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Nowadays, in the process of globalization, foreign languages have become an

indispensable part in the integration and development process of each country in general
and of Vietnam in particular. As an international language, English is commonly used in
all areas of life. For many years, English was a foreign language taught at all educational
levels in Vietnam, from elementary school, high school, university and postgraduate. In
particular, for university students, English is considered a necessary criterion for
candidates to meet the requirements of employers as well as have many job opportunities
and be able to get a lucrative job. In language acquisition, especially English language,
motivation is an important factor which affects the rate and the success of language
acquisition. McDonough (1983) also confirmed that “motivation of the students is one of
the most important factors influencing their success or failure in learning the language”.
Gardner (1985) pointed out that motivation involves a combination of effort and desire to
achieve a language learning goal along with a positive attitude toward language learning.
When motivated, students will continuously be urged to take action, make efforts to
complete tasks and personal goals, and try to do everything to their maximum capacity.
Furthermore, Claire (2008) noted that in language learning, motivation is the decisive
factor that influences the learner's effort and persistence. It is a complex phenomenon that
includes many factors such as: inner drive, need to succeed, curiosity, desire for
stimulation and new experiences. Especially, for English-majored students, motivation
plays an important role, being the key to promoting, guiding and maintaining learning
activities. There are a number of factors that directly affect motivation, which can be
classified into two categories: instrumental and integrative. Instrumental motivation
means that students are motivated by the practical benefits of learning English, such as
job opportunities or academic advancement. In contrast, integrative motivation is
characterized by a positive attitude toward the learning situation, a desire to learn the
language, an interest in foreign languages in general, and a positive attitude toward the
learning process. It cannot be denied that every student always wishes to possess fluent
English ability. Therefore, motivation will be a prerequisite for students to adjust their
attitudes in their efforts to conquer English. However, this will be a challenge for students
when English is a foreign language with many differences compared to Vietnamese,
leading to demotivation and disorientation, which is a worrying matter in motive
determination. Accordingly, the above reasons are a strong motivation for the author to
conduct the project named "Factors affecting English learning motivation of English-
majored students at Can Tho University", examining both the positive and negative
influences on English learning motivation of English-majored students. This annotated
bibliography consists of summaries of ten articles, providing an overview of research
results on factors affecting student’s motivation in the process of learning English. Each
summary will highlight the main findings of the study, its objective, method of collecting
information and analyzing data, author's conclusions, implications for language learning
and teaching, as well as its limitations. Then the gap would be identified so that the
current project will suggest future direction to fill in the gap.


① Karam, Z. N., & Kassab, M. M. A. (2023). Factors affecting the motivation of

students' speaking progress. Advances and Applications in Statistics 86(2), 157-
166. DOI:10.17654/0972361723021
The goal of this study was to identify the variables that most significantly impact
learners' motivation in Prayagraj of India. The study focused on five factors: motivation,
personality, attitudes towards English language teachers, the classroom environment and
instructional media, and attitudes towards the English language.

In terms of research method, the author designed a questionnaire distributed to 92

first-stage and foundation students at Tishk International University (TIU) who were
studying in education, pharmacy, nursing, and medical analysis faculties. The research
utilized a multiple linear regression method to ascertain the most influential factors on
learners' motivation. To obtain an optimal model, the statistical approach that was used
was based on the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression and adhered to all of its

The results showed that the variables with the most significant impact on learners'
motivation were attitudes towards English language teachers, the learning environment
and instructional media, and attitudes towards the English language. These variables were
found to have a positive effect on learners' motivation. These results aligned with broader
research on language learning motivation, suggesting that emotional engagement, the
classroom environment, and teacher-student interactions significantly influence

Consequently, the study's conclusion supported greater research on the motivation of

language learning by highlighting the significance of emotional engagement, the
classroom setting, and interactions between teachers and students in affecting motivation.
Nonetheless, the study admitted its shortcomings, chiefly related to the applicability of the
conclusions to different populations or situations. The authors proposed that future
research should focus on examining how additional variables affect learners' motivation

and how enhancing the identified factors over time affects language acquisition outcomes.
By emphasizing the potential for improving classroom settings, instructional materials,
and teacher-student relationships to improve students' motivation to learn English, this
study advanced our understanding of the factors influencing language learning

