) he receives the news of Lady

Macbeth's death

(3) Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane

(4) he comes to know the truth about Macduff (2)

RPSC 2016

16. In Shakespeare's Macbeth who is Ross

referring to whom he uses the

description "Bellona's Bridegroom"?
(1)Banquo (2)MacDonald

(3)Macbeth (4) Fleance (3)


17. "Was the hope drunk, wherein you

dressed yourself"? What hope is Lady


Macbeth talking about in Shakespeare's

play Macbeth?

(1)to kill Macduff

(2)to be "King hereafter"

(3)to get the "damned spot" of blood out

(4)to believe that Banquo's ghost would not plague Macbeth (2)

18. The last prophecy of the witches - "...

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for none of woman born/shall harm

Macbeth" - is fulfilled when Macbeth

fights against-

(1)Malcolm (2)Macduff

(3)Rosse (4)Lenox (2)

19. "..... There is none but he/whose being I do fear". Who is the person
Macbeth admits to being fearful of?

(1)Macduff (2)Malcolm

(3)Banquo (4)Rosse (3)

RPSC 2018

20.When is the title of 'the Thane of Cowder' bestowed on Macbeth and


(1) On the barren health by Banquo

(2) In inverness by Lady Macbeth
(3) Following the defeat of Norway by Duncan

(4) During the battle by the King's emissary, Ross (3)


21."Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand".
Who says this and when?

(1)Lady Macbeth in her sleep walking


(2)Macbeth after murdering Duncan

(3)Banquo's ghost at the banquet

(4)Macduff’s wife murderers (2)

22."Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" Macbeth utters this on

hearing of:

(1)Bernam wood moving

(2)Macduff's birth truth’s

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(3)Lady Macbeth's death

(4)Donalbain's escape (3)

23. According to Macbeth "the chief nourisher in life's feast" is

(1)rich diet

(2) sleep


(4)sloace offered by friends (2)

24."Fair is foul, and foul is fair" -

Who is/are the speaker/speakers of the

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above line?

(1) Macbeth

(2)The Three Witches

(3) Macduff

(4) Banquo and Duncan


25.'And Pity, like a naked new born babe striding the blast" -

Macbeth while speaking these lines is conscious of


(1)Duncan's innocence

(2)Banquo's innocence

(3)Macduff's innocence

(4)His own innocence (1)

26.'It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound

and fury, signifying nothing' - In the lines from ' Macbeth' the word ' It'

(1)Victory (2)Death

(3)Life (4)Love (3)

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Practice Questions

Q1.The tagedy “Macbeth” open with the speech of

(a)Witches (b)Macbeth (c)Macduff (d)Duncan (a)

Q2.Who speak the following lines –

“ Fiair is foul and foul is fair:

Hover through the fog and filthy air”

(a)Duncan (b)Macduff (c)Macbeth (d)Witches (d)

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Q3. “As two spent swimmers that do cling together and chock their arts”

Who are two spent swimmers here ?

(a)Macbeth and Macdonwald

(c)Duncan and Macbeth

(b)Macbeth and Macduff

(d)Macbeth and Banquo

Q4. “Like valour’s minion carv’d out his passage till he faced the slave”

Who has been compared to ‘valour’s minion’ here –

(a)Duncan (b)Macduff (c)Macbeth (d)Witches (c)

Q5. “Norway himself with terrible numbers ,assisted by that most disloyal traitor


Who is most disloyal traitor here ?

(a)The thane of Cawdor (b)The thane of Five


(c)The thane of Glamis (d)none of these (a)

Q6. “The thane of Cawdor ,began a dismal conflict :

Till the Bellona’s bridegroom ,lapped in proof confronted him.”(Act1.2)

Bellona’s bridegroom refers here to

(a)Duncan (b)Macduff (c)Macbeth (d)Witches (c)

Q7.Who informs about the victory of Scotland over Norway to king Duncon?

