Eng10 Q4 DLP W3

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(SEMI-DETAILED) Teaching Date APRIL 15, 2024-APRIL 18, 2024 Quarter IV


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as instruments to resolve social
conflicts, also how to use the language of research, campaigns and advocacies.
B. Performance The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.
C. Learning Distinguish technical terms Distinguish technical terms Distinguish technical terms
Competency used in research used in research used in research CATCH UP FRIDA
EN10V-IVa-30 EN10V-IVa-30 EN10V-IVa-30
Printed Modular Distance Printed Modular Distance ELECTION ON BKD/
Learning (PMDL) Learning (PMDL) YES-O
B. Materials Modules module, TELEVISION, PPT,
chalk and board
A. Preliminary 1. Prayer
Activities 2. Checking of
3. Reminder
B. Review The teacher will ask the
students about the previous
C. Activity Activity: Fill-in the blanks
to complete the statements
1. ___________ is often
shown in tables and figures.
2. ___________ are
descriptive information that
let readers search for an
3. ___________ it answers the
questions in the Research.
4. __________ are the
materials the author/s cited
when writing the research.
5. __________ discusses the
results of the research.
6. __________ is where the
readers know what the
research is about.
7. __________ answers the
“why” question in the
8. __________ answers the
“how” question in the
9. __________ answers the
“so what” question in the
10. _________ answers the
“what” question in the
D. Analysis Out from the given activity,
the teacher will ask on what
will be the topic for the day.
E. Abstraction The teacher will present and
discuss the topic: Elements of
Research Paper
F. Application Activity: Tell Me Truth or
Tell Me False
Read the statements below
and identify if they are true or
false. Write on the blanks
before the number TRUE if
the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is not.
________ 1. The introduction
of the research paper gives an
overview of any issues
involved with the subject.
________ 2. Statements in the
introduction should not be
paraphrased, it
should be copied word per
________ 3. The body of the
research paper, use strong
evidence from sources—
paraphrases, summaries, and
quotations that support the
main points
________ 4. The body clearly
present the main points of the
paper as listed in the thesis.
_______ 5. Highlight
background information on
the topic needed to
understand the direction of the
paper is found in the body of
the research
_______ 6. Conclusion should
restate your thesis from the
introduction in different
________ 7. Use transitions
between main points and
between examples within
the main points
________ 8. The introduction
must end with a THESIS
statement that tells what the
overall paper will focus on.
________ 9. Briefly outline
the main points in the paper in
the conclusion part.
________10. The conclusion
end with a strong clincher
statement an appropriate,
meaningful final sentence that
ties the whole point of the
paper together.
IV. EVALUATION Activity: Filling in those
To check your understanding
of the lesson, answer the
following questions on your
answer sheet.
1. What are the kinds of
research methods?
2. List the elements of a
3.What is the importance of
research in our everyday life?
Write 2-3 sentences for your
4. Write 5 technical or
terminologies in research
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
5. ______________________

VI. REFLECTION (Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to he
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.)
A. No. of learners who ____ no of learners who ____ no of learners who ____ no of learners who ____ no of learners who earned 80%
____ no of learners
earned 80% in the earned 80% and above. earned 80% and above. earned 80% and above. and above. earned 80% and above.
B. No. of learners who ____no. of learners who ____no. of learners who ____no. of learners who ____no. of learners who ____no. of learners who
require additional requires additional activities requires additional activities requires additional activities requires additional activities requires additional activ
activities for for remediation. for remediation. for remediation. for remediation. for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons __Yes __ No __Yes __ No __Yes __ No __Yes __ No __Yes __ No
work? No. of learners ___ of learners who caught up ___ of learners who caught up ___ of learners who caught up ___ of learners who caught up ___ of learners who cau
who have caught up the lesson. the lesson. the lesson. the lesson. the lesson.
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who ___ of learners who continue ___ of learners who continue ___ of learners who continue ___ of learners who continue ___ of learners who con
continue to require to require remediation. to require remediation. to require remediation. to require remediation. to require remediation.