② Umpung, J. M. D., Liando, N. V. F., & Andries, F. (2022). An analysis of students
motivation in learning English. SoCul: International Journal of Research in Social
Cultural Issues, 2(1), 448–459. DOI:10.53682/soculijrccsscli.v2i1.3039

The study Tondano attempted to shed light on investigating students' motivation for
learning English, with a particular focus on whether that motivation is instrumental or
integrative. The purpose of this study is to better understand the factors that affect
students' motivation to learn English, which is important for their overall development
and academic success. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of the students'
motivation, the research used a mixed-method approach that combines qualitative and
quantitative methods.

The research subjects were 28 students from 7th to 9th grades at SMP Berea
Tondano, who reside at Etty Orphanage. Data collection was conducted through a
questionnaire consisting of 10 questions, with 5 focusing on integrative motivation and 5
on instrumental motivation. The questionnaire was adapted from the Attitude/Motivation
Test Battery (AMTB) by Gardner (2004), chosen for its relevance to assessing students'
motivation in language learning. The data was analyzed both quantitatively, to calculate
mean scores, and qualitatively, to interpret the responses. The use of a Likert scale
facilitated the quantification of students' responses, ensuring a clear measure of their
motivation levels.

Based on the study's findings, students at SMP Berea Tondano demonstrated both
instrumental and integrative motivation for learning English. Integrative motivation,
which had a mean score of 3.96 as opposed to 3.87 for instrumental motivation, indicated
that students were primarily motivated by internal factors like the desire to communicate
more effectively and advance their language skills. Even though it existed, instrumental
motivation was less evident, suggesting that learning was also influenced by outside
variables like future employment opportunities and academic achievement.

The author's conclusion highlighted the significance of both instrumental and

integrative motivation for students' learning. It emphasized how important it was to

promote motivation in learning environments because it had a direct impact on students'
morals, attitudes, and academic performance. However, the study acknowledged certain
drawbacks, chief among them being the use of self-reported data, which is prone to bias.
Following research might examine how various pedagogical approaches affect students'
motivation levels and how socioeconomic backgrounds influence students' motivation. By
providing insights that might inform educational practices to improve students' learning
experiences, this research advanced our understanding of motivation in language learning.

③ Dang, T.B.D., Le, V.L., & Ha, T.V. (2021). Factors affecting motivation of
English-majored students towards learning English at a University in the Mekong
Delta, Vietnam. European Journal of English Language Teaching, 6(6), 95-115.

The research investigated factors affecting motivation of English-majored freshmen

towards learning English at Tay Do University. The purpose of this study was to better
understand the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate students to learn foreign
languages, especially English.

84 first-year Tay Do University English course 14 (2019–2023) majors were the

subjects of this study. They ranged in age from 18 to 21 and were both male and female.
To gather data, the researchers used a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods,
including questionnaires and interviews. While the questionnaires included multiple
statements about the factors influencing motivation, the interviews offered more in-depth
information about the experiences and viewpoints of the students. After that, an analysis
was conducted on the data gathered from these instruments to determine the key factors
impacting motivation. With the use of mixed methods, it was possible to gain a
comprehensive awareness of the students' motivational landscape and a nuanced
understanding of the factors that influence their engagement in English language learning.

The results of the study showed that intrinsic factors, such as personal interests,
opportunities for career advancement, higher achievements, and fluency in English, were
important motivators for students. Some teacher components such as the quality of
teaching materials and methods as well as teacher's manners, were also crucial drivers.
The study underscored how crucial it is to create a supportive learning environment for
students, including issues such as partners, classroom conditions and opportunities for
student participation, in order to increase their motivation. The study also emphasized the
importance of parental support, encouragement, and invaluable guidance in fostering their
children's motivation.

