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Dealing with Contract Variations in PPPs:

Social Mechanisms and Contract Management

in Infrastructure Projects
Hatice Çiğdem Demirel 1; Leentje Volker, Ph.D. 2; Wim Leendertse, Ph.D. 3;
and Marcel Hertogh, Ph.D. 4
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Abstract: Variations are inevitable in public–private partnerships (PPP), due to the extensive duration of these contracts and the dynamic
environment in which PPPs are usually implemented. Changes may lead to variations in the contract and consequently adverse reactions by
partners. For the social and financial viability of the project, it is important to have mechanisms that can actively deal with variations that
occur during the project life cycle. However, formal contracts with standardized project procedures do not always offer effective ways to cope
with potential project dynamism. This paper presents the results of an in-depth case study into the modus operandi of a large-scale PPP
infrastructure project with regard to variations in the realization phase. It was found that variations in infrastructure projects could not be dealt
with solely through the formal contract rules, but that additional social mechanisms between the public commissioners and contracted com-
panies were needed. Changes and contractual mechanisms are extensively discussed in project management literature. Also, the use of social
mechanisms—complementary to the formal contract rules—is stressed. However, the literature offers little evidence about how these dealing
mechanisms work in practice. This study reflects a real-life practice in responding to variations in a PPP and presents different ways in which
various mechanisms, such as contract provisions, human relationships, organizational structure, digital tools, professional knowledge, and
actor competences are interactively employed by project managers to deal with variation. General conclusions are drawn about the mech-
anisms observed, which may be applicable in the coordination of future interaction in public and private collaborations. DOI: 10.1061/
(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001714. © 2019 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Dealing mechanism; Public–private partnerships; Contract dynamics; Contract management.

Introduction circumstances during the life cycle of a project. According to

Taleb (2008), unexpected events or “black swans” are, therefore,
A public–private partnership (PPP) is a delivery method frequently a fact of life. Such events can, however, also alter the financial bal-
used to enhance the economic and societal value of public infra- ance of the relationship that was assumed by each party upon sign-
structure projects. In a PPP project, a private party or consortium ing of the partnership agreement, making the agreement sensitive
is granted a concession to finance, build, and operate a public from a commercial or financial perspective (Mandri-Perrot 2009).
project and to provide the corresponding product or service and Breaking a PPP contract can be expensive, and counterparties can
collect ensuing revenues (Xiong and Zhang 2014). The PPP ap- suffer if early termination takes place (Liu et al. 2017). Scholars
proach may increase the economic value of infrastructure outputs in PPP emphasize that when PPP projects encounter unforeseen
because management by a private entity can bring important effi- risk events (e.g., Cruz et al. 2014), the parties should conduct
ciency gains to the public authority body in question (Liu et al. renegotiations and attempt to take steps to resolve the imbalance
2014; Iossa 2015). However, in the case of unexpected events, rather than seeking early termination of the contract (Song et al.
a project can suffer high-profile failures. Long-term arrangements 2018).
(usually around 25–30 years) increase exposure to changing Renegotiations usually arise because of the inadequacy of the
contract to address contingencies (Cruz et al. 2014). According
Ph.D. Researcher, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, to Domingues and Zlatkovic (2015), current PPPs are controlled
Delft Univ. of Technology, Stevinweg 1, Delft, CN 2628, Netherlands by a rigid contractual structure. Scholars agree that there are still
(corresponding author). ORCID:
research gaps in the fields of flexible or adaptive contracting
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Twente, De Horst 2, regarding PPPs. For example, Neto et al. (2016) and Cui et al.
Enschede 7522 NB, Netherlands. ORCID: (2018) believe that the interest in more dynamic contracting will
-2766-3763. Email: develop into a key research area. This is partly due to the adverse
Professor, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Groningen Univ., Landleven 1, effects of variation as experienced in current practice. Related
Groningen 9747 AD, Netherlands. Email: to this, there is also an ongoing discussion concerning whether
Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft Univ. PPP procurement and contracts deliver the promised infrastruc-
of Technology, Delft, CN 2628, Netherlands. Email: m.j.c.m.hertogh@ ture project outputs or value for money (e.g., National Audit Office
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 9, 2018; approved on
March 21, 2019; published online on September 12, 2019. Discussion per- Given these concerns, there is a need for the appropriate design
iod open until February 12, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted of contracts and for procurement methods to be able to adapt to
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction uncertainty during the project life cycle, whether a PPP is involved
Engineering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364. or not. Thus, public and private interactions need mechanisms to

© ASCE 04019073-1 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2019, 145(11): 04019073

