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<question> He had breakfast and got ______.

<variant> dressed
<variant> shower
<variant> clothes
<variant> bath
<variant> wash

<question> Let’s _______ for coffee on Friday

<variant> meet
<variant> see
<variant> speak
<variant> talk
<variant> have

<question> I often _______ emails from my friends in Germany

<variant> get
<variant> see
<variant> meet
<variant> look
<variant> chat

<question> I met him in the street but I’ve _______ his name
<variant> forgotten
<variant> lost
<variant> remembered
<variant> thought
<variant> taken

<question> She’s looked_______ her keys but she can’t find them.
<variant> for
<variant> in
<variant> at
<variant> through
<variant> after

<question> I usually leave work at 5.00 and I _______ home at 6.00

<variant> get
<variant> leave
<variant> came
<variant> went
<variant> gone

<question> Does this car have _______ conditioning

<variant> air
<variant> cold
<variant> oil
<variant> gas
<variant> water

<question> Would you like some _______ in your tea?

<variant> sugar
<variant> oil
<variant> jam
<variant> pepper
<variant> salt

<question> The dogs next door _______ all the time. I hate it
<variant> bark
<variant> cry
<variant> shout
<variant> scream
<variant> quarrel

<question> I booked the tickets _______ night.

<variant> last
<variant> past
<variant> ago
<variant> few
<variant> in

<question> My grandfather was a _______.

<variant> painter
<variant> painting
<variant> flight attendance
<variant> sail
<variant> electricity

<question> He saw her at the railway ______ yesterday

<variant> station
<variant> bus
<variant> train
<variant> stop
<variant> park

<question> Not many people _______ photos their wedding

<variant> took
<variant> sell
<variant> brought
<variant> bring
<variant> lost

<question> It’s much colder _______ than it is downstairs.

<variant> upstairs
<variant> outside
<variant> inside
<variant> room
<variant> summer

<question> I spoke to Liz the day _______ yesterday

<variant> before
<variant> next
<variant> close
<variant> near
<variant> next to
<question> Did you put the milk in the _______? It isn’t very cold
<variant> fridge
<variant> saucer
<variant> cooker
<variant> plate
<variant> fork

<question> The new department _______ in town sells everything

<variant> store
<variant> shop
<variant> mall
<variant> centre
<variant> organization

<question> She was so tired last night. She _______ for twelve hours!
<variant> slept
<variant> went to bed
<variant> got up
<variant> work
<variant> went home

<question> Did their old house have _______ heating?

<variant> central
<variant> water
<variant> air
<variant> bath
<variant> shower

<question> Bob _______ me an interesting secret last week

<variant> told
<variant> spoke
<variant> discussed
<variant> said
<variant> asked

<question> Listen. Can you _______ a strange noise?

<variant> hear
<variant> listen
<variant> turn down
<variant> see
<variant> repeat

<question> _______ a shower after breakfast.

<variant> have
<variant> get
<variant> go
<variant> be
<variant> give

<question> I_______ on holiday to Sweden.

<variant> go
<variant> get
<variant> have
<variant> take
<variant> give

<question> _______ a swim before work.

<variant> have
<variant> get
<variant> go
<variant> be
<variant> give

<question> _______ short hair.

<variant> have
<variant> go
<variant> get
<variant> take
<variant> give

<question> _______ dressed in the morning

<variant> get
<variant> go
<variant> have
<variant> take
<variant> give

<question> _______ shopping

<variant> go
<variant> get
<variant> have
<variant> take
<variant> give

<question> _______ a train to Almaty

<variant> get
<variant> go
<variant> have
<variant> be
<variant> give

<question> _______ for a walk in the morning

<variant> go
<variant> get
<variant> have
<variant> be
<variant> give

<question> _______ a good time on holiday

<variant> have
<variant> get
<variant> be
<variant> go
<variant> take

<question> _______ up early during the week

<variant> get
<variant> have
<variant> take
<variant> give
<variant> go

<question> Find the odd word

<variant> apples
<variant> peas
<variant> potatoes
<variant> onions
<variant> garlic

<question> Find the odd word

<variant> eggs
<variant> chocolate
<variant> biscuits
<variant> cake
<variant> sweets

<question> Find the odd word

<variant> there
<variant> opposite
<variant> under
<variant> behind
<variant> in front of

<question> Find the odd word

<variant> fireplace
<variant> square
<variant> bridge
<variant> road
<variant> temple

<question> Find the odd word

<variant> lamp
<variant> wall
<variant> stairs
<variant> floor
<variant> ceiling

<question> Find the odd word

<variant> vegetable
<variant> bank
<variant> supermarket
<variant> shopping centre
<variant> mosque

<question> Find the odd word.

<variant> carrots
<variant> bananas
<variant> strawberries
<variant> grapes
<variant> melons

<question> Find the odd word.

<variant> ceiling
<variant> cupboard
<variant> mirror
<variant> fridge
<variant> washing machine

<question> Find the odd word

<variant> fast
<variant> carefully
<variant> slowly
<variant> seriously
<variant> quietly

<question> Find the odd word.

<variant> jam
<variant> jar
<variant> carton
<variant> packet
<variant> can

<question> Find the odd word.

<variant> kitchen
<variant> cooker
<variant> bed
<variant> armchair
<variant> shelves

<question> a_____ of tuna

<variant> tin
<variant> packet
<variant> carton
<variant> bottle
<variant> jar

<question> a _____ of cola

<variant> can
<variant> packet
<variant> box
<variant> jar
<variant> bowl

<question> a _____ of chocolates

<variant> box
<variant> jar
<variant> bottle
<variant> can
<variant> tin

<question> a _____ of jam.