The study came to the conclusion that Tay Do University English-majored
freshmen are motivated by a combination of intrinsic motivation, supportive family
and teaching environments, and an ideal environment for learning. Also, some limitations
are indicated in this article, including the potential of bias in self-reported motivations and
the generalizability of the findings in other contexts. Hence, the authors recommended
that future studies could examine the effects of these factors in various demographic
groups and educational settings, as well as look into the effectiveness of particular
interventions aimed at encouraging motivation for learning English. This could
potentially help in the creation of more effective methods for motivating learners of
foreign languages.

④ Didem, S., Bahar, C.A., Nurhan, G., & Selcen, U.D. (2021). Students’
Professional Motivation Levels, Factors Affecting Their Motivation, and Their
Views Regarding Their Professions: A Vocational School of Health Services
Example. Journal of Education and Future, 19, 75-84. DOI:10.30786/jef.605861

This descriptive study was carried out at the Vocational School of Health Services
of a public university in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey with the intention of
investigating university students' motivation levels, factors that impact their motivation,
and their opinions regarding their professions.

The study concentrated on students who were enrolled in First Aid and Emergency
Medical Aid programs, Medical Laboratory Techniques, and the Secretariat of Medical
Documentation and Medical Imaging Techniques. A Questionnaire Form and a
Motivation Sources and Problems Scale were used to gather data. Numerous statistical
techniques were used in the analysis, such as ANOVA, chi-square, independent group
Student t-test, Mann Whitney U, and Kruskal Wallis tests. With 211 students participating
in the study, a comprehensive overview of the motivation levels and elements influencing
them within the designated programs was given.

According to the study, students showed low levels of negative motivation and
high levels of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The average scores across the various
dimensions of motivation were intrinsic motivation (mean score 41.06), extrinsic
motivation (mean score 20.27), and negative motivation (mean score 25.08). Furthermore,
91.5% of students said they chose their profession voluntarily, and 66.4% considered their
profession important. Helping others, the ease of finding work, and students' voluntary
career choices were all factors that had a significant impact on students' professional

The researchers came to the conclusion that attaining academic objectives and
guaranteeing a high-quality education depend heavily on students' willingness to learn.
Elevated levels of intrinsic motivation have been related to superior career and
educational outcomes. In addition, the study found that second-year students' extrinsic

motivation was lower than that of first-year students', indicating that students might not be
sufficiently motivated to continue learning after the first semester in the absence of
external support. The study emphasized the value of professional motivation in the
classroom and found that students who voluntarily choose their careers typically exhibit
higher levels of intrinsic motivation. The focus on students from the Vocational School of
Health Services was one of the study's acknowledged limitations, which may have limited
how broadly the findings can be applied. Subsequent investigations may broaden the
scope of this study to encompass students from diverse educational institutions and
examine the enduring impacts of these driving forces on students' scholastic achievements
and professional triumph.

⑤ Baig, A., Qutoshi, S.B., & Angaiz, D. (2021). Factors that Motivate Learners to
Learn English in the Context of District Ghizer Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.
International Review Of Social Science, 9(3), 130-141.

In this study, Baig, Qutoshi, and Angaiz investigated the motivational elements that
push Pakistani students attending public universities to take English language classes. The
study's main goal was to identify the factors that drive students to learn English for
instrumental purposes. These factors included fear of failing, the desire for higher
education, societal influence, the value of English as a modern language, and future
prospects. With a focus on postgraduate students from public sector universities, the
research was conducted in Ghizer, Gilgit Baltistan.

The study utilized a research questionnaire to assess the factors that motivate
English language acquisition, which was based on Gardener's framework. Two
postgraduate students from public sector universities were interviewed as part of the data
collection procedure. Thematic and sub-thematic categories were identified through a
manual transcription and analysis of the interview transcripts to produce codes. Through
the use of a qualitative approach, the motivational factors influencing the students'
decision to learn English could be thoroughly examined.