coordinate their future partnerships under changing circumstances. Javed et al. 2014). Cruz and Marques (2013) proposed to divide
In this paper, we review practices in a large PPP infrastructure a PPP infrastructure contract into two components: a long-term
project during its realization phase to identify and discuss mecha- concession (30 years) for building and maintaining infrastructure
nisms that are used in practice dealing with variations. We will call and an accompanying short-term contract (10 years) for managerial
these mechanisms “dealing mechanisms”: a constellation of ele- services. Xiong and Zhang (2016) suggested a renegotiation model
ments and/or activities that can be used by partners to adapt an that enables governments to compare different measures in the case
initial agreement under variation. Dealing mechanisms are essential of variation, such as toll adjustment, contract extension and annual
to coordinate PPPs under contract variations, ensuring that the con- subsidy or unitary payment adjustment, and a possibility to suggest
tract adequately governs the parties’ relationship over the term of a more suitable combination in renegotiation. Domingues and
the contract and that both parties maintain the associated benefits. Zlatkovic (2015) proposed the idea of using SWOT (strengths,
Changes and contractual mechanisms are extensively discussed weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis as a tool to agree in
in project management literature. Also, the use of social mecha- more contractual flexibility. They suggest regularly analyzing
nisms–complementary to the formal contract rules–is stressed. potential benefits that could be captured and pitfalls that could
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However, the literature offers little evidence about how these deal- be avoided and using this analysis for ongoing mutual agreement.
ing mechanisms work in practice. The primary aim of the study is Mouraviev and Kakabadse (2015) presented ways to reduce
to achieve a better understanding of the range and elaboration government overregulation (e.g., bureaucratic tariff setting and ex-
of different contractual and noncontractual mechanisms in the prac- cessive procurement restrictions) to achieve more “action room”
tice of PPPs, and their mutual relationship and interaction. The and thus greater flexibility in the management of PPPs.
study thus starts from the following research question: What mech- On the national level, many countries have developed standard-
anisms to deal with variation are used in practice for infrastructure ized PPP contracts, along with guidance manuals. For example, the
projects additional to the formal contract rules and how are they Standardisation of PF2 Contracts issued by HM Treasury (2012)
operationalized? in the United Kingdom, the Dutch DBFM Model for Infrastruc-
This paper first describes general experiences from previous re- tures issued by Rijkswaterstaat (2014), and the ‘Standard Form
search on dealing with variations in construction projects from rel- Public Private Partnership Project Agreement in New Zealand
evant recent literature, and identification of mechanisms currently (New Zealand Government, The Treasury 2013). These standards
used in the PPP infrastructure sector are identified. The following allow for renegotiation under changing circumstances. According
“Results” section presents the results of an in-depth case study to the Standardisation of PF2 Contracts, a variation protocol is
looking at the modus operandi of a large-scale PPP infrastructure to be put in place as an appropriate change dealing process, in com-
project with regard to dealing mechanisms employed in the reali- bination with transparency in the pricing of the change. Standard-
zation phase. The case reflects real-life practice in a PPP project ized contract versions generally include changes proposed by the
and reveals how various dealing mechanisms are interactively em- contracting authority and changes proposed by the private party.
ployed in an actual contract under variation. It is concluded that Most PPP contracts recognize a right of the contracting authority
noncontractual mechanisms are especially required for PPP co- to propose changes to the terms of the contract (including the
ordination providing the necessary additivity to ex-ante agreed for- agreed terms of the asset’s design, construction, operation, and
mal contracts. Based on the results, conclusions and implications maintenance) and that the private partner is entitled to relief and/or
for both researchers and practitioners are then formulated with re- compensation for the consequences of complying with those
spect to setting up and improving interaction between public and changes (e.g., Eurostat 2016). If renegotiation is initiated, the public
private parties in the context of infrastructure projects. and private partners will negotiate on which measures should be
taken to compensate for any loss by the concessionaire, such as debt
service coverage ratio, loan life coverage, internal rate of return, and
Dealing with Variations in Contracts revenues (Xiong and Zhang 2016).

Need for Contract Adaptability Dealing Mechanisms for Contract Adaptability

Large infrastructure projects are often characterized as complex, Brown et al. (2015) identify two interrelated categories to deal with
nonlinear, and dynamic processes (Khan et al. 2016) that include uncertainty in complex projects: contract rules and relationships.
specific uncertainties and interdependencies among a large number They argue that, rather than one all-encompassing ex-ante detailed
of stakeholders (Klijn and Koppenjan 2016). Increased stakeholder contract, the contract governance should be based on a more gen-
involvement may create more interaction, and consequently more eral formal contract and additional informal arrangements based on
unpredictability and risks. When outcomes become harder to pre- mutual relationships (Brown et al. 2015). Earlier, Ling et al. (2014)
dict and are spread over a longer period, projects are more difficult discussed that relational contacting is based on cooperative ap-
to define ex ante and become more vulnerable to variation (Brown proaches, such as partnering, alliancing, joint venturing, long-term
et al. 2015; Xiong et al. 2018). According to Shrestha et al. (2018), contracting, joint risk-sharing mechanisms, and integrated project
uncertainties may even be magnified. delivery, where formal contracts spell out the rights, responsibil-
In the context of PPPs, many scholars address the fact that ities, and liabilities of the parties concerned.
contracts have to be dynamic or adaptive to potential challenges Many studies (e.g., Ling et al. 2014; Xiong and Zhang 2016)
and should provide the possibility to renegotiate. Spiller (2018), for have confirmed that collaborative relationships are an important ad-
example, stated that public contracts are generally inflexible when dition to formal contracts, and that they can facilitate the solution to
faced with uncertainties and, therefore, always require renegotia- an issue or problem at hand. Related to this, Zou et al. (2014) found
tion during execution. According to other scholars (e.g., Cruz et al. that the commitment of senior executives and the integration of the
2014; Hart 2017; Sarmento and Renneboog 2016; Xiong and different divisions and multidisciplinary teams were critical success
Zhang 2014) the reason for renegotiations is mostly incompleteness factors in PPPs. Additionally, Mistarihi et al. (2012) discussed the
because of the inability to foresee all possible future events. The need for PPP managers to be knowledgeable and qualified to man-
literature describes several mechanisms that have been introduced age the social, constructional, operational, and financial aspects
to deal with this kind of flexibility (Domingues et al. 2015; of PPP projects. For a PPP setting, they stress the importance of

© ASCE 04019073-2 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2019, 145(11): 04019073