<variant> jar
<variant> box
<variant> carton
<variant> packet
<variant> tin

<question> a _____ of crisps.

<variant> packet
<variant> box
<variant> carton
<variant> bottle
<variant> jar

<question> a _____ of milk

<variant> bottle
<variant> can
<variant> tin
<variant> box
<variant> carton

<question> Vegetarians don’t eat _____.

<variant> meat
<variant> bread
<variant> salad
<variant> vegetables
<variant> crisps

<question> Tuna is a kind of _____.

<variant> fish
<variant> fruit
<variant> vegetable
<variant> salad
<variant> meat

<question> A cake is a kind of _____.

<variant> dessert
<variant> vegetable
<variant> fruit
<variant> pie
<variant> sugar

<question> They eat a lot of _____ in Japan and China

<variant> rice
<variant> pasta
<variant> cheese
<variant> meat
<variant> fruit

<question> Macaroni and spaghetti are kinds of _____.
<variant> pasta
<variant> rice
<variant> salad
<variant> flour
<variant> cereal

<question> In the Mediterranean they use a lot of olive _____.

<variant> oil
<variant> butter
<variant> fish
<variant> salad
<variant> seed

<question> People often put _____ in salads

<variant> lettuce
<variant> ketchup
<variant> cereal
<variant> sugar
<variant> jam

<question> I usually have _____ in the morning.

<variant> breakfast
<variant> dinner
<variant> supper
<variant> eating
<variant> snack

<question> Crisps are a kind of _____.

<variant> snack
<variant> oil
<variant> vegetable
<variant> dessert
<variant> sweets

<question> People often put _____ in their coffee

<variant> sugar
<variant> oil
<variant> salad
<variant> jam
<variant> chocolate

<question> Peas and carrots are my favorite _____.

<variant> vegetables
<variant> meals
<variant> eating
<variant> fruit
<variant> dessert

<question> You can buy medicine at a_______.

<variant> chemist’s
<variant> station
<variant> bank
<variant> temple
<variant> square

<question> You can cross the river with its help

<variant> bridge
<variant> square
<variant> village
<variant> lake
<variant> church

<question> You can see old things at the _____ .

<variant> museum
<variant> post office
<variant> station
<variant> village
<variant> town hall

<question> You can get a train at the _____ .

<variant> railway station
<variant> town hall
<variant> square
<variant> bridge
<variant> mosque

<question> You can see famous paintings in an _______.

<variant> art gallery
<variant> chemist’s
<variant> church
<variant> temple
<variant> town hall

<question> You can get married in the _______.

<variant> registry office
<variant> town hall
<variant> square
<variant> museum
<variant> theatre

<question> _____ a friend.

<variant> meet
<variant> look
<variant> come
<variant> buy
<variant> get

<question> _____ a house

<variant> buy
<variant> take
<variant> right
<variant> agree
<variant> have
<question> _____ famous
<variant> become
<variant> meet
<variant> do
<variant> stand
<variant> stop

<question> _____ a surprise

<variant> get
<variant> tell
<variant> stop
<variant> stay
<variant> do

<question> _____ a good time

<variant> have
<variant> do
<variant> take
<variant> show
<variant> stay

<question> _____ somebody round your city

<variant> show
<variant> give
<variant> earn
<variant> have
<variant> make

<question> _____ for a week

<variant> stay
<variant> have
<variant> stand
<variant> be
<variant> become

<question> _____ in a hotel

<variant> stay
<variant> find
<variant> use
<variant> win
<variant> get

<question> _____ the sights

<variant> see
<variant> have
<variant> go
<variant> make
<variant> get

<question> _____ a new job.

<variant> get
<variant> be
<variant> make
<variant> go
<variant> work

<question> You sleep in _____

<variant> the bedroom
<variant> the bathroom
<variant> the garage
<variant> the kitchen
<variant> the living room

<question> You relax and watch TV in _____.

<variant> the living room
<variant> the bedroom
<variant> the bathroom
<variant> the kitchen
<variant> the garage

<question> You have a shower in _____

<variant> the bathroom
<variant> the living room
<variant> the bedroom
<variant> the kitchen
<variant> the garage

<question> You leave your car in_____.

<variant> the garage
<variant> the bathroom
<variant> the living room
<variant> the bedroom
<variant> the kitchen

<question> You cook in _____.

<variant> the kitchen
<variant> the garage
<variant> the bathroom
<variant> the living room
<variant> the bedroom

<question> You have dinner in_____.

<variant> the dining room
<variant> the garage
<variant> the bathroom
<variant> the living room
<variant> the bedroom

<question> Put the books on this _____ .

<variant> shelf
<variant> garage
<variant> cupboard
<variant> garden
<variant> fridge

<question> There is a _____ on the floor

<variant> carpet
<variant> garden
<variant> ceiling
<variant> chandelier
<variant> door

<question> A person can sit in an _____.

<variant> armchair
<variant> sofa
<variant> couch
<variant> table
<variant> drawer

<question> You cook on the _____ .

<variant> cooker
<variant> fridge
<variant> fireplace
<variant> sofa
<variant> table

<question> You put food and drinks in the _________.

<variant> fridge
<variant> cooker
<variant> fireplace
<variant> sofa
<variant> table

<question> The lamp is _____ the table

<variant> on
<variant> in
<variant> next
<variant> close
<variant> into

<question> There’s a small table _____ to the bed

<variant> next
<variant> on
<variant> in
<variant> near
<variant> into

<question> There’s a plant _____ of the window

<variant> in front
<variant> behind
<variant> on
<variant> opposite
<variant> between

<question> He got _____ of the car

<variant> out
<variant> next
<variant> on
<variant> front
<variant> into

<question> She drove _____ the garage

<variant> into
<variant> next
<variant> on
<variant> in
<variant> close

<question> My printer is _____ my desk.

