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on so brave and true hearted a lover as the junker , to this i could make no answer other
than : never never ; inasmuch as , having shown ann this letter , and , moreover , loudly
sung praise of her suitor , she asked me right sadly whether i was weary of confirming
her in love for my brother ; and when i eagerly denied this , she cried : and me well and
must know that nothing on earth nor you , nor mistress jacoba , nor all nuremberg ,
could turn love this did i heart from my forthwith write to hans ; but that letter never
reached him , and thus was he delivered from the grievous duty of robbing the junker of
his last hope alas , my hans how sorely i did long for thee shall i ever remember the
month of june that year with thankfulness . day after day did we maidens sit in the
hallers garden , for hans worthy mother had soon taken ann into her heart , and it
became a fear to me ere long lest her rare beauty should turn the head of his brother
paulus , a likely lad of nineteen . as the summer waxed hot we went into the forest at
the bidding of my uncle and aunt , who took great joy in seeing their favorite in right
good heart and wondrous beauty , mistress giovanna having provided her with seemly
and brave apparel . nor was there lack of good fellowship ; many young noblemen bore
us and whereas the town was company . -full of illustrious guests , many of them found
their way out to the forest . this was by reason that the prince electors and the other
rulers of the empire , and foremost of them all high constable , had , indeed , declared
that the great assembly should be held at nuremberg and not at ratisbon ; and when
they were all gathered in our good town , emperor sigismund , after he had waited for
five days at ratisbon , was -fain at last , whether or no , to follow them hither . then had
his chamberlains been sent before him , and among them again came duke rumpold
von glogau and junker henning von beust , while his majesty kept my hans still about
person . now , when the emperors forerunners had fulfilled their duties , they likewise
were bidden to the forest lodge ; and with them came the lord of eberstein , and an
italian conte , fazio di puppi , both little splints their legs , or with sadly drooping heads ,
were going to roost in small cages hung from the branches to protect them from cats
and other beasts of prey ; to each , as he went by , rufinus spoke kindly word , or
chirruped to encourage and cheer it . aromatic odors filled the garden , and rural silence
; every object shone in golden glory , even the black back of the negro working at the
water wheel , and the white and yellow skin of the ox ; while the clear voices of the choir
of through the convent grove . pul listened , turning her face to meet it , and crossing
heart . her father pointed to her as he said to paula : that is where her heart is . may she
ever have her god before her that cannot but be the best thing for a woman . still . such
must hold to the rule : every man for his fellowman earth , in the name of the merciful
lord can our wise and reasonable father in heaven desire that brother should neglect
brother , or as in our case child forsake its parents certainly not , replied paula , for my
own part , nothing keeps from taking the seil but my hope of finding my log lost father ; i
, like your pulcheria , have often longed for the peace of the cloister . how piously rapt
your daughter stands there what a sweet and touching sight heart all was dark and
desolate ; but here , among you all , it is already beginning to feel lighter , and here , if
anywhere , i shall recover what i lost in my other home . happy child could not fancy , as
she stands there in the evening light , that the pure devotion which fills her soul ,
radiated from her if i were not afraid of disturbing her , and if i were worthy , how gladly
would i join my prayers to hers have a part in them as it is , replied the old man with a
smile . at this moment st . cecilia appears promised to save those that are in danger .
she then opened the secret door , with a beating heart , and yet far more conscious of
the desire to save her lover while there was yet time than of the danger into which she
was rushing headlong , she flitted down the hidden staircase as lightly child at play .
much time had been lost in clearing the room and yet she could not have left it so she
had not forgotten where to so that the heavy stone which closed the entrance should
move aside ; but as she sprang from the last step her lamp had blown out , and blackest
darkness concealed the surface of the smooth granite wall which lay between her and
the street . what if , when she got outside , she should

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