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Signs that are Movable, Immovable, Dual

1,4,7,10 – Movable
2,5,8,11 – Fixed signs
3,6,9,12 – Dual Signs – Traits of Both ( Is Flexible)

Dual Signs – 1st 15° towards fixed

2nd 15° towards movable (15° to 30°) more movable characteristics

Signs As per elements

Dhatu – Metal, Hard to Mould, Stays as Moulded

Moola – Root, Goes Deep, fixed, expand, foundation
Jeeva – Life

Dhatu – 1,4,7,10 Hard yet action on movement, will keep moving as per the setting
Moola – 2,5,8,11 Fixed Signs
Jeeva – 3,6,9,12 Dual Signs, possibility of unpredictability and duality

Fiery Signs
1. Aries
5. Leo
9. Sagittarius

Earthy Signs
2. Taurus
6. Virgo
10. Capricorn

Airy Signs
3. Gemini
7. Libra
11. Aquarius

Watery Signs
4. Cancer
8. Scorpio
12. Pisces

Vaat – 3 (Gemini), 7 (libra), 11(Aquarius)
Kapha – 4 (Cancer), 8 (Scorpio), 12 ( Pisces)

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