(a)Ross (b)Sergeant (c)Banquo (d)Macduff (a)

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Q8. “…Go pronounce his present deth,

And with his former title greet Macbeth”(1.2)

Here King Duncon announces to greet Macbeth with the title of –

(a)The thane of Cawdor (b)The thane of Five

(c)The thane of Glamis (d)none of these (a)

Q9. “So foul and fair a day I have not seen”(1.3.38)

Who utters these words-

(a)Macbeth (b)Duncon (c)Banquo (d)Macduff (a)

Q10. “How far is’t called to Forres” Forres is

(a)castle of Macbeth (b)castle of Duncon

(c)Castle of Macduff (d)none of these (b)

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Q11.Match the following :

1.First witch (a)Macbeth ! hail to thee , thane of Glamis!

2.Second witch

3.Third witch

(a)1 2 3- a b c (2) 1 2 3 – c b a (c) 1 2 3 –b c a

(b) Macbeth ! hail to thee , thane of Cawdor!

(c)Macbeth !that shall be king hereafter !

(d)c a b (a)

Q12.” If you can look into the seeds of time ,

And say which grain will grow which will not

speak to me ..”(1.3)

who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Banquo (b) Banquo to Macbeth

(c)Banquo to witches (d)Macbeth to witches (c)


Q14.”Thou shall get kings , though thou be none “(1.3)

who utters these words to whom ?

(a)first witch to Banquo (b) third witch to Banquo

(c ) second witch to Banquo (d)Macbeth to Banquo (b)

Q15. “Glamis ,and thane of Cawdor !

The greatest is behind” (1.3)

What greatest Macbeth is thinking about here ?

(a)of becoming king (c) of getting the palace

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in prize

(c)of becoming famous famous in the kingdom (d)none of these


Q16. “Present fears are less horrible than imaginations “ (aside 1.3 )

Which imaginations is Macbeth talking about here ?

(a)Imagination of murdering king Duncan

(b)Imagination of being killed in the battle

(c) Imagination of fighting with Banquo

(d)all of these

Q17. “If chances will have me king , why chance may crown me , without my


Whose aside is this ?

(d)Macduff (a)

Q18. “ he confess'd his treasons,

Implored your highness' pardon and set forth

A deep repentance”(1.4)

Malcolm utters these words for – (Who confessed his treason as Malcolm
tells about to Duncon?

(a)The thane of Cawdor (b)The thane of Five

(c)The thane of Glamis (d)none of these (a)

Q19. “There's no art


To find the mind's construction in the face:

He was a gentleman on whom I built

An absolute trust.” (1.4- Duncan)

In this speech of Duncon ‘He’ refers to

(a)Macbeth (b)Banquo

(c)The thane of Cawdor (d)the thane of Five (c)

Q20. “There's no art

To find the mind's construction in the face:”

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Who utters these words ?

(a)Macbeth (b)Duncon (c)Banquo (d)Macduff (b)

Q21. We will establish our estate upon

Our eldest, ……………, whom we name hereafter

The Prince of Cumberland. (1.4 Duncan)

(a)Malcolm (b)Duncan (c)Maceth (d)Banquo (a)

Q22. “ The Prince of Cumberland! that is a step

On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap,

For in my way it lies” ( aside 1.4)

Whose words are these ?

(a)Malcolm (b)Duncan (c)Maceth (d)Banquo (c)

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Q23. “Stars, hide your fires;

Let not light see my black and deep desires:”(aside 1.4)

Whose words are these ?

(a)Malcolm (b)Duncan

Q24. “Stars, hide your fires;

W (d)Banquo (c)

Let not light see my black and deep desires:”(aside 1.4)

What are the desires Macbeth implying here ?

(a)desires of murdering Banquo


(b)desires of murdering the thane of Cawdor

(c)desires of murdering the king Duncan

(d)desires of murdering Macduff (c)


Q25. “ Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be

What thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature;

It is too full o' the milk of human kindness

To catch the nearest way ” (1.5)

It is a soliloquy by Lady Macbeth , Whose kind nature Lady Macbeth is talking about
here ?

(a)Malcolm (b)Duncan (c)Maceth (d)Banquo (c)

Q26. “ Hie thee hither,

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That I may pour my spirits in thine ear;

And chastise with the valour of my tongue

All that impedes thee from the golden round,

Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem

To have thee crown'd withal.” (Soliloquy by Lady Mcbeth 1.5)

In this soliloquy “thee” refers to –

(a)Malcolm (b)Duncan (c)Maceth (d)Banquo (c)

Q27. “Come, you spirits

That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here”(Soliloquy 1.5)

Who words are these ?