interpersonal skills, the skill of “scoping in/out,” conceptual skills, the steps in the variation process in detail and to study the formal
project management skills, and communication and coordination and informal modus operandi of the management of the legal, tech-
skills. nical, contract, and stakeholder aspects in a trusted environment.
Several scholars have focused on mechanisms that allow con- The aim was to capture managers’ actions as they dealt with var-
stant adaptation to potential challenges in the delivery of infrastruc- iations and to understand how formal and informal procedures
ture projects. For example, Hertogh and Westerveld (2010) claimed facilitated or impeded their resolution in the execution phase of
that the success of large and complex infrastructure projects is de- project. Because of the confidential character of the observations
termined by five factors: a higher order of cooperation, meaning and the complex nature of the phenomenon, such depth would not
that stakeholders in the system use their cooperative capacities to have been possible within a different research approach. This
align their interests in such a way that they produce system outputs unique case study showed that informal dealing mechanisms are
that are mutually beneficial; project champions; competent people considered necessary in practice in addition to the contract. It also
making the difference; capability to find unique management so- showed what kinds of informal mechanisms are used in practice
lutions; and using windows of opportunity.
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and how they are used. This knowledge is in itself valuable for con-
Kumaraswamy and Rahman (2006) considered working in sideration in future contracts and for creating favorable conditions
teams as a form of cooperation and discussed how effective and to deal with variation in projects in general. Hence, it also forms a
successful teams can generate benefits in complex projects. They start for further research.
found that teams generate a wider range of ideas than individuals
working alone. Teams can respond to change more effectively,
since improved trust and communication will help a team to gain A1/A6 Motorway Case
greater clarity in expressing ideas through group discussion. Addi- The case of our study was the A1/A6 motorway extension in
tionally, it has been argued that (Xiong et al. 2018) increased the Netherlands. This PPP project is part of a major multiproject
information availability between the actors in projects contributes public infrastructure program called the Schiphol-Amsterdam-
to responsiveness. Almere (SAA) programme. Traffic along this corridor has greatly
increased over the past 15 years, primarily due to economic growth
and a growing population in the area. Additional traffic growth
Research Approach is expected due to the expansion plans of the cities of Amsterdam
and Almere. The purpose of the SAA program is to improve traffic
Single Case Study flow, accessibility, and liveability (i.e., socioeconomic conditions)
within the SAA corridor. The A1/A6 project is the biggest and
Because of the complex and uncertain nature of large infrastructure
most complex project in this program. The motorway is approxi-
projects, there is a need to be able to deal with variations. In the
literature, several dealing mechanisms are identified, such as stand- mately 23 km long and is located between the towns of Diemen
ardized contracts with clauses that provide for flexible agreements, and Almere Haven. By realizing the project, the capacity of the
but also more social-relational solutions, such as increasing team- infrastructure will roughly double. The project involves a total of
work. However, there is little evidence about how these dealing 70 new civil engineering structures, which include a 60-m-wide
mechanisms work in practice. Yin (2014) writes that a case study aqueduct (Europe’s widest); a rail bridge near Muiderberg with
can contain either a single study or multiple studies. The case study a span of 380 m; and an additional bridge adjacent to the existing
method explores a real-life, contemporary bounded system (a case) bridge over the Randmeren (the Hollandse Brug), also 380 m in
or multiple bounded systems (cases) over time, through detailed, length.
in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information The A1/A6 project has a nominal contract value of EUR 1 billion
and reports a case description and case themes (Creswell 2013). (excluding taxes) and a tenure of 30 years (2012–2042). Rijkswa-
According to Creswell (2013), it is not primarily aimed to analyze terstaat (the executive agency of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastruc-
cases, but to explore a setting in order to understand it. It makes the ture and Water Management) tendered this project under the third
researcher have a deeper understanding of the exploring subject edition of the standard DBFM contract to the service purpose ve-
(Gustafson 2017). hicle (SPV) company SAAone. SAAone includes major construc-
This paper presents a real-life case study to examine which tion companies such as the German company Hochtief and the
mechanisms are applied in practice and how they are used in a Dutch companies of VolkerWessels and Boskalis, as well as the
project context. fund management company, the Dutch Infrastructure Fund (DIF).
A single case approach is not uncommon in studies of complex The contract close of the tender was in 2012, while the financial
project environments. For example, Cruz and Marques (2013) ex- close was in 2013. The latter refers to the point at which all the
amined contract flexibility and coping with uncertainties in a single interlinked conditions mandated through the project contracts, in-
hospital that was developed as a PPP project. Because we were cluding the funding, were met. The construction activities started in
especially interested in the social interaction taking place in the 2013 and are scheduled to proceed until 2020.
practice of dealing with uncertain situations additional to the formal The DBFM contract is the key contract between the client and
rules, we chose to focus on the practice of a particular case (see also the SPV, where the SPV is responsible for the design, building,
Gustafson 2017) and come to know it well: “an empirical inquiry financing, and maintenance of the project. The SPV has a financial
that investigates a contemporary phenomenon (the ‘case’) in depth agreement with financers through syndicated loans. This means
and within its real-world context.” that, on the debt side, a group of financers provides finance to the
It is a research strategy that concentrates on understanding the SPV for the implementation and maintenance of the project. The
dynamics that are present within single settings (Eisenhardt 1989; Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management acts as a guar-
Flyvbjerg 2006). We particularly studied the practice of a large- antor for the financers through a direct agreement with them. The
scale PPP infrastructure project by looking at what actually hap- client can repay financing through periodic milestone payments to
pens when coordinating and dealing with variations. Concentrating the SPV if the latter performs according to preset availability and
on a single case instead of multiple cases enabled us to observe all safety specifications.

