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Comprehensive Materials Finishing 1st

Edition Saleem Hashmi

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Saleem Hashmi is emeritus professor in the School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engi-
neering at Dublin City University, Ireland. He founded the School in January 1987, in
addition to setting up the Materials Processing Research Centre (MPRC), a research centre of
excellence in the field of materials processing.
In 1990, Professor Hashmi established Advances in Materials and Processing Technolo-
gies (AMPT), a much-needed international conference in materials processing. He continues
to be the chairperson of the steering committee for this series of conferences. In 1998
he was appointed as editor-in-chief of Elsevier’s Journal of Materials Processing Technology and
continued in this role until 2008.
In 1995, Professor Hashmi was awarded the higher doctorate degree of DSc, by the
University of Manchester, the highest academic degree any university in the UK can award.
Professor Hashmi has supervised or co-supervised 112 PhD and 55 MEng research
students to successful completion. Over the years he has also acted as an external examiner
and expert assessor for PhD candidates and engineering departments with universities in
Ireland, the UK, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia, and Malaysia.
He has published in excess of 460 papers and 25 books so far.
Professor Hashmi was the editor-in-chief for Elsevier’s 13-volume major reference work Comprehensive Materials Processing
which was published in 2014.
He has been appointed as the editor-in-chief for Elsevier’s Materials Science and Materials Engineering Reference Module, a
14-section online resource comprising around 3500 reviewed articles. This launched in December, 2015 and is constantly being


Imtiaz Ahmed Choudhury is currently a professor at the Department of Mechanical Engi-

neering, University of Malaya (UM), and has been with UM since 1996. He received his
Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology (BUET), MEng from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand, and MSc in
Mechanical Engineering from Arizona State University, USA. He obtained his PhD from
Dublin City University. He started his career as an assistant engineer in a gas transmission
and distribution company, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He worked as a maintenance engineer in a
power station for 3 years in Libya. He started his academic career in 1982 as an assistant
professor in an engineering college, Bangladesh. Since then, he has been working in
academia. Imtiaz’s research interests include traditional/nontraditional machining with
vegetable oil-based lubricant, tool condition monitoring, machining difficult-to-cut and
high strength materials, injection molding and application and use of solar energy. He has
been a member of a panel of judges for the SME innovation award 2011–2013, Malaysia,
under the category of “Manufacturing Sector.” He was a Senate member of the University of
Malaya. He has authored and coauthored about 100 papers in referred journals, more than 60 conference papers and some book
chapters published in Elsevier works. He has also been a reviewer of various international journals. Imtiaz is a Fellow of Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, UK (IMecheE), and a life Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). He is a chartered engineer,
UK (CEng).

Professor Shahjahan Mridha was born in Bangladesh and obtained his BSc and MSc in
Metallurgical Engineering at the Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
(BUET), Dhaka, and PhD at the University of Leeds in UK (1980) on Gas Nitriding of Low
Alloy Steels. Since 1972 he has worked at the Department of Metallurgical Engineering,
BUET for 20 years as a faculty member except for 1986–1987 where he was a Commonwealth
Academic Staff member at the University of Birmingham, UK, working on Plasma Nitriding.
Professor Mridha was a senior research fellow at the University of Strathclyde, UK from
1989–1994 and worked on laser processing of aerospace materials in collaboration with
UK Ministry of Defence. In late 1994 he moved to Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
in Singapore where he was employed as an associate professor until 2001, working on
semiconductor materials, composite and intermetallic coatings.
In January 2002 he joined the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) as
professor, later assuming the position of Head of the Department of Manufacturing and
Materials Engineering. He left IIUM in July 2012 to join the Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering at the University of Strathclyde (UK) as a Leverhulme Trust Professor,
and remains there presently as visiting professor.
Professor Mridha has published more than 150 journal and conference papers. His research contributions are primarily on
microstructure–properties relationships, semiconductor materials and surface modification of light alloys and steel using high
power laser and TIG torch melting technology. He is the pioneer of TIG torch techniques for surface coating applications. Professor
Mridha is subject editor of the Metallic Materials section in Elsevier’s Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering
launched in December 2015.
In addition to his academic career, Professor Mridha worked as an international consultant for the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization (UNIDO) from 2001 until 2007, delivering expert advice and training to engineers working in
manufacturing industries in the Indian and African continents.

viii Volume Editors

Bekir Sami Yilbas is a distinguished professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department,

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. He received his PhD in
Mechanical Engineering from Birmingham University, and was awarded a doctorate of
Engineering at Birmingham in 2005 due to his significant contribution to his field of study.
He has received numerous awards as recognition of his research work. Some of these include
President of India’s Prize for 1988 by Indian Royal Engineering Society, Technology Prize for
1990 by Science and Technology Foundation in Turkey, Best Research Award for 1997, 2002,
2007 by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Silver Jubilee Medal by Silesian
University of Technology, Donald Julius Groen Prize for 2007 by Institution of Mechanical
Engineers (IMechE), Distinguished University Professor award at King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minerals, 2008 – present by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,
Professor W. Johnson International Gold Medal for 2008 by Advances in Materials and
Processing Technologies (AMPT) Steering Committee, Professor Fryderyk Staub Golden Owl
Award by World Academy of Metals and Manufacturing, Almarai’s Distinguished Scholar
Prize by King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technology.
Bekir Sami Yilbas has published 720 journal papers in reputable international journals
and presented over 100 papers at international conferences. He has 12 patents issued and is the subject editor of Arabian Journal of
Science and Engineering and editor of Journal of Fluids. He has served as an editorial board member of international journals,
including the International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture Design, Research and Application, International Journal of Subsurface
Sensing Technologies and Applications, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing
Engineering, International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, and Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, and has received numerous
awards as recognition of his research work.

AA Abdullahi Jian Wang

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Fine Optical Engineering Research Center, Chengdu,
Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria China
MY Ali SA Lawal
International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
Lumpur, Malaysia
SS Lawal
SNA Aziz Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I Maher
M Azuddin University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Kafrelsheikh University, Kafrelsheikh,
R Bahar
International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala H Marashi
Lumpur, Malaysia University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

KC Bala N Nahar
Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

SK Chaubey MB Ndaliman
Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore, India Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

S Chinchanikar MY Noordin
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
India Y Nukman
IA Choudhury University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia AC Petare
SK Choudhury Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore, India
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India Qiao Xu
YA El-Shekeil Fine Optical Engineering Research Center, Chengdu,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia China

Fengfeng Jeff Xi Qinghua Zhang

Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada and Fine Optical Engineering Research Center, Chengdu,
Shanghai University, Shanghai, P.R. China China

S Gencalp Irizalp MM Ratnam

Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Penang,
M Hourmand
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia N Saklakoglu
Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
Hui Ye
Xiamen University, Xiamen, China T Saleh
International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala
WNP Hung Lumpur, Malaysia
Texas A& M University, College Station, TX, USA
SM Sapuan
MSA Hussin Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
AAD Sarhan
NK Jain University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and
Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore, India Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

x Contributors to Volume 1

M Sayuti Tianyan Chen

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Fujian Chuanzheng Communications College, Fuzhou
City, China
Shuai Guo
Shanghai University, Shanghai, P.R. China Yaguo Li
Fine Optical Engineering Research Center, Chengdu,
Z Taha China
University Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Malaysia
BS Yilbas
KF Tamrin King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals,
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

VOLUME 1 – Finish Machining and Net-Shape Forming

Conventional Finish Machining

1.1 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning MM Ratnam 1

1.2 Effect of Cutting Variables on Boring Process: A Review SA Lawal, MB Ndaliman,
KC Bala, and SS Lawal 26
1.3 Finish Machining of Hardened Steel SK Choudhury and S Chinchanikar 47
1.4 Review of Gear Finishing Processes NK Jain and AC Petare 93
1.5 Robotic Polishing and Deburring Fengfeng Jeff Xi, Tianyan Chen, and Shuai Guo 121
1.6 Precision Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Post-Processing of Optical Glass Yaguo Li,
Qinghua Zhang, Jian Wang, Qiao Xu, and Hui Ye 154

Advances in Finish Machining

1.7 Techniques to Improve EDM Capabilities: A Review H Marashi, AAD Sarhan, I Maher,
and M Sayuti 171
1.8 Natural Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Types, Development, Manufacturing Process, and
Measurement SM Sapuan, KF Tamrin, Y Nukman, YA El-Shekeil, MSA Hussin, and
SNA Aziz 203
1.9 Effect of Electrical Discharge Energy on White Layer Thickness of WEDM Process I Maher,
AAD Sarhan, and H Marashi 231
1.10 Micro-EDM Drilling of Tungsten Carbide Using Microelectrode with High Aspect Ratio to
Improve MRR, EWR, and Hole Quality M Hourmand, AAD Sarhan, MY Noordin, and
M Sayuti 267
1.11 Micromachining MY Ali and WNP Hung 322
1.12 Laser Machining Processes BS Yilbas 344
1.13 ELID Grinding and EDM for Finish Machining T Saleh and R Bahar 364

Finishing Process Using Net Forming

1.14 Laser Peening of Metallic Materials S Gencalp Irizalp and N Saklakoglu 408
1.15 Micro Plastic Part Filling Capabilities through Simulation and Experiment: A Case Study on
Micro Gear Shape M Azuddin, Z Taha, and IA Choudhury 441
1.16 Net-Shape Microfabrication Technique by Micrometal Powder Injection
Molding AA Abdullahi, N Nahar, M Azuddin, and IA Choudhury 466
1.17 Review of Miniature Gear Manufacturing NK Jain and SK Chaubey 504

VOLUME 2 – Surface and Heat Treatment Processes

2.1 Fundamentals of Heat Treating Metals and Alloys MK Banerjee 1

2.2 Hardenability of Steel AK Bhargava and MK Banerjee 50

xii Contents of All Volumes

2.3 Carburizing: A Method of Case Hardening of Steel MMA Bepari 71

2.4 Surface Hardening by Gas Nitriding K Farokhzadeh and A Edrisy 107
2.5 Laser Beam Processing for Surface Modifications BS Yilbas 137
2.6 Surface Induction Hardening J Barglik and A Smalcerz 154
2.7 Recent Advances in Mechanical Surface Treatment S Ismail, Q Ahsan, and
ASMA Haseeb 171
2.8 Heat Treatment of Commercial Steels for Engineering Applications MK Banerjee 180
2.9 Heat Treatment of Tool Steels RA Mesquita, CA Barbosa, and AR Machado 214
2.10 Heat Treatment of Cast Irons I Chakrabarty 246
2.11 Thermal Treatment for Strengthening Titanium Alloys A Sinha, S Sanyal, and
NR Bandyopadhyay 288
2.12 Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloys HMMA Rashed and AKM Bazlur Rashid 337
2.13 Solutionizing and Age Hardening of Aluminum Alloys G Quan, L Ren, and M Zhou 372
2.14 Heat-Treating Copper and Nickel Alloys AK Bhargava and MK Banerjee 398
2.15 Cryogenic Treatment of Engineering Materials T Slatter and R Thornton 421

VOLUME 3 – Surface Coating Processes

3.1 Electroless Plating of Pd Binary and Ternary Alloys and Surface Characteristics for
Application in Hydrogen Separation AM Tarditi, ML Bosko, and LM Cornaglia 1
3.2 Tuning of the Microstructure and Surface Topography of Hot-Dip Galvanized
Coatings SMA Shibli and R Manu 25
3.3 Surface Finish Coatings P Sahoo, SK Das, and J Paulo Davim 38
3.4 Residual Stresses in Thermal Spray Coating AFM Arif, KS Al-Athel, and J Mostaghimi 56
3.5 Laser Texturing of Materials and Surface Hydrophobicity BS Yilbas 71
3.6 Surface Texture Properties of Co–Ni Alloys Formed with Unipolar and Bipolar
Plating J Vazquez-Arenas, I Romero-Ibarra, RH Lara, and FS Sosa-Rodríguez 86
3.7 HVOF Coating of Nickel Based Alloys: Surface and Mechanical Characteristics BS Yilbas 96
3.8 Laser-Based 3D Printing and Surface Texturing A Selimis and M Farsari 111
3.9 Hydrophobicity and Surface Finish A Owais, M Khaled, and BS Yilbas 137
3.10 Atomizers and Finish Properties of Surface Coatings R Ray and P Henshaw 149
3.11 Gas Nitriding of H13 Tool Steel Used for Extrusion Dies: Numerical and
Experimental Investigation SS Akhtar, AFM Arif, and BS Yilbas 158
3.12 Hot-Dip Galvanizing Process F Ozturk, Z Evis, and S Kilic 178
3.13 Finishing and Post-Treatment of Thermal Spray Coatings MM Verdian 191
3.14 High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Spraying and Surface Finish H Singh, M Kaur, and
N Bala 207
3.15 Electroless Plating as Surface Finishing in Electronic Packaging MA Azmah Hanim 220
3.16 Hard Coatings on Cutting Tools and Surface Finish H Caliskan, P Panjan, and
C Kurbanoglu 230
3.17 Topological Evaluation of Surfaces in Relation to Surface Finish P Demircioglu 243
Contents of All Volumes xiii

3.18 Evaluation of Surface Finish Quality Using Computer Vision Techniques I Bogrekci and
P Demircioglu 261
3.19 Effect of Surface Roughness on Wetting Properties H Mojiri and M Aliofkhazraei 276
3.20 Surface Preparation and Adhesion Tests of Coatings M Jokar and M Aliofkhazraei 306
3.21 Powder Metallurgical Processing of NiTi Using Spark Plasma Sintering K McNamara,
J Butler, AA Gandhi, and SAM Tofail 336
3.22 Spark Plasma Sintering of Lead-Free Ferroelectric Ceramic Layers M Karimi-Jafari,
K Kowal, E Ul-Haq, and SAM Tofail 347
3.23 Electrochemical Processing and Surface Finish NK Jain and S Pathak 358

