11th English Guess 2023

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Page 1 of 5 11th English Guess 2023 PTB SYED ATEEB 0312-0707621

For MCQs all exercises Objective and vocabulary is important.

Short stories
Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward Offensive?
Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?
Why did Norma try to persuade her husband to agree with her?
What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer?
Why did Mr. Steward continue persuading Norma?
What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?
What is the significance of Arthur’s life insurance policy?
Why didn’t the old man follow the advice of the doctors?
What had the doctors told the old man?
Had the son ever been there before?
Why did the old man take the steep path?
Why had the son at the age of six cry?
What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?
Why had the old man planted his secret garden?
Why did Harry want to go back to Earth?
Why did Harry want to stay on Mars?
What was the climate the earth people faced on Mars?
What was the condition of the Bittering family on hearing the news of war on Earth?
What was the condition of Harry’s house?
How dangerous can a Martian virus be?
What was the time when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman?
What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the woman’s purse?
What was the reaction of the woman?
What was the condition of the boy when the woman gave him a few jerks?
Why didn’t the boy run from the house of the woman?
Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the lost pocket-book?
Why did George give the pocket-book to the employer?
What made Hubert ashamed?
Why did Hubert keep claiming his innocence before his death?
What was the subject discussed at the Club?
What did Terbut think of Jorkens’ argument?
How did Jorkens convince that a man can become the skating champion of the Sahara?
How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong?
What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?
Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen?
What was the behaviour of the child with the doctor?
Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?
Did the sick girl promptly respond to the instructions of the doctor?
What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?
What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king?
Why did the boy look to the sky and smile?
What should be the role of a Qazi?
What is a clump of trees?
What was stuck in the camel’s throat?
What did the quack pretend to cure?
Page 2 of 5 11th English Guess 2023 PTB SYED ATEEB 0312-0707621
What did the quack do with the old man?
What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?
What are locusts?
Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire?
What was the desire of every farmer?
Did Margaret know what to do to keep the locusts away?
How did old Stephen treat the stary locusts?
What was the cause of the Negroes, discontentment?
What are the qualities of the “veterans of creative suffering”?
What is the dream of Martin Luther King Jr?
What should be the faith of the Negroes?
How much did Della save for Christmas?
Why did she take pride in the beauty of her hair?
Why did Jim sell the gold watch?
Why did she feel sad about losing her hair?
What was Alias Abul’s full name?
What was his turban known as and where did it originally come from?
Describe the Maulvi’s appearance?
How much money did the Maulvi collect on every Eid?
How much money was distributed among the needy and the poor?
What was the colour of the overcoat of the young man?
What was the appearance of the young man?
Why did the people come out of the Mall?
What were the people wearing who came on the Mall?
Why was the cat shivering?
What was the time when the writer had a vexing dream?
What does the author like about Christmas?
Why are noble deeds always a joy for the author?
Write down the good deeds the author has admitted that are a great joy at Christmas?
Why couldn’t the girl describe the killer?
What were the circumstances that forced her to leave her car?
why did she ask for help from the first man?
What was the condition of the weather?
Why did the second man accuse the first man of lying?
Does the girl become suspicious of the first man as the play progresses?
What is her impression of the second man?
Why didn’t she accompany the second man?
Play #2
How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers?
What is the purpose of Kreton’s visit to the Earth?
How advanced is the civilization of Kreton as compared to that of the Earth?
Can the people of the Earth compete with those of Kreton?
How damaging is violence in life?
What type of life do you foresee in the year 5000?
How much impressive were the morals of Kreton?
What is the role of General Powers in the play?
Play #3
Why is Harry sitting in the barber’s chair?
Page 3 of 5 11th English Guess 2023 PTB SYED ATEEB 0312-0707621
According to harry, how does one bring merriment to the tired old human heart?
What is Harry’s philosophy?
How much did Harry pay for his barber shop?
How many barbers are there in O.K.-by-the-Sea?
How much does Harry charge for haircuts?
Where is Clay going?
Why does Clay need money?
What has happened to Clay’s father?
What is theme of the poem?
What does the poor man hear when he is sitting under a tree?
What does the poet mean by rich leaves?
What does the poet mean by poor leaves?