<variant> on
<variant> next
<variant> up
<variant> in
<variant> close

<question> Opposite of “slowly”.

<variant> quickly
<variant> quick
<variant> slowly
<variant> loudly
<variant> noisy

<question> Opposite of “formally”.

<variant> informally
<variant> unformally
<variant> uniformally
<variant> disformally
<variant> noformally

<question> Opposite of “loudly”.

<variant> quietly
<variant> quite
<variant> noisily
<variant> loudly
<variant> easily

<question> Opposite of “safely”.

<variant> dangerously
<variant> hard
<variant> easily
<variant> badly
<variant> empty

<question> Opposite of “fast”.

<variant> slowly
<variant> quietly
<variant> loudly
<variant> noisy
<variant> safely

<question> You can find more information on the company’s__________.

<variant> website
<variant> online
<variant> search engine
<variant> offline
<variant> bank

<question> I don’t _____ a new phone. This one’s perfectly good.

<variant> need
<variant> hope
<variant> learn
<variant> promise
<variant> see

<question> I _____ to drive your car carefully

<variant> have
<variant> needn’t
<variant> need to
<variant> can
<variant> must

<question> _____ to go to the station by bus?

<variant> Do you like
<variant> Do you promise
<variant> Do you spend
<variant> Would you hope
<variant> Would you promise

<question> We’re _____ to have a surprise party for Laura.

<variant> planning
<variant> want
<variant> needing
<variant> have
<variant> having

<question> My young son _____ to read at the moment.

<variant> is learning
<variant> is becoming
<variant> is spending
<variant> is having
<variant> hoping

<question> I’m going to _____ my cousin in Australia tonight.

<variant> skype
<variant> log in
<variant> download
<variant> chat
<variant> online
<question> I often _____ news websites
<variant> visit
<variant> go
<variant> meet
<variant> connect
<variant> upload

<question> I booked the cinema tickets _____.

<variant> online
<variant> at the internet
<variant> on website
<variant> offline
<variant> on site

<question> I tried to _____ but I couldn’t remember my password.

<variant> log in
<variant> Google
<variant> upload
<variant> download
<variant> account

<question> She’s going to _____ her holiday photos onto the internet
<variant> upload
<variant> log in
<variant> google
<variant> follow
<variant> register

<question> A lot of cafés have _____ so you can use the internet
<variant> Wi-Fi
<variant> social networks
<variant> websites
<variant> attachments
<variant> online

<question> I’d like to _____ the new Rihanna song.

<variant> download
<variant> log in
<variant> skype
<variant> do
<variant> make

<question> I got your email but I couldn’t open the _____.

<variant> attachment
<variant> internet
<variant> wifi
<variant> google
<variant> skype

<question> Facebook is a _____.

<variant> social network
<variant> social attachment
<variant> social chatting
<variant> social media
<variant> social internet

<question> We didn’t go out _____.

<variant> last night
<variant> night last
<variant> tomorrow night
<variant> in night
<variant> on night

<question> I started a new job _____ yesterday.

<variant> the day before
<variant> a day before
<variant> day before
<variant> before
<variant> last

<question> _____ a drink.

<variant> have
<variant> leave
<variant> go
<variant> come
<variant> see

<question> _____ shopping.

<variant> go
<variant> have
<variant> leave
<variant> come
<variant> see

<question> _____ by bus.

<variant> go
<variant> have
<variant> leave
<variant> get
<variant> see

<question> _____ dressed.

<variant> get
<variant> go
<variant> have
<variant> leave
<variant> see

<question> _____ breakfast

<variant> have
<variant> get
<variant> go
<variant> leave
<variant> see

<question> I _______my English class last week

<variant> missed
<variant> got
<variant> went
<variant> saw
<variant> passed

<question> Don’t stand _________ the TV. I can’t see anything.

<variant> in front of
<variant> behind
<variant> between
<variant> over
<variant> below

<question> Put those glasses_______ the cupboard

<variant> in
<variant> over
<variant> at
<variant> over
<variant> up

<question> Don’t run _______ the stairs!

<variant> down
<variant> in
<variant> over
<variant> between
<variant> among

<question> A young woman came _______ the room

<variant> out of
<variant> in front of
<variant> behind
<variant> under
<variant> on

<question> There’s a plant _________ the sofa.

<variant> next to
<variant> in
<variant> between
<variant> under
<variant> on

<question> We are _________ Kokshetau.

<variant> from
<variant> to
<variant> of
<variant> on
<variant> in

<question> He put the books ______ his bag

<variant> into
<variant> to
<variant> of
<variant> over
<variant> out of

<question> The restaurant is ______ the park.

<variant> opposite
<variant> in front
<variant> between
<variant> under
<variant> on

<question> Find the odd word.

<variant> ceiling
<variant> couch
<variant> lamp
<variant> cupboard
<variant> sofa

<question> Have you ever __________ a race?

<variant> won
<variant> taken
<variant> broken
<variant> made
<variant> left

<question> He’s __________ to lots of countries and he’s never had an accident
<variant> been
<variant> spent
<variant> take
<variant> lost
<variant> taken

<question> Have you __________ all your money on clothes?

<variant> spent
<variant> take
<variant> lost
<variant> driven
<variant> taken

<question> I haven’t __________ the coat I bought in Rome

<variant> worn
<variant> left
<variant> driven
<variant> ready
<variant> given

<question> We’ve __________ some cakes. Would you like one?