Index 381

Preface xvii
Introduction to Finish Machining and Net-Shape Forming xix

VOLUME 1 – Finish Machining and Net-Shape Forming

Conventional Finish Machining

1.1 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning MM Ratnam 1

1.2 Effect of Cutting Variables on Boring Process: A Review SA Lawal, MB Ndaliman,
KC Bala, and SS Lawal 26
1.3 Finish Machining of Hardened Steel SK Choudhury and S Chinchanikar 47
1.4 Review of Gear Finishing Processes NK Jain and AC Petare 93
1.5 Robotic Polishing and Deburring Fengfeng Jeff Xi, Tianyan Chen, and Shuai Guo 121
1.6 Precision Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Post-Processing of Optical Glass Yaguo Li,
Qinghua Zhang, Jian Wang, Qiao Xu, and Hui Ye 154

Advances in Finish Machining

1.7 Techniques to Improve EDM Capabilities: A Review H Marashi, AAD Sarhan, I Maher,
and M Sayuti 171
1.8 Natural Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Types, Development, Manufacturing Process, and
Measurement SM Sapuan, KF Tamrin, Y Nukman, YA El-Shekeil, MSA Hussin, and SNA Aziz 203
1.9 Effect of Electrical Discharge Energy on White Layer Thickness of WEDM Process I Maher,
AAD Sarhan, and H Marashi 231
1.10 Micro-EDM Drilling of Tungsten Carbide Using Microelectrode with High Aspect Ratio
to Improve MRR, EWR, and Hole Quality M Hourmand, AAD Sarhan, MY Noordin, and
M Sayuti 267
1.11 Micromachining MY Ali and WNP Hung 322
1.12 Laser Machining Processes BS Yilbas 344
1.13 ELID Grinding and EDM for Finish Machining T Saleh and R Bahar 364

Finishing Process Using Net Forming

1.14 Laser Peening of Metallic Materials S Gencalp Irizalp and N Saklakoglu 408
1.15 Micro Plastic Part Filling Capabilities through Simulation and Experiment: A Case Study on
Micro Gear Shape M Azuddin, Z Taha, and IA Choudhury 441
1.16 Net-Shape Microfabrication Technique by Micrometal Powder Injection
Molding AA Abdullahi, N Nahar, M Azuddin, and IA Choudhury 466
1.17 Review of Miniature Gear Manufacturing NK Jain and SK Chaubey 504


Finish manufacturing processes are final stage processing techniques which are deployed to bring products to a stage where they
are ready for marketing and putting in service. Over recent decades, a number of finish manufacturing processes have been
developed by researchers and technologists. Some of these new processes have been documented and illustrated both individually
and collectively in relation to application in specific areas. The advancement of tools of physics has resulted in considerable
changes to these processes, and the precision with which they can be applied. The reporting of these developments are sometimes
fragmentary, and this reference work provides a more connected and thorough review of these processes.
Comprehensive Materials Finishing is the primary reference source for researchers at different levels and stages in their career both
in academia and industry. This reference work encompasses the knowledge and understanding of many experts into a single,
comprehensive work. Containing a combination of review articles, case studies, and research findings resulting from research and
development activities in both industrial and academic domains, this reference work focuses on how some of these finish
manufacturing processes are advantageous for a broad range of technologies. These include applicability, energy and technological
costs, and practicability of implementation. A wide range of materials such as ferrous, nonferrous, and polymeric materials are
This work details the three foremost and distinct types of finishing processes: surface treatment, finish machining processes, and
surface coating processes. Surface treatment refers to properties of a material being modified without otherwise changing
the physical dimensions of the surface. Finish machining processes involve a small layer of material being removed from the
surface by various machining type processes to render improved surface characteristics. Surface coating processes are where
the surface properties are improved by adding fine layer(s) of materials with superior surface characteristics to improve the service
life of the surface being coated. Each primary surface finishing process is presented in a separate volume, comprising chapters on
many of the following relevant specific processes as follows:

Volume 1: Finish Machining and Net-Shape Forming: developments in conventional finish machining processes (honing, lapping,
polishing, burnishing, and deburring), fine grinding, free EDM, laser finishing, electrical discharge grinding (EDG), electro-
chemical honing (ECH), electrochemical discharge grinding (ECDG), electrochemical grinding (ECG), electrochemical turning
(ECT), micro-machining process, and high-speed machining.
Volume 2: Surface and Heat Treatment Processes: This contains aspects of heat treatments, stress relieving, annealing, normalizing,
hardening, tempering, austempering, martempering, carburizing (pack, liquid, gas, and post carburizing treatments), nitriding
(gas and plasma), salt bath (boriding, chromizing, cyaniding, and carbonitriding), phase transformation of the outer surface
(induction, flame, laser, electron beam, and anodizing).
Volume 3: Surface Coating Processes: Plating (electroplating, alloys (bronze/brass and others), chromium, dense chromium,
copper and tin, gold, silver and other precious metals, zinc and nickel, electroforming, electroless nickel, hot dip galvanizing,
selective/brush plating, surface finish coatings, air spray painting, and chemical vapor deposition (CVD)).

Finishing processes are at the core of successful production of marketable products and address recent progress in materials
finishing technologies and science as well as covering recent developments in specific manufacturing processes involved with
finishing of products for applications in all areas of engineering, biomedical, environmental, health and safety, and monitoring
and control. The in-depth study of these finishing processes as presented in these volumes will assist scientists and engineers in the
selection, design, and usage of materials, whether required in small- or large-scale uses across industries.
The initiations for this project began in 2014 and by January, 2015, I had selected the volume editors – Bekir Yilbas, Imtiaz
Choudhury, and Shahjahan Mridha and we met with Gemma Tomalin, Joanne Williams, and Graham Nisbet at the Elsevier office
in Oxford to finalize the table of contents and plan the project. Throughout 2015, the volume editors and I worked resolutely to
select topics to be covered, invite authors, and review their manuscripts, eventually getting all content ready for production by
the end of 2015. In 2016, authors returned their proof corrections and final files were produced. To create a work of this scale, the
most in-depth reference ever published on materials finishing processes and surface engineering, relies on a collaboration of
authors, editors, and the team at Elsevier. I would like to thank the many dedicated authors, whose contributions will be an
essential reference for materials scientists and engineers. Each chapter has been reviewed by one of the volume editors, leading
experts in their fields, whose knowledge and expertise have proved invaluable. I am indebted to each volume editor and their
dedication to making their volume an exhaustive and relevant resource for the scientific community for many years to come. Finally,
on behalf of myself and the volume editors, I would like to thank Gemma Tomalin and Joanne Williams at Elsevier for their
support, cooperation, and good humor throughout this project – from the first meeting in early 2015, to the publication mid-2016.

MSJ Hashmi
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland


The finish machining process is used to produce precise dimensions and surfaces to improve the aesthetics and sales value of
manufactured products. Some common, popular methods of machining are honing, lapping, polishing, burnishing, and
The honing process is used mainly to obtain precise surface finishing of holes (internal surface) and external cylindrical surfaces
or flat surfaces. Compared with grinding, the honing process is a low-speed operation producing cooler chips, with little or no
damage/distortion of the material surface. Honing, an abrasive finishing operation, removes material from the internal or external
surface of a part. This process is capable of high material removal rates and offers advantages of low-cost equipment. An accuracy
of 0.001 mm can be obtained in a wide range of materials.
Lapping is an abrasive finishing operation used on flat or cylindrical surfaces. It utilizes a rough chemical-mechanical-polishing
technique for an improved surface finish and accuracy and provides better wear life of a part. It is intended to only remove
approximately 0.01 mm of material. The lap, which is usually made of softer material, is attached to an abrasive material or may
be used with a slurry to cut harder material.
Burnishing is a cold working process primarily used to polish internal surfaces by utilizing plastic deformation and without
actual removal of metal. As the tool passes through a work part, pressure is generated and exceeds the yield point of the work part,
this results in the material exhibiting plastic flow. This allows the high spots to be flattened out and the valleys to be filled in. Cold
working causes the work part to harden and produces a wear- and corrosion-resistant surface with a mirror-like finish.
Polishing is a process by which a smooth, glossy, and finished surface is produced either by fine-scale abrasive removal or by
softening and smearing of surface layers by frictional heating during polishing. Chemical mechanical polishing uses a ceramic
slurry in a sodium hydroxide solution when a chemically reactive surface (silicon wafer) is polished.
Thin ridges or small parts sticking to the newly machined surface, known as burrs, generally develop during machining along
the edges of the work part. Deburring is the removal of these burrs, and there are various deburring processes available. Deburring
is important for functionality, quality, aesthetics, and the smooth operation of work pieces.
Finish machining and net-shape forming of micro-parts are being investigated more because the demand for high-precision
components (such as for the aerospace and automotive industry and for medical implants and instruments) has necessitated using
micro-machining and net-forming techniques as opposed to conventional methods, which may lead to material wastage. Mate-
rials, processing conditions, tools, and machinery are some of the key factors that influence the manufacturing of quality products.
These factors have received increased attention because of their roles in creating quality products. Over the years, advancements in
micro-machining have been made through the application of light amplification by stimulated emissions of radiation (LASER),
which is referred to as laser beam machining (LBM). Similarly, net-shape techniques such as die forming, investment casting,
powder injection molding (PIM), and, more recently, additive layer manufacturing (ALM) comprising 3D printing using metal and
plastic have been found to be cost-effective for micro-fabrication of intricate and complex micro-parts.
It is now clear that the use of conventional machining has been constrained because of the intricate shape and micro/nano size
of the feature’s design, as has the emergence of advanced engineering materials. Therefore, stringent micro-fabrication techniques
are required. Some commonly used techniques involve boring, such as ultrasonic-assisted lapping, gear honing, polishing,
electrical discharge machining (EDM), laser beam machining (LBM), etching, coning, and micro-injection molding (mIM). These
techniques are presented in this volume in two chapters covering mIM.

Chapters in This Volume

1.1 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

1.2 Effect of Cutting Variables on Boring Process: A Review
1.3 Finish Machining of Hardened Steel
1.4 Review of Gear Finishing Processes
1.5 Robotic Polishing and Deburring
1.6 Precision Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Post-Processing of Optical Glass
1.7 Techniques to Improve EDM Capabilities: A Review
1.8 Natural Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Types, Development, Manufacturing Process, and Measurement
1.9 Effect of Electrical Discharge Energy on White Layer Thickness of WEDM Process
1.10 Micro-EDM Drilling of Tungsten Carbide Using Microelectrode with High Aspect Ratio to Improve MRR, EWR, and Hole
1.11 Micromachining

xx Introduction to Finish Machining and Net-Shape Forming

1.12 Laser Machining Processes

1.13 ELID Grinding and EDM for Finish Machining
1.14 Laser Peening of Metallic Materials
1.15 Micro Plastic Part Filling Capabilities through Simulation and Experiment: A Case Study on Micro Gear Shape
1.16 Net-Shape Microfabrication Technique by Micrometal Powder Injection Molding
1.17 Review of Miniature Gear Manufacturing

The volume contains chapters on finish machining, EDM/WEDM, gear manufacturing, micro-machining, laser machining, and
net-shape micro-fabrication techniques. The content of each chapter is sufficient to give the reader background information about
comprehensive finishing and net-shape forming techniques. Furthermore, the chapters are arranged to provide a progressive
understanding of the various techniques as applied in practice. Therefore, it is expected that the reader will find this volume to be a
great source for pertinent information on comprehensive finishing and net-shape forming.

Concluding Remarks

The contributions by the authors of this volume are excellent pieces of information relevant to researchers, technologists, students,
and industrialists. Current research trends as well as research outlooks in the fields of comprehensive finishing and net-shape
forming are presented in this volume.


The editor expresses his deep appreciation and gratitude to all the authors and co-authors of the chapters featured in this volume
for their commitment, hard work, and comprehensive contributions in various areas related to materials finishing and net-shape
forming. In addition, the invitation by Elsevier through Prof. M.S.J. Hashmi to create this project is greatly appreciated. Thank you
to the production team, authors, and various institutions, as well as to your employers for this wonderful support.
The editor greatly acknowledges the support provided by the University of Malaya through Research Projects UMRG RP020/
2012A and FRGS FP066–2015A.