The results of the study showed that the students were instrumentally motivated to
learn English. The main drivers of this motivation included the need for English as a
modern language, societal influence, improved future prospects, professional
requirements, the desire for higher education, and the fear of embarrassment and failure.
These themes and sub-themes were discovered through data analysis, offering a thorough
grasp of the motivating factors influencing English language learning among students in
Pakistan's public universities.

The authors concluded that students were more motivated by extrinsic or
instrumental factors than by intrinsic or integrative factors, suggesting a preference for
rewards and satisfaction from outside sources. The study was limited by its small sample
size and the possibility of bias in the participant selection process. The necessity for more
research to delve deeper into the linguistic realities of Ghizer and Gilgit Baltistan was
emphasized in the suggested directions for future studies. The research emphasized the
significance of comprehending the motivating factors that propel students in Pakistan's
public universities to pursue English language learning, stressing the necessity of
conducive learning environments and high-quality instruction to optimize learning results.

⑥ Nguyen, H.C. (2019). Motivation in Learning English Language: a case Study at
Vietnam National University, Hanoi. European Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(1),
49-65. DOI:10.19044/ejes.v6no1a4

This paper focused on determining the motivational type and level of the first and
second year undergraduate students at Vietnam National University, Hanoi – University
of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET), and identifying factors that influence
students' motivation to learn English. Another goal of this study was to understand the
language difficulties that students encounter during their studies and made some
recommendations to improve students' motivation to learn English.

Participants in this study included 371 first and second year students of VNU-UET.
These students belong to the Information Technology undergraduate program. They
participate in general English courses, which was mandatory for all students at VNU. The
instrument for this study was a paper-and-pencil questionnaire with 36 different
questions. The 30 main items of the questionnaire were designed using a 6-point Likert
scale adopted from the Gardner Attitude/Motivation Battery (AMTB) format. The other
items were about the private information of the participants. The questionnaires were
distributed to the students during their English class with clear instructions and
explanations for filling out the questionnaires from their English teachers. Then the data
and information were summarized and analyzed by using SPSS software.

The findings showed that the students were highly motivated in English learning,
and more instrumentally motivated to learn English than integrative motivation due to the
focus of the students on getting a good job that needs proficiency in English or getting a
certificate of English. The study also stated that the school year and parental English
ability had a significant influence on students' motivation in English language learning.
Problems that students encountered during the learning process were also discussed.
Listening and speaking skills were the most troublesome issues for students participating
in the study. These two language skills are very important in communicating with others,
so it is necessary to focus on building training programs, textbooks, teaching methods and
learning materials to improve these language skills.
In conclusion, the purpose of this study was to shed light on the kind and degree of
English learning motivation among Vietnam University of Economics first- and second-
year students. The study is, however, constrained by its small sample size and possible
bias in the participant selection process. Thus, in order to enhance the caliber of research,
the author recommends that more universities be included in future studies. Additionally,
in order to improve the study's generalizability and strengthen the validity and reliability
of its conclusions, a larger sample size and a longer time period should be considered. The
study offered important insights and data regarding the motivation of students to learn
English as well as the factors that influence this motivation. Students' motivation could
rise as a result of this invaluable knowledge and information, which also help them
become more proficient in English.

⑦ Chandio, A.R., Ahmed, S., & Hashim, M.H. (2019). Investigation of the students
motivation for learning English as a secondary language: An empirical study.
Pakistan Journal of Educational Research, 2 (1), 32-43.

This empirical study aimed to examine the motivational elements affecting college
students' attitudes toward acquiring English as a second language. It was grounded in a
positivistic philosophy and employed a cross-sectional approach, utilizing a survey-based
strategy to collect data. The goal of the study was to determine how different motivational
factors affected students' attitudes toward learning English.

In this research, 400 intermediate students from Pakistan's two government degree
colleges in Larkana served as the research subjects. A questionnaire that was modified
from previously published research was used to collect data, and SPSS version 24 was
used for analysis. The questionnaire was split into two sections: the first section asked
about the students' backgrounds, and the second section asked about their motivation to
learn English. This approach made it possible to gain a comprehensive understanding of
the students' motivational factors as well as their attitudes toward learning English.