<variant> made
<variant> done
<variant> eaten
<variant> taken
<variant> given

<question> The restaurant is empty. Everyone has __________.

<variant> left
<variant> worn
<variant> driven
<variant> went
<variant> taken

<question> She’s __________ her phone. She can’t find it.

<variant> lost
<variant> found
<variant> had
<variant> broken
<variant> brought

<question> ‘Would you _______ to have dinner with me?’

<variant> like
<variant> plan
<variant> hope
<variant> take
<variant> ask

<question> Laura’s _________ to move to the USA. She’s got a job there.
<variant> planning
<variant> liking
<variant> being
<variant> promising
<variant> getting

<question> There’s a new film on at the cinema that I really _________ to see it!!!
<variant> want
<variant> would
<variant> like
<variant> will
<variant> go

<question> He’s studying hard because he ________ to get a place at university

<variant> hopes
<variant> likes
<variant> would
<variant> thinks
<variant> promises

<question> There’s nothing for dinner. We _____________ to go to the supermarket

<variant> need
<variant> would
<variant> want to
<variant> like
<variant> promise
<question> You need to __________ the password to use the computer
<variant> enter
<variant> upload
<variant> follow
<variant> attach
<variant> skype

<question> It’s easy to find information on the internet – you should just __________ the words.
<variant> google
<variant> attach
<variant> put
<variant> save
<variant> edit

<question> This email has an __________, but I can’t open it

<variant> attachment
<variant> google
<variant> log in
<variant> save
<variant> edit

<question> My sister lives in Canada and I __________ her once a week.

<variant> skype
<variant> log in
<variant> upload
<variant> follow
<variant> attach

<question> We connect to the internet via __________.

<variant> Wi-Fi
<variant> skype
<variant> Google
<variant> online
<variant> offline

<question> He isn’t interested in fashion. He prefers to dress______

<variant> casually
<variant> perfectly
<variant> fashionably
<variant> modern
<variant> formally

<question> I can’t understand you when you speak __________.

<variant> fast
<variant> politely
<variant> loudly
<variant> slowly
<variant> carefully

<question> I _______(go) a restaurant last night.

<variant> went
<variant> am gone
<variant> have gone
<variant> go
<variant> goes

<question> The teacher ________ (not be) very happy with my homework last week.
<variant> wasn’t
<variant> didn’t be
<variant> won’t be
<variant> wasn’t going to be
<variant> isn’t

<question> What _______ you _______ (see) at the cinema tomorrow?

<variant> are; going to see
<variant> did; see
<variant> will; seeing
<variant> do; see
<variant> have; seen

<question> She _______ (not finish) all her work yesterday.

<variant> didn’t finish
<variant> didn’t fihished
<variant> do not finished
<variant> is going to finish
<variant> have finished

<question> Ben’s gone home. He _______ (leave) five minutes ago.

<variant> left
<variant> did left
<variant> has left
<variant> is going to leave
<variant> will leave

<question> _______ you ever _______ (sing) karaoke?

<variant> Have; sung
<variant> Did; sung
<variant> Have; sang
<variant> Do; sing
<variant> Are; going to sing

<question> She_______ (walk) to work yesterday.

<variant> walked
<variant> did walk
<variant> didn’t walk
<variant> has walked
<variant> was walked

<question> _______ Lydia _______ (phone) recently?

<variant> Has; phoned
<variant> Was; phoned
<variant> Did; phone
<variant> Has; phone
<variant> Do; phoned

<question> A: What are your plans for the holiday? B: I _______ (fly) to Malta with my mother.
<variant> am going to fly
<variant> flew
<variant> will flew
<variant> going to fly
<variant> have flown

<question> _______ the children _______ (sleep) well last night?

<variant> Did; sleep
<variant> Did; slept
<variant> Were; sleep
<variant> Have; slept
<variant> Do; slept

<question> Kate _______ (wear) her new dress to Dave’s party last Friday.
<variant> wore
<variant> worn
<variant> has worn
<variant> was wore
<variant> was worn

<question> They _______ (not have) a holiday next Christmas.

<variant> aren’t going to have
<variant> won’t had
<variant> haven’t had
<variant> didn’t have
<variant> are to have

<question> Where _______ your brother _______ (work) at the moment?

<variant> is; working
<variant> was; working
<variant> is; going to work
<variant> will; work
<variant> has; worked

<question> _______ you _______ (be) to a music concert before?

<variant> Have; been
<variant> Have; was
<variant> Did; be
<variant> Did; was
<variant> Were; be

<question> She _______ (not buy) a new car next month.

<variant> isn’t going to buy
<variant> will buy not
<variant> not going buy
<variant> has bought
<variant> bought

<question> I _______ (speak) a lot of English in England last summer.

<variant> spoke
<variant> was speaking
<variant> did spoke
<variant> spoken
<variant> have spoken

<question> I didn’t _________ English at school.

<variant> study
<variant> studied
<variant> had
<variant> missed
<variant> liked

<question> He drives very _____________.

<variant> dangerously
<variant> dangerous
<variant> fastly
<variant> hardly
<variant> safe

<question> _________ you like to swim?

<variant> Do
<variant> Will
<variant> Have
<variant> Are
<variant> is

<question> Their new album is __________ interesting than the last one.
<variant> more
<variant> the more
<variant> the most
<variant> most
<variant> so

<question> _______ there any apples?

<variant> Are
<variant> Was
<variant> have
<variant> Did
<variant> Do

<question> We love going to ____________.

<variant> concerts
<variant> the concerts
<variant> a concerts
<variant> consert
<variant> an concerts

<question> I think it’s ________ to learn English than Russian.