(a)Macbeth (b)Lady Macbeth (c)Duncan (d)Banquo (b)

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Q28. “ …fill me from the crown to the toe top-full

Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood;

Why does Lady Macbeth want to be so cruel ?

(a)to murder her husband Macbeth

Stop up the access and passage to remorse,”( Soliloquy , Lady Macbeth 1.5)

(b)to murder King Duncon

(c) to murder Banquo

(d)to murder her own (b)


Q29. “ Come to my woman's breasts,

And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers”(1.5)

These words of Lady Macbeth shows that


(a)she is very kind (b) she is very cruel and ambitious

(c )she is very brave (d)She is full of love for humanity

Q30. “O, never

Shall sun that morrow see !” (Lady Macbeth 1.5)

Which tomorrow Lady Macbeth is talking about here ?

(a)the day Duncan will return to his castle

(b)the day Macbeth will become the king

(c)the day Macbeth will murder the king

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(c) the day Duncan will homour Macbeth (a)

Q31. “Your face, my thane, is as a book where men

May read strange matters” (1.5)

Who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) Lady Macbeth to Duncan


Q32 “…. look like the innocent flower,

But be the serpent under't” (1.5)

Who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) Lady Macbeth to Duncan


Q33. “This night's great business into my dispatch;

Which shall to all our nights and days to come

Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.”(1.5)
What great business Lady Macbeth is talking about here ?

(a)the business of murdering Banquo


(b)the business of murdering Macbeth

(c)the business of murdering Duncan

(d)the business of murdering Malcolm (c)


Q34. “He's here in double trust..”

Who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) It’s a soliloquy by Macbeth


Q35. “I have no spur

To prick the sides of my intent, but only

Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself

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And falls on the other.” (1.5)

In this soliloquy Macbeth mentions the chief cause behind his intention of
murdering Duncan .That is –

(a)high ambitions (b)his fear of being murdered by Duncan

(c)his natural duty (d) all of these


Q36. “We will proceed no further in this business:

He hath honour'd me of late; and I have bought

Golden opinions from all sorts of people,

Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,

Not cast aside so soon.” (1.5)

Who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) It’s a soliloquy by Macbeth

Q37. “Art thou afeard

To be the same in thine own act and valour

As thou art in desire?”(1.5)
Who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth


(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) It’s a soliloquy by Macbeth


Q38. “Wouldst thou have that


Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life,

And live a coward in thine own esteem,

Letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would,'

Like the poor cat i' the adage?”(1.5)

Who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) It’s a soliloquy by Macbeth


Q39.“Prithee, peace:

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I dare do all that may become a man;

Who dares do more is none.”

Who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) It’s a soliloquy by Macbeth (a)

Q40. “What beast was't, then,

That made you break this enterrprise to me?” (1.5)

Which plan/action Lady Macbeth is reminding here to Macbeth?

(a)plan of receiving Duncan warmly

(b)plan of murdering Duncan

(c)plan of murdering Banquo

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(d)plan of murdering Macduff (b)

Q41. “I have given suck, and know

How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me:

I would, while it was smiling in my face,

Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,

And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you
Have done to this.” (1.5)

Who utters these words to whom ?


(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) It’s a soliloquy by Macbeth (b)


Q42. “Bring forth men-children only;

For thy undaunted mettle should compose

Nothing but males.” (1.5)

Who utters these words to whom ?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Lady Macbeth to Banquo (d) It’s a soliloquy by Macbeth (a)

Q43. “ I am settled, and bend up

Each corporal agent to this terrible feat.” (1.5)

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Which terrible feat Macbeth is talking about here ?

(a)murder of king Duncan (b)murder of Banquo

(c )killing of Macduff (d)murder of Lady Macbeth (a)

Q44. “ False face must hide what the false heart doth know” (1.5)

Who utters these words ?

(a)Macbeth (b)Lady Macbeth

(c)King Duncan (d)Banquo (a)

Q45.What does King Duncan present/ gift Lady Macbeth when she welcomes him in
Macbeth’s castle?