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The actual construction of the project is realized through an to the research objectives and the interview questions was pro-
engineering procurement and construction (EPC) arrangement vided to the interviewees via email 1 week before the interview.
through a contract between the SPV and the contractors in the All interviews were conducted in face-to-face meetings of about
EPC. A separate contract will be signed later for maintenance. 1.5–2 h by the first author. In some cases, the researcher invited
The SPV receives equity from shareholders (or sponsors) through two contract managers to the same interview to encourage further
equity contribution agreements. Usually, the shareholders are con- discussion. The Appendix presents the interviewees and interview
nected to (or the same as) the EPC contractors, which creates a questions.
direct relationship between the risk management of the SPV and To gain further insight into the actual modus operandi, three
the EPC. To complete the contract structure, Rijkswaterstaat has different kinds of participant observations were carried out by the
administrative agreements with 13 local authorities to guarantee researcher during a 7-month research period: site visits, contract
stability in the environment of the project. In addition, several meetings, and informative visits to the offices of the client and the
external companies were contracted during the tender phase and SPV. Informative questions were asked to several members of the
the realization phase of the project to support and advise Rijkswa- SAA team throughout the complete period of observation. The site
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terstaat and SAAone regarding legal, technical, and insurance visits helped the researchers to understand the issues encountered
aspects. during the execution of the project and the difficulties arising from
these issues. The visits to the client and SPV offices were helpful to
understand the relational networks within which the different
Research Methods and Data Analysis managers worked.
As mentioned in the Introduction, the study started with a review of Additionally, multiple authority-SPV contract meetings, authority-
the project management literature regarding dealing mechanisms SPV variation meetings and internal authority meetings were
for variation. We did not include the literature on relational con- attended. In these meetings, the observation focused on various
tracting and relational governance, because the DBFM contract aspects, such as the mechanisms used to deal with variation, styles,
type as applied in the Netherlands is not a relational contract. In processes used to find solutions and interactions of different man-
essence it is a design and construct contract with additions turning agers to elaborate; discuss; solve problems; and allocate respon-
it into a combined project delivery and service contract. Interest- sibilities for the solutions. Detailed sketches of these meetings
ingly, the case studied evolved to a kind of relational contract with were recorded, similar to Shipton et al.’s (2014) “vignettes,” to re-
its foundation in a traditional contract setting. We were especially present relationships between organizations and actors. The atmos-
interested in how this came about and what happened in practice. phere, modes of communication, and flexibility of the actors were
This gave us the opportunity to look at the interaction mechanisms noted during and analyzed directly after the meetings. Simultane-
that enhanced this evolvement. Relational governance is about the ously, feedback was received from contract managers and, as a re-
processes and institutional settings in which relationships may sult, suggestions for improvements in the dealing mechanisms were
evolve. Because we studied the practice in the realization phase incorporated into practice so that their effects could subsequently
of the project, the focus of a project is then more on management be observed.
than on governance. Most governance literature stays at a high level According to Yin (2014), a data management strategy is im-
to look into phenomena. We wanted to go a step deeper and there- perative in case study research. An Excel spreadsheet was used
fore especially focused on (relational) project management and to organize and conduct the data collection. This sheet included
related literature. objectives; relevant readings; and data collection procedures,
Data were gathered through a combination of archival research such as sources of data, contact names, and case study ques-
into the project history, observations, and semistructured interviews tions. As suggested by Nowell et al. (2017), the researchers
in the period of September 2016 to February 2017. A case study familiarized themselves with the data while all files were
protocol was used to carry out data collection (Eisenhardt 1989; named with a unique identifier of a source specific to the case.
Yin 2014). To construct validity (Creswell 2013; Yin 2014), infor- Qualitative data were captured in various forms, including re-
mation was gathered from all available sources to understand the cords of observations, transcripts of interviews and meetings,
phenomenon within the context of the entire project. The archival archival documents, multimedia, sketches, maps, drawings, and
research comprised the DBFM project and the contract documents, photographs.
including the maps and drawings. Additionally, annual reports, The analysis of all the data was done by way of coding. First the
newspaper articles, organizational documents, and reports of the researchers produced initial codes with attributes to differentiate
client and the SPV backbone companies were studied. Additional among the different ways of dealing with contract variations based
information from memos, minutes of meetings, and contract on the studied literature. The data were identified, organized, and
amendments provided insights into the playing field of variations. indexed relative to these themes. Second, the miscellaneous coded
Access was granted to all the digital sharing tools between the au- data supported new themes, resulting in a second consistent work-
thority and the SPV and, therefore, to all variations and contract able set of themes and codes. Third, we bundled themes into spe-
amendments, and to all the minutes of contract and change meet- cific dealing mechanisms and related the codes accordingly. This
ings after financial close. method resulted in the following categories of dealing mechanisms:
To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms described in contract provisions, human relationships, relational governance,
the documents, 21 semistructured interviews were conducted with a digitalized tools, professional knowledge, and actor competences.
diverse group of people from different organizations and back- Contract provisions refer to DBFM agreement articles; human
grounds, among them directors, contract and project managers, en- relationships include personal relationships between parties. Rela-
gineers, advisors, and lawyers. In this study, client representatives tional governance refers in this study to the project management
were grouped as contracting authority practitioners (CAP1– systems in the organizations. Digitalized tools refer to shared IT
CAP11), while SPV practitioners were classed into 10 groups systems. Knowledge means tacit and explicit knowledge, while
(SPVP1–SPVP10). Organizational organograms were used to make actor competences refer to the skills of the project participants.
a first selection of interviewees. This selection was done together The findings for each category of dealing mechanisms are dis-
with the contract manager of the project. A brief introduction cussed below.

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2019, 145(11): 04019073

Results clauses or subclauses to our output specifications and payment
schedule. [ : : : ] We use written rules as a complementary mecha-
The results are presented in this section according to the categories nism to our relationship.” But CAP10 also explained that “If there
of dealing mechanisms as described above. is a big shock, we should be able to put in place a mechanism to
handle it, which should be the contract. There is a need for man-
agers to have extensive knowledge about the contract clauses.”
Contract Provisions
In the DBFM standard contract, the distinction between the con-
The Netherlands has no specific law for PPPs. The Dutch DBFM tracting authority and the contractor’s view of change is a signifi-
model agreement complements certain sections of the Dutch civil cant factor with respect to action, and it explains the way changes
code with specific contract clauses. For example, the standard are proposed. The change procedure differentiates between “small
model DBFM contract declares that “with respect to the occurrence changes” (below a certain financial threshold) and “other changes.”
of unforeseen circumstances, parties agree that they have willingly In Schedule 1 of the standard model DBFM contract, small changes
and wittingly entered into this long-term Agreement and that the are explained and a threshold has to be decided on between the
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mechanisms that are included in this Agreement are already in- client and SPV during contract close. In the A1/A6 project, an extra
tended to deal with the consequences of any possible unforeseen category of very small changes was added during the construction
circumstances that may arise.” This clause thus stipulates that par- phase for practical reasons, which refers to changes that do not have
ties cannot ignore variations that occur over the long life span of a any financial consequences for the project. During an interview,
project. In addition, it acknowledges that the standard DBFM con- CAP4 explained that “we added this formality to reduce complexity
tract is incomplete. Therefore, parties agree to the need to renego- and the number of changes; some changes are too small, have no
tiate provisions for dealing with variation. On this point, SPVP1 financial consequences, but still take time to manage.”
mentioned that “circumstances can always arise: there are known For small variations, the contractor must respond to the change
knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns at the time of request made by the contracting authority within 10 days. For big
signing. We add new clauses when there is a need for variation on changes, they have 20 days. However, in practice, we observed that
the physical asset. This provision provides flexibility, accepting un- these boundaries are not considered very important to either party.
certainties under our law.” CAP1 stated that “there are unknowns in The focus is on the overall availability date for completion rather
the project, and one cannot be accountable for these unknowns. than these response dates, which means a response is given as soon
We act reasonably and fairly regarding our law.” as possible in practice. If the work is not finished by the availability
The process of dealing with variation takes place within the date, the SPV will receive the completion fee later than envisioned.
boundaries set by the agreement. Regarding this, the agreement According to SPVP6, “We are forced to be very quick in our re-
can be seen as a foundation for this process. CAP1 added “The sponse to the changes, because the availability date is very close, so
DBFM agreement is applied under Dutch civil law with a Standard we take a collaborative approach to changes.”
Contract form. It has specific rules and regulations for contract ap- The contract article that was used most to deal with variation
plication and progress of variations (change procedures, changes in was Article 13.1e: “If the contractor can demonstrate to the con-
law and dispute resolution). For example, when a physical asset has tracting authority that change has had an adverse effect on the risk
a variation, contract clauses explain how compensation can/should profile of the work or on the financers then the contractor must
be achieved, who has the responsibility, and allocation of risks receive a guarantee that the contracting authority will pay compen-
under variation. Provisions of Contract comprise a foundation sation for or bear the additional risks.” According to CAP7, “This
and explain who will take which action.” article is important when tensions occur around benefit sharing
The provisions in the standard DBFM agreement specify fea- [ : : : ] Financiers are likely to see variations as a source of risk.
tures and characteristics of variation, information exchange, and However, in some circumstances, we help [our contractor] to solve
each party’s responsibility during the renegotiation process. These problems caused by change, bearing the additional risk.”
provisions have an important consequence for the allocation of
risks under variations. Provisions that deal with variations include,
for example, the change procedure (Article 13 and Schedule 5) and Human Relationships
the dispute resolution (Article 21). The change procedure includes One of the aspects that was mentioned most frequently during
the right of each party to propose changes. Change is characterized the interviews was that relationships are more predominant than con-
as a “contracting authority change” and/or as a “contractor change.” tractual terms when dealing with variations. There appears to be a
There are no limits to the size of variation that the government may strong need for relational mechanisms additional to the fixed
require. The change procedure is further elaborated in “Schedule 5 rules. In this respect, the new business strategy (Market Vision) of
Changes,” which contains the formal change management process Rijkswaterstaat, “Working with the Market,” was frequently
of the authority and the private party, to be agreed upon by the mentioned. In January 2016 (during the implementation phase of
partners. Once agreed by both parties, this process is documented the A1/A6 project), this strategy was mutually agreed on by
as an amendment to the initial contract. In this process, the private Rijkswaterstaat and several other client organizations and contractor
party has to provide full details of the costs and timing that will organizations as a way of doing business together and dealing with
occur when implementing the variation. The types of provisions problems encountered in practice through more collaboration.
are designed to promote win-win outcomes by identifying compen- The Market Vision aims to create a better atmosphere and more
sation events and to regulate the process of renegotiation. Parties value for society by encouraging all parties to collaborate closely.
agree on how the variation will be implemented based on this By increasing openness between the public client and the con-
procedure. tractors through the sharing of knowledge and by stimulating co-
An expression of the contract provisions mechanism of the operation, it is expected that changes can be dealt with in a more
Standard DFBM contract is illustrated in a statement made by effective manner by both parties, and added value can be generated
CAP4 during an interview: “We use the contract as guidance. by cooperation, rather than losing value through contractual
We follow Article 13 and Schedule 5 of the DBFM contract for battles. According to CAP9, “We apply the Market Vision to create
the variation process. [ : : : ] When a change occurs, we add new synergy with our private partners. When we deal with variations,