<variant> easier
<variant> more easier
<variant> more easy
<variant> so easy
<variant> the easiest

<question> Do you eat _______ fruit?

<variant> much
<variant> many
<variant> a
<variant> an
<variant> few

<question> Have you ever _________ a love letter?

<variant> written
<variant> wrote
<variant> write
<variant> writing
<variant> was written

<question> She is the __________ in her family.

<variant> shortest
<variant> shorter
<variant> short
<variant> taller
<variant> so tall

<question> Laptops are smaller _______ desktop computers.

<variant> than
<variant> so
<variant> not so
<variant> not as
<variant> the

<question> How ________eggs are there in the fridge?

<variant> many
<variant> much
<variant> few
<variant> some
<variant> often

<question> The bus is cheaper _______ the train.

<variant> than
<variant> so
<variant> not so
<variant> not as
<variant> the

<question> It’s _______ longest day of the year today.

<variant> the
<variant> more
<variant> a
<variant> an
<variant> not

<question> There are _______ sandwiches on the table. Help yourself.
<variant> some
<variant> any
<variant> much
<variant> a little
<variant> the

<question> How _______ does that magazine cost?

<variant> much
<variant> many
<variant> long
<variant> often
<variant> money

<question> When we arrived home there wasn’t _______ food in the fridge.
<variant> any
<variant> some
<variant> a
<variant> anything
<variant> Did

<question> _______ you like to go on a safari holiday?

<variant> Would
<variant> Does
<variant> Will
<variant> Are
<variant> Can

<question> That restaurant makes the _______ delicious food in town.

<variant> most
<variant> more
<variant> some
<variant> any
<variant> few

<question> Did you watch the program about Brazil _______ night?
<variant> last
<variant> in
<variant> past
<variant> next

<question> _______ were forty people at the party.

<variant> There
<variant> They
<variant> We
<variant> It
<variant> You

<question> I need _______ a new computer.

<variant> to buy
<variant> buy
<variant> buying
<variant> to buying
<variant> have

<question> He’s going to visit his family in Rome _______ week.

<variant> next
<variant> last
<variant> following
<variant> in the
<variant> on the

<question> _______ people live in your house?

<variant> How many
<variant> How much
<variant> How long
<variant> How often
<variant> What do

<question> Did you see the accident _______ morning?

<variant> in the
<variant> at the
<variant> in
<variant> at
<variant> last

<question> Have you _______ to Asia?

<variant> ever been
<variant> ever was
<variant> never were
<variant> never was
<variant> got

<question> They’ve bought _______ little house in the south of Spain.

<variant> a
<variant> the
<variant> an
<variant> any
<variant> not

<question> I don’t want _____ juice, thanks.

<variant> any
<variant> a
<variant> the
<variant> some
<variant> mine

<question> Is there _____ milk in the fridge?

<variant> any
<variant> the
<variant> a
<variant> an
<variant> little
<question> A Porsche is _____ than a Fiat.
<variant> more expensive
<variant> more cheaper
<variant> the most expensive
<variant> the cheapest
<variant> as cheap as

<question> Martin is taller _____ James.

<variant> than
<variant> with
<variant> to
<variant> from
<variant> over

<question> Russian is difficult, but Chinese is _____ difficult.

<variant> more
<variant> than
<variant> as
<variant> a
<variant> the

<question> There are _____ chairs in the kitchen.

<variant> some
<variant> any
<variant> a
<variant> the
<variant> have

<question> _____ water do you drink?

<variant> How much
<variant> How many do
<variant> How many
<variant> What does
<variant> How much do

<question> Today is _____ than yesterday.

<variant> colder
<variant> the coldest
<variant> more cold
<variant> so cold
<variant> warm

<question> We need _____ butter.

<variant> some
<variant> a
<variant> few
<variant> a few
<variant> many

<question> My parents _______(live) in Italy. Now they live in the USA.

<variant> lived
<variant> use to live
<variant> were living
<variant> live
<variant> has lived

<question> When __________ the film __________ (finish)?

<variant> did; finish
<variant> was; finish
<variant> is; finish
<variant> have; finished
<variant> does; finished

<question> They __________ (not like) the food in the café.

<variant> didn’t like
<variant> aren’t like
<variant> weren’t like
<variant> not liked
<variant> haven’t like

<question> We __________ (not phone) them because it was late.

<variant> didn’t phone
<variant> haven’t phoned
<variant> don’t phoned
<variant> weren’t phoned
<variant> aren’t going to phone

<question> I __________ (study) yesterday morning.

<variant> studied
<variant> have studied
<variant> did studied
<variant> study
<variant> was studied

<question> The man __________ (stop) his car near my house.

<variant> stopped
<variant> is stopping
<variant> have stopped
<variant> will be stop
<variant> did stopped

<question> What time __________ he __________ ?

<variant> did; arrive
<variant> didn’t; arrive
<variant> was; arrive
<variant> did; came
<variant> has;came

<question> __________ you __________ the match?

<variant> Did; see
<variant> Did; watched
<variant> Have; saw
<variant> Are; going
<variant> Did; go

<question> The shops __________ (not open) until 10 a.m.

<variant> don’t open
<variant> hasn’t opened
<variant> aren’t opening
<variant> are not going open
<variant> will open

<question> A:Did you go there by bus? B: No, we __________. We took a taxi.

<variant> didn’t
<variant> did
<variant> haven’t
<variant> weren’t
<variant> aren’t

<question> A: What did you wear? B: I __________ my new skirt.

<variant> wore
<variant> have worn
<variant> weared
<variant> was wearing
<variant> am going to wear

<question> I never eat _____ meat because I’m a vegetarian.

<variant> -
<variant> this
<variant> the
<variant> a
<variant> some

<question> Is Mike _____ teacher?

