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Social science: History

Question 1
Choose the correct view point on the list below that match with the sentence on the
table: factory owner. Factory worker, landowner, cottage industry worker, small
farmer, merchant

Sentence Answers
1 my family has to find work in town
2 I need more ships
3 no one wants to buy my woollen jerseys
4 I can put more animals on my big fields
5 My textile production has increased
6 the hours are long and the pay is low
6 Marks
Question 2
State whether the following sentences are true or false
1. In 1860 the British controlled two colonies which is the cape and natal.
2. some problems in the diamonds fields during year 1867 includes lack of fresh
3. The price that was charged by passengers Indians were high Compare to the one of
white-owned shops
4. Refreshment station was built by Dutch east India company at the Gauteng in year
5. Robert Owen was an industrialist who was concerned about the bad working and
living conditions of his workers
6. During the luddites protest. Protestors destroyed machinery and killed Factory
7. In the introduction of new machines around 1850 many small farms made lot of
8. Cholera is a disease caused by bacteria or germs from dirty used water
9. There were no safety regulations in the factories in year 1830s so many children
were badly injured from the machines.
10. before industrial revolution farmer ploughed by hand using horses and oxe1.
10 marks
Question 3
1. What is industrial revolution? 2 marks

2. Name 4 thing that were started in the industrial revolution because of the wealth
created through slavery. 4 marks

3. Explain what is meant by the word urbanisation? 2 marks

4. Why did angry farms workers destroyed machines during swing riots
(agriculture) in year 1830. 2 marks

5. Read the following article and answer the question follows

James , worked in a coal mine in northwest province, told an inspector:
“I went to the put at the age of six year of age. When I drew the coal carts by the girdle
and chain, my skin was broke and the blood ran down…if we say anything, they would
beat us. The tunnel was narrow. The coal dust filled our lungs as we crawled through
the darkness, our knees scraping on the rough surface and our muscles constructing
with pain. Acid water dripped from the tunnel ceiling, soaking our ragged clothes”

A. Why were children employed in the factories and mines rather than adults? 4

B. From the source above. List four problems that James faced while working
in the mine. 4 marks
Question 4
1. Why diamonds are taken as a valuable product? 3 marks

2. What is the reason why labour’s was imported in India. Do you think it’s was
appropriate? 3 marks

3. Compare the treatment of the first India who came to work in Natal and the
passengers Indians. Explain which group you would prefer to belong to and give
reasons for your answer. 10 marks
Total Marks: 50

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