© ASCE 04019073-5 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2019, 145(11): 04019073

we use the contract as a basis, but we give our relationships a more counterpart of the chief executive officer (CEO) of the SPV. How-
important place in the life cycle of the contract.” CAP10 explained ever, we observed that this initial mirror shifted over time and
that “Unexpected changes can cause tensions, but being aggressive the contract manager became the counterpart of the CEO, while the
toward each other does not bring any gains. [ : : : ] We do not tend to project manager became the counterpart of the shareholder along-
go to our lawyers to solve issues (avoiding disputes).” side the program director. Major issues regarding changes were
Workshops were regularly organized to develop relationships, discussed and actions were decided on this level.
to gain trust and create openness, and to discuss specific issues The SPV organization structure also demonstrated integrated
or events. These methods proved successful: “After some negotia- management of several organizational units. Their organization
tions we got a pre-order to realize a new design for the Zilverstrand was divided into three parts: ground works, civil works, and design
[a particular part with a small beach] that had to be checked by all work. As SPVP1 explained in an interview, “The SPV and EPC
seven stakeholders. [ : : : ] We organized it as a design studio, with a Company have become very large; we have employed thousands
plan and a schedule meant to help us to come to an agreed design. of people from different backgrounds in a short time. Coordination
We started in October 2015, and the agreed design was realized in is challenging. [ : : : ] It is people management. Collaborative rela-
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March 2016” (SPVP9). tionships help with the daily management of variations. Also, a
It was also found that the better the contracting partners know flexible organization structure helps coordination during the varia-
each other, the more willing they are to manage changes in a rela- tions process.” Organizational flexibility was regularly mentioned
tional way. This applies especially to the contract managers, as as a significant factor in the variation process. According to one
mentioned by CAP8: “In this agreement, our contract manager interviewee, in such a large organization, “We should be more
has a very good personal relationship with the SPV counterpart; flexible in the roles during the process of management. Better
being friends [ : : : ], if managers do not get on, the end result will understanding of the other’s contribution by all team members
be no problem-solving.” SPVP10 indicated that “We do not rely is important when dealing with variations” (SPVP4). SPVP5 added
solely on a rigid formal contract mechanism or formal arrange- to this that “more integration brings effective responses to the
ments. I can call my counterpart anytime to discuss any event, like events.”
friends would do, to be more effective.” Most of the interviewees
indicated the importance of being open to each other: “We ex-
change our thoughts on pros and cons while managing changes. Digitalized Tools
It is very important to understand each other’s interest while dealing Information technology was heavily used in the variation processes
with change” (CAP11). Similarly, SPVP6 indicated that “We are of the A1/A6 project. The SPV created an “information cloud” to
transparent with each other and this strengthens our trust. [ : : : ] coordinate information about variations. Most of the information
We can think in a cooperative way and understand each other; in- used to make decisions was stored digitally in this cloud. This pre-
formation flows from one party to another party while dealing with sented a single and coordinated information tool that enabled
changes.” The results indicate that trust and openness facilitate data sharing and facilitated coordination between actors. It is inter-
cooperation, and vice versa, and allow for the effective solving of esting that this information cloud was also made accessible to the
unexpected problems. This kind of openness also became visible in authority.
the seating arrangement during the meetings between the SPV The standard Request for Change (RfC) tool was used by the
and the client: the various participants sat next to each other rather authority to follow the variation process in chronological order.
than in their own groups, and this setting arrangement evolved This RfC tool was adjusted to the contract provisions of the varia-
naturally over time. tion management procedure in the DBFM contract, and as such
supported the decision-making process. Thus, the RfC tool acted
as the central database with regard to variations for the client. Every
Relational Governance
variation had a serial number and was included in the variation list
The governance structure was set up at the beginning of the project data. It was observed that this list comprised big/small/very small
but evolved during the project execution. The authority used a variations and was updated every week in the system. Many inter-
standardized integrated project management (IPM) model as their viewees highlighted the importance of this tool. According to
organizational structure, which acknowledges the integration of CAP1, “It is an easy way to follow the steps of the variation pro-
different management functions (project manager, stakeholder cess, control, budget, and time. This also makes it easy to visualize
manager, technical manager, contract manager, and manager of all variations.” CAP10 explained the importance of feedback loops
information and control) into a single integrated project team. in this tool, to anticipate, resolve, and approve variation. According
The IPM model provided an important mechanism to manage var- to CAP2, “It is the quickest way to see and respond to changes.
iations. When a change occurred, it was discussed with all team This tool improves our performance.”
members of the IPM team, which ensured integrated information Relatics and Think Project tools (both cloud systems for sharing
flow, coordination, and transparency of the issues. During the inter- data) were used as the central information database for the contract
views, CAP5 pointed out that “This model can be illustrated as the and thus formed an information backbone for the variation process
firm’s philosophy. [ : : : ] Under a significant event, the IPM model on the SPV side. A variety of data were linked to this database,
provides an effective way of communicating and understanding such as designs, plans, output specifications, contract documents,
different interests.” CAP3 added to this that “the lack of formal International Organization for Standardization (ISO) forms, man-
hierarchy between managers from different disciplines allows for uals, and maps. It was observed that when a change occurs, there
a speedy flow of information.” is a need to update documents related to the variation. CAP3 in-
Working with the IPM model also regulated the counterparts dicated that “the SPV provided login details for Relatics and the
in the various parties. The SPV attempted to mirror this model in Think Project. This creates openness between us and the SPV
its own governance structure. The business plan for the project which also strengthens our relationship.” According to SPVP3,
included a communication matrix, which lays out who does what, “shared access tools support our cooperation strategy giving clarity
and explains who will meet with whom during change manage- to hundreds of pages of formally written contract.” Both parties
ment. According to the matrix, the client project manager was the maintained good record keeping using these tools. Any variation