The results of the study showed that students' attitudes toward learning English were
greatly influenced by parental support and instrumental motivation. Integrative motivation
did not, however, significantly predict the dependent variable. According to these results,
parents' support is important in helping students become motivated to learn English, but
instrumental motivation—the idea that learning English will be useful—has a bigger
influence than integral motivation, which is the emotional connection to the language.

The researchers came to the conclusion that parents' love and support, combined
with their ability to motivate their children to do better, play a critical role in the learning
process of their children. It made clear that Pakistani students view English as a second
language for the purpose of achieving practical objectives like advancement and self-
worth. Instrumental motivation was found to be stronger despite the high integrative
motivation, especially in the areas of appreciation for English literature, igniting interest

in reading for one's own sake, and future travel. The study acknowledged certain
limitations, such as the small sample size and the particular study context. The authors
recommended that future research could look into the effects of parental encouragement
on attitudes toward learning English, conduct larger studies across various schools and
colleges, and include qualitative elements of the study.

⑧ Ulfa, M. (2019). EFL student’s motivation in learning English in Langsa, Aceh.
Studies in English Language and Education, 6(1), 163-170.

The purpose of this paper was to explore the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners in Langsa, focusing on their motivation to
learn English.

It utilized a qualitative design to understand the motivations of 40 senior high school

students, employing a questionnaire with 35 items divided into two parts: intrinsic
motivation (items 1-20) and extrinsic motivation (items 21-35). The study sought to
identify the factors that drive students' interest in learning English, including their
personal goals, needs, hobbies, and the influence of teachers, parents, and the
environment. Data collection involved the use of both open-ended and closed-ended
questionnaires, with statements written in Indonesian to facilitate understanding and
response. The questionnaire was designed based on theories discussed in the literature
review, focusing on intrinsic motivation (interest, need, hobby, goal) and extrinsic
motivation (teachers, parents, environment). Responses were scored based on a point
system (1 for strongly disagree, 2 for disagree, 3 for agree, 4 for strongly agree), and
motivation scores were calculated by adding these points.

The results indicated that teachers were the most significant extrinsic motivators for
the students, influencing 86.2% of the students' motivation to learn English. This was
followed by the environment (85%) and parents (68.7%). Intrinsic motivation was
primarily driven by the students' own learning goals (85%), with needs (83.7%), interest
(77.5%), and hobby (32.9%) also playing significant roles. The study found that the
global village concept, facilitated by the internet, intrigued students to learn more about
English, aligning with the findings of Green and Ruhleder (1995) and Farazmand (1999).

The conclusion of the study highlighted the importance of both intrinsic and
extrinsic motivations in EFL learning. Teachers emerged as the most influential extrinsic
motivators, emphasizing the need for positive motivation and effective teaching

strategies. The study suggested that improving teaching methods and creating conducive
learning environments could enhance students' motivation and progress in learning
English. However, the study's limitations included the sample size and the geographical
location, which might not be representative of all EFL learners. Future research could
explore the impact of digital learning tools and the role of technology in enhancing
intrinsic and extrinsic motivations in EFL learning.

⑨ Azilah, M., & Rafizah, M.R. (2018). English Learning Motivation of First-Year
Students in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). ASIAN TEFL, 3(1), 53-67.

The investigation carried out to determine how motivated first-year students at

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) were to learn English and whether there were
any notable differences in motivation between male and female students.

The study concentrated on 112 UniSZA first-year students who had completed the
Malaysian University English Test (MUET). They were chosen using a random sampling
technique that was not stratified. A modified version of the Attitude/Motivation Test
Battery (AMTB), a well-known technique for assessing motivation in language learning,
was used to gauge the students' level of motivation for learning English. The data
collection tool was a questionnaire with three groups of items—motivation intensity,
desire to learn English, and attitudes toward learning English. Students had 30 minutes to
answer the 10 questions on each group's questionnaire. The motivation levels of the
responses were scored and divided into low, moderate, and high categories. To confirm
the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, a pilot test was carried out. The data
collected were then analyzed using IBM Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS)
version 21 application.

