STD 9 Bio Practical Akueb Marking Guide 2015

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APRIL 2 0 1 5

Biology Practical Marking Guide

No!e: T?is marki_ng �ide is for all the shifts. Once used, return the marking guide to Aga Khan

University Examination Board by sealing it in the last shift packet.

Marks for School Record (Practical Notebook or Portfolio or Journal) (Total 2 Marks)

1 mark for consistency in performance ofpracticals throughout the academic year

1 mark for neatness in written work including observations, calculations and results

Stage I (Total 1 Mark)

Task 1 Identify the slide/specimen and write ONE reason for identification.

1 mark for the correct identification and reason

Specimen Name of the

Label S eelmen

1. Earthworm Body is long and cylindrical. Segmented. Body is covered with

____ . . _. . _ __ thin cuticle._.-· . . . ._. . _

2. S con Multicellular. Bod contains man ores. Absence of mouth.

3. Funaria Approximately half an inch long. Plant body consists of a stem

and leaves but there are no true roots. Stem is small, cylindrical

---·-·-·-·-·-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _and erect.. Leaves are s.Q_irally arran_g�d. Presence of rhizoids. _

4 . Prawn Bi laterall y symmetrical. S egmented body. Body is covered with

t hi c k cut i cle/ exos k eleton. B ody i s divided in to h ead, th orax and

a bd o m e n . P rese n ce of · ointed le s.

5. Fish Body is strea m li n ed . P resence of g ills. P resence of scales. B ody is

d ivi d e d into h ead, trunk and tail. P resence of fins . Pres ence o f

__ ·-·-·-·---·-·--------------- -�_pper and low er laws. ·-·-·-·---------·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-----·-----·-·-·-·---·

---------6�----·-- Bird B o dy is cov ered with feathers. Prese nce of wings. F eet are

w e bb e d . P resence of stron beak.

Slide Name of the __.,.3,.,,_�l:...'-1

Label Slide
U nicellular. N o definite shape. P resence of finger-like proje ctions
7. Am oeba

__________ -��U-��-g�eudopodia. P resence of endoplasm an d e�!9.P1�-��:--·-·-·-··

-------------------- -------------1·--h Chromosomes return to thread like material. Chromosomes

8. M i t o s i s te op ase become invisible. Two nuclear membranes are formed.

Microtubules disa ear. C o lasm is divided into two arts.

Slipper - shaped body with anterior end rounded and posterior end
bluntly pointed. Body surface is covered w ith cilia. Presence of

���<?Pl�����-c!-���.9.p_l!��:X������-�-<?f ��-���!�l: _
---- -Rod-sha ed. A earin in chains/scattered.
-------- - - - - - -Bacteria; bacilli
Long v es s e l elements or c e lls . Presence of sieve plat e s. Presence
l l. P hloem vess e ls

of co m_panion c e l l s . - · - - - · - · - · - - - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - - - - - · - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · -
- --------------·-·-· ----·-d. · - - - - - · - · le cells·- Presence of elon ated c e lls. Presence of branched fi br e s.
Car iac muse

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