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was recorded and clearly documented by both organizations. contribute most while dealing with variations.” CAP11 stated that
It was observed that the cloud system fostered integration and col- “Our biggest variation (i.e., the amendment of the new Spoorbrug
laboration between actors. Muiderberg Bridge) [ : : : ] cannot be compared to any DBFM sol-
ution. It is not copied from any other project. Having leadership,
social, and communicative skills are highly important in our rela-
Professional Knowledge tionships with the SPV, as it helps us to find unique solutions when
The observations indicate that the professional knowledge that is there is a big event.”
available within the project environment is an important mecha- Tensions rose during the negotiation of big events, especially in
nism during the variation process. The authority ensured that the relation to funding and financial discussions. Power and dominance
IPM team understood the PPP contract provisions very well, as play a role when discussions focus on the root cause of issues and
did the SPV for its contract management team. It was observed that how they will affect the financial model. The competences of the
expertise was consciously combined with explicit knowledge contract managers on both sides appeared to be especially impor-
(documented information) in both organizations. During an inter- tant in handling these tensions using leadership skills and openness
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view, SPVP2 pointed to the Spoorbrug Muiderberg Bridge on the in discussion. CAP5 explained that “The managers need to know
map and stated, “We use the information that is available in our how to act in dynamic situations. Social skills are very important
parent organizations. We have been building these bridges for for public managers, for example, conversations being neither too
100 years; we know best what we are doing. Our experience helps formal nor too informal. There should be a balance between the
us with the contractual variation process. Also, we are familiar with interests of public and private.” SPVP5 added that negotiation skills
coordinating all interfaces and risk under variations.” Another ex- such as “verbal communication and facial expressions and emo-
ample of knowledge exchange was provided by SPVP7: “Involving tional control are important for our interests, also in discussions
an international partner brings positive opportunities, due to their about problems caused by variations.” It was considered especially
extensive knowledge of the correct way to respond to the changes important for PPP actors “to have the necessary leadership and
in PPP projects all around the world.” communicative skills : : : to be effective in variation management
Experience and understanding of the contract appeared to be very and to deliver value for money to society” (CAP8). This was also
important factors in recognizing and managing the network of valued by SPV, as indicated by one interviewee, who said that
dependencies in the contracts. During several meetings about varia- “we are very lucky that our client organization is well aware of our
tion, it was observed that the managers checked all dependent (and binding related contracts to DBFM” (SPVP4).
sometimes conflicting) variables in the key contracts (financial con-
tracts, stakeholder contracts, etc.) based on their respective experi- Summary of the Results
ence. According to CAP6, “The complex nature of PPP type
contracts creates a need for technical, financial, and legal knowledge The results of the study confirmed that contract provisions are
of related contracts to deliver project imperatives on the contract generally written ex ante and change over time through the addition
variation process.” SPV3 mentioned that “In our project, the contract of new clauses or subclauses, or by removing clauses ex post.
manager of the client is extremely knowledgeable, which helps him Therefore, the contract is continuously adapted to reality by rene-
to understand issues, and at the same time is able to consider finan- gotiations (Cruz et al. 2014; Hart 2017; Xiong and Zhang 2014).
cial constraints or technical challenges, which is unique for PPPs.” The Dutch DBFM standardized contract, as used in our case, was
Additional financial and technical knowledge was gained from actually designed to be incomplete due to the impossibility of
specialist advisors if necessary. According to SPVP3, “Our lender specifying every element ex ante, and in this way it allows for
technical advisors helped us a lot with regard to dealing with the renegotiation of provisions. The case also demonstrates that
changes, because they have experience from all over the world. They several dealing mechanisms were used and developed to cope with
acted as a bridge between the bankers and us. Without good lender variation in practice additionally to the ex-ante contract provisions.
advisors, very few new loan agreements can be signed.” The different mechanisms for dealing with variations as observed in
The SAA program of Rijkswaterstaat also used a strategy of the case study and described in this section are summarized in
sharing experiences across projects within the entire program. Table 1.
Daily informal face-to-face meetings were organized and the client
organization provided its employees with opportunities to attend Discussion
workshops on PPP contracts, performance, risk, and variation man-
agement in order to develop their knowledge on these specific types This study observed the daily real-life practices of dealing with
of contracts. During an interview, CAP9 suggested that “Intrapro- variations in the context of a PPP project. Many of the mechanisms
ject knowledge creation and learning was explicitly used as a man- as identified in the literature are reflected in our case findings. Con-
agement strategy in the SAA program.” CAP9, from the adjacent tract provisions are not only an important mechanism for dealing
A6 project, indicated that “The A1/A6 project contains extensive with variations in PPP coordination but are seen as an essential
knowledge. This information flows to my team.” The SPV parent foundation to the process. However, the case also revealed that
organizations also provided in-house and external training pro- projects do not or cannot rely solely on contract provisions. In line
grams to managers to improve their knowledge with regard to with the findings of Song et al. (2018) and Xiong and Zhang
PPPs and infrastructure projects. (2014), the results show that PPPs offer incentives to all partners
not to end the collaboration and stimulate parties to conduct rene-
gotiations and attempt to resolve variation issues caused by project
Actor Competences
dynamics. The foundation of this incentive is the principle of rea-
The last mechanism relates to a wide range of competences of the sonability and fairness, guaranteed by the contract provisions. This
actors, which vary from hard to soft skills. During an interview, principle means that if one cannot reasonably foresee an issue or its
SPVP8 mentioned the importance of competence, adding “Our consequences, one cannot be held responsible and/or accountable.
PPP managers who are dedicated, well aware of the environment Reasonability and fairness (good faith) play a noteworthy role in
and contract network, with the competence to build relationships, the Dutch legal system and prove to have a major influence when

