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the end of each question

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SECTION 1: THEORY (50 marks)

1. Jane answers an examination question about computers and data correctly.

Six different words or numbers have been removed from her answer.
Complete the sentences in Jane’s answer, using the list given. Not all items in the list need
to be used.
• 2
• 10
• 16
• analogue
• binary
• decimal
• digital
• hexadecimal

As humans, we process (a)………………………. data, but a computer cannot process this
type of data. For a computer to be able to process data it needs to be converted to
(b)………………………... binary
data. As humans, we mostly use a (c)……………………….
number system; this is a base (d)………………………… number system. Computers use
a (e)……………………… 10
number system; this is a base (f)…………………… number

2. An alarm clock is controlled by a microprocessor. It uses the 24-hour clock. The hour is
represented by an 8-bit register, A, and the number of minutes is represented by another
8-bit register, B.
(a) Identify what time is represented by the following two 8-bit registers.

18 53

(b) An alarm has been set for 07:30. Two 8-bit registers, C and D, are used to represent
the hours and minutes of the alarm time.
Show how 07:30 would be represented by these two registers:

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
Hours Minutes

3. Six binary numbers and six decimal conversions are given.

Draw a line to connect each binary number to the correct decimal conversion.

Binary Decimal

1001 1

0011 7

0001 9

0110 3

0101 6

0111 5

4. For each of the binary values below, write down the decimal equivalent.
(a) 101 5
(b) 110 6
(c) 10111 23
(d) 11010 26
(e) 111011 59
(f) 11001001 64
(g) 11101010 68
5. Match these terms with its correct description.
Terms Description
Sampling Data that is converted into number values.

Byte A plan to solve a problem.

A method of capturing continuous data and
Digital data
converting it to a digital data.
A group of eight bits used to store data in a
An error that is caused when a computer attempts
Algorithm to store a value in an area of memory that is too

6. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary. Show your working.

(a) 14
8 4 2 u
1 1 1 0

(b) 35
32 16 8 4 2 u
1 0 0 0 1 1

(c) 51
32 16 8 4 2 u
1 1 0 0 1 1

(d) 174
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 u
1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0

(e) 255
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 u
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

7. Use the rules of binary addition to find the sum for these numbers. Show your working.
(a) 1011 + 0100 = 8s 4s 2s u
number 1 1 0 1 1
number 2 0 1 0 0
carry 0 0 0 0
sum 1 1 1 1
(b) 0010 + 0111 =

(c) 1010 + 0011 =

8. Explain what is a bit in binary numbers.
Each digit in binary number.


Task 1: File Management

1. Create a new folder in your area and name it as T1E_yourname

2. All practical tasks files will be saved in the new folder.

3. Take a screenshot of the new folder and name it as Task1. Submit the Task1 screenshot
in Schoology.

Task 2: Scratch program

1. Make a Scratch program to do simple calculations.

Your program should:

• have user-friendly interface (backdrop and instructions)
• use four different sprites for different operators
• be able to do addition, subtraction, division and multiplication
• notify the user what calculation each sprite can do
• prompt the user to enter any 2 numbers when they are asked
• calculate the correct answer
• output the correct answer for 3 seconds
• use meaningful variable name(s) and the correct block.

2. You need to run your program to check that it works.

3. Save your program in the created folder.
4. Compress the folder and submit it to Schoology.

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