IA Choudhury
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1.1 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning
MM Ratnam, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
r 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1.1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.2 Factors due to Machining Conditions 1 Factors due to Cutting Fluids and Method of Fluid Application 1 Factors due to Tool Vibration 4
1.1.3 Factors due to Cutting Tool 6 Tool Geometry 6 Tool Wear 9 BUE 11 Tool Coating 12
1.1.4 Effect of Machining Parameters 13
1.1.5 Effect of Workpiece Material 17
1.1.6 Optimization Studies and Development of Surface Roughness Prediction Models 19
1.1.7 Summary 22
References 23
Relevant Websites 25

1.1.1 Introduction The research work carried out in the past to understand
how the various factors affect the surface finish quality of the
Turning is a common metal removal process in which a single- workpiece in turning is reviewed in this chapter. A greater
point cutting tool is moved relative to a rotating cylindrical emphasis is given to the more recent work in this rapidly
workpiece on a machine tool. The major application of turn- advancing field which in influenced by the development
ing is in the removal of bulk material from the workpiece to of modern instrumentation and data analysis techniques.
achieve the required dimensions. This is known as rough Previous works to optimize the process parameters to obtain
turning, or simply as roughing. However, turning is increas- the best surface finish and to predict the surface roughness are
ingly used to produce good surface finish in processes known reviewed. Potential areas for further research that can provide
as finish turning. This is done typically to avoid or reduce new insights into the effect of the various factors in more detail
secondary processes such as grinding or lapping, thus saving are suggested at the end of the chapter.
production costs. Finish turning usually involves turning using
the tip or the curved nose area of the cutting tool insert. The
depth of cut is usually less than the nose radius of the cutting 1.1.2 Factors due to Machining Conditions
tool. The objective of finish turning is to produce products of
high-dimensional precision with good surface finish quality. Factors due to Cutting Fluids and Method of Fluid
The surface finish quality of a product is usually assessed in Application
terms of its surface roughness. The roughness of a machined
Cutting fluids serve as lubricants as well as heat removal agents
surface is considered as one of the main characteristics of
during turning. They are used to reduce friction and tool wear,
the product as it greatly influences the fatigue life, coefficient of
improve surface finish, reduce energy consumption, reduce
friction, wear resistance, and subsequently the reliable function
thermal distortions, facilitate chip removal, reduce tendency
of the product during service. There are many factors that affect
of built-up edge (BUE) formation, and protect the newly
the surface finish quality of a workpiece in turning. These factors
machined surface from environmental corrosion effects. Cut-
can be broadly divided into the following four main categories:
ting fluids are also known as metalworking fluids, coolants,
1. Factors due to machining conditions, such as dry turning, or simply as lubricants. A detailed treatment of the subject on
wet turning, type of cutting fluid, method of cutting fluid metal cutting fluids is given by Byres.1
application, chatter vibration, and machine tool rigidity. Extensive research has been carried out in the past three
2. Factors due to cutting tool parameters, such as tool nose decades to study the effect of the type of cutting fluid and the
radius, nose angle, tool edge preparation (honed or method of fluid application on the surface finish of various
chamfered), rake angle, side edge cutting angle, cutting tool types of workpiece materials during turning. The cutting fluids
material, and tool coating. used in these studies can be classified into four main categories
3. Factors due to machining parameters, such as feed rate, according to their chemical formulation. They are mineral oils,
cutting speed, and depth of cut. soluble oils (emulsified oils), synthetic (chemical) fluid, and
4. Factors due to workpiece material properties, such as hard- semisynthetic fluids. Cutting oils without further dilution or
ness, microstructure, grain size, composition, and internal additives are known as neat oil or straight oil. Besides mineral
defects. and chemical-based fluids, vegetable oils, being biodegradable,

Comprehensive Materials Finishing, Volume 1 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.09147-5 1

2 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

have the potential to reduce waste treatment costs and health

hazards associated with the petroleum-based oils. Therefore,
several researchers have investigated the effect of various
bio-based cutting fluids on the surface finish quality in turning.
The four common methods of applying the cutting fluid to
the cutting zone are by flood filling, jet impingement, mist, and
minimum quantity lubricant (MQL). The effects of the fluid
application methods on the surface roughness of the finished
workpiece have been studied by a number of researchers.
The effect of different cutting fluids on surface finish and
tool wear during turning of AISI 304 steel using a carbide tool
was investigated by Xavior and Adithan.2 The authors studied
three types of cutting fluids, namely soluble oil (emulsion),
neat (mineral) cutting oil, and coconut oil. Coconut oil was
chosen as one of the cutting fluids due to its lower onset
temperature of thermal degradation compared to sunflower
and sesame oils.3 In their machining experiments the feed Figure 1 Effect of various cooling conditions on surface roughness.5
rate was varied from 0.1 to 0.35 mm rev1. Their results
showed that at a low feed rate (0.2 mm rev1) coconut oil and
soluble oil produced similar surface finish but neat oil resulted through a nozzle. Their results (Figure 1) show that turning
in slightly higher roughness values. At higher feed rates using MQL produced better surface finish compared
(0.35 mm rev1) coconut oil produced the best surface finish to dry or wet turning. After 45 min of machining time an
when compared to the other two fluids. A difference in the improvement of 29% in the average roughness was observed
average roughness (Ra) of 1.0 mm was obtained at a feed rate compared to the wet turning. The improvement observed,
of 0.35 mm rev1 when comparing turning carried out using however, depended on the work-tool materials and was
straight oil and coconut oil. This observation was attributed to achieved mainly by controlling the deterioration of the auxiliary
the much lower tool flank wear when the machining was cutting edge by abrasion, chipping, and formation of BUE. The
carried out using coconut oil as the cutting fluid. The authors surface roughness improved effectively due to the reduction of
reported that the lower viscosity of coconut oil allowed easier wear and damage to the tool tip due to the application of MQL.
flow of the cutting fluid thus enabling better removal of the de Angelo Sanchez et al.6 investigated the effect of different
heat at the tool–workpiece interface. methods of cutting fluid application on the turning of
Lawal et al.4 prepared new oil-in-water emulsion cutting difficult-to-cut machine steel (SAE EV-8). The author com-
fluids by mixing three different types of oils (palm kernel oil, pared three different methods of fluid application, namely
cottonseed oil, and mineral oil) separately with water and overhead flood filling, MQL, and pulverization. The cutting
additives such as anticorrosion agent, antioxidant, and bio- fluid used for the flood fill was a semisynthetic fluid while that
cide. The water-to-oil ratio used for each case was 9:1. The used for MQL was vegetable oil. Pulverization was achieved by
turning tests were performed on AISI 4340 alloy steel. Their using a high-pressure nozzle. Among the methods compared
results showed a general trend of improvement of surface the authors found that the application of cutting fluid jet
roughness when using palm kernel oil and cottonseed oil- directed to the chip–tool interface resulted in increased tool
based cutting fluids compared to mineral oil-based cutting life and decreased cutting force, thus improving the surface
fluid. The authors attributed this finding to the reduction finish. However, when the reduction in tool wear is the main
in cutting force when using bio-based fluids. This in turn objective the authors reported that the conventional method
was explained in terms of the formation of a high-strength of flood filling was more efficient. Shokoohi et al.7 studied the
boundary film that resulted from the high proportion of fatty combined effect of MQL and precooling of the workpiece on
acids in the bio-based fluids. surface roughness and other effects such as power consump-
MQL refers to the use of a very small quantity of cutting tion and chip formation. The machining was carried out on
fluid, typically at flow rates of 50–500 ml h1, which is directed hardened and tempered AISI 1045 steel. The workpiece was
to the cutting zone via nozzles or channels built inside the tool precooled using CO2 as the cryogenic agent. The cutting fluid
holder. The concept of using MQL (also known as near-dry was made by mixing sunflower oil with water and a small
lubrication or micro-lubrication) in machining was suggested amount of antibacterial agent. The authors reported that
more than a decade ago as a means of overcoming the the application of the precooling process along with using
problems related to the airborne cutting fluid particles MQL with the new coolant resulted in the improvement of
that pose health hazards. MQL also leads to significant saving in the surface finish. This was attributed to the colder cutting
cutting fluids and reduces workpiece/tool/machine cleaning zone due to the efficient penetration of the oil into the
cycle time. Khan et al.5 studied the effects of MQL using vege- tool–workpiece interface.
table oil-based cutting fluid on the turning performance of AISI Since the conventional cooling methods, such as flood fill-
9310 alloy steel compared to completely dry and wet turning. ing and high-pressure jets, are unable to ensure the penetration
The MQL was supplied by passing air at high pressure into a of the fluid to the chip–tool interface, Sohrabpoor et al.8 used
mixing chamber that drew a controlled amount of fluid. The MQL strategy during the turning of AISI 4340 stainless steel.
mixture was directed at high velocity to the chip–tool interface The authors compared four strategies of lubrication namely dry
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 3

cutting, air cool, wet with pure liquid lubricant, and MQL. improved by 5–25% in the cryogenic cutting condition com-
They observed a maximum improvement in surface finish pared to wet cutting.
(a decrease in Ra from approximately 27 mm for dry cutting Dhar and Kamaruzzaman12 carried out a similar study by
to 6 mm using MQL) at a feed rate of 0.28 mm rev1 and using liquid nitrogen jet as the coolant during the turning of
spindle speed of 1000 rev min1. The improvement observed AISI 4037 steel. The results were compared with dry machining
was explained in terms of the reduced wear at the auxiliary and with machining using soluble oil as the coolant. After a
(minor) cutting edge of the tool. Hadad and Sadeghi9 found machining time of 60 min the average surface roughness (Ra)
that the MQL nozzle position has an important influence on produced under cryogenic cooling decreased by about 40%
the performance of MQL turning. Oil mist supplied to both and 25% compared to wet and dry cooling, respectively. The
the rake and flank faces prevented the adhesion of chip in low authors attributed the reduction in the surface roughness to
temperature and the lubrication effect helped to improve the the reduction in the auxiliary (minor) flank wear due to the
surface finish. retention of tool hardness through the reduction in tempera-
Amini et al.10 used the term near-dry machining (NDM) to ture by the liquid nitrogen jet impinging along the auxiliary
describe MQL and observed a slight decrease in the average edge. Liquid nitrogen, however, is expensive and increases
roughness compared to dry turning. The authors carried out the overall machining cost. Moreover, due to its extremely
their experiment by turning AISI 4142 steel. They investigated low temperature (  196 1C) liquid nitrogen can precool the
the effect of several parameters involved in the NDM method, workpiece significantly thus resulting in thermal micro-cracks.
namely flow rate, air pressure, frequency of sending the Dilip Jerold and Pradeep Kumar13 investigated the effect of
lubricant, and the nozzle position. Directing the fluid to the carbon dioxide as the cutting fluid in turning AISI 316 stainless
machining zone enabled friction to be reduced thus decreasing steel. Compared to dry machining the CO2 machining resulted
the machining temperature and preventing formation of BUE in improvement of surface finish by 57%, while compared to
and therefore reducing tool wear. However, there were no wet machining the improvement was 52%. These observations
obvious correlations between the flow rate and the surface were made at a cutting speed of 94 m min1 and feed rate of
roughness or between the frequencies of sending lubricant 0.143 mm rev1. Significant improvement in surface rough-
with the surface roughness. ness was observed at other feed rates and cutting speeds as well
Extremely high temperatures generated during high-speed though the difference was more pronounced at higher feeds.
turning have detrimental effects on machining. High tem- The better surface finish obtained when machining using
peratures not only limit tool life but also deteriorate surface CO2 as the coolant was explained in terms of the better chip
finish by inducing tensile residual stresses, distortions due to breakability and less accumulation of the chips near the cut-
thermal gradients and micro-cracks. This problem can to some ting zone. This reduced the frictional contact of the chips with
extent be alleviated using cutting fluids that effectively reduce the finished workpiece.
the cutting temperature. However, since cutting fluid may The addition of twisted nematic liquid crystals to mineral
not remove the extent of the heat efficiently Dilip Jerold oil-based cutting fluids has been found to reduce the coeffi-
and Pradeep Kumar11 attempted using a cryogenic coolant to cient of friction of the friction pairs up to five times.14 The
reduce the cutting temperatures to lower than those achievable liquid crystal was selected from a homologous series of fatty
using the conventional coolants. The efficiency of using CO2 acid esters of cholesterol. The liquid crystals were completely
cryogenic coolant was compared to that of dry and wet melted in the cutting fluid before machining. A reduction
machining with respect to the surface roughness and other in the surface roughness was observed as shown in Figure 2.
parameters. The workpiece material used was AISI 1045 This behavior was explained in terms of the double action of
steel. The authors reported that the use of cryogenic cooling liquid crystalline additive which leads to the reduction of the
reduced the cutting temperatures by 5–22%. The surface finish friction coefficient in the tool–chip–workpiece interface zones.

Figure 2 Effect of liquid crystal addition to cutting fluid on average roughness Ra.14
4 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

The larger molecules of the liquid crystal provided better out on AISI 1040 steel. The nanofluid was applied using MQL
protection from the direct metal contact. application at a flow rate of 10 ml min1. The nozzle was
Ozcelik et al.15 found that the inclusion of 8% of extreme placed 1 cm from the tool–workpiece interface to ensure that
pressure (EP) additive to canola-based cutting fluids resulted the fluid mist enters the interfaces properly. The results of the
in approximately 35% reduction in the average roughness of wear tests showed that inclusion of the graphite nanopowder
the workpiece compared to the mineral-based cutting fluid. reduced the coefficient of friction by about 3.5%. The reduc-
The EP additive is absorbed into the surface of the workpiece tion was attributed to the lubricating properties of the lamellar
and decreased the shear stress. The authors also reported that structure which causes the particles to align along the direction
a reduction of 24% in average roughness was obtained when of movement and slide over one another. MQL application
compared to semisynthetic cutting fluid. However, a 12% with nanofluid caused the surface roughness to decrease by
addition of EP increased the average roughness. Although the 28% compared to MQL without the graphite nanoparticles.
8% of EP additive decreased the shear stress on the machine Sayuti et al.21 applied a mist of SiO2 nano-lubricant by
surface, the BUE increased with the increase in the EP additive. compressed air in the turning of AISI 4140 hardened steel. The
Although many researchers have investigated various types optimum SiO2 nano-lubrication parameter to achieve the
of fluids as lubricants in turning only a few of them have lowest tool wear and the best surface finish were investigated.
explored the possibility of using solid powders as the lubri- The authors prepared the nano-lubricant by adding SiO2
cants. Srikiran et al.16 used nano-crystalline graphite powder nanoparticles with an average size of 5–15 nm to mineral oil.
as a lubricant during the turning of AISI 1040 steel using An MQL system equipped with thin-pulsed jet nozzle con-
tungsten carbide inserts. The feed rate was varied from 0.05 to trolled by using a variable speed control valve was used in
0.125 mm rev1, the cutting speed was varied from 51 to their experiments. The best surface finish was obtained using
192.6 m min1, while the depth of cut was varied from 0.5%wt nanoparticle concentration due to the reduction in the
0.25 to 1 mm. Four levels of each parameter were considered coefficient of friction at the tool–chip interface. The surface
in their experiments. The authors reported that the decrease in roughness was found to increase at higher SiO2 additions.
the size of nano-particles caused the cutting forces and The authors attributed this behavior to the large number of
tool–chip interface temperature to increase. This effect caused nanoparticles that transfer additional kinetic energy to the
the surface roughness to deteriorate. Vamsi Krishna et al.17 workpiece surface and dissipate more heat.
investigated the performance of boric acid and graphite as From the investigations carried out in the past on the
solid lubricants during the turning of AISI 1040 steel. A con- effectiveness of various cutting fluids used in turning it is
siderable reduction in the cutting forces, coefficient of friction obvious that some types of cutting fluids are better than others
between chip and tool interface and average flank wear was as far as surface finish quality is concerned. Vegetables oils
observed. These lead to the reduction in the surface roughness have good potential to replace mineral and chemical-based
of the finished workpiece. Boric acid was found to perform cutting fluids due to their biodegradability and good lubri-
well compared to graphite. The main drawback of using solid cating and heat removal properties. The effect of the extended
powders as lubricants is, however, due to the ease with which use of vegetable oils due to oxidation and bacterial con-
the particles get airborne, thus posing health hazards to per- tamination need further study before bio-based oils becomes
sonnel and possible damage to sensors in the machine tool. widely acceptable as cutting fluids. The addition of nano-
Vamsi Krishna et al.18,19 also used boric acid solid lubricant particles has also produced an improvement in the surface
of 50 nm particle size as suspension in SAE-40 and coconut oil finish in many turning applications.22 The improvement,
and studied the lubricating properties during the turning of however, depended on several factors such as concentration of
AISI 1040 steel with a carbide tool. The results were compared nanoparticles, method of fluid application, direction of jet, etc.
with pure SAE-40 oil and coconut oil as lubricants. The It is not possible to compare the experimental work published
reduction in surface roughness observed was attributed to the in the literature to determine the best type of nanofluid (nano-
better lubricating action caused by the nano-boric acid sus- particle and base fluid combination) to obtain the best surface
pensions. The suspension caused a reduction in the frictional finish quality. This because the surface finish depends on
forces between the tool and the workpiece thereby reducing numerous other parameters, such as cutting parameters (par-
the temperatures developed, hence decreasing tool wear, and ticularly, feed rate, and cutting speed), workpiece material,
resulting in improved surface finish quality. tool geometry, and machine tool rigidity. These parameters
The addition of nanoparticles, such as graphite, molybde- were different among different researchers.
num sulfide (MoS2), copper (Cu), copper oxide (CuO),
alumina (Al2O3), etc., to cutting fluids has been shown to
improve the lubrication properties of the fluid. The nano- Factors due to Tool Vibration
particles not only act like miniature balls in reducing the
coefficient of friction but help to conduct away heat more Vibrations are unavoidable during turning. Many factors can
efficiently. Several researchers have explored the addition of lead to vibrations, such as the variation of cutting forces,
nanoparticles to cutting fluids, thereafter known as nanofluids. unbalanced masses in the machine tool, and sources outside
Amrita et al.20 evaluated the performance of a new nanofluid the machine tool. In modern turning machines the level of
prepared by adding nanographite powder to soluble oil as the vibration caused by the machine tool is kept to a minimum
base fluid. The lubricating properties of the conventional by careful design and by the use of vibration dampers. Thus,
cutting fluid (soluble oil) and nanofluid were evaluated by the main source of vibration during cutting is tool chatter.
using the four-ball tests. The turning experiments were carried Tool chatter results from the violent relative motion between
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 5