(a)diamond (b)necklace

(c)with the title of lady Macbeth (d) all of these (a)

This diamond he greets your wife withal, By the name of most kind hostess; (Banquo


Q46.In which of the following scenes Macbeth becomes hallucinatory ?

(a)dagger scene

(c) both of these

Q47. “ Is this a dagger which I see before me,

(b)sleep walking scene

(d) neither of these (a)

The handle toward my hand?”

Who utters these words ?

(a)Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth (c)Duncan (d)Banquo (a)


Q48. “Thou sure and firm-set earth,

Hear not my steps, which way they walk, for fear

Thy very stones prate of my whereabout,”


Who utters these words ?

(a)Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth (c)Duncan (d)Banquo (a)

(Macbeth soliloquy – 2.1 )

Q49. “Had he not resembled

My father as he slept, I had done't.”

“He” refers to –

(a)Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth (c)Duncan (d)Banquo (c)

(Lady Macbeth ‘s Soliloquy – 2.2, he refers to King Duncan)

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Q50. “I have done the deed”

what deed Macbeth is talking about here ?

(a)Deed of murdering Duncan (b)deed of winning the battle

(c)deed of murdering Duncan (d)none of these (a)

Q51. “These deeds must not be thought

After these ways; so, it will make us mad.”

Who utters these words to whom?

(a)Macbeth to Lady Macbeth (b)Lady Macbeth to Macbeth

(c)Banquo to Macbeth (d)Lady Macbeth to Banquo


Q52. “'Glamis hath murder'd sleep, and therefore Cawdor

Shall sleep no more; Macbeth shall sleep no more.”(2.2)

Who utters these words ?

(a)Macbeth (b)Lady Macbeth (c)Second witch (d)Banquo (a)

Q53. “ Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood

Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather

The multitudinous seas in incarnadine,

Making the green one red.” (2.2)

Who utters these words ?

(a)Macbeth (b)Lady Macbeth (c)Second witch (d)Banquo (a)


Q54. “A little water clears us of this deed:

How easy is it, then!”(2.2)


Who utters these words ?

(a)Macbeth (b)Lady Macbeth (c)Second witch (d)Banquo (b)

55. "Who was hailed as a king of Scotland after Macbeth's killing in the battle, peace
was also restored there, He also invited all to scone for his coronation and promised
happiness and prosperity to all" ?

(A) Macduff

(B) Siwan

(C) Malcolm

(D) Seyton (C)

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56 . "Why should I play the Roman fool and die on my sword", of all men else I've
avoided thee: But get thee back; my soul is too much charged/with blood of thine
already." Who challenged Macduff who had been proposed by Macduff to surrender
but he was prepared to fight till the end of his life."

(A) Macbeth (B) Seyton

(C) Siwan (D) Banquo (A)

57. 3 Who was known as born premature ?

(A) Macbeth (B) Macduff

(C) Siwan (D) Seyton (B)

58. What is the name of Duncan’s eldest son?

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(a) Donalbain

(b) Lennox




W (c)

Which play of Shakespeare is regarded as the tragedy of overleaping ambition?

(a) King Lear

(b) Macbeth

(c) Hamlet

(d) Othello (b)

60. The main source of the play Macbeth is

(a) Raphael Holinshed’s “Chronicle of England and Scotland


(b) Kempe’s “Nine Dales Wonder”.

(c) Buchanan’s “History of Scotland”

(d) William Stewart’s Bulk of the Chronicle of Scotland (a)

60. Macbeth is killed by

(a) Malcolm

(b) Donalbain

(c) Macduff

(d) Ross (c)

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61. Duncan proclaimed …………… the Prince of Cumberland

(a) Macbeth

(b) Donalbain

(c) Macdeiff

(d) Malcolm (d)

62. Who announced the murder of Duncan?

(a) Macbeth

(b) The porter

(c) Macduff

(d) Malcolm (c)

63. Macbeth coronation took place at

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(a) His castle

(b) Scone





The three apparitions told Macbeth

W (b)

(a) Be on your guard against Macduff

(b) Defy the strength of men because none born of a woman can harm you

(c) Macbeth shall never be overcome until great Birnam wood shall come to high
Dunsinane hill

(d) All the above (d)

