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Comparison Geography Lesson Black Beard

What the teachers The teacher was a man who The teacher is very strict.
are like and what felt great passion for the His face is always
you learn of their subject he taught. He taught scowl.The teacher has a
lives us to love the places we nickname called “Black
studied during the geography Beard”. He is extremely
lesson, and inspired us to focus and serious on
travel and not just to live in a working and not playing
world of longing and dreams,
as the teacher did.

The effect the The teacher taught the The students are afraid of
teachers have on students that it is important to the teacher. They say that
their students follow your dreams and not to his discipline methods are
live for tomorrow. ruthless, so the students
have no freedom.

The words the poets “All his life had longed to be”. “ His face wears a permanent
use to create their Traveling around the world is scowl”. This means the
pictures of the the teacher’s dream.Sadly, teacher is very serious and
teacher however, the teacher never strict. “His only response is to
managed to leave his ‘narrow growl”.If the student asks him
a question he will respond by
and grey’ house or shake off
shouting at the student.
‘the school’s stranglehold’
and travel to ‘the lands he
longed to visit’. During his
final term, the teacher ‘took ill
and never returned’. His
dreams were never realized
and he faded from the
collective memory of the
school; even his name was

The structures of the 6 stanzas. The rhyme 3 stanzas. The rhyme

poems and how they scheme is ABCB scheme is ABCB
help to emphasis
key words
How the poets use Alliteration and assonance There is no assonance in the
phonetic devices make the foreign lands poem. The example of
such as alliteration attractive and effective and it alliteration is black beard.
and assonance definitely contributes to the
readers’ enjoyment of the
poem. Examples of
assonance are mind’s eye,
jasmine clambering and
green leaves. Examples of
alliteration are sweet-scented
and life had longed.

How the poets use Similes and metaphors help Metaphor: angrily barks out
similes, metaphors the reader create a mental
and personification picture as they
read.Personification used to
give human
characteristics.One example
of personification is
“sweet-scented jasmine
clambering up the walls”

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