The outcomes of the research demonstrated that most students were highly
motivated to learn English, and that there was a notable difference in the motivation levels
of males and females. It is interesting to note that females were discovered to be more
motivated than males. According to these results, knowing students' motivation levels can
assist English teachers build motivational strategies that will maximize their students'
ability to learn the language and improve their performance in it.

From the outcomes, the researchers reach to the conclusion that most students were
very motivated to learn English, and there was a discernible difference in the motivation
levels of male and female students, with females being more motivated than male
students. These findings are noteworthy because they emphasize the role that motivation

plays in the acquisition of second languages and suggest that knowing students'
motivational states can aid in the creation of instructional strategies that work.
Notwithstanding its strengths, some limitations are indicated in this article including
the potential non-representativeness of the sample size and its failure to take into account
additional factors that could impact students' motivation levels, such as personal
circumstances, socioeconomic status, or cultural background. In order to give a more
thorough understanding of students' motivation levels for learning English, future
research should take these factors into account.

⑩ Funda, G., & Devrim, H. (2018). An Investigation of Internal Factors Affecting
the Motivation of Turkish EFL Learners in a Negative Way. The Literacy Trek, 4(1),
15-26. DOI: 10.34293/education.v9i4.4178

This research attempted to identify the factors that have a negative impact on the
motivation of Turkish English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners.

There were 205 participants in the study, which took place at the School of Foreign
Languages at Pamukkale University. The participants' English proficiency levels were
elementary, pre-intermediate, and intermediate. The main goal was to determine whether
the students' level, gender, and type of education had an effect on their motivation. A
questionnaire that was modified from Sarıyer (2008) was used to gather data. It contained
13 statements regarding internal factors that negatively affected L2 motivation in addition
to demographic questions. The questionnaire was administered in Turkish so that students
with different levels of English proficiency could understand it. Following that, the data
was examined using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, Version 16.0),
which included independent t-tests, descriptive statistics, and one-way ANOVA to
determine the direction and relationship between variables.

The results of this article indicate the most important factor adversely affecting the
motivation to learn a language was found to be low exam results. The study also found
that there is a gender difference in the internal factors influencing learners' motivation to
learn English, with girls being more negatively impacted than boys. not differ between
morning and evening classes, and proficiency in English had no bearing on them either.

The authors concluded that while students with varying educational backgrounds
and levels shared similar reasons for losing motivation, exam results were the most
common factor. This suggested that in order to prevent demotivating students, educators
and test developers should exercise caution when creating assessments. The study also
acknowledged its limitations, saying that because most earlier research concentrated on
general or external factors affecting language learning, its results could not be directly
compared with those of other studies. Hence, the authors suggested that future studies

could investigate internal factors that adversely affect students' motivation in various
contexts. This would help to clarify the factors influencing the motivation of EFL learners
and inform strategies to improve their language learning experiences.


In the realm of English language learning, motivation is a pivotal factor that

significantly influences the learning outcomes of students. This annotated bibliography
synthesizes the findings from ten studies, each exploring various aspects of motivation in
English language learning. The studies collectively highlight the multifaceted nature of
motivation, emphasizing the importance of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in driving
students' engagement and performance in English language learning.

Research consensus on the critical role of attitudes toward English teachers, learning
environments, and instructional media in influencing the motivation of students. These
variables were found to positively influence learners' motivation. Some elements such as
the emotional engagement, the classroom environment, and teacher-student interactions
were found to have a significant impact on motivation. This indicated that they are critical
for improving students' motivation to learn English. Besides that, intrinsic factors
including pursuit of higher goals, opportunities for career advancement, and personal
interests has been found to be significantly influenced students’ motivation. Important
motivators of motivation were also found to be the quality of teaching materials and
methods, as well as the conduct of the teachers. The importance of creating a supportive
learning environment including classroom conditions and opportunities for student
participation, is also emphasized. In order to encourage student motivation, parental
support, encouragement, and guidance were stressed as being crucial. Athough many
great advantages, the researchers also noted certain limitations with their findings
including the potential for bias in self-reported motivations and the generalizability of the
findings to other contexts.