© ASCE 04019073-7 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

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Table 1. Dealing mechanisms
Attributes Refer to Dealing mechanisms
• Standard change procedure DBFM articles that present Contract provisions
• Allocation of initiative formal mechanisms to deal with
• Classification of variation variations
• Mutually agreed change management process
• Agreement about information exchange in case of variation
• Compensation arrangement
• Contract adaptability
• Reasonability and fairness Personal relationships between Relationships
• Having a shared vision on collaboration (the new market strategy of managers of SPV and managers
Rijkswaterstaat encourages collaboration) of authority
• Shared workshops to discuss issues or events
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• People in key roles knowing each other

• Openness and transparency
• Shared cloud systems used between parties for variation information Digitalized shared IT systems Digitalized tools
• Coordination between parties
• Shared relatics tool used for contract information
• Standard request for change tool used by the client, adapted to the agreed change
management process
• Influence of authority structure (IPM model) Role and position of the people in Relational governance
• Role and position of project manager and contract manager and their counterparts the organizational structure
• Flexible structure over time Flexibility of the structure over
• Integrated management in SPV and EPC (many people and many suborganizations) time
• Contract understanding; awareness of project environment; technical, legal, and Specific knowledge of PPPs Knowledge
financial knowledge
• Knowledge of key contract structure and relationships (network of contracts)
• Sharing knowledge and learning, combining experience with contract understanding
• Leadership, social, and communicative skills Personal skills of SPV and Competences
• Competence to build relationships authority managers
• Conflict handling (especially for contract managers)

dealing with variations. Relying on the legal guarantee of fairness, terms. In the case study, the pursuit of collaborative relationships
parties want to act reasonably when dealing with variations during was apparent throughout the daily management of variations. For
the implementation period beyond the ex-ante allocated risks. example, partners phoned each other daily and freely, revealing a
They want to deliver the best value and obtain long-term future high degree of communication and transparency; they sat next to
benefits. each other in meetings, rather than opposite each other with their
As also indicated by Brown et al. (2015), relational dealing peers; the parties organized shared interactive workshops to keep
mechanisms are an important addition to the contract for handling relationships active and look for solutions through cocreation; and
variations. The complementary character of relational mechanisms they also shared login details for digital tools, even when this was
allows partners to be more engaged and act according to the spirit not a contractual obligation.
of a contract rather than the letter. The contract might stay in the These personal relationships decreased the level of formality of
drawer, only being taken out in exceptional situations. The case dealing with unforeseen events. Notably, effective and personal
study showed that relationship practices are more predominant than communication creates a favorable environment of trust and trans-
contractual provisions when dealing with variations. In line with parency in the renegotiation process. What helped was that the
the literature on incomplete neoclassical contract forms (e.g., Klijn fairness provision in Dutch Civic Law safeguards parties against
and Koppenjan 2016; Hart 2017), the case shows that actors mainly potential abuse of trust and transparency and the fact that the client
consult contractual agreements for guidance and/or consider them and the contractors involved in the EPC agreed to work according
as a baseline on which to rely. As was also found in the study of to the Market Vision, in which private entities and authorities are
Ling et al. (2014), the actual dealing with variation is more depen- encouraged to act in cooperation. In line with the findings of
dent on the development of interpersonal relationships, the formal/ Hertogh and Westerveld (2010) and Mistarihi et al. (2012), it was
informal structure of the organization and its flexibility, and the observed that highly skilled and experienced project participants
knowledge and skills of the relevant employees. The specific forms make a real (positive) difference when confronted with variations.
of these dealing mechanisms will depend on the type of project, the Both organizations ensured that they had competent managers in
constitution and character of the project teams, and the context of the project, who were well aware of the project environment
the project. and the network of related contracts in the DBFM, among other
The study revealed that partners develop a common approach by aspects.
translating the contract provisions into their mutual relationships to The study showed that knowledge was considered an important
achieve a certain degree of cooperation. The focus on relationships mechanism for dealing with variations. On the one hand, under-
leads all parties to have a better understanding of each other’s in- standing the PPP contract and its procurement is essential to deal-
terests and to understand the ways that parties perceive the contract ing with variations. On the other hand, knowledge development and