<variant> a
<variant> -
<variant> rain
<variant> good
<variant> really

<question> Emily ate all of _____ biscuits I bought.

<variant> the
<variant> a
<variant> -
<variant> some
<variant> many

<question> There was _____ amazing beach in front of our hotel.

<variant> an
<variant> -
<variant> very
<variant> really
<variant> the

<question> Russell was _____ best dancer in the competition.

<variant> the
<variant> a
<variant> an
<variant> -
<variant> one of

<question> Dina doesn’t have _____ job.

<variant> a
<variant> the
<variant> -
<variant> an
<variant> some

<question> ‘Hello, I’m Dan.’ ‘Nice __________ you.’

<variant> to meet
<variant> see
<variant> seeing
<variant> meeting
<variant> to have

<question> Clare learned __________ the piano when she was a child.
<variant> to play
<variant> playing to
<variant> to play in
<variant> play
<variant> to played

<question> ‘I don’t have any money.’ ‘You need __________ a job!’

<variant> to get
<variant> find
<variant> to get to
<variant> to have found
<variant> have

<question> Jim decided __________ a party and invite all his friends.
<variant> to make
<variant> making
<variant> to having
<variant> having
<variant> have

<question> ‘What would you like __________?’ ‘A glass of orange juice, please.’
<variant> to drink
<variant> for drink
<variant> to drinking
<variant> have
<variant> having

<question> I’d love __________ Australia one day.

<variant> to go to
<variant> going
<variant> to going to
<variant> to visit to
<variant> to visiting

<question> Sandra dances quite _______.

<variant> well
<variant> good
<variant> goodly
<variant> real
<variant> beautiful

<question> It’s raining. Please drive ______ carefully

<variant> very
<variant> quietly
<variant> quite
<variant> real
<variant> incredibly

<question> I don’t understand you. Please speak ___________.

<variant> slower
<variant> slow
<variant> a bit slow
<variant> loud
<variant> a little loud

<question> That’s a _________ skirt. Is it new?

<variant> beautiful
<variant> new
<variant> interesting
<variant> real interesting
<variant> quiet beautiful

<question> He worked ______ and passed the exam.

<variant> hard
<variant> hardly
<variant> hardly ever
<variant> real hard
<variant> difficult

<question> She doesn’t have a very _______.

<variant> healthy lifestyle
<variant> healthily lifestyle
<variant> well lifestyle
<variant> unhealthily lifestyle
<variant> well health

<question> They speak _______.

<variant> Kazakh perfectly
<variant> perfectly Kazakh
<variant> Kazakh good
<variant> well Kazakh
<variant> really Kazakh perfectly

<question> This exercise is _______.
<variant> incredibly difficult
<variant> incredible difficult
<variant> incredible more difficult
<variant> extremely much difficult
<variant> difficult extremely

<question> It’s very cloudy. I think it _______soon.

<variant> is going to rain
<variant> will be rain
<variant> has rained
<variant> rained
<variant> is raining

<question> ‘My mobile phone is old.’ ‘When __________ you __________ a new one?’
<variant> are; going to buy
<variant> did; buy
<variant> have; bought
<variant> are; buying
<variant> will be; buy

<question> ‘Be careful with those glasses!’ ‘Don’t worry. I _______________ them.’
<variant> am not going to drop
<variant> have dropped
<variant> dropped
<variant> am dropping
<variant> am not dropping

<question> Hurry up! We _______________ late for the class.

<variant> are going to be
<variant> were
<variant> will
<variant> have been
<variant> are being

<question> ‘What __________ we __________ for dinner?’ ‘I don’t know. It’s your turn to cook!’
<variant> are; going to have
<variant> did; have
<variant> do; have
<variant> have; had
<variant> are; having

<question> They _______________ to work today because they can’t start their car.
<variant> are going to be late
<variant> were late
<variant> are late
<variant> have been late
<variant> are being late

<question> ‘Did they enjoy the party?’ ‘Yes, they _____.’

<variant> did
<variant> didn’t
<variant> have
<variant> are
<variant> do

<question> It _____ Saturday yesterday. Today is Sunday.

<variant> was
<variant> has been
<variant> have been
<variant> is
<variant> will be

<question> I _____ a great film at the cinema last night.

<variant> watched
<variant> have watched
<variant> have seen
<variant> did saw
<variant> did watched

<question> _____ the football match yesterday?

<variant> Did you see
<variant> Have you seen
<variant> Were you seen
<variant> Did you saw
<variant> Have you saw

<question> Sally _____ a book on the train.

<variant> read
<variant> readed
<variant> have read
<variant> are read
<variant> was read

<question> Where _____ Jimmy this morning?

<variant> was
<variant> were
<variant> is
<variant> has been
<variant> go

<question> I _____ my iPod last week.

<variant> lost
<variant> have lost
<variant> lose
<variant> am losing
<variant> losed

<question> What time _____ Mr Carter leave?

<variant> did
<variant> do
<variant> is
<variant> have
<variant> has
<question> You speak________________, could you please speed up?
<variant> very slowly
<variant> very slow
<variant> very fastly
<variant> very faster
<variant> very slower

<question> I’ve read the book but I ________ the film yet.
<variant> haven’t seen
<variant> am going to see
<variant> saw
<variant> see
<variant> want see

<question> When/ facebook/start?

<variant> When did Facebook start
<variant> When did Facebook started
<variant> When Facebook started
<variant> When started Facebook
<variant> When does Facebook start

<question> Which sentence is FALSE according to the text?