These studies highlight the complexity of motivation in learning English. The

interaction between internal and external factors, the influence of the learning
environment, the role of teacher-student interaction as well as parent support in shaping
students' learning motivation students are especially outstanding. Research has
highlighted both the positive and negative aspects of motivation, offering valuable
insights into how students can effectively manage their motivation to minimize negative
effects. Initially, the researcher viewed motivation as a simple positive force in language
learning. However, after reviewing ten studies on the effects of various factors on
motivation, the author has a deeper understanding of this complex issue. These studies
have provided with new perspectives that have significantly changed my previous views.
These insights also gave a lot of useful information, helping the author grasp the
background of this project topic. However, the current project will have a few differences
with the above studies. Regarding the scope of research, in this study, the author focus on
students majoring in English Studies at Can Tho University. They range in age from 18 to
22 and are studying a specialized English program. Additionally, this is also a mixed-
methods study that combines interviews with an online survey tool that allows students to
self-report their motivation levels and factors affecting their motivation in real-time. This
could provide more accurate and timely data and gain a more comprehensive
understanding of motivational factors.

The author also support further studies looking at the influence of parental
encouragement on attitudes toward learning English among students of Can Tho
University. It can help uncover the critical role that family support plays in shaping
students' motivation. This can involve studying how parental involvement, such as
providing resources, setting learning goals, and offering encouragement, affects students'
attitudes towards English learning and their overall motivation to improve their language
skills. This line of inquiry can provide valuable insights into the importance of family
support in fostering a positive learning environment and enhancing students' motivation to
learn English. In addition, larger-scale studies conducted across different colleges and
schools could also shed light on the motivational environment surrounding English
language learners. By comparing and contrasting the motivational factors and strategies
employed in various educational settings, these studies could identify commonalities and
differences in motivation practices. This could lead to the development of more effective
motivational interventions tailored to the specific needs and contexts of different
educational institutions.

In summary, motivation for learning English is a two-edged sword. With the right
handling, it can be a useful tool for pupils. The studies gathered here offer a thorough
grasp of the variables influencing motivation to learn English. They underscore the value
of parent support, teacher-student interaction, and a positive learning environment in
fostering student motivation. Being aware of the factors affecting English learning
motivation can help students better control their inspiration, which will enhance their
academic performance when learning English.


Azilah, M., & Rafizah, M.R. (2018). English Learning Motivation of First-Year Students
in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). ASIAN TEFL, 3(1), 53-67.

Baig, A., Qutoshi, S.B., & Angaiz, D. (2021). Factors that Motivate Learners to Learn
English in the Context of District Ghizer Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. International
Review Of Social Science, 9(3), 130-141.

Chandio, A.R., Ahmed, S., & Hashim, M.H. (2019). Investigation of the students
motivation for learning English as a secondary language: An empirical study.
Pakistan Journal of Educational Research, 2 (1), 32-43.

Dang, T.B.D., Le, V.L., & Ha, T.V. (2021). Factors affecting motivation of English-
majored students towards learning English at a University in the Mekong Delta,
Vietnam. European Journal of English Language Teaching, 6(6), 95-115.
Didem, S., Bahar, C.A., Nurhan, G., & Selcen, U.D. (2021). Students’ Professional
Motivation Levels, Factors Affecting Their Motivation, and Their Views
Regarding Their Professions: A Vocational School of Health Services Example.
Journal of Education and Future, 19, 75-84. DOI:10.30786/jef.605861

Funda, G., & Devrim, H. (2018). An Investigation of Internal Factors Affecting the
Motivation of Turkish EFL Learners in a Negative Way. The Literacy Trek, 4(1),
15-26. DOI: 10.34293/education.v9i4.4178

Karam, Z. N., & Kassab, M. M. A. (2023). Factors affecting the motivation of students'
progress. Advances and Applications in Statistics, 86(2), 157-166.
Nguyen, H.C. (2019). Motivation in Learning English Language: a case Study at Vietnam
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