Figure 3 (a) Machine tool and cutting process interaction and (b) mechanism of regeneration.23

the cutting tool and the workpiece which is aggravated by tool investigate the effect of vibration on surface roughness in
wear, tool chipping, abnormal chip formation, and surface isolation. Lin and Chang27 studied the effects of vibrations on
defects. Chatter vibration is well known to lead to poor surface the surface finish by simulation and experiment. The authors
finish. developed a topography simulation model to simulate the
Chatter vibration results from the forces generated during surface profile after turning. The effects of the relative motion
the dynamic cutting process and can be divided into primary between the cutting tool and the workpiece together with the
chatter and secondary chatter. Primary chatter is caused by effects of tool geometry were incorporated into their model to
friction between the tool–workpiece interface and thermo- predict the resultant surface geometry. The authors reported
mechanical effects. Secondary chatter is caused by the regen- that both the vibration frequency and the vibration amplitude
eration of a wavy surface on the workpiece (see Figure 3). have strong effects on the surface roughness values. They
Regenerative chatter vibration which occurs at the frequency of showed that the ratio of the vibration frequency to the spindle
the most dominant mode of the machine tool structure has rotation speed has a greater effect on the surface roughness
been found to be the most destructive of all other vibrations than the vibration frequency alone. They noticed that the
that occur during turning. The presence of chatter vibration effects of the radial vibration component on the surface
during turning can be recognized by the chatter marks on the roughness were more significant compared to either the tan-
machined surface, the appearance of chips produced as well as gential or the axial vibration components. The surface rough-
from the noise generated. Chatter vibration generally leads to ness for the surface finish profile generated with the tangential
reduced productivity of the machine tool. direction vibration was found to increase as the vibration
A review of chatter vibration research in turning is provided amplitude increased. Although the axial-direction vibration
by Siddhpura and Paurobally.23 The authors reviewed 144 generally degraded the surface finish their results showed that
papers that deal with chatter stability prediction, chatter the surface roughness did not always increase as the vibration
detection, and chatter control techniques. Although no papers amplitude increased.
that correlate chatter vibration with the surface roughness was Wang et al.28 investigated the influence of tool-tip vibration
reviewed, the authors discussed a limited number of papers in on the surface roughness in ultraprecision single-point dia-
which the effects of chatter vibration on tool wear were mond turning (SPDT). SPDT is used to produce products
investigated. In the presence of vibration the cutting speed and having very fine surface finish such as optical and medical
chip cross-section has been found to vary, thus affecting tool components. The authors carried out face turning on a poly-
life.24 The magnitude of this effect was reported to be large crystalline copper specimen using a depth of cut of 10 mm
even when the impact of tool loading was excluded. Increased under mist coolant. Their results showed that the relative tool-
tool wear has also been found to aggravate chatter vibration work displacement during turning process is mainly due to the
thus leading to further increase in wear.25 Kayhan and Budak26 high-frequency tool-tip vibration. This was found to be the
found experimentally that chatter causes 50–80% reduction dominant factor affecting roughness of the machined surface.
in the tool life based on the flank wear limit of 0.2 mm. Although vibration has not been correlated directly with
Siddhpura and Paurobally23 identified establishing a theore- surface finish, the effect of vibration on tool wear and tool
tical relationship between chatter vibration and tool wear as a life has been investigated by several researchers.29–31 Dimla29
potential scope for further research. Since tool wear, primarily used vibration features to monitor tool wear in turning. The
tool nose wear, has significant effect on the surface roughness machining was carried out on EN24 steel using coated inserts
the theoretical relationship, once established, can be extended and the vibration signals were measured on-line. The authors
to include the surface roughness parameters. correlated the measured tool wear forms, namely flank, nose
Very little work has been reported in the literature to cor- and notch wear, to the features in the vibration signal in
relate the level of chatter vibration directly with surface the time and frequency domains. They found that the time
roughness. Since chatter vibration is a complex phenomenon domain features were more sensitive to the cutting conditions
influenced by a multitude of factors, such as material prop- while the frequency domain features correlated well with the
erties, especially the material microstructure, cutting para- tool wear. Their results showed that all three (x, y, and z)
meters, cooling methods, tool wear, etc., it is difficult to components of vibrations were sensitive to the nose and
6 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

flank wear forms although the direct correlation between the (3) tool condition (new or worn), and (4) tool finishing
vibration amplitude and the tool wear was not investigated. (coating). Dogra et al.34 reviewed 72 published papers that
The effect of tool edge wear on the cutting forces and discuss the effect of the tool geometry variation on finish
vibrations in 3D high-speed finish turning of nickel-based turning in general. The authors pointed out that the cutting
super alloy Inconel 718 was investigated by Fang et al.30 Since edge geometry, which comprises the chamfer angle, chamfer
in high-speed finish machining the feed rate is in the same width, and edge hone, has a significant effect on the surface
order of magnitude as the tool dimensions, the tool edge wear finish and the surface integrity. However, most of the literature
dominates the wear pattern. The authors analyzed the cutting reviewed by the authors focused on the effect of the tool
vibrations that accompany the dynamic tool edge wear using geometry on the cutting dynamics, the chip formation, and the
the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and the wavelet transform. machining stability rather than its effect on the surface finish.
They concluded that the FFT method is not best suited to Simplified analytical expressions are available for the the-
analyze the cutting vibrations caused by the tool edge wear. oretical average roughness Ra and peak-to-valley roughness Rt
However, the discrete wavelet transform showed that the as a function of the feed rate and the nose radius assuming
vibration amplitude increased as the tool edge wear increased. that only the rounded nose is involved in the machining.
As mentioned by the authors the scope of their work did not These expressions are given by35
include the study of surface roughness caused by vibrations.
Bhuiyan et al.31 used acoustic emission (AE) and vibration f2
Ra ¼ ½1
signature in turning to investigate the tool wear, chip forma- 32r
tion, and surface roughness of the workpiece under different
cutting conditions. The effect of vibration on tool wear was and
found to depend on the chip formation. The tool wear was
maximal for the up curled and side curled chip formation. f2
Rt ¼ ½2
Others have also reported that the severity of chatter decreases 8r
the tool life significantly.32
In most of these studies the researchers have reported that where f is the feed rate (rev mm1) and r is the tool nose
the tool wear is accompanied by a gradual increase in the radius (mm).
chatter vibration whereas sudden tool failure is indicated by an Equations [1] and [2] show that for a constant feed the
abrupt increase in the vibration amplitude. Since tool wear surface roughness is indirectly proportional to the tool nose
and tool failure have detrimental effects on the workpiece radius. Therefore, it can be deduced from these equations that
surface finish an increase in chatter vibration will also have a in order to reduce the surface roughness the nose radius
detrimental effect on the surface finish. Bonifacio and Diniz33 should be increased. However, there is an upper limit to the
investigated the correlation between the wear of coated carbide nose radius beyond which the cutting forces will increase
tools and the growth of surface roughness during the turning substantially thus increasing tool wear, particularly groove
of AISI 4340 steel by monitoring the vibration of the cutting wear, and introducing vibrations. This in turn will cause the
tool. The authors attached two accelerometers onto the tool surface finish to deteriorate.
holder. The first accelerometer measured the vibration in the Gokkaya and Nalbant36 investigated the effects of different
cutting direction while the second measured the vibration in insert radii of cutting tools besides other parameters, such
the feed direction. Coated cemented carbide tools with three depth of cut and different feed rates, on the surface quality of
layers of coatings (TiC þ Al2O3 þ TiN) were used in their the workpieces. AISI 1030 steel was machined using a CNC
experiments. The parameters used to measure the surface turning lathe under dry conditions. Three different insert radii
roughness were Ra and Rmax. The authors concluded that it is (0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mm) of cemented carbide cutting tools
not the absolute value of the vibration signal that is important coated with three layers of coating materials were used in their
but its change. They recommended that the strategy of auto- study. The authors reported that the minimum average
matically establishing the end of tool life is to compare the roughness was obtained when using a cutting tool of max-
instantaneous vibration signal with an initial or an inter- imum radius (1.2 mm). The surface roughness improved by
mediate value of the signal. Under all machining condition 293% when the insert radius was increased by 200% (from 0.4
when the difference between the signals is higher than a pre- to 1.2 mm). For each depth of cut ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 mm
defined value this indicates the time for the tool change. in steps of 0.5 mm and for every feed rate tested the average
roughness value was found to decrease when the tool nose
radius was increased from 0.4 to 1.2 mm. The greatest decrease
in surface roughness was observed at the highest feed rate of
1.1.3 Factors due to Cutting Tool
0.35 mm min1. The difference, however, was not significant
at a feed rate of 0.15 mm min1. The decrease in roughness Tool Geometry
with increase in nose radius follows an inverse trend as pre-
Due to the direct contact of a cutting tool with the machined dicted by the theoretical relationship given by eqn [1]. The
part the tool itself has the major influence on the roughness of authors’ results show that the effect of vibration at large nose
the finished workpiece. There are several factors related to radius does not have a dominant effect on the surface finish
tool that affect the surface roughness of the workpiece. These for the range of nose radii and cutting parameters tested. Thus,
are: (1) tool geometry (nose radius, rake angle, edge prepara- as a rule-of-thumb a larger nose radius should be selected to
tion, etc.), (2) tool material (tungsten carbide, ceramic, etc.), obtain a better surface finish.
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 7