Ulm Munster in Germany is the tallest church in the world. The tallest part of the church is the
steeple, which is 161.5 metres high and contains 768 steps. From the top of the church there is a view of the
city, and on a clear day you can see the Alps. Before the Munster was built Ulm already had a church outside
the city walls. However, the inhabitants of the city decided that they wanted a new church in the town centre
and they agreed to pay for the building. Construction of the church began in 1377 but the building wasn't
completed until 31st May, 1890.
<variant> Ulm Munster is the biggest church in the world.
<variant> People in Ulm Munster didn’t like the old church outside the city
<variant> You can sometimes see the mountains from the top of the church
<variant> Ulm Munster was the city's first church.
<variant> Construction of the church took over 500 years

<question> Which sentence is FALSE according to the text?

Scientists at Oxford University did some research into the brains of different groups of mammals.
They looked at the changes in the size of the brains over the last 60 million years and they discovered that there
were bigger changes in dogs’ brains than there were in cats’ brains. They think that dogs are cleverer than cats
because they are more social
<variant> Cats are more social than dogs
<variant> Scientists studied different mammals
<variant> Scientists studied the brains of cats
<variant> Scientists studied the brains of dogs
<variant> Scientists discovered that cats’ brains are bigger than dogs’ brains

<question> Which sentence is TRUE according to the text?

There are 12 countries in South America including Argentina and Brazil. It has an area of 17,840,000
square kilometres and its population is over 371, 090, 000. North America uncludes Canada and America. It
covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometres and its population is nearly 529 million. This makes it
bigger than South America.
<variant> Two countries make up North America
<variant> There are 14 countries in South America
<variant> South America is bigger than North America by its territory
<variant> North America has less population than South America
<variant> There are two countries in North America except Canada and America

<question> Which sentence is TRUE according to the text?

Experts have different opinions about margarine and butter, and there is a big argument about which one
is better for you. The truth is that margarine today is better than it was in the past because producers use a
different type of vegetable oil. Butter still contains a lot of animal fat. Margarine today contains less fat which
makes it healthier than butter.
<variant> Butter still contains a lot of animal fat.
<variant> Margarine contains vegetable oil
<variant> Experts think that margarine is healthier today
<variant> There is no animal fat in today’s butter.
<variant> There is vegetable oil in butter.

<question> Which sentence is FALSE according to the text?

In the UK, long-distance express buses are called coaches. These are always economical, but they can be
very slow. The biggest company is National Express, which has frequent services between big cities. They're
usually cheaper if you buy your ticket early and travel at quiet times. In many towns, there are separate bus and
coach stations, so passengers need to make sure they go to the right place to get their coach.
<variant> Go to a bus station if you want to get a coach
<variant> Taking a coach is a slow way to travel.
<variant> A coach is another name for a long-distance bus
<variant> If you want to save money buy your ticket for a coach early
<variant> The best time to travel by coach is at quiet times

<question> Which sentence is TRUE according to the text?

Car travel in the UK is expensive, and there is often a lot of traffic. However, travelling by car means that
you can be independent and flexible, and a car carrying three or more passengers can be cheaper than public
transport. Motorways take drivers quickly from one city to the next but small roads are often more scenic and
fun. Parking in the centre of big cities can be difficult and very expensive, so an alternative is to use a Park &
Ride. This is a system where drivers pay less to park their cars outside the city and take a bus to the centre
<variant> The more people are in the taxi, the cheaper is the trip
<variant> There isn't much traffic in the UK.
<variant> In a Park & Ride system you take a train.
<variant> You don’t pay money for parking
<variant> Car travel is cheap in the UK

<question> Where were you at about 9:30 yesterday evening?

<variant> I was at the cinema
<variant> I wasn’t very good
<variant> With my friend
<variant> I didn’t know
<variant> I didn’t remember

<question> What film did you see?

<variant> I can’t remember. It wasn’t very good.
<variant> I didn’t know
<variant> Yes the film was very interesting.
<variant> I saw it at the cinema
<variant> No, I didn’t like the film

<question> What time did you get home yesterday?

<variant> At about midnight
<variant> by bus
<variant> No, we walked
<variant> It was great!
<variant> In the summer

<question> -I went there with my sister

<variant> Who did you go with?
<variant> Where do you go?
<variant> What did you do there?
<variant> Did you go there with your sister?
<variant> Where did you go?

<question> -No, we got a bus!

<variant> Did you get a taxi?
<variant> Do you go by bus?
<variant> How did you get there?
<variant> Did you get a bus?
<variant> Do you like to go by taxi?

<question> -I’m very tired!

<variant> Have a sleep!
<variant> Read a book
<variant> Nice to meet you!
<variant> Thanks!
<variant> Don’t worry!

<question> I ____________ my mobile phone last week.

<variant> lost
<variant> remembered
<variant> met
<variant> heard
<variant> could

<question> The policeman ____________ the money in an old bag.

<variant> found
<variant> remembered
<variant> broke
<variant> bought
<variant> met

<question> Last night we _________ a noise downstairs

<variant> heard
<variant> did heard
<variant> have heard
<variant> heared
<variant> did hearded

<question> -Are you ready to order?

<variant> Yes. I’d like the mozzarella salad and the chicken, please
<variant> Yes, a table for two
<variant> No, not for me, thanks!
<variant> Yes, the same for me, please
<variant> Yes, thank you

<question> -Just water for me.

<variant> What would you like to drink?
<variant> Are you ready to order?
<variant> Come this way, please
<variant> Good evening, do you have a reservation?
<variant> Would you like a dessert?

