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A dottle doodle doo and we are back with another episode of dot daily

where we cover everything in the polkadot ecosystem today we will be

covering some moonbeam updates and integrations

Moonbeam, the most popular Polkadot destination for multi-chain

projects, has announced an XCM connection with Khala as well as the
availability of the kPHA token on Moonriver. The token may be utilised
across Moonriver's active DeFi ecosystem once deposited as xcPHA (an
XC-20 representation of PHA). The MOVR token may be utilised in
SubBridge, a Phala Network cross-chain router, or Khala's Dapp. While
today's integration allows for fungible token movement between these
two chains, future upgrades will allow for complete interoperability,
allowing Moonriver smart contracts to access Khala's suite of
con dential computing capabilities

The newest XC-20 to be introduced to Moonriver is xcPHA. Users may
deposit xcPHA tokens on Moonriver via the DApp, and the tokens can
then be utilised and transferred freely within the Moonriver ecosystem,
including DeFi apps. The XC-20 (cross-chain enabled ERC-20) format
allows Substrate-based tokens like kPHA to be utilised like ERC-20s
within Moonriver's EVM environment, allowing users to store xcPHA
for the rst time in an Ethereum-style H160 address via MetaMask

also,On Kusama, Khala is Phala's sister network, and it serves as a

secrecy layer for Web3 developers to invoke and interact with
con dential contracts on other parachains. kPHA is Khala's token on the
Kusama Relay Chain, whereas PHA is Phala's token on Polkadot

additionally,These sorts of deployments aid in bringing together the

numerous parachains in the Kusama ecosystem so that they may interact
effortlessly. This rst round of deployments is primarily focused on asset


transfers between parachains; future developments will allow for

broader integrations, hybrid DApp installations, and additional uses of
Polkadot's fundamental interoperability technology

moreover,Moonriver and its DeFi apps have become a destination for a

range of assets, both Moonriver-native and non-native, as the largest
ecosystem on Kusama . Token holders may check Downtown
Moonbeam, Dappradar, or De Llama for the most up-to-date list of
active applications

Before we wrap this up lets touch on the moonbeam and phala team

Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform and the

Polkadot network's leading destination for multi-chain applications.
With Ethereum compatibility, developers can easily port existing
Solidity smart contracts and DApp frontends to Moonbeam. Moonbeam,
like Moonriver, its sister parachain on Kusama, is planned to amass
developer and user activity from the network's 80+ projects developing
DApps and protocols. Moonbeam, as a parachain on the Polkadot
network, bene ts from the Polkadot Relay Chain's shared security and
interoperability with other chains linked to Polkadot

now brie y touch on phala

The Phala Network addresses the problem of trust in the compute cloud
It provides high-performance services without relying on any cloud
vendor by creating a decentralised network of computing nodes
throughout the world. Phala workers run the applications in Secure
Enclaves, a privacy mechanism built into current processors that allows
for adaptable and secret execution. Together, these components provide
the foundation for a powerful, secure, and scalable trustless computing

That is the end of our video guys thanks for tuning into dot daily like
comment subscribe and until next time a dottle doodle doo to y



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