Seat Plans

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1. What is your research topic, and why did you choose it?

In this research, we will conduct a research about the effects of seat plans on students'
academic performance, and if making a more strategic seat plan can help with the students'
way of learning in their classes. The outcome of the research will become helpful not just to
students, but to teachers and educational institutions who aim for better quality and
educational access for students in the Philippines.

In a classroom, there are numerous students who study different topics proctored by a
teacher, a professional or just by someone who can deliver information to the students in a
class. In a class, students are given seat plans by an adviser to gain more control over their
students, to keep them monitored of their physical activities during a discussion or just to
keep the class organized and clean. However, this does not exactly specify that it can help
students improve in their performance.

2. What are the specific research questions or problems you are addressing?

In the Philippines, a teacher possesses the freedom to make seat plans in order to sustain and
monitor the overall participation and activity of a student. They can arrange the class in
alphabetical order, alternate by gender, girls separated with the boys or sometimes with no
specific purpose and in some terms, there might be no seat plan in the first place at all. Seat
plans of students in the Philippines are not given much attention to the public because many
thinks that it does not have that much of a significance towards the academic performance of
students. Teachers assign them to students however we don't know if it's helpful from the
point of view of students physically, socially and even mentally.

This study will investigate if seat plans will give effect on the academic performance of
students in a classroom.
In this research, it will attempt to answer the following questions:
1. Does arranging a more strategic seat plan help students improve their academic
2. Do students have the freedom to showcase the performance they want to perform in class
with the seat plans arranged to them?

3. Did your study address any gaps or limitations in existing research?

The study will only focus on the performance of the students inside a classroom during lecture
time. The study will not interfere with the performance of the teachers, or on how the teacher
will discuss their lecture. This research will only cover a classroom in the Junior High School
department that will be given a specific seat plan by a proctor, teacher or adviser that will be
observed and tried for a matter of one school quarter (suggested to be in the first quarter).
4. What is the significance or contribution of your study to the existing body
of knowledge? How will it advance the field?

a. The study will be given more attention to the public for it showcases a significance that
will benefit those who study and work in the educational institution.

b. The study will help teachers create strategic seat plans for students in a class that will help
them monitor more carefully regarding the performance of the students they are in charge of
keeping track of.

c. The study will help students be aware of the performance they must showcase in class with
the given seat plans that they are assigned to. It will give benefit to students who tend to have
a hard time adapting in their current position in the classroom.

d. The study will help educational institutions improve the educational quality that must be
given to students. Since the educational institutions aim to help improve the quality of
education of students, they can apply the outcomes of the research with their future projects
for students in the Philippines.

e. The study will help the researcher gain knowledge regarding the significance of ideas that
can help improve their academic performance. After all, they are students who seek to gather
information regarding the topic.

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