The effect of the tool nose radius on surface finish as well in finish turning because the feed rate used is usually in the
as the tool wear and the cutting forces during tuning of same order of magnitude as the cutting edge geometry.
hardened AISI 52100 steel (61 HRC) was investigated by Moreover, most of the tool–workpiece interaction takes place
Chou and Song.37 Ceramic inserts with tool nose radii ranging along the cutting edge. The effect of cutting edge preparation
from 0.8 to 2.4 mm were used in their experiments. The sur- on surface roughness is best studied in hard turning. Hard
face finish and tool flank wear were recorded periodically turning involves workpiece hardness values typically in the
using the stylus profilometer and an optical microscope. The range from 45 to 70 HRC. The tool edge geometry is critical in
cutting forces during machining were measured using a triaxial hard turning because tools with superior edge strength are
force transducer. The author also examined the formation of necessary to withstand the large tool stresses produced during
white layer (phase transformation structures) at the hard machining. Cutting tools typically have chamfered, honed, or
turned surface. Their findings show that the tangential force chamfered and honed edges as illustrated in Figure 4.
increased only slightly when the nose radius was increased. Thiele and Melkote41 investigated the effect of tool geo-
The increase, however, was more obvious at higher feed rates, metry on the surface finish during the hard finish turning of
whereby an increase in the tangential force of about 20% was AISI 52100 steel. The authors characterized the edge geometry
noticed. The specific cutting energy, given by the tangential of each insert to measure the edge features and conducted the
force divided by the uncut chip area, was found to generally turning operations on a rigid machine tool with high spindle
increase with the nose radius, particularly at lower feed rates. accuracy to minimize errors of vibration and run-out. The
However, a tool with a larger nose radius was found to pro- cutting tools used were made of cubic boron nitride (CBN).
duce finer surface finish. These types of tools are commonly used in hard-turning
According to the ISO 3685 (1993) standard38 the manu- operations. The tool edges used were ‘up-sharp’ edges, i.e.,
facturing tolerance allowed on the nose of a cutting tool insert without strengthening of edges but having finite edge hone,
is 0.10re where re is the nominal radius. The 10% deviation honed, chamfered and chamfers with hones. One up-sharp
allowed in the radius by the standard causes a significant edge, two-honed edges (intermediate and large), and one
deviation in the shape of the nose profile from that of a per- chamfer with up-sharp edge were used in their experiments.
fectly circular profile as reported by Chian and Ratnam.39 The The radii of the hones were measured using a coordinate
authors extracted the nose profile of six inserts (total of 18 tool measuring machine. The results obtained by the authors when
edges) and found that the radius deviated up to 20.3% of the machining a workpiece of 41 HRC hardness showed that tools
nominal radius. Sung et al.40 showed that the deviation of with smaller hone (22.86 mm) produced better surface finish
the true nose profile from that of a geometrically circular compared to tools with larger hone (121.92 mm). At a feed rate
profile has a significant effect on the surface roughness of of 0.15 mm rev1 the Ra value decreased from 1.1 to 0.7 mm,
the machined workpiece. Using simulation study alone the i.e., a drop of 36%. The drop in Ra, however, decreased when
authors showed that during ideal ‘machining’, i.e., in the the hardness of the workpiece increased to 57 HRC. This
absence of vibration and tool wear, the deviation in the nose observation was explained in terms of the interaction between
radius causes the maximum peak-to-valley roughness Rt to the chip and the tool along the cutting edge at various feed
deviate as much at 32.7% while causing the average roughness rates. At low feed rates the ratio of the undeformed chip
Ra to deviate by a maximum of 19.8%. The authors have also thickness to the edge geometry is the lowest and the plowing
shown experimentally that when the turning was carried out action dominates the cutting process for each type of edge
under identical conditions using the same batch of inserts, the preparation. This effect causes the surface roughness to
slight radius variation from one tool to another causes Rt to increase. At higher feed rates the ratio of undeformed chip
vary as much as 41.8% while causing Ra to vary by 29.3%. thickness to edge hone radius increases. The contribution of
This variation in roughness values was attributed to the ran- shearing increases as the contribution of the plowing action
dom variation in the nose profile due to the radius tolerance decreases thus resulting in better surface finish. For any given
allowed in the ISO 3685 standard. Thus, it is important feed rate the authors reported that the plowing effect increases
to ensure that the profile tolerance is kept to a minimum with the edge hone radius.
especially in tools used for precision turning and finishing Ozel et al.42 investigated the effects of cutting edge geo-
operations. metry and several other factors on the surface roughness in
Besides tool nose radius another important factor that has finish hard turning of AISI H13 steel. Cubic boron nitrite
been shown to influence the surface roughness is cutting edge inserts with two distinct edge preparation were used in their
preparation. Cutting edge preparation is particularly important study. Since CBN inserts have lower toughness than common

Figure 4 Different type of tool edge preparation: (a) Honed, (b) chamfered, and (c) honed and chamfered.
8 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

tool materials and is prone to chipping, proper edge pre-

paration was essential to increase the cutting edge. The authors
investigated the CBN inserts with two distinct representative
types of edge preparation, i.e., chamfered and honed. The
chamfered inserts had 201 chamfer angle and 0.170.03 mm
chamfer width while the honed inserts had an average radius
of 10.574.0 mm. At the cutting speed of 100 m min1 the
authors found that there was no significant difference in the
average roughness (Ra) for feed rates of 0.05 and 0.1 mm
rev1. But, at a higher feed rate (0.2 mm rev1) machining
with honed insert produced significantly lower roughness. The
roughness decreased from 1.4 to 0.4 mm. The results were
somewhat different at the higher cutting speed of 200 m
min1. The honed insert produced better surface finish at feed
Figure 5 Wiper tool edge design (tool angle ¼2a, wiper circle
rates of 0.05 and 0.1 mm rev1 compared to chamfered edge.
But, the roughness at 0.2 mm rev1 from the two insert types
was almost similar. These observations were, however, made
when cutting a workpiece having hardness value of 54.7 HRC.
For a fixed feed rate of 0.2 mm rev1 the authors observed that inserts. This is due to the smearing effect of the extended
the surface finish showed improvement for the materials cutting edge in the wiper design. The 2-D profile along the
having hardness of 51.3 and 54.7 HRC when machining using feed direction for the conventional insert showed a very
the honed inserts. However, this observation was reversed at repeatable form of peaks and valleys whereas the profile for
the lowest feed rated tested (0.05 mm rev1), i.e., chamfered the wiper insert was random in nature.
edge geometry resulted in better surface finish at higher Correia and Davim45 also compared the performance of
hardness and cutting speed. wiper inserts with conventional inserts during the turning of
Davoudinejad and Noordin43 investigated the effect of AISI 1045 steel. The authors evaluated several surface rough-
chamfer and honed edge geometry on surface roughness ness parameters, namely Ra, RzD, R3z, Ra/Rq, Rq/Rt, and Ra/Rt.
and other factors during turning of hardened DF-3 tool steel No significant difference in Ra, RzD, R3z, and Rq was observed at
(58 HRC) using PVD-TiN-coated mixed ceramic inserts. Good a low feed rate (0.075 mm rev1). This implied that at very
surface finish was obtained using chamfered tool at feeds and low feed rates finish machining with the wiper inserts pro-
speeds ranging from 0.125 to 0.05 mm rev1 and 155 to duced similar roughness when compared to machining
210 m min1, respectively. A larger difference in the average using the conventional inserts. However, at higher feed rates
roughness was observed at lower feeds (0.05 to 0.125 mm (0.15 and 0.25 mm rev1) the wiper inserts produced better
rev1). The average improvement obtained was 36%. Thus, the surface finish. Reduction of about 40 and 60% in the Ra value
effect of the cutting edge geometry was more significant at was reported at the feed rates of 0.15 and 25 mm rev1,
smaller feed rates. At higher feed rates tool fracture at the tip of respectively. The other roughness parameter also showed
the insert in the chamfered tool caused unstable surface similar drop when the machining was carried out using the
roughness. wiper inserts.
The nose edge in the conventional cutting inserts is made Ceramic and ceramic composite tools have been found to
up of only one radius. In an attempt to improve the surface produce good surface finish due to the high-hot hardness and
finish tool manufactures have introduced inserts having a wear resistance of the ceramic material. Grzesik and Wanat46
series of radii that make up the cutting edge. This type of investigated the characteristics of surface roughness produced
inserts are known as wiper inserts or multiple radii inserts. The in turning of hardened low-chromium alloy steel using mixed
wiper edge is made up of a large main radius which is com- alumina–titanium ceramic tools equipped with both conven-
plemented by a number of smaller radii (Figure 5). The tional and wiper edge. The cutting speed was kept constant at
extended cutting edge at the tool corner is carefully designed to 100 m min1 and after each pass the surface finish was mea-
‘wipe’ off the miniscule peaks and valleys usually left behind sured using a stylus profilograph. A set of 2D roughness
by the conventional insert after the machining. The wiper parameter were also obtained using a shop-floor roughness
inserts allow machining at much higher feed rates than the tester. The authors analyzed 12 amplitude, spacing, hybrid,
conventional inserts to attain the same level of surface finish. and functional parameters. In comparing the average rough-
However, due to the larger contact area between the tool and ness Ra and peak-to-valley roughness Rt the authors reported
the workpiece, wiper inserts exert a larger force on the work- that at very low feed rates (o0.1 mm rev1) both the wiper
piece compared to the conventional inserts. and the conventional inserts produced very similar roughness
Surfaces produced by wiper inserts and conventional values. At higher feed rates (40.2 mm rev1) the wiper insert
inserts were compared by Elbah et al.44 during hard turning of produced significantly lower roughness. For instance, at the
AISI 4140 steel. Unlike in most previous studies whereby only feed rate of 0.4 mm rev1, conventional insert produced a Ra
one roughness parameter is considered, the authors compared value of 5.47 mm while the wiper insert produce Ra of 0.69 mm.
the surface in terms of Ra, Rz (average peak-to-valley height), A significant drop in the Rt was also observed when using the
and Rt. All three parameters showed a significant drop (up to wiper insert at a feed rate of 0.4 mm rev1. The authors’ results
2.5 times) when the machining was carried out using the wiper are similar to those reported by Correia and Davim.45
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 9

The best quality surface finishing in the order of nan- the major flank wear is the tool life criterion defined in the
ometers can be produced by using SPDT. This process is also ISO3685 (1993) standard.38 According to the standard the
known as ultraprecision turning. Ultraprecision turning is maximum width of the flank wear land VBB(max) ¼ 0.6 mm if
normally used to produce optical components like lenses and the flank is not regularly worn. If the flank is regularly worn
high-precision molds. The cutting edge radius in typically in the criterion for tool life is based on the average width of flank
the range of 50 nm and the positional accuracy and dynamic wear VBB ¼ 0.3 mm. Although the major flank of a cutting tool
stability of the machine tool are in the order of 1 to 10 nm. is not directly in contact with the finished surface, increased
Tauhiduzzaman and Veldhuis47 studied the effect of tool flank wear increases the cutting force and introduces tool
geometry on surface roughness in SPDT. Single crystal dia- chatter which leads to deterioration in surface finish. Extensive
mond tools were used to perform face turning. Tools with two research has been carried out in the past to study wear and
different nose radii (0.50 and 1.50 mm) were compared. In surface roughness in turning. However, there are not many
addition, a specially designed tool with a combined radius of papers in which the direct correlation between wear and
0.50 and a 0.50 mm flat secondary region was also tested. The surface roughness has been investigated. In such situations
authors reported that oblique cutting with a larger nose radius the relationship between the two variables can only be inferred
tool produces more chip thinning near the trailing edge of the by comparing the surface roughness and the tool wear plotted
tool. This in turn reduces the uncut chip thickness and results separately against other variables such as feed rate or
in better surface finish. This was, however, true only at a feed machining time.
rate 50 mm rev1. At lower feed rates the severe chip thinning The tool wear–surface roughness relationship is not a
resulted in more side flow. The more edge serrated chip simple relationship but depends on several compounding
resulted in poorer surface finish. These observations were, factors which include the dynamics of machining and the
however, depended largely upon the microstructure of the stability of the machine tool. Pavel et al.50 investigated the
material. effect of tool wear on surface roughness for the case of con-
The rake angle in a tool is known to affect chip flow and tinuous and intermittent hard turning. For continuous cutting
thus influence surface finish. Positive rake angle causes chips to the authors reported that as the tool wear increased the peaks
flow upwards along the rake face while negative rake angles of the roughness profile became higher while the valleys
subject chips to compressive stresses. Negative rake angles can between the peaks flattened. This observation was due to the
lead to micro-cracking and poor surface finish. Ranganath and rapid increase in the notch wear to a steep groove much deeper
Vipin48 studied the effect of rake angle on surface roughness in than other abrasion marks. A different behavior, however, was
CNC turning. The tools selected were cemented carbide insert observed during the intermittent cutting. The average rough-
having three combinations of nose radius (0.4, 0.8, and ness Ra showed only a small increase at the beginning of the
1.2 mm) and positive rake angles of 161, 181, and 201. At a cutting and then started to decrease even below the initial
depth of cut of 0.2 mm and feed rate of 0.05 mm rev1 the value recorded with a new tool. This behavior was explained in
authors found that the average roughness decreased from 1.8 terms of the widening of the notch wear and the flattening
to 1.6 mm. The decrease, however, was less at higher feed rates. of the nose radius due the combined action of cutting and
Gupta and Kumar49 investigated the surface roughness interruptions. The shocks caused by the intermittent cutting
during turning of glass fiber-reinforced composite by varying lead to a very irregular surface profile. Although the surface
several process parameter independently. Cutting tools having finish improved with tool wear the authors observed a nega-
rake angle of  61, 01, and þ 61 were used in the machining. tive effect at very high levels of wear (VBmax40.15 mm).
Their results showed that the best surface finish (Ra ¼ 1.793 Grzesik51 compared the effect of wear on three differently
mm) was produced when using tool with rake angle of 01. The shaped ceramic cutting on the surface roughness during turn-
rake angle of  61 produced slightly higher roughness com- ing of hardened steel (HRC 50–60). Conventional and wiper
pared to the tool rake angle of 61. Since the maximum varia- ceramic inserts were used in the study. A set of 2-D roughness
tion in Ra was only 0.048 mm the results obtained from parameters as well as amplitude distribution function, bearing
machining the glass fiber composite does not lead to a firm curve parameters were analyzed. The notch wear along the
conclusion. minor flank edge (trailing edge) produced substantial mod-
ification of the surface irregularities. The average roughness
Ra and the peak-to-valley roughness Rz were found to increase
gradually with the tool flank wear. The wiper insert, however, Tool Wear
produce better surface finish particularly at a lower feed rate
Tool wear is the gradual loss of tool material that leads to a (0.1 mm rev1) compared to the standard insert or wiper
change in the shape of the cutting tool from its original shape. insert at twice the feed rate. The smoothing action of the
Extremely high temperatures and stresses are generated during wiper insert also caused the RMS average slope RDq to increase
cutting due to the metal-to-metal rubbing action which only from 2.41 to 101 during 21 min of machining compared
aggravates wear. Wear of the cutting tool changes the part of to an increase from 6.61 to 15.21 when using the conventional
the tool edge geometry that is directly in contact with the insert.
machined workpiece. Since the cutting tool leaves an imprint Other researchers have also observed that surface roughness
on the workpiece any changes in the tool nose profile due to generally increased with the tool flank wear. Bhuiyan and
wear will directly influence the surface finish. However, most Choudhury52 monitored the vibration frequency signal and
researchers' measured flank wear along the major cutting edge found that as the flank wear increased the frequency
and related the flank wear to surface roughness. This is because of vibration along the feed direction decreased until a flank
10 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