Why does the poor man in the poem desire for the sun to shine bright?
What is theme of the poem?
What does the Night Mail bring?
What is the most important feature of the Night Mail?
Write a brief note on the journey of the Night Mail.
How do the birds react to the arrival of the Night Mail?
What is theme of the poem?
What is theme of the poem?
What is theme of the poem?
What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark?
Describe the atmosphere of the street of fruit stalls.
Who comes to the street of the fruit stalls and why?
How do the children catch fruit?
What is theme of the poem?
What did the poet reflect when he saw the Sindhi woman?
What picture of the Karachi slims do we get after reading the poem?
How does the Sindhi woman pass through the bazaar?
What is the Sindhi woman carrying and why?
What is theme of the poem?
What does the poet mean when he says that there is time for every purpose under the heaven?
What is theme of the poem?
What did the traveler see in the desert?
What was the condition of the statue of Ozymadias?
What were the impressions on the face of Ozymadias?
How does the traveler praise the art of the sculptor?
What is theme of the poem?
What does the mother sparrow hold in her beak?
How many young ones are to be fed?
What does the phrase "fissuring the atom" mean in this poem?
What does the mother sparrow think when she feeds her young ones?
What is theme of the poem?
Why does the poet call modern man as hollow man?
Why do modern men fail to communicate with each other?
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Why does the poet call modern men as paralyzed force?
How do the whispers of the hollow men sound?
What is theme of the poem?
Why does the poet say that this life is poor?
What does the poet mean by 'Beauty's glance' in Leisure?
What are some of the simple delights we miss in our everyday life?
What is theme of the poem?
What is worse than slavery?
Who cannot compete with the civilization of Makah?
What has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless?
What is theme of the poem?
Why did the people of the two cities look powerless and helpless?
Describe the circumstances the victims had to pass through?
Describe the scene of devastation?
What is theme of the poem?
When does a person remember God?
What is the effect of the death scene?
Why does a person feel helpless at the death of a friend?
What is theme of the poem?
Why does the poet put emphasis on how to know himself?
What makes on entangled in love?
Why did Mansur mount the gallows?
What is theme of the poem?
What are the effects of the attributes of God on man?
How do these attributes help in refining character of a person?
How many attributes of God have ?
What is theme of the poem?
How can the crust of the snow glitter?
What is the effect of man's good relation with the earth and the lords?
What are the things that keep a person alive?
What is theme of the poem?
What is theme of the poem?
What is theme of the poem?
Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance.
Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to give attention to his studies and avoid bad company.
Write a letter to your father describing your progress in studies.
Write a letter to your father explaining the causes of your failure in the examination.
Write a letter to your friend describing him/her your first impression of college life.
Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage of your sister.
Write a letter to your younger brother suggesting some methods of improving English.
Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination.
Write an application to the principal of your college for the refund of library fine/security fee.
Write an application to the principal of your college for full fee concession.
Page 5 of 5 11th English Guess 2023 PTB SYED ATEEB 0312-0707621
Write an application to the principal of your college for the issuance of character certificate.
Write an application to the principal of your college for the remission of fine.
Write an application to the principal of your college for re-admission in the college
Union is strength. (Farmer and his sons)
Honesty is the best policy.(Woodcutter and his axe)
Greed is a curse.(Three friends and a bag of gold?
All that glitters is not gold.(Foolish stag)
Necessity is the mother of invention.(Thirsty crow)
A friend in need, is a friend indeed.(Two friends and a bear)
Pride hath a fall.(Hare and tortoise)
English to Urdu translation
Pair of words

Affect, effect Accept, Except Profit,Prophet

Canon, cannon Access, Excess Quiet,Quite
Fair, fare Advice, Advise Rain,Reign
Piece, peace Altar, Alter Right,Write
Accept, except Angel, Angle Root,Route
Cattle, kettle Bale, Bail Sail,Sale
Goal, gaol Bare, Bear Story,Storey
Ring, wring Berth, Birth Tale,Tail
Abstain, refrain Cattle, Kettle Teem,Team
Coma, comma Course,Coarse Waste ,Waist
Hew, hue Dear,Deer Way,Weigh
Root, route Diary,Dairy Weak,Week
Adopt, adapt Dew,Due Marry,Merry
Cell, sell Die,Dye Meat,Meet
Idle, idol Dose,Doze Piece,Peace
Lion, loin Dual,Duel Pray,Prey
Sole, soul Fare,Fair Pore,Pour
Illicit, elicit Feet ,Feat Principal,Principle
Marry, merry Flour,Floor Foul, fowl
Social, sociable Idol,Idle Pour, pore
Oars, ore Later,Letter Story, storey
Brake, break Lion ,Loin Dear, deer
Pale,pail Liar,Lawyer Gate, gait
Caste, cost Male,Mail Wave, waive

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