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continuous learning increase the capacity to deal with variations Contract provisions are written ex ante and are not able to deal
(adaptive capacity). In our case study, activities such as exchange with all variations over time. Therefore, they need to be able to
programs between the authority’s contract managers from adjacent be adapted over time by adding new subclauses, removing clauses
projects supported the leverage of internal knowledge, improving ex post, or even adding a new contract. This means that the contract
the public sector’s position in the PPP contract. Both organizations should be able to continuously adapt to reality.
were well aware of the importance of knowledge sharing and de- To make this adaptability possible, social dealing mechanisms
veloping joint knowledge on PPPs. Both organizational managers based on interaction between the partners proves to be essential.
were involved in constant PPP training during the project, facili- Based on the principle of reasonability and fairness, Dutch Civic
tated by their own organization. Furthermore, external companies, Law creates the opportunity to use different mechanisms rather than
such as lenders, technical advisors, and international partners, con- solely relying on contract provisions.
tributed to knowledge development by bringing in technical advice Strong relationships support collaborative problem-solving and
and international examples of possible solutions. The findings aligned actions. Transparency and openness between partners, in
confirm the importance of tacit knowledge gained by experience. particular, encourages the development of a positive renegotiation
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However, experience alone is insufficient, if not combined with atmosphere based on trust rather than formal rules. A mutual vision
extensive contractual and financial knowledge. on how to relate to each other is also important, such as the author-
Furthermore, relationships rely heavily on the communication ity’s new market strategy, in which private entities and authorities
skills and characters of the actors, with the combination of actors are encouraged to act collaboratively. In fact, the contract provi-
particularly important. This requires a flexible organizational struc- sions that were observed suggest that the rigidity of a contract can
ture in which project participants can be replaced if necessary. be tackled through ex-post mechanisms when managers are explic-
Informal communication paths rather than formal meetings were itly steered toward this.
intensely used to deal with variations (see also Spiller 2018). It was found that managers with good communication and co-
The standard internal integrated project management approach ordination skills, who are well aware of the project environment
(IPM model) of the authority provided the opportunity for each dis- and the contractual network, play an important role in dealing with
cipline to align their views and deal with variations in an integrated variations. Their expert skills and social competences can lead to
way. In practice, contractors normally shadow this model in their adequate solutions being found when unforeseen events occur. Pro-
organizational structure. It might be asked whether this actually is fessional knowledge, especially experience from previous projects
the right governance structure from the contractor’s perspective, (e.g., understanding the contract from legal, technical, and environ-
since they have different roles and responsibilities from those of a mental perspectives), is a valuable mechanism. Knowledge devel-
public client. It was observed that in practice the predefined struc- opment and continuous learning increase the capacity to deal with
ture naturally evolved during the process, with counterparts chang- variations. Although some learning across projects was observed,
ing during the project implementation, due to personal relationships project learning could be made more explicit in public and private
and different competences. organizations that are involved in PPPs.
Finally, the results indicate that shared digitalized tools contrib- Transparent digitalized information-exchange tools that struc-
ute to dealing with variations. These tools are designed according to ture information can support decision making when dealing with
contractual rules and provide an information flow between partners. variations. Using a shared cloud system makes it easier to exchange
Digitalized cloud-based tools enabled an easy flow of information ideas, reduces knowledge asymmetry, increases transparency, and
between the authority and the private party and encouraged open- creates trust in the project, which in turn strengthens the relation-
ness and transparency between partners. The shared cloud systems ships between partners. Investing in a good information-exchange
improved the speed of information sharing, enabled the exchange structure that supports the competences of the project team is not
of ideas, and fostered collaborative behavior. This also showed a only important for complex PPP projects but for any infrastructure
foundation of trust and created more trust in the project and its part- project.
ners, which in turn strengthened the relationship between all parties The predefined organizational structure of PPP projects is also
and actors. Additionally, the renegotiation process was expedited important in building relationships during the initial phase of a
and the decision-making process improved by the availability of project, but should be flexible and able to evolve over time. Coun-
open and adequate information. terparts changed roles during the project implementation due to
personal preferences and different competences. Relational dyna-
mism complements contractual mechanisms and provides ex-post
Conclusions and Implications flexibility.
Like every study, this research has its limitations. Firstly, it
The aim of this study was to achieve a better understanding of the was carried out on one specific type of PPP, contracted as a DBFM
range of different contractual and noncontractual mechanisms em- in the construction industry. Secondly, the study occurred in the
ployed in the coordination of a PPP to deal with contract variations. Netherlands, within a specific culture and law. Thirdly, we de-
We chose to study a single case to get in-depth insight into current liberately chose to study a single case in depth, which has to be
working practices of dealing with variation in a PPP contract set- considered when generalizing the conclusions. Nevertheless, we
ting. This allowed us to better understand the role of social inter- believe that the results are valuable also for parties dealing with
action in the practice of dealing with uncertain situations additional variation in projects outside the Dutch context, but they need to
to the formal contract rules. The results indicate that, in addition be carefully translated to the specific contexts of the reader.
to contractual provisions, five interrelated and complementary Future research could focus on other contracts (such as common
mechanisms are considered important and necessary: human rela- term agreements) to understand the relationships between SPVs
tionships, relational governance, digitalized tools, professional and financers during variations, an aspect that was not addressed
knowledge, and actor competences. in this study. Furthermore, the study could be elaborated to a com-
From the findings, it can be concluded that contract provisions parative multicase study. Equivalent cases might be found in other
governed by formal legal systems are an essential foundation for sectors, such as telecommunications, health, or energy, where sim-
dealing with variations in infrastructure but need to be adaptive. ilar or different mechanisms might be observed.

© ASCE 04019073-9 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2019, 145(11): 04019073

Appendix. Interview Questions
No. of
Organization Position interviews Interview questions
Rijkswaterstaat Project director 1 • Can you give me an overview about your organization and your background?
Project manager 2 • How would you describe the characteristics of variations?
Contract manager 2 • What process have you used in variation/change management? How do you deal with
Stakeholder manager 2 unknowns in the A1/A6 project?
Technical manager 1 • What are the key factors to deal with variations?
Lawyer 1
• Which contract provisions do you use to deal with variations in the DBFM contract?
Technical advisor 1
SPV CEO 1 • How does the Dutch legal system influence dealing with variations?
CFO 1 • Can you tell me the relational approach between Rijkswaterstaat and SPV?
• Can you tell me any other mechanisms that complement the DBFM standard contract to
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Project manager 2 help you deal with variations?
Contract manager 2 • What is the new business strategy of Rijkswaterstaat? How does influence dealing with
Technical manager 1 variations?
Lender technical advisor 1 • Can you give me a specific example of the implementation of the new business strategy
of Rijkswaterstaat (Market Vision)?
• Can you explain governance structure of your organization during the implementation
phase of the project?
• What project management model is included in the business plan to deal with changes
in your organization?
• Can you tell me about your organizational structure and your decision process?
• Can you tell me about the biggest change you managed? What type(s) of mechanism(s)
have you used to deal with variations?
• What is the function of knowledge in the change management process?
• Can you tell me how knowledge is shared for the change management process?
• What change management tools are available in your organization?
• What social skills do you consider helpful when dealing with variations?
• Do you have any other feedback or comments which you would like to share with me?
Total 21
Note: SPV = special purpose vehicle; CEO = chief executive officer; CFO = chief finance officer; and COO = chief operational officer.

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