wear of 0.129 mm. Beyond this the frequency increased con- life of only 1 min whereas the surface roughness showed sig-
tinuously until tool failure. The frequency of vibration in the nificant fluctuation. This behavior was explained in terms of
radial direction, however, was found to increase steadily with the failure of the uncoated insert by chipping which eventually
the increase in nose wear except at the critical point of tool lead to deterioration of the surface finish quality.
wear when chip breakage occurred. The trend of surface In spite of the advances in tool materials, such as whisker-
roughness was found to be similar to that of tool wear. When reinforced ceramics and CBN, for cutting high-strength mate-
the tool wear rate was steady the trend of surface roughness rials like nickel-based alloys, the coated cemented carbides are
was also steady. When the tool wear became rapid there was a still widely used in the industry due to their lower costs.
rapid increase in the surface roughness. Cantero et al.56 analyzed tool wear mechanism in the finish
Kilickap et al.53 investigated the effect of tool wear on sur- turning of Inconel 718 in both dry and wet turning using
face finish during turning of homogenized SiC-p reinforced coated-cemented carbide inserts. Inconel 718 is one of the
aluminum metal-matrix composite (MMC). Three different most commonly used Ni alloy in manufacturing aerospace
cutting speeds (50, 100, and 150 m min1), feed rates (0.1, 0.2, components due to their excellent mechanical properties and
and 0.3 mm rev1), and depths of cuts (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mm) corrosion resistance. The authors carried out turning tests on
were used in their study. Both TiN-coated and uncoated inserts a lathe equipped with a dynamometer for cutting force mea-
were used in the dry turning. When the machining was carried surements. Coated carbide inserts having 801 tip angle and
out using uncoated inserts the authors found that the surface 0.4 mm nose radius were used in the machining. The surface
roughness decreased at higher cutting speeds. Coated inserts quality was assessed using a roughness tester. Five measure-
produced a similar trend only at higher depths of cut. At a low ments of the average roughness Ra at four different points on
depth of cut and a high feed rate the reverse trend was observed the machined surface were recorded. The authors reported that
when the machining was done using the coated inserts. But, different wear mechanisms occurred during the turning –
generally, coated tools produced lower surface roughness. The notching and chipping being the most common. They also
authors’ experimental results also showed that depth of cut had observed material adhesion in all their wear tests resulting in
the least influence on the surface roughness. BUE formation. The notch formation and chipping were
Tool wear and surface roughness effects during turning are explained in terms of the combination of aggressive conditions
often investigated when studying the machinability of mate- involved during the machining of Ni alloys, leading to strain
rials. Good machinability is often characterized by good sur- hardening at elevated temperatures. Machining at high speeds
face finish and high surface integrity of the machined part, was found to accelerate diffusion wear mechanism thus
minimum tool wear or increase tool life, low cutting forces, resulting in flank and crater wear. The authors found that the
and power requirements as well as easy chip control. Sahin average roughness was maintained in a reasonable range in
et al.54 investigated the machinability of 2024 aluminum alloy both dry and wet turning conditions. The roughness values for
reinforced with Al2O3 particles using varying size and with the dry turning was, however, more dispersed compared to wet
fraction of particles up to 30 wt.% under different cutting turning. The dispersion is likely due to chipping of the tool
conditions. A constant depth of cut of 2 mm and feed rate of caused by the high temperatures during the dry turning.
0.1 mm rev1 were used while the cutting speed was varied Ozel et al.57 investigated surface finish and tool flank wear
between 100, 160, and 210 mm rev1. Two types of cutting in the finish turning of AISI D2 steel (60 HRC) using ceramic
tools were used in their experiments, namely TiN-coated tool wiper multi-radii insert. The author found that at very low
and TP30 tool. The tool wear was measured using an optical feed rates, for example, 0.05 mm rev1, the surface roughness
tool microscope to determine the degree of the flank and crater remained almost constant at different machining time
wear. The damage and wear features were also observed using although the flank wear increased. At higher feed rates (0.1
a scanning electron microscope. The average roughness Ra and and 0.15 mm rev1) the average roughness increased with the
the maximum peak-to-valley roughness Rmax were measured tool flank wear. The authors also developed multiple linear
using a stylus instrument. The average roughness versus cutting regression models and neural network models for surface
speed data obtained by the authors showed different trends for roughness and tool flank wear prediction.
different particle sizes and different percentage reinforcements. Since tool wear is known to influence surface finish the
Without the particle addition the average roughness and tool value of surface roughness can be used to establish the moment
life decreased with increasing cutting speeds. With 30% addi- to change the tool in finish turning. But, studies carried out by
tion of 16 mm Al2O3 particle the reverse trend was observed. several authors show that flank wear or nose wear formation
The increase in surface roughness of the workpiece at higher alone is not sufficient to explain the surface roughness variation
speed was attributed to the increased chipping of the tool and with cutting time. Shahabi and Ratnam58 showed that although
the loss of the coated layer. the tool nose wear increased gradually with machining time the
Sahoo and Sahoo55 studied the machinability of AISI 4340 average roughness Ra decreased and then increased. This
steel in terms of the flank wear, surface roughness, chip mor- observation was true at all the feed rates tested by the authors
phology, and the cutting forces in finish hard turning using (0.2, 0.25, 0.3, and 0.4 mm rev1). The authors attributed the
uncoated and multilayer coated TiN and ZrCN carbide inserts decrease in roughness during the initial stage of machining to
at a cutting speed of 150 m min1 and feed of 0.15 mm rev1. the gradual growth of nose wear which causes flattening of the
The depth of cut was 0.4 mm. The flank wear and the average roughness profile. As the cutting progresses the growth of the
roughness Ra increased gradually with the machining time notch wear causes the roughness to increase. Nevertheless, other
while machining using TiN-coated inserts. The uncoated insert, researchers have shown that the average surface roughness
however, showed significant increase in flank wear and a tool generally increased with increasing flank wear.49–51,59,60
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 11

In most of the published literature, researchers investigated apex. This parameter is determined from the following
the effect of tool wear indirectly on a single roughness para- equation:
meter. The most common parameter considered is the average
roughness Ra. The usual justification given by the researchers is Rrl ¼ N1 Pin¼ 1 ½5
that Ra is the most common parameter used in the industry N j ¼ 1 Lj
for roughness assessment. But, since Ra is an amplitude
parameter that merely provides the average deviation of The authors showed that these three parameters have good
the surface profile above a mean line the subtle changes in the correlation with the tool nose wear compared to the other
surface texture due to machining may not be captured by this roughness parameters. The average slope of the profile peaks
parameter. Ra is not capable of differentiating between ‘spiky’ (Fp) was found to have a linear and high negative correlation
and ‘scratched’ surfaces. Thus, in some studies the increase (R2 ¼ 0.9762) with the nose wear. This trend was attributed
in tool wear produced an increase in surface roughness while to the flattening of the roughness profile as the tool gets
in the others the trend is reversed. In the continuous hard increasing worn out during turning.
turning of 1117 hardened steel (6271 HRC) using PCBN In correlating the tool wear to the surface roughness
inserts the results reported by Pavel et al.50 showed that Ra almost all researchers measured flank wear defined as VBmax
increased by a maximum of only about 1.2 mm whereas Rz and (Figure 7). But, flank wear does not provide comprehensive
Rpk (reduced peak height) showed maximum increase of information about tool wear during finish turning because
approximately 6.1 and 5.4 mm. Compared to average rough- most of the cutting takes place at the tool nose corner.
ness, Rz and Rpk had the most significant deviation from the Kwon et al.62 proposed tool wear models that gages the tool
initial values at the start of machining. wear pattern more accurately. Their model considers the wear
Kumar and Ratnam61 introduced three new roughness in the nose area instead of the flank wear. The authors
parameters that are unique to turning, namely (1) average demonstrated using their models as well as experimentally
slope of profile peaks (Fp), (2) average slope of profile valleys that surface roughness increases with the tool nose wear.
(Fv), and (3) the relative length of profile (Rrl). These para- A more rapid increase in surface roughness was observed at a
meters are defined as follows: higher feed rate.
(a) Average slope of the profile peaks (Fp): The mean angle
between the tangents drawn on each half of the peak BUE
and is measured along the assessment length (Figure 6(a)).
The parameter is given by: Another major factor that affects surface roughness and is
closely related to tool wear is the BUE formation. BUE is
formed under low cutting speeds due to the shearing action of
Fp ¼ Fi ½3

(b) Average slope of profile valleys (Fv): The average slope of

profile valleys (Fv) is defined as the mean angle between
the tangents drawn on each half of valley and is measured
along the assessment length (Figure 6(a)). This parameter
is given by:

Fv ¼ Fi ½4

(c) Relative length ratio of the peaks (Rrl): The ratio of the
length measured below the each peaks at the level selected
above the mean line (Figure 6(b)). It measures the
horizontal characteristics of the peak deviation from its Figure 7 Dominant wear types in cutting tool insert.

Figure 6 Variables used in calculating (a) the profile slope (b) relative length.61
12 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

Figure 8 Built-up edge on cutting tool: (a) schematic diagram, (b) photograph to tool.

the cutting tool. The workpiece material undergoes plastic during machining can lead to formation of the BUE.65 Gomez-
deformation, melts and adheres close to the tip of the cutting Parra et al.66 studied the mechanism of built-up layer and
tool at the rake face (see Figure 8). Ductile and low hardness BUE formation, their evolution and influence on the dry
materials like aluminum, some high-temperature alloys, and turned surface quality of aeronautical aluminum alloys.
some MMCs have tendency to form BUE on the cutting tool. Machining tests were carried out on UNS A92024 (Al–Cu) and
Low cutting speeds and absence of coolant are among the UNS A97050 (Al–Zn) alloy cylindrical bars. Uncoated and
main factors that contribute to BUE formation. A three-stage TiN-coated inserts were used as cutting tools. The cutting speed
cyclic dynamic process is usually involved in the formation of was varied from 45 to 170 mm min1 while the feed rate was
the BUE. These are: (1) the initiation of the BUE at the varied from 0.05 to 0.3 mm rev1. The depth of cut was fixed
tool–chip interface, (2) the growth of the BUE to a certain size at 1.0 mm. The results produced by the authors showed that
with various shapes and geometry, and (3) the breakage and the average roughness (Ra) decreased along the cutting length.
disappearance of the BUE. This cyclic process repeats itself The authors explained this observation in terms of the increase
throughout the machining operation and has a significant in the thickness of the BUE which causes reduction of the tool
effect on the cutting force, the cutting temperatures, tool wear, position angle. An increase in the feed was found to increase
tool life, and the surface roughness and dimensional accuracy the intensity of the adhesion effects. These results, however,
of the finished product.63 seem to disagree with the general understanding of the effect
Since the BUE can easily tear off during turning some of the of BUE on surface roughness. The surface finish is known to
torn materials can get attached to the workpiece surface thus deteriorate due to the presence of BUE thus increasing the
affecting the surface finish quality of the workpiece. BUE for- surface roughness. But, the authors’ results showed the
mation can also lead to changes in the dimensions of the opposite trend. This could be because the material that had
machined product due to the changes in the depth of cut, adhered to the tool was still intact and had not torn off during
increased vibration, and the rapid fluctuation in cutting forces. the single pass of the cutting tool.
These lead to further deterioration of the surface finish. Fang The BUE effect on tool wear during the turning of medium
et al.64 investigated the quantitative relationship between the and high-strength steels at low cutting speeds was investigated
BUE formation and the cutting vibrations. The authors carried by Cassier et al.67 The authors used AISI 1020, AISI 1045, and
out a set of cutting experiments over a wide range of cutting AISI 4140 steel bars as the workpiece material in their
conditions on 2024-T351 aluminum alloy commonly used in experiments. To ensure BUE formation the authors used dry
the industry. They analyzed the vibration signals generated cutting with low depth of cut (0.4 mm) and low cutting speeds
from the machining in both the time and the frequency (4–10 m min1). The authors noted that a total of 13 out of
domains. Their results showed that three distinct BUE regions 72 experiments showed BUE formation for the uncoated tools.
that are characterized by different pattern of cutting vibrations However, since BUE formation is a dynamic process they
exist. The authors showed that a statistical parameter known as caution that this finding does not imply that the other tools
kurtosis can be used to distinguish between the steady and did not undergo BUE formation. They also observed that BUE
unsteady BUE formation. The authors found that in the steady formation was more common on tools used to cut AISI 1045
BUE region the process of formation of the BUE is accom- steel though greater BUE formation occurred on tools used to
panied by increased vibration magnitude. Although no study machine AISI 1020 steel. The greater tendency of BUE for-
on the effect of the BUE formation on surface finish was car- mation on the AISI 1020 steel was attributed to the ductility of
ried out it is obvious that the increased vibration during the material. The formations of BUE lead to increased abrasive
turning will lead to increased waviness of the finished surface. wear and poorer surface finish. The coated tools, however, did
Since BUE formation is a dynamic phenomenon its direct not show any sign of BUE formation.
effect on the surface roughness of the workpiece has not been
investigated widely. Most researchers select the machining Tool Coating
parameters, machining conditions, such as use of proper cut-
ting fluids, to avoid the formation of BUE. Although a new The development of coated cutting tools was initiated by the
coated tool can avoid BUE formation, wear of the coating development of new alloys and engineered materials and the
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 13