65. The three apparitions told Macbeth


(a) Be on your guard against Macduff

(b) Defy the strength of men because none born of a woman can harm you

(c) Macbeth shall never be overcome until great Birnam wood shall come to high
Dunsinane hill

(d) All the above (d)

66. Which character is the play says that Macbeth has no children

(a) Malcolm

(b) Ross

(c) Macduff

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(d) Lady Macduff (c)

67. Who murders Lady Macduff and her children?

(a) Macbeth

(b) Hired murderers

(c) Macbeth’s soldiers

(d) Fleance (b)

68. The ghost of Banquo appears

(a) Only once

(b) Twice

(c) Thrice

(d) four times (b)

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69. The ‘sleep walking scene’ depicts

(a) Lady Macbeth’s fear of after death



The reproduction of the horrible scene she has passed through.

The uprising of her feminine nature against the foulness of the deed

What were Macbeth’s feelings on receiving the news of the arrival of the
English forces and the desertion of the Scotish thanes?

(a) Macbeth was terribly frightened and confused


(b) He says his life has reached its autumnal stage

(c) He cannot hope to enjoy blessing of old-age namely honour, love, obedience

and companionship of friends.

(d) All the above (d)

71. “She should have died hereafter;


The way to dusty death”

Which is not true?

(a) Lady Macbeth’s death has happened at an unfortunate moment.

(b) Macbeth is facing a crisis hence he is not prepared to receive the news

(c) Macbeth wishes that the queen should have died after some time

(d) The whole nation might have mourned her death

(e) All the above are true (e)

72. “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon

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the stage”. These words are spoken by Macbeth in Act V, scene V.

Which is true?

(a) These words express Macbeth’s pessimism and philosophy of the

worthlessness of life.

(b) Life is full of illusions and disillusion.

(c) Each day that passes on, carries us to the grave.

(d) All of these (d)

73. Macbeth refuses to surrender before Malcolm


(a) He knows the consequences of surrender

(b) He will be hooted and tormented by the curses of the common people

(c) These things will be a disgrace of his valour as a soldier.

(d) All the above (d)

74. Who commanded the English Army to fight Macbeth?





Old Siward
(d) Siward’s son (d)

75. The opening scene in Macbeth has been introduced

(a) To excited our interest in Macbeth, the hero


(b) To show the predominance of the supernatural element

(c) To present a suitable background for tragedy and to introduce the forces that
control its action

(d) All the above

Ans. : (d)

Q. 76. "Like a man he died" Both Macduff and Macbeth fought; Macbeth was killed,
who said so ?

(A) Ross (B) Seyton

(C) Siwan (D) Banquo (A)

Q77. "Thou liest, abnorred tyrant; with my sword/I'll prove the lie thou speak'st." Who
challenged Macbeth by above words?

(A) Siwan (B) Seyton

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(C) Macduff (D) Banquo (A)

Q.78 Where did English army start a battle with Macbeth ?

(A) Before home (B) Befor castle

(C) Before wood (D) Before palace (B)

Q. 79 Why was Macbeth stunned to hear about the advancing Birnam wood ?

(A) Because he remembered the prophecy related to the Birnam wood.

(B) Because he was upset

(C) He was surrounded by rebels

(D) None (A)

Q. 80. To whom does the life seem a passing phantam after the death of Lady
Macbeth ?

(A) Macduff (B) Macbeth

(C) Malcolm (D) Banquo (B)

81. Who said in sad mood." Life's but a walking shadow ?

(A) Macbeth (B) Macduff

(C) Banquo (D) Seyton (A)

82. Who informed Macbeth that the queen was dead?

(A) Macduff (B) Banquo

(C) Seyton (D) Macbeth's wife (C)

83. By whom was Macbeth killed ?


(A) Malcolm (B) Duncan

(C) Macduff (D) Banquo (C)


84. "I have lived long enough; my way of life/is fallen into the sear, the yellow leaf."
Who said so ?

(A) Macduff (B) Macbeth

(C) Banquo (D) Malcolm

85. "Fear not Macbeth; no man that's born of a woman/shall e'er have power upon
thee", who said to Macbeth ?