<question> -It’s my birthday today

<variant> Really? Happy birthday!
<variant> Congratulations!
<variant> Good luck
<variant> Well done
<variant> Oh dear! Never mind

<question> How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

<variant> Oh, nothing special. I’m going out somewhere with my friends.
<variant> The same for me
<variant> No problem
<variant> I like getting birthday presents
<variant> I had a great time!

<question> Thanks for showing me around Almaty yesterday. I had a great time!
<variant> You’re welcome. Me too
<variant> That’s OK.
<variant> Hang on a second!
<variant> Well done !
<variant> The same for me

<question> I have an exam on Chemistry tomorrow

<variant> Good luck!
<variant> Happy birthday!
<variant> Congratulations!
<variant> Well done!
<variant> Oh dear! Never mind

<question> I did all my English homework right!

<variant> Well done!
<variant> Happy birthday!
<variant> Thanks! Me too.
<variant> Good luck!
<variant> Oh dear! Never mind

<question> So, what did you do last night?

<variant> Nothing special. I had a lot of work to do.
<variant> What did you do?
<variant> Sorry! Hang on a second!
<variant> But listen, I can’t talk right now
<variant> Yes, of course

<question> Sorry, but I can’t talk right now. I’m in the office
<variant> Oh, sure! Then I’ll call you back later
<variant> Well done!
<variant> Congrats!
<variant> Really
<variant> The same for me

<question> -I hear it’s your birthday today. -Yes, that’s right -_____, happy birthday!
<variant> Well
<variant> And
<variant> Of course
<variant> Like I said
<variant> Really

<question> Sorry, but my mum is calling. I have to take the phone.

<variant> No problem
<variant> Really!
<variant> Well!
<variant> The same for me
<variant> Me, too

<question> Thank you so much!

<variant> No problem
<variant> Really!
<variant> Well!
<variant> The same for me
<variant> Me, too

<question> That’s great! I’ m so happy

<variant> Me, too
<variant> Of course!
<variant> Certainly!
<variant> Well!
<variant> The same for me

<question> - I need to go - ______, have a good journey! - Thanks!

<variant> Well
<variant> And
<variant> Of course
<variant> Like I said
<variant> You know

<question> - Excuse me, please. Where’s the central market? - ____, I don’t live here
<variant> Sorry
<variant> Right
<variant> Do you know
<variant> Sure
<variant> But

<question> - Excuse me, please. Is the supermarket near here? - It’s near here, but I don’t know exactly
________. Sorry.
<variant> where
<variant> its
<variant> this
<variant> who
<variant> what

<question> A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Tate Modern, please? B: _______. Go straight to the
mosque, then turn right at the traffic lights. And it’s at the end of the street.
<variant> Yes, of course
<variant> Sorry
<variant> Like I said
<variant> You know
<variant> It’s like this

<question> A: I’m sorry! I have to go. B: ______, I understand. Work is work.

<variant> That’s OK
<variant> Sorry
<variant> Like I said
<variant> Hang on
<variant> Well done

<question> I ________ (not buy) any new clothes recently.

<variant> haven’t bought
<variant> didn’t buy
<variant> don’t buy
<variant> am not bying
<variant> am going to buy

<question> My sister _____ a book for my last birthday.

<variant> gave
<variant> has given
<variant> had given
<variant> given
<variant> gives

<question> They ______ a lot of money yesterday

<variant> spent
<variant> spend
<variant> have spend
<variant> have spent
<variant> did spent

<question> ______ you ever ________a competition?

<variant> Have; won
<variant> Did; won
<variant> Did; win
<variant> Have; win
<variant> Are; won
<question> The secretary isn’t here. She’s ________ for the bank.
<variant> left
<variant> been
<variant> went
<variant> at
<variant> in

<question> A: Have you been on holiday recently? B: Yes, we have. We ______ (go) to the beach in July.
<variant> went
<variant> have gone
<variant> did gone
<variant> did went
<variant> are going to go

<question> A:When did you brother buy his motorbike? B:Last week. My parents _____(pay) for it.
<variant> paid
<variant> have paid
<variant> did pay
<variant> have pay
<variant> had paid

<question> A: _____ you ever ________ to New York? B: Yes, I went there last year.
<variant> Have; been
<variant> Are; been
<variant> Did; be
<variant> Did; go
<variant> Have; went

<question> Most people think that ___ internet is ___ good thing.
<variant> the; a
<variant> an; a
<variant> some; a
<variant> the; the
<variant> -; very

<question> At ____ work, employees can use the internet to search for ________ information
<variant> -; -
<variant> the; the
<variant> a; an
<variant> some; the
<variant> -; the

<question> At ____ home, ____ people can use the internet for entertainment
<variant> -; -
<variant> the; the
<variant> a; an
<variant> some; the
<variant> -; the

<question> The Internet is also useful for ____ shopping,

<variant> -
<variant> the
<variant> a
<variant> an
<variant> some

<question> My neighbours are away because they ________ on holiday

<variant> have gone
<variant> have been
<variant> were
<variant> are being
<variant> are going to be

<question> You have got a suntan! Have you ______ to the beach?
<variant> been
<variant> gone
<variant> come
<variant> went
<variant> came

<question> It's late so the children have _______ to bed.

<variant> gone
<variant> been
<variant> come
<variant> went
<variant> came

<question> The cupboards are full because we've _______ shopping.

<variant> gone
<variant> been
<variant> come
<variant> went
<variant> came

<question> Have you ever _______to an Indian restaurant?

<variant> been
<variant> gone
<variant> come
<variant> went
<variant> came

<question> My girlfriend has never ______abroad.

<variant> been
<variant> gone
<variant> come
<variant> went
<variant> came

<question> Jane's parents are out. They've ____ to the supermarket

<variant> gone
<variant> been
<variant> come
<variant> went
<variant> came


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