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HISTORY & CIVICS (H.C.G. Paper - 1)
Maximum Marks: 80
Time allowed: Two hours

Answers to this Paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from PartI (Compulsory).
from Part II, two out of three questionsfrom
Atotal offive questions are to be attempted
Section Aand three out offive guestions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [J.
Attempt all questions from this part.
QUESTION: 1 (16)
Choose the correct option:
i) The person who presides over the joint sessions of the parliament is
a) The President
b) The Vice-President
c) The Prime Minister
d) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
only in the .....
ii) A no-confidence motion against the Council of Ministers can be raised
a) Rajya Sabha
b) Union Parliament
c) Lok Sabha
d) Vidhan Sabha
Pick the correct reason for his
iii) Rajiv was not eligible to contest the Presidential elections in India.
a He was a citizen of India
b) He was qualified to be a member of the Lok
c) He wanted to hold office for the second time
d) He was years of age.
iv) Which of these is not a function of the Prime Minister?
a) He directs and Coordinates policies
b) He is the link between the cabinet and the President
c) He chooses the members of his Cabinet
d) He signs Bills to allow them to become acts
V) ASupreme Court Judge remains in office until he attains the age of
a) 58 years
b) 60 years
c) 65 years

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d) Nosuch limits
vi) The Chief Justice of a High Court is appointed by the
a) Central Government
b) State Government
c) President
d) Governor
vii) Which is the highest criminal court in the District?
a) High Court
b) Sessions Court
c) District Court
d) Lok Adalat
viii) Lok Adalat means
a) District Court
b) People's Court
c) High Court
d) Supreme Court
ix) Who first introduced the Doctrine of Lapse?
a) Lord Canning
b) Lord Dalhousie
c) Warren Hastings
d) Lord Cornwallis
x) The first session of the Indian National Congress was held on ...... in
a) 28 December 1885 in Bombay
b) 27 December 1885 in Calcutta
c) 28 December 1883 in Calcutta
d) 30 December 1906 in Dhaka
xi) The Dandi March of the Salt Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi was a part of the ....
a) Khilafat Agitation of 1919
b) Non-cooperation Movement of 1920
c) Quit India Movement of 1942
d) Civil Disobedience of 1930
xii) The Forward Bloc was formed in 1939 by Subhas Chandra Bose because
a) The British Government was not giving immediate Independence to India
b) There was a rift between Subhas Chandra Bose and Mabatma Gandhi
c) Subhas Chandra Bose wanted supreme power in the party
d) Common people did not like the Congress Party at that time.
xii) The country which formed the Triple Entente were
a) Germnany - Austria Italy
b) Austria - Hungary Italy
c) Britain France - Russia
d) Germany - Italy - Russia
xiv) The Treaty of Versallies was signed on 28h June, 1919 between
a) Germany and Britain - France - Russia
b) Germany and Britain- France - USA
c) Italy and Britain- France- Russia
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d) Italy and Britain- France- USA
XV) The executive body of the United Nation is known as
a) The General Assembly
b) The Secretariat
c) The Security Council
d) The General Conference
xvi) The core ofNazi ideology was
a) Racialism
b) Democracy
c) Liberalism
d) Industrialisation

Question: 2
i) What is adjournment motion? (2)
ii) On what ground can a Judge of aSupreme Court be removed.
iii) Which is the Highest Criminal Court in a District? Who presides over it? (2)
iv) Mention two differences between Moderates and Radicals
V) What was the purpose of sending the cabinet mission to India in 19462
vi) Mention two important results of the Second World War.
vii) State any two principles of Panchaseel in the Non-Aligned Movement.
(Attempt any two questions from this Section)
Questión: 3
With reference to the Union Parliament answer the following questions:
Parliament. (3)
i) Mention any three legislative powers of the Union
a member of the Rajya Sabha. (3)
ii) Mention any three qualifications required to be elected as
functions of the speaker during
iii) How is the speaker of the Lok Sabha elected? Mention any two
the session of the Parliament. (4)

Qréstion: 4
With reference to the Union Executive answer the following:
College for the election of the President of India?
i) What is the composition of the Electoral
State one reason to justify the indirect election of the President. (3)
Government. In this context
iü) The Prime Minister is at the head of the whole system of the Union
cabinet. (3)
explain briefly the position and powers of the Prime Minister in relation to the
Ministers (4)
iiü) Distinguish between the Cabinet and the Council of

Question: 5
context answer the
The Supreme Court is the apex court in the entire Judicial in India in this
following questions:
i) State the composition of the Suprerne Court of India. (3)
ii) Mention three qualification for appointment as Judge of the Supreme Court. (3)

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ii) In the extensive jurisdiction of the Supreme Court mention any two kinds of cases which comes
under appellate jurisdiction and under original jurisdiction. (4)
Attempt any three questions from this section
Quesion: 6
With reference to the First War of lndependence explain the following:
) The socio religious causes of the First War of Independence (3)
The immediate cause of the First War of Independence 3)
ii) The end of East India's Rule (4)

Ouestion: 7
With reference to Gandhian Nationalism, answer the following:
i) In which year was the Non-Cooperation Movement launched? How was the Civil Disobedience
different from the Non-Cooperation Movement? (3)
ii) Why was the Non-Cooperation Movement suspended? Briefly explain the incident. (3)
ii) Mention the term of the Gandhi Irwin Pact. (4)
Question: 8
With reference to the Independence, answer the following questions:
i) What was the final proposals of Lord Mountbatten? (3)
i) Why did the Congress ultimately except the plan? (3)
ii) State four main provision of the Indian Independence Act. (4)

The World was twice plunged into terrible and devastating wars and with reference to the rise of
dictatorship answer the following questions:
i) How did the armaments race lead to the First World War? (3)
ii) State any three factors that lead to the rise of dictatorship in Germany and Italy. (3)
ifi) Explain the policy of appeasement. (4)

Ouestion: 10
Look at the picture and answer the following questions:

i) Identify the Organization associated with the emblem given above. Mention any two of its
objectives. (3)
ii) Explain three vital roles that the WHO plays in combating diseases. (3)
iii) Mention any four functions of the Security Council. (4)

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