difficulty associated with machining these materials effectively roughness of 2.16 mm, TiAlN-coated PVD method produced
and economically. Coated tools have high wear resistance, 2.3 mm while AlTiN coated with PVD provided 2.46 mm. The
are less susceptible to BUE formation and can be used to cut authors reported that increasing the number of coating layers
hard materials at high cutting speeds. The commonly used decreased the friction coefficient and therefore decreased
coating materials are titanium nitride (TiN), titanium carbide the average roughness of the workpiece. TiN-coated cutting
(TiC), titanium carbonitride (TiCN), and aluminum oxide tool produced the lowest roughness whereas the uncoated
(Al2O3). The coatings are usually applied using the chemical tool produced the highest roughness. The difference between
vapor deposition (CVD) and the physical vapor deposition the average roughness for TiN-coated and uncoated inserts
(PVD) techniques. The coating thickness typically varies from was, however, only 13.5% while that between TiAlN-coated
2 to 10 mm. and uncoated insert was only 1.8%. Thus, for the range of
Gokkaya and Nalbant68 investigated the effect of cutting cutting parameters tested no significant difference in the
tool coatings on the surface roughness of AISI 1015 steel. average roughness can be observed between the coated and the
Four different cemented carbide tools were compared, namely uncoated tools.
uncoated, coated with AlTiN, coated with TiAlN using PVD, From the published literature it can be noted that
and 3-layer coating with the outermost layer coated with machining with coated tools generally improved the surface
TiN. Five different cutting speeds (50, 73, 102, 145, and finish. Uncoated tools have greater tendency to wear by
205 m min1) and two feed rates (0.24 and 0.32 mm rev1) abrasion and adhesion especially at lower cutting speeds. This
were used in their study. The authors reported that lower leads to the formation of BUE thus affecting the surface finish.
average roughness was obtained by using the three-layer Coated tools, however, fail mainly by abrasion. The coated
coated insert. Lowering the cutting speed by 33% improved tools, in general, experience lesser wear compared to the
the surface finish by about 69%. uncoated tool and this decreases the effects of vibration and
Thakur et al.69 investigated the effect of cutting speed and tool chatter. However, when the coating is worn the possibility
tool coating deposited by CVD on the machined surface of formation of BUE increases.66
roughness, tool wear characteristics, chip morphology, and
chip reduction coefficient during turning of Inconel 825. The
turning experiments were carried out using uncoated cemented 1.1.4 Effect of Machining Parameters
carbide and CVD multilayer coated (TiN/TiCN/Al2O3/ZrCN)
inserts at a constant feed rate of 0.198 mm rev1 and depth of The three most common machining parameters that have
cut of 1 mm. Their results showed that the CVD multilayer significant influence on the surface finish and the dimensional
coated tool resulted in the deterioration in surface finish as accuracy of the machined product and have been studied
the cutting speed was increased from 50 to 125 m min1. The extensively in the past are the feed rate, cutting speed, and the
average roughness Ra increased from approximately 0.6 to depth of cut. These three parameters are the most easily con-
2.7 mm. The surface roughness obtained using the uncoated trolled parameters compared to other parameters in a turning
insert, however, was almost constant at different cutting operation. The manner in which these parameters influence
speeds. The increase in the surface roughness with the cutting surface finish depends greatly on other factors such as the
speed was explained by the formation of BUE. This was due material property of the workpiece, the type of cutting tool
to (1) higher surface roughness of the coated inserts and (2) used during machining, the presence or absence of cutting
increased edge radius of the CVD coated inserts. The authors fluid, the method to fluid application, and the stability of the
concluded that surface roughness could not be improved using machine tool. Researchers have generally study the effect of
the CVD multilayer coated tool under the machining condi- the three main machining parameters on the surface roughness
tions tested. in relation to a specific type of workpiece material and often by
Yigit et al.70 compared the performance of multilayer using a particular type of cutting tool. Many researchers have
coated carbide tool when turning spheroidal graphic cast iron investigated the effects of the cutting parameters on other
with uncoated tools. TiCN/TiC/Al2O3/TiN multilayered coat- factors besides surface roughness, such as tool wear, cutting
ings with different thicknesses were fabricated on WC substrate force, temperatures, BUE formation, and vibration in addition
using high-temperature CVD. In all the cutting speed tested to surface finish. Many of these studies have been carried out
(125, 150, 175, and 200 m min1) the authors found that the with the aim of finding the optimum parameters that produces
best surface finish was produced by the multilayer coated tool the best surface finish quality. Previous works on optimization
having a total coating thickness of 10.5 mm. This was explained studies are reviewed in greater detail in Section 1.1.6. The focus
in terms of the decreased flank wear and cutting forces for the of this section is to understand the manner in which the var-
coated tools compared to the uncoated tool. ious machining parameters, particularly the feed rate, the
Nalbant et al.71 investigated the surface roughness effects of cutting speed, and the depth of cut, affect the surface rough-
coating method, coating material, cutting speed, and feed rate ness of the machined workpiece.
on the machining of AISI 1030 steel. Uncoated, PVD- and Aouici et al.72 investigated the influence of cutting para-
CVD-coated cemented carbide inserts were used in their study. meters on the surface roughness and cutting forces in hard
The authors used five different feed rates (0.25, 0.30, 0.35, turning of X38CrMOV5–1 (50 HRC) using CBN tool. Using
0.40, and 0.45 mm rev1) and three different cutting speeds analysis of variance (ANOVA) the authors investigated the
(100, 200, and 300 m min1). The depth of cut was kept at combined effects of three cutting parameters, namely cutting
2 mm. At 200 mm min1 cutting speed and 0.25 mm rev1 speed, feed rate, and depth of cut on the surface roughness
feed rate the TiN coated with PVD method produced surface parameters (Ra, Rt, and Rz) and cutting force components. Each
14 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

significant variation in Ra with the depth of cut was observed.

The variation of Ra with the depth of cut, however, was not
regular when the cutting was carried out using the CBN tool.
At the higher cutting speed of 150 m min1 neither of the
cutting tools showed a regular tendency with the depth of cut.
The authors attributed the irregular tendency to the rando-
mized distribution of the feed rate due to the design of the
experiment. The Ra value was found to increase linearly as the
feed increased from 0.05 to 0.1 mm rev1 for machining of
the Ni-Hard material with 62 HRC. The authors reported
that the smallest Ra obtained was 0.280 mm at 100 m min1
Figure 9 Effect of cutting speed on surface roughness at various cutting speed and 0.5 mm depth of cut.
feed rates.72 Asilturk and Akkus75 also carried out a study similar to
that of Gunay and Yucel74 using the Taguchi method. Their
objective was to optimize turning parameters to minimize
cutting parameter was varied in three different levels. The surface roughness. Unlike Gunay and Yucel’s work the
cutting speeds used were 120, 180, and 240 m min1, feed authors measured Ra as well as Rz. The machining was carried
rates were 0.08, 0.12, and 0.16 mm rev1 while the depths of out on a hardened AISI 4140 (51 HRC) steel using coated
cut were 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 mm. Their results (Figure 9) carbide inserts. The cutting speeds tested were 90, 120, and
showed that the surface roughness increased with increasing 150 m min1, the feed rates were 0.18, 0.27, and 0.36 mm
feed rate. All three roughness parameters generally decreased rev1 while the depths of cut were 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 mm. The
with the increasing cutting speed, the percentage decrease authors used the Taguchi method and L9 orthogonal array to
being higher at a higher feed rate. The peak-to-valley rough- reduce the number of experiments. Although the authors did
ness along the assessment length Rt showed the most sig- not discuss in detail how each parameter affected the surface
nificant change compared to Ra and Rz. finish they reported that the best Ra and Rz values were
Rafai and Islam73 investigated the effects of the cutting obtained at the following optimum conditions: 120 m min1
speed, feed rate, and the depth of cut on the dimensional cutting speed, 0.18 mm rev1 feed rate, and 0.4 mm depth
accuracy and the surface finish in dry turning of AISI 4340 of cut.
(30 HRC) steel. The cutting tool used was cobalt-coated car- Kumar et al.76 investigated the effect of cutting speed, feed
bide insert with a corner radius of 0.8 mm. The cutting speeds rate, and depth of cut on the cutting force and surface
selected were 54, 150, and 211 m min1, the feed rates were roughness during dry turning of Al-4.5%Cu/Ti MMC. The Ti
0.11, 0.22, and 0.33 mm rev1 and the depths of cut were content was varied from 5 to 10%. The cutting inserts used
0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mm. The surface finish was assessed using the were uncoated cemented carbide tools. Turning tests were
average roughness parameter Ra to enable comparison with carried out under three different cutting speeds (40, 80, and
the published results. The authors reported that the extent of 120 m min1), three feed rates (0.12, 0.24, and 0.36 mm
the influence of feed rate on surface roughness was much rev1), and three depths of cut (0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 mm). After
higher compared to the influence of the cutting speed and each machining run the authors measured the average surface
depth of cut. For practical machining operations the authors roughness Ra of the workpiece using an optical profiling
recommend that the cutting speed and depth of cut can be system with a scan length of 50 mm. The authors reported
overlooked provided that the cutting speed is high enough to that the surface roughness of all machined samples with
prevent the formation of BUE. different Ti content were higher at the minimum cutting
Many studies to determine the optimal cutting conditions speed of 40 m min1 and lowest at the higher cutting speed
to produce the best surface finish have been carried out of 120 m min1. They explained the better surface finish at
by varying the three main machining parameters, namely higher cutting speed in terms of the lesser amount of BUE
cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut. Gunay and Yucel74 formed at higher machining speeds thus leading to better
applied the Taguchi method to determine the optimum surface finish of the samples during the dry turning.
surface roughness in the turning of high-alloy white cast iron. Due to the lack of a comprehensive study on the surface
Their objective was to minimize the average roughness Ra. The integrity of nimonic C-263 alloy in turning Ezilarasan et al.77
ANOVA was used to determine the statistical significance of investigated the surface integrity parameters in the turning of
the cutting parameters. The workpiece material used was this alloy. This material has high content of Nickel (54%) and
Ni-Hard materials of two different hardness values (50 and is used in the manufacture of hot combustion parts such as gas
62 HRC). The smaller-the-better performance characteristic for turbines for aerospace applications. The authors used whisker-
Ra was applied to obtain the optimal cutting parameters based reinforced ceramic cutting tools. The machining experiments
on the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. Two type of inserts, namely were carried out under dry cutting conditions by varying the
ceramic and CBN were used in their study. The cutting speeds cutting parameters. The cutting speeds used were 125, 190,
were 50, 100, and 150 m min1, feed rates were 0.05, 0.075, and 250 m min1, feed rates were 0.102 and 0.143 mm rev1,
and 0.1 mm rev1 while the depths of cut were 0.25, 0.50, and and the depth of cut was 0.75 mm. The cutting forces were
0.75 mm. The authors reported that the Ra value increased measured using a three-axis dynamometer while the surface
with the increasing depth of cut at 50 m min1 cutting speed roughness was measured using a surface profilometer. As
for ceramic tool. At a cutting speed of 100 m min1 no expected the average surface roughness Ra generally increased
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 15

with the feed rate. The authors’ results showed that higher surface roughness parameter measured was Ra. The authors
cutting speeds produced lower roughness values. The surface concluded that cutting speed has the most dominating effect
roughness also generally increased with the machining time, over tool wear followed by feed rate and depth of cut, whereas
but the best surface finish (lowest surface roughness) was feed rate is the most significant factor influencing surface
obtained at 190 m min1. The higher surface roughness at roughness followed by depth of cut and cutting speed. Better
low speeds was attributed to the tendency to form BUE. The surface finish at higher cutting speeds was attributed to the
authors concluded that the best cutting condition for the alloy lower vibration and lower cutting and thrust forces generated
is 0.012 mm rev1 feed rate and 190 m min1 cutting speed. at higher speeds. According to the authors, another factor
Kini and Chincholkar78 studied the effect of varying the that contributed to the lower surface roughness at higher
machining parameters in turning on the surface roughness speeds is caused by the less heat that was dissipated to the
and the material removal rate for 30 filament wound glass workpiece surface as the heat was swept away by the flowing
fiber reinforced polymer in turning using coated tungsten chips. The minimal surface roughness was obtained with the
carbide inserts under dry cutting conditions. The authors combination of low feed rate, low depth of cut, and high
developed empirical models for the surface roughness and cutting speed.
material removal rate using factorial design experiments. In Dwivedi et al.81 investigated the effect of turning para-
developing the models the authors used two values of cutting meters on surface roughness of A356 alloy with 5% SiC
speed (59.94 and 133.2 m min1), two feed rates (0.1 and composite produced by electromagnetic stir casting. The cut-
0.4 mm rev1), two depths of cut (0.1 and 0.2 mm), and ting speeds used in the study were 100, 145, and 190 m
cutting tools having two different nose radii (0.4 and 1.2 mm). min1, the feed rates were 0.14, 0.19, and 0.24 mm rev1
Only one value of surface roughness, namely average rough- while the depths of cut were 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 mm. The cutting
ness Ra was measured. For a constant cutting speed the tools used in the machining experiments were tungsten car-
authors’ results showed that the average roughness decreased bide inserts. Their results agreed with those of many other
when the feed rate was increased from 0.1 to 0.4 mm rev1. researchers, whereby higher cutting speed results in better
This result contradicts those of many other researchers. The surface finish (lower average roughness). They explained this
surface roughness did not show any trend with the cutting observation in terms of the increased surface temperature of
speed. The authors did not explain this behavior as their work workpiece, which caused softening of the material thus low-
was focused on developing the models. Nevertheless, the ering the resistance offered by the material against the tool.
authors concluded that the feed rate is the main influencing The authors noted that as the feed rate increased from the
factor on surface roughness followed by depth of cut. lower to the upper limit the surface roughness increased. The
Equations [1] and [2] show that the theoretical surface higher material removal rate increased the friction between
roughness of the finished workpiece varies as a square of the the tool and the workpiece material. This in turn increased
feed rate. Thus, good surface finish can be obtained by using a the surface roughness of the workpiece. The authors also
small feed rate. But, the machining time will increase leading noted that the surface roughness increased as the depth of
to increased production cost. The effects of cutting speed and cut increased. This was due to the higher chip thickness.
depth of cut on the surface roughness are not so straight for- The authors concluded that the best combination of para-
ward but depend on many other factors. In machining 7075 Al meters for the lowest surface roughness was cutting speed
alloy with 10 wt.% SiC composite Bushan et al.79 found that of 190 m min1, feed of 0.14 mm rev1, and depth of cut of
the surface roughness decreased more or less linearly with 0.20 mm.
cutting speed when using carbide or PCD inserts. The cutting Unlike the surface roughness versus cutting speed trend
speeds used in their experiment were 180, 200, 220, and report by many researchers, Qu et al.82 reported the opposite
240 m min1, the feed rates were 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 mm trend. In dry cutting of aluminum bronze alloy using uncoated
rev1, while the depths of cut were 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mm. and coated cemented carbide inserts the authors noticed that
The decrease in surface roughness (Ra) with the increase in the lowest surface roughness was recorded at the lowest cutting
cutting speed was higher when using the PCD insert. Similar speed. As cutting speed increased the surface roughness
observations were made when the machining was carried out increased to a maximum value between 16 and 33 m min1.
on SiC composites. A sharp increase in the surface roughness This increase was attributed to the formation of BUE, which
of both materials was observed when the feed rate was induced sever vibration and scratch effect. From 33 to
increased. Their results depicted an approximately parabolic 126 m min1, however, the surface roughness decreased due
relation as predicted by the theoretical relation given by to the weakening forming condition of the BUE. Beyond
eqns [1] and [2]. The surface roughness also increased with 126 m min1 the roughness increased again due to sever tool
increasing depths of cut due to the increased flank wear. wear resulting in high cutting temperature and forces. With the
Unlike the findings of many others, some researchers increase of feed rate, however, the authors noticed that the
observed a decrease in surface roughness with increase in surface roughness increased monotonically as predicted by
cutting speeds. Suresh and Basavarajappa80 developed a sur- theory. However, at higher feed rates the difference between
face response model as a function of cutting parameters in the experimental and theoretical roughness increased. This
the turning of hardened AISI H13 steel (55 HRC) using PVD deviation was explained in terms of the larger cutting force and
coated ceramic tools under different cutting conditions. The the increased vibration at higher feed rates thus resulting in
cutting speeds used were 42, 80, 140, and 238 m min1, the more violent vibration of the machine tool structure. The
feed rates were 0.04, 0.08, 0.14, and 0.20 mm rev1 and surface roughness versus depth of cut plot had a minimum
the depths of cut were 0.05, 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 mm. The point at a depth of cut of about 1 mm. The authors explained
16 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

