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200 sex tra*icking victims,

more than 125 suspects found in
sweep: FBI
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FBI seal outside building in Washington, DC

(Associated Press/Stock Photo)

The FBI said authorities identi1ied and located

200 sex tra7icking victims and identi1ied or
arrested more than 125 suspects in a nationwide
operation last month.

In a news release Tuesday, the agency said that

through the enforcement campaign Operation
Cross Country, it has “achieved signi1icant
milestones in recovering victims, apprehending
oFenders, and raising public awareness about
these heinous crimes.”

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The two-week campaign helped locate 59 minors

who are victims of child sex tra7icking and child
sexual exploitation oFenses, as well as 59
children who were reported actively missing.

Authorities noted that 126 suspects of child

sexual exploitation and human tra7icking
oFenses and 68 suspects of tra7icking were also
either identi1ied or arrested.

The campaign, in which the agency collaborated

with the National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children (NCMEC), “focused on
identifying and locating victims of sex tra7icking”
and investigating and arresting individuals who
participated in this criminal oFense.

Law enforcement agencies conducted targeted

operations to identify and apprehend oFenders,
resulting in criminal networks being dismantled
and victims not being further harmed, according
to the FBI.

“Sex tra7ickers exploit and endanger some of the

most vulnerable members of our society and
cause their victims unimaginable harm,” Attorney
General Merrick Garland said in a statement.


“This operation, which located 59 actively missing

children, builds on the tremendous work the FBI
has undertaken over many years to rescue minor
victims and arrest those responsible for these
unspeakable crimes. We will continue to work
with our law enforcement partners across the
country to prevent human tra7icking; increase
detection, investigation, and prosecution of
human tra7icking crimes; and expand support
and services to protect and empower survivors.”

In a separate statement, FBI Director Christopher

Wray said his agency’s commitment to 1ighting
this issue will “never waver,” adding that
authorities will “continue to send our message
that these atrocities will not be tolerated.”

“This operation would not be possible without the

commitment and collaboration from our state
and local law enforcement partners, and it
demonstrates our continued focus on actively
pursuing the criminals responsible for these
heinous violations and connecting those
impacted with dedicated victim services and
resources,” Wray added.

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