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PT31503 Sem 1: 2023/2024 nfaa

1. Adakah terdapat langkah/ cara untuk avoid ASD tersebut terjadi pada keturunan seseorang
a. Not really. Apabila terdapat komponen keturunan yang menjadi faktor yang
menyumbang kepada ASD, tidak ad acara utk mengelak kesan tersebut. Namun
intervensi awal boleh mengurangkan disorder daripada menjadi semakan teruk.
2. Saya ada terbaca kenyataan di sosial media di mana mereka mengatakan ASD ini boleh berlaku
jika seseorang parents yang mempunyai pendidikan yang tinggi atau berlatarbelakang
professional. Bukan itu sahaja, mereka juga mengatakan bahawa perempuan yang bernikah
lambat akan ada potensi untuk mempunyai anak yang ada ASD. Adakah kenyataan itu benar atau
sekadar myths? Jika benar boleh saya tahu specific research/ facts? Jika myths, kenapa dikatakan
a. Ibubapa yang berpendidikan tinggi lebih cenderung untuk memiliki pengetahuan dan
akses kepada perkhidmatan professional dan oleh itu peratusan kanak-kanak yang
mendapat diagnosis awal adalah lebih tinggi sekiranya datang daripada keluarga yang
ibubapanya berpendidikan tinggi.
b. Terdapat pelbagai kajian yang telah menunjukkan perkaitan di antara umur ibu semasa
mengandung dan melahirkan dengan insiden kecelaruan perkembangan neuro.
i. Kemerosotan kefungsian tubuh manusia seiring dengan peningkatan usia
memberi kesan kepada proses reproduction.
ii. Kesihatan ibu yang semakin merosot juga memberi kesan kepada kefungsian
biologi ibu, justeru memberi kesan kepada kandungan dan kelahiran.
iii. Ibu yang melahirkan anak di lewat usia lebih berisiko untuk mengalami
kesukaran semasa melahirkan, bayi songsang, dan melahirkan baby dengan skor
Apgar yang rendah yang kesemuanya mempunyai perkaitan dengan incident
autism spectrum disorder.
3. Soalan saya memandangkan kanak-kanak autism dikategorikan sebagai kanak-kanak istimewa,
bagaimanakah seorang guru boleh mencipta suasana kelas yang kondusif dan sesuai sekiranya
kanak-kanak ini dicampurkan dengan pelajar biasa dalam satu kelas yang sama.
a. Soalan ini berkaitan dengan intervensi dan pendidikan inklusif. Terdapat pelbagai
program dan strategi untuk mewujudkan persekitaran pembelajaran inklusif yang sihat
untuk kanak-kanak ASD. Guru perlu berkerjasama dengan kumpulan rawaran dalam
menyediakan pelbagai adaptasi dan akomodasi untuk kanak-kanak tersebut.
4. The symptoms of autism are sometimes very mild in some people. Is it possible that some
people with autism never get diagnosed?
a. Absolutely. Many individuals with milder presentation of the disorder do not get
5. How does ASD affect social interactions, communication, and behavior?
a. Please refer to criteria of the DSM-5. It outlines specific impact on those three aspects of
functioning. This is critical information that you need to know, in preparation for you
6. What are the challenges might people with ASD face in employment or education?
a. Many areas of functioning are impacted. Other than specific impacts on the functioning
based on their characteristics, they may also be discriminated against and excluded from
mainstream community.
PT31503 Sem 1: 2023/2024 nfaa

7. Dr., I’m a little curious about why some ASD child also have ADHD? What is their life like? Is
he/she a child who is quiet but moves around silently?
a. Not all, but you are right some do. It just so happen that the disorder can co-occur.
8. How can families best support a child diagnosed with ASD? Are there specific resources or
support networks that can help families navigate challenges and access necessary services?
a. It is tricky in the context of Malaysia, depending on where they are geographically
located. The more rural communities have minimal to no access to resources. The more
urban communities may have better resources. But families would first have to gain
knowledge and understanding of the disorder, before they are able to support a child
with ASD.
b. There are many information available online, however, specific physical resources would
depend on where person/family is located. There are NGOs and private sectors who run
their own centers and provide services for children with ASD.
9. What is the universal characteristic of ASD?
a. Please refer to video and slides to get this information. Be sure you are familiar with
criteria of ASD based on the DSM-5.
10. "what is the difference between autism and asperger disorder?
a. Asperger is a term that is no longer used in current DSM. It refers to ASD with a milder
11. what are the best treatment for autism? can autism go back to being a normal child?"
a. multidimensional approach is best, biological, psychological, and socially.
b. They don’t perhaps “go back to being a normal child,” but intervention can minimize the
presentation of symptoms to a point that they do not interfere with their functioning as
12. why males are more often diagnosed than females?
a. The presentation is more obvious and visible
13. What is a common social communication challenge observed in individuals with ASD, where they
may repeat words or phrases without understanding their meaning?
a. Not sure what the question is, but yes that is one of the way communication is impacted.
14. Are there specific challenges or considerations in diagnosing ASD in different age groups for
example children vs. adults
a. Yes, if someone goes undiagnosed until adulthood, it is possible that they may have
presented with milder version of ASD. Diagnosing an adult with ASD can be tricky as they
must be able to report/identify that the symptoms existed during their early
development period not just newly appearing.
15. Research suggests that girls and women with ASD may be underdiagnosed. What factors
contribute to this underdiagnosis?
a. The types of symptoms and their presentation may not be as disruptive as boys, and
therefore they get overlooked.
16. What challenges might arise in recognizing ASD symptoms in individuals whose presentation
differs from the stereotypical male presentation?
a. With specific skills, experiences and tools, presentation of ASD is usually recognizable
unless they been to early intervention that the symptoms are no longer as obvious.

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