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hello pratap, i am very happy to hear from you once again. I am very grateful to hear this from you.

am also pleased to hear all this. But moreover, I am kind hearted, you will never know how kind i am
until we get to meet in persons. But i need to trust you as well before we can meet. i became very
happy when i saw your pictures of your own apartment with your family/ but i was sad because you
didn't reply all my questions. I do want to know more about you that is why i am keeping on asking
you these questions. but don't regret to answer me. i will tell you the secret about me . I made a vow
with my grandmother that, i will preserve myself for the right man until marriage.. My favourite movies
are romantic movies, eating habits: just about anything. I don’t have any kids; I don’t smoke or drink
alcohol. Am always smiling and don’t easily get irritated, I don't even remember the last time I
am that easy going type, adventurous, romantic, ambitious and have a very good sense of
humour.. My hobbies are too many but to mentioned a few; sports, watching movies, going
for walks, listening to music (almost all types of music), love on the beach, dancing in the
dark etc.
I am that type of person who always try to make people laugh. I always make sure to share
the little that I have with someone and also satisfied with whatever I have and all rounded
person to cut it this is all i can say about me but if you feels there's more you want to know
about me please you're more than welcome to ask any question you wished to know about me
and am also alone and looking for someone to share my whole life with, not just someone but
one who have all the good characters in life. Am of that type and want someone with the
same to spend with. I can see you are of that type because you stated it in your advert the type
of person of you want. I really know what love is and also the type who give his whole heart
in a relationship. Relationships are built one day at a time; they take time, patience, honesty,
passion and ability to compromise and grow! So with true love, is by sharing bad and good
times together. True love is a covenant that we build on a strong foundation and that’s why
we don’t develop it within a day. It takes some time to mature and that’s when both see that
they are having the same strong feeling for each other. It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. I promise to make my one and only the happiest
man on earth if only he’s willing to accept me as part of him. I’ll be there whenever he needs
me and promise never to do anything to hurt his feeling. I’ll love him just the way he is,
being blind, disable, deaf or dumb or whatever category that he falls in. I really mean my
words and I’m serious too. I’m ever ready to sail to the end of the sea with him and ever
prepared to do anything to have him forever. I promised to be the woman of his dreams cuss
I’m not going, to let him down, since the adage goes ;A woman without a man is like a river
or a stream without a source and as relationship are built on trust and with mutual respect I
assure him my whole heart. I don’t know and can’t tell if that special person is you but I
believe it’s you because your advert alone speaks of it all so why don’t we give ourselves a
chance and find out what happens. I know at this point, we have something in common so let
us be serious to each other and see what the future will be for us and please write back and
stay blessed.

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