(A) Lady Macbeth (B) Three witches

(C) Banquo (D) Malcolm (B)

86. What had made Lady Macbeth a pitiable creature after sleep-walk?

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(A) Her dreadful past

(B) Present agony

(C) Banquo's ghost

(D) A and B (D)

87. What did Lady Macbeth do in sleep-walking scene ?

(A) Washed her hands (B) Fell down

(C) Cried loudly (D) Speak silently (A)

88. What was in her hands when she was walking in sleep?

(A) A dagger (B) A candle

(C) A mirror (D) A knife (B)

89. Who is known as the fourth witch?

ld r
(A) Macduff's wife (B) Lady Macbeth

(C) Banquo's wife (D) Malcolm's mother (B)

90. Where does the sleep walking scene take place ?

(A) Macbeth's castle in Dunsinane (B) At home

(C) At court (D) At party (A)

91. Who decided to avenge the death of his wife and his son?
(A) Macbeth (B) Macduff

(C) Lady Macbeth (D) Banquo (B)


92. Who killed Macduff's wife and son ?

(A) Macbeth's men (B) Banquo

(C) Malcolm (D) Fleance (A)


93. "I have lost my hopes because bleed, bleed poor country! Great tyranny, lay, thou
basis sure!" Who said so?

(A) Macbeth (B) Macduff

(C) Banquo (D) Malcolm (B)

94. Whom did Macduff tell that scotland was passing through sad conditions and
new widows and orphans had each day?

(A) Malcolm (B) Macbeth

(C) Banquo (D) Fleance (A)

95. "All is the fear and nothing is the love." Who said this ?

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(A) Macduff's wife (B) Malcolm

(C) Fleance (D) Lady Macbeth (A)

96. Who said to Macbeth that no harm could come to him until the Birnam wood
came to Dunsinane ?

(A) First witch (B) Second witch

(C) Third witch (D) Fourth witch (C)

97. "Be bloody, bold and resolute, laugh to scorn/the power of man for none of
woman born/shall harm Macbeth". Who said so ?

(A) Lady Macbeth

(B) First witch

(C) Second witch (D) Third witch (C)

98. "Meet me in the morning: thither he will come to know his destiny". Who

expressed these words?

(A) Hecate (B) Witches Macbeth

(C) Lady (D) Macbeth (A)

99. "Strange things(plans) I have in head, that will to hand

(action), which must be acted era (before) they may be scanned.' Who said these

(A) Lady Macbeth (B) Macbeth (C) Banquo (D) Duncan (B)

100. What made Macbeth behave abnormally after the banquet ?

(A) Duncan's murder (B) Banquo's ghost


(C) Fleance's escape (D) Malcolm's ghost (B)

101. Who was escaped but Banquo was killed ?


(A) Malcolm (B) Fleance

(C) Duncan (D) Seyton (B)

102. "We have scotched (wounded) the snake, not killed it." For whom does Macbeth
here discuss to Lady Macbeth ?

(A) Banquo (B) Malcolm

(C) Duncan (D) Fleance (A)

103. "They hailed him father to a line of kings." Whom do the witches address here?

(A) Macbeth (B) Duncan

(C) Malcolm (D) Banquo (D)

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104. Who would be the king, as prophesized by the witches, as Macbeth was worried
and he wanted to get rid of ?

(A) Banquo's posterity (B) Duncan's son

(C) Macduff (D) Macduff's son (A)

105. What titles were gained by Macbeth after the murder of Duncan ?

(A) Thane of Cawdor (B) Thane of Glamis

(C) King of Scotland (D) All (D)

106. What was in the hand of Macbeth when he decided to murder the

king ?

A) Knife (B) Dagger (C) Sword (D) Gun (B)

107. Whom does Lady Macbeth call a coward and feel annoyed, scold him for his

unwillingness. She says. "What beast was it then/that made you break this enterprise

to me?"

(A) Macbeth (B) Macduff (C) Duncan (D) Fleance (A)

108. "Look like the innocent flower,

But be the serpent under it."

Whom does lady Macbeth say so ?

(A) Banquo(B) Macbeth (C) Duncan (D) Malcolm (B)
109. “Fill me, from crown to the top full of direct cruelty."

Who said these words?