E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
strategies worked well? well: well: well: well: well:
Why did these works? __ Group collaboration __ Group collaboration __ Group collaboration __ Group collaboration __ Group collaboration
__ Games __ Games __ Games __ Games __ Games
__ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw __ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw __ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw __ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw __ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsa
__ Answering preliminary __ Answering preliminary __ Answering preliminary __ Answering preliminary __ Answering prelimina
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
__ Carousel __ Carousel __ Carousel __ Carousel __ Carousel
__ Diads __ Diads __ Diads __ Diads __ Diads
__Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Think-Pair-Share (TP
__ Rereading of __ Rereading of __ Rereading of __ Rereading of __ Rereading of
paragraphs/Poems/Stories paragraphs/Poems/Stories paragraphs/Poems/Stories paragraphs/Poems/Stories paragraphs/Poems/Storie
__ Differentiated Instruction __ Differentiated Instruction __ Differentiated Instruction __ Differentiated Instruction __ Differentiated Instruc
__ Role Playing/Drama __ Role Playing/Drama __ Role Playing/Drama __ Role Playing/Drama __ Role Playing/Drama
__ Discovery Method __ Discovery Method __ Discovery Method __ Discovery Method __ Discovery Method
__ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

__ Complete IMs __ Complete IMs __ Complete IMs __ Complete IMs __ Complete IMs
__ Availability of Materials __ Availability of Materials __ Availability of Materials __ Availability of Materials __ Availability of Mater
__ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to l
__ Group member’s __ Group member’s __ Group member’s __ Group member’s __ Group member’s
cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing the

F. What difficulties did I __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupi
encounter which my __ Pupil’s behavior/attitude __ Pupil’s behavior/attitude __ Pupil’s behavior/attitude __ Pupil’s behavior/attitude __ Pupil’s behavior/attit
principal or supervisor __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technol
can help me solve? Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__Science/Computer __Science/Computer __Science/Computer __Science/Computer __Science/Computer
__ Internet Lab __ Internet Lab __ Internet Lab __ Internet Lab __ Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical Works __ Additional Clerical Works __ Additional Clerical Works __ Additional Clerical Works __ Additional Clerical W

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
__ localized Videos __ localized Videos __ localized Videos __ localized Videos __ localized Videos
__ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books fro
views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics
used as instructional Materials used as instructional Materials used as instructional Materials used as instructional Materials used as instructional Ma
__ Local Poetical composition __ Local Poetical composition __ Local Poetical composition __ Local Poetical composition __ Local Poetical compo
G. What innovation or The lesson was successfully The lesson was successfully The lesson was successfully The lesson was successfully The lesson was successf
localized materials did I delivered due to: delivered due to: delivered due to: delivered due to: delivered due to:
use/discover which I __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to l
wish to share with other __ Complete/varied IMs __ Complete/varied IMs __ Complete/varied IMs __ Complete/varied IMs __ Complete/varied IMs
teachers? __ Uncomplicated lesson __ Uncomplicated lesson __ Uncomplicated lesson __ Uncomplicated lesson __ Uncomplicated lesso
worksheets worksheets worksheets worksheets worksheets

Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
well: well: well: well: well:
__ Group collaboration __ Group collaboration __ Group collaboration __ Group collaboration __ Group collaboration
__ Games __ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw __ Games __ Games __ Games
__ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw __ Answering preliminary __ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw __ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsaw __ Solving Puzzle/ Jigsa
__ Answering preliminary __ Games __ Answering preliminary __ Answering preliminary __ Answering prelimina
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
__ Carousel __ Carousel __ Carousel __ Carousel __ Carousel
__ Diads __ Diads __ Diads __ Diads __ Diads
__Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Think-Pair-Share (TP
__ Rereading of __ Rereading of __ Rereading of __ Rereading of __ Rereading of
paragraphs/Poems/Stories paragraphs/Poems/Stories paragraphs/Poems/Stories paragraphs/Poems/Stories paragraphs/Poems/Storie
__ Differentiated Instruction __ Differentiated Instruction __ Differentiated Instruction __ Differentiated Instruction __ Differentiated Instruc
__ Role Playing/Drama __ Role Playing/Drama __ Role Playing/Drama __ Role Playing/Drama __ Role Playing/Drama
__ Discovery Method __ Discovery Method __ Discovery Method __ Discovery Method __ Discovery Method
__ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method __ Lecture Method

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

__ Complete IMs __ Complete IMs __ Complete IMs __ Complete IMs __ Complete IMs
__ Availability of Materials __ Availability of Materials __ Availability of Materials __ Availability of Materials __ Availability of Mater
__ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to learn __ Pupil’s eagerness to l
__ Group member’s __ Group member’s __ Group member’s __ Group member’s __ Group member’s
cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing their task cooperation in doing the

red by: Checked and Evaluated by:


JHST-1 School Principal II

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