(A) Macbeth (B) Lady Macbeth

(C) Banquo (D) Duncan (B)

110. Who were Malcolm and Donalbain ?


(A) Soldiers (B) Generals

(C) Banquo's sons(D) Duncan's sons (D)

111. Where was Macbeth's castle situated ?

(A) Paris (B) London

(C) Spain (D) Inverness (D)

112. Who had warned Macbeth not to believe what the witches had said?

(A) Macduff (B) Banquo

(C) Malcolm (D) Fleance (B)

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113. What titles the three witches gave to Macbeth?

(A) Thane of Cowdor (B) Thane of Glamis

(C) Thane of Paris (D) A and B (D)

114. Who paid a visit to Macbeth's home and presented a diamond to his wife ?

(A) Duncan (B) Banquo

(C) Malcolm (D) Seyton (A)

115. Whom did Macbeth defeat in the revolt for whom the king decided to make him
the 'Thane of Cowdor' ?

(A) Macdonwald (B) Sweno

(C) King of Norway (D) All (D)

116. Whom did Macbeth kill after becoming upset of Banquo's ghost ?

(A) Macduff

(B) Macduff's wife

(C) Macduff's son

(D) B and C (D)

117. Whose insensitive brute thoughts make her a neurotie?

(A) Lady Macbeth (B) First witch

(C) Second witch (D) Third witch (A)

118. What does the following line show? "Will these hands never be clean" ?

(A) Lady Macbeth guilty consciousness (B) Her neurotie disruption


(C) Her nature (D) A and B (D)

119. Who says in her obsession. "Will these hands never be clean ?"

(A) Lady Macbeth (B) Macbeth

(C) Banquo (D) Malcolm (A)

120. What is testimony of the perturbance of Lady Macbeth?

(A) The portal scene (B) Opening scene

(C) Sleep walking scene (D) Last scene (C)

121. Who incites Macbeth, besides the witches, to murder

(A) Lady Macbeth (B) Macduff

(C) Malcolm (D) Banquo (A)

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122. Why was the porter scene created ?

(A) For comic relief (B) New plot

(C) New characters (D) None (A)

123. Who believed in the witches blindly causing his self

destruction later?

(A) Banquo (B) Macduff

(C) Macbeth (D) Malcolm (C)

124.Who had warned Macbeth against the vicious influence of the witches ?

(A) Banquo (B) Macduff

(C) Lady Macbeth (D) Malcolm (A)

125. Who are called as weird sisters?

ld r
(A) Three witches

(B) Ghosts

(C) Two witches

(D) Four witches (A)

126. What is a motive force for Macbeth and his wife ?

(A) Ambition (B) Imagination
(C) Suggestion (D) Inspiration (A)

127. What rewards were given by Malcolm to his chieftains and relations ?

(A) They were killed (B) Were made earls

(C) Made servants (D) Were made soldiers (B)

128. Who murdered (assassinated) Macbeth ?


(A) Macduff (B) Lady Macbeth

(C) Malcolm (D) Banquo (A)

129. "Tyrant show thy face!" Who said to Macbeth ?

(A) Banquo (B) Macduff

(C) Lady Macbeth (D) Seyton (B)

130. Who said to whom-"Life is a walking shadow" ?

(A) Macbeth to Seyton (B) Seyton to Macbeth

(C) Malcolm to Seyton (D) Malcolm to Macbeth (A)

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131. How long would Macbeth be not afraid of death and injury?

(A) Till the approach of Birnam forest to his palace

(B) Till death

(C) Till the next morning

(D) None (A)

132. Who led the English forces against Macbeth ?

(A) Malcolm (B) Siward

(C) Macduff (D) A, B and C (D)

133. What did Lady Macbeth reveal in sleep?

(A) Her guilt of killing the wife of Macduff, Thane of Fife

(B) Secrets of life

ld r
(C) Things of past

(D) Mysteries of life (A)

134. What did Ross inform Macduff ?

(A) Murder of Macduff's wife

(B) Murder of his children

(C) Escape of Fleance
(D) A and B (D)

135. "Father'd he is, and yet he is fatherless." Who?


(A) Macduff's son (B) Banquo's son

(C) Macbeth's son (D) Fleance (a)

136. What was Macbeth eager to know more from the apparition ?

(A) To kill Banquo

(B) Whether Banquo's posterity would be a line of kings

(C) To win the kingdom

(D) To defeat Banquo in his motto (B)

137. What did the third apparition suggest to Macbeth ?

(A) Not to die until the great Birnam wood come to high Dunsinane hill

(B) Not to attack

(C) Not to help

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(D) None (A)

138. What did the first apparition tell Macbeth ?

(A) Beware of Macduff, or

(B) Thane of fife

(C) Beware of Macbeth

(D) A and B (D)

139. Who was Fleance ?

(A) Banquo's son

(B) King of France

(C) Macbeth's son

(D) None (A)

ld r
140."The worm that's fled/Hath nature that in time will venom breed." Explain. About

whom does Macbeth express this statement ?

(A) Banquo's son (B) Macduff

(C) Lady Macbeth (D) Malcolm (A)

141. "What's done is done". Who said this statement ?

(A) Macbeth
(B) Macduff

(C) Lady Macbeth

(D) Lady Elizabeth (C)


142. "Dauntless temper of his mind." Whose ?

(A) Macbeth (B) Lady Macbeth


(C) Macduff (D) Banquo (D)

143. "My duties/are with a most indissoluble tie forever knit."

Who said to whom?

(A) Banquo to Macbeth (B) Macbeth to Banquo

(C) Banquo to Macduff (D) Witch to Macbeth (A)

144. What did the witches promise to Macbeth ?

(A) He would get the title of king (B) Thane of Cawdor

(C) Thane of Glamis (D) All (D)

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145. Where would Malcolm and Donalbain go to be safe?

(A) England and Ireland (B) England

(C) Ireland (D) Ireland and France (A)

146. "Had I but died an hour ago before this chance; I had lived a blessed time" To
what event does this statement relate ?

(A) Duncan's murder (B) Witche's arrival

(C) Banquet (D) Lady Macbeth's arrival (A)

147. When did Macbetch say, "How is it with me, when every noise appeals me."

(A) When he felt guilty conscious

(B) In the evening

(C) At night

(D) Sleeping (A)

148. Why did Lady Macbeth not kill Duncan ?

(A) He resembled his father (B) Kind nature

(C) Liked him (D) Humane nature

149. How did Lady Macbeth feel after drinking ?

(A) Unconscious (B) Sub conscious

(A) W
(C) Filled with fiery courage (D) Jealous (C)

150. Who thought about Duncan as a meek and virtuous person like angels?

(A) Macduff (B) Macbeth


(C) Banquo (D) Ballena (B)

151. "I fear thy nature it is too full of the milk of human kindness". Who said for

(A) Lady Macbeth for husband (B) Banquo for Macbeth

(C) Macbeth for Banquo (D) None (A)

152. About whose execution did Dunan ask Malcolm ?

(A) Banquo (B) Macbeth

(C) Thane of Cawdor (D) Macduff (C)

153. "Thou shall get kings, though thou be none". Who predicted this ? (A) First witch
(B) Second witch

(C) Third witch (D) Fourth's witch (C)

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154. What did the third witch predict ?

(A) Macbeth, future king (B) Macbeth's murder

(C) Witch's appearance (D) Macduff's motto (A)

155 Who was king of Norway?

(A) Sweno (B) Balleno

(C) Banquo (D) Macbeth (A)

156.Who was referred as Bellona's bridgeroom?

(A) Macduff (B) Macbeth

(C) Banquo (D) Malcolm (B)

157. What happened when Macbeth was about to occupy chair?

(A) Banquo appeared (B) Banquo's ghost appeared

ld r
(C) Macbeth went asleep (D) Lady Macbeth came (B)

158. What did the three figures address to Macbeth ? He would be….?

(A) Thane of Glamis (B) Thane of Cawdor

(C) Would be king (D) All

W (D)

159. While returning from the battle, who were stopped by strange figures like

(A) Macbeth (B) Banquo


(C) Macbeth Lady (D) A and B (D)

160. Who was Duncan ?


(A) King of Scotland (B) King of Ireland

(C) King of England (D) King of Switzerland (A)


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