the appearance of the minimum point in terms of the 0.4 mm and the sphericity. Thus, precision finishing of these implants
nose radius of the cutting tool. For cutting depths less that are important. Uddin86 presented the effect and optimization
0.4 mm the authors explained that the nose tends not to fully of the key machining parameters in finish turning of metallic
take part in the cutting. The small angle between the workpiece femoral heads. The objective of the investigation was to
and the cutting tool decreased the amount of heat generated. achieve the best surface roughness and sphericity. The study
Furthermore, the heat transfer from the workpiece to the tool was carried out using ANOVA. Three different cutting speeds
decreased thus decreasing the temperature of the workpiece (200, 250, and 300 mm min1), three different feed rates
and increasing the temperature of the tool. (0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm rev1), and three different depths of cut
Lalwani et al.83 investigated the effect of cutting parameters, (0.2, 0.3, and 0.5 mm) were selected in their Ln orthogonal
namely cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut, on the experimental study. The average surface roughness (Ra) and
cutting forces and surface roughness in finish hard turning of sphericity (Sp) were measured in each case. The workpiece
MDN250 steel using coated carbide insert tool. The MDN250 material was AISI 316L steel. The tools used were diamond-
is a special class of high-strength steel that differs from the shaped tungsten carbide insert. As in many other machining
conventional steels. MDN250 steel is hardened by metallur- studies the authors reported that the feed rate is the most
gical reaction that does not involve the use of carbon. Three significant factor affecting the surface roughness. As the feed
different cutting speeds (55, 74, and 93 m min1), three dif- rate was increased the surface roughness also increased. Unlike
ferent feed rates (0.04, 0.08, and 0.12 mm rev1), and three the work of Fratila and Caizar85 the authors did not notice a
depths of cut (0.1, 0.15, and 0.2 mm) were used in their marked change in the surface roughness due to changes in the
experiments. A single value of roughness parameter (Ra) was cutting speed and depth of cut.
measured using an optical surface profilometer. The authors Chauhan and Dass87 carried out a study to optimize the
concluded that the feed rate and depth of cut are the most machining parameters when machining Grade-5 titanium
significant factors that influence surface roughness, whereas using PCD (polycrystalline diamond) tools using response
cutting speed does not have a significant effect on surface surface methodology (RSM). RSM is a set of mathematical and
roughness. statistical techniques useful for modeling and analysis of
The influence of the three main turning parameters on the problems in which the response of interest is affected by sev-
machinability of homogenized Al–Cu/TiB2 MMC was inves- eral parameters and the objective is to optimize this response.
tigated by Senthil et al.84 The authors used six different cutting The machinability performance was evaluated in terms of the
speeds (50, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 m min1), six dif- average surface roughness (Ra) and the tangential force. The
ferent feed rates (0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.45, 0.65, and 0.85 m cutting speeds used were 30, 50, and 70 m min1, feed rates
min1), and five different depths of cut (0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 1.2, and were 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 mm rev1 while the depths of cut
1.5 mm). TiB2-coated inserts were used in the turning experi- were 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 mm. The approach angle of the tool
ments. The authors noted a significant drop in the surface was varied from 601 to 901. Although the authors did not
roughness from 50 to 100 m min1 cutting speed. Thereafter, discuss the trends of roughness versus cutting parameters their
the roughness remained more or less constant. The surface results showed that the Ra value increased with cutting speed
roughness value appeared to increase rapidly with increasing and feed rate and decreased with decrease in the approach
feed. The surface roughness was affected only slight by the angle and depth of cut. The decrease in surface roughness was
increase in the depth of cut. The Ra values were within 3–4 mm attributed to the increased friction effect of the chip which
at different depths of cut. lead to increased temperature and stress on the nose of the
In most of the studies carried out to investigate the effect of cutting tool.
cutting parameters on surface finish the researchers carried out Patel and Patel88 investigated the effect of different cutting
the experiments under dry cutting or a single type of cooling parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut) on
method. Fratila and Caizar85 investigated the combined effect the surface roughness and the power consumption in the
of the cutting parameters and the cooling method on the turning of 6036 Al alloy TiC MMC using PCD tools. The
surface quality of AISI 1045 steel during finish turning. The cutting speeds used were 63, 103, and 170 m min1, the feed
authors used dry cutting, minimal quantity lubrication as well rates were 0.107, 0.215, and 0.313 mm rev1 and the depths
as flood cooling. The insert type used was carbide. The cutting of cut were 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 mm. The results showed that
speeds used were 62, 90, and 204 m min1, the feed rates were surface roughness increased almost linearly with feed rate
0.196, 0.226, and 0.306 mm rev1 and the depths of cut were while the depth of cut had minimum effect on surface
0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 mm. Unlike most researcher, the authors roughness. The surface roughness, however, decreased with
measured three roughness parameters, namely Ra, Rz, and Rq increasing cutting speeds. The decrease was higher at a higher
(root mean square of the roughness profile). The experimental depth of cut.
data were analyzed using ANOVA and F-test to determine Khidhir and Mohamed89 analyzed the effect of cutting
the main effects of the process parameters and to establish the parameters on surface roughness and tool wear during the
optimum process conditions. The analysis showed that machining of nickel-based hastelloy-276. The RSM method
the surface quality of the workpiece is strongly influenced by was used to find the combination of factors that gave the
the cutting depth and less influenced by the feed rate. The optimal response. The cutting speeds used were 150, 200, and
authors found no significant differences between the rough- 250 m min1, the feed rates were 0.15, 0.2, and 0.25 mm
ness parameters and cooling methods. rev1 while the depths of cut were 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mm. The
The friction and lubrication behavior of femoral heads average surface roughness (Ra) was the responding variable.
used in bone implants are affected by the surface roughness The authors noted that the surface roughness was higher at
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 17

lower cutting speed. The surface roughness was lower at higher honed inserts was much higher than when turning the 41 HRC
cutting speeds. material.
Table 1 provides a summary of the cutting parameters, Chinchanikar and Choudhury91 investigated the effect of
workpiece material, cutting tools, and the roughness para- workpiece hardness and other factors, namely cutting para-
meters used in many of the literatures related to studies on the meters and type of tool coating, on the different machinability
effect of machining parameters on surface roughness. It is not aspects like tool life, surface roughness, cutting force, and chip
surprising to notice that in the order of listing the three morphology during the turning of hardened AISI 4340 steel at
common machining parameters the depth of cut is always three different hardness (35, 45, and 55 HRC). Using a hard-
listed the last. The depth of cut has been found by most ening and tempering process the authors maintained the
researchers to have the least significant effect on the surface maximum variation in hardness of the material to within
roughness while the feed rate has the most significant effect. In 1 HRC. The cutting inserts used were cemented carbide inserts
most of these studies the authors measured only one rough- coated with a single layer of TiAlN- and CVD-coated multilayer
ness parameter, namely Ra. Since Ra represents the average TiCN/Al2O3. The authors noted a significant improvement in
height of the surface profile and the gradual tool wear by the surface roughness when machining hardened AISI 4340
abrasion alters the profile height only slightly other parameters steel at 45 HRC compared to 35 HRC under all the machining
that are more sensitive to changes in profile height, particularly conditions tested. The better surface finish was explained in
the bearing area curve parameters, are expected to exhibit a terms of the chip morphology whereby polished and bright
more accurate trend. chip back surface showed minimum friction due to the lower
cutting forces, thus resulting in better surface finish quality.
Unlike the results observed by Horváth and Drégelyi-Kiss90
1.1.5 Effect of Workpiece Material and Chinchanika and Choudhury91 the results obtained by
Ozel et al.,42 however, showed the opposite trend. The authors
Among the material characteristics that have direct influence studied the effect of workpiece hardness among other factors
on the surface finish are the hardness, grain size, residual on the surface roughness of AISI H13 steel. They compared the
surface stresses, subsurface defects, and impurities. The effects average roughness Ra obtained when turning 51.3 and 54.7
of material on the surface finish are usually investigated in HRC steels. Their results showed that for the same cutting
terms of the machinability of materials. Machinability is speed and tool edge geometry the harder material produced
assessed in terms of the surface finish quality, power con- slightly higher average roughness. Although no explanation
sumption, chip formation, tool life, and dimensional accuracy was offered it appears that the difference in hardness values
of the machined part. Soft and ductile materials like alumi- between the two materials is too small to produce a significant
num though very easy to machine tend of form BUE on the difference in the surface roughness.
cutting tool thus leading to poor surface finish. But, since Unlike hardness, material microstructure has a greater
ductile materials have limited structural applications most influence on the surface finish particularly in very high-
metal cutting are done on their alloys. precision turning where the depth of cut is in the order of a
Among the various material characteristics that affect sur- few micrometers. Tauhiduzzaman and Veldhuis47 studied the
face finish the most easily studied characteristic is hardness effect of material microstructure including grain boundary
of the workpiece material. Compared to other characteristics density and presence of inclusions, on surface geometry in
hardness can be easily measured using a hardness tester, such ultraprecision SPDT. SPDT has the potential of reducing the
as the Rockwell or Brinell hardness tester. Horváth and amount of post process polishing required to fulfill the final
Drégelyi-Kiss90 analyzed the surface roughness of two types of product specifications. Controlled studies were performed on
aluminum alloys, namely AS12 eutectic alloy (64 HB) and samples whose microstructure was refined through mechanical
AS17 hyper-eutectic alloy (114 HB) in fine turning. Two types strain hardening processes. The depth of cut used in the face
of inserts, normal (ISO) and wiper, were used in their turning operation was 2 mm. The authors reported that 54%
experiment. The machining parameters were varied as shown strain hardening improved surface roughness by reducing
in Table 2. The average surface roughness Ra of AS12 alloy was plastic side flow and spring back effect. The strain hardening
found to vary in the range 0.363–220 mm for wiper insert also introduced dislocations and the high density of disloca-
and 0.284–1.763 mm for the ISO insert. In the case of AS17 the tions allows the material to fracture easily during machining.
roughness ranges was 0.351–1.040 mm for the wiper and However, 82% strain hardening produced voids, fractures,
0.428–1.677 mm for the ISO insert. Their results showed that and pitting in the finished surface thus leading to poorer
the average roughness decreased slightly when the hardness of surface finish.
the material increased. The results obtained by Thiele and In the work reported by Kumar et al.76 it was found that at a
Melkote41 during the turning of through-hardened AISI 52100 high cutting speed (120 m min1) the MMC having the lowest
steel bars also showed slight improvement in the surface Ti content (5%) produced the best surface finish (Ra ¼ 1.7 mm)
finish when machining the harder material (57 HRC) com- and the MMC having 10% Ti content produce the worst sur-
pared to the softer material (41 HRC) under the same face finish (Ra ¼ 2.3 mm). Although the authors did not explain
machining conditions. The authors used CBN inserts with the exact reason for the higher surface roughness when using
different cutting edge preparations. The steel bars were heat 10% Ti content it is believed that the higher percentage of the
treated to three desired hardness values (41 HRC, 47 HRC, and hard TiC reinforcement caused a larger number of broken
57 HRC). At a feed of 0.05 mm rev1 the thrust force when particulates and voids to be formed at during the turning
cutting the harder material (57 HRC) using 93 and 121 mm operations.
18 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

Table 1 Parameters used in previous investigations on effect of machining parameters on surface roughness

References Cutting parameters Workpiece material (hardness) Cutting tool Roughness


Aouici et al.72 v¼120, 180, 240 m min1 X38CrMOV5–1 CBN Ra

f¼0.08, 0.12, 0.16 mm rev1 (50 HRC) Rt
d¼0.15, 0.30, 0.45 mm Rz
Rafai and Islam73 v¼54, 154, 211 m min1 AISI 4340 steel Cobalt-coated carbide Ra
f¼0.11, 0.22, 0.33 mm rev1 (30 HRC)
d¼0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mm
Gunay and Yucel74 v¼50, 100, 150 m min1 Ni-Hard material Ceramic and CBN Ra
f¼0.05, 0.075, 0.1 mm rev1 (50 HRC, 62 HRC)
d¼0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 mm
Asilturk and Akkus75 v¼90, 120, 150 m min1 AISI 4140 steel Al2O3; TiC-coated Ra
f¼0.18, 0.27, 0.36 mm rev1 (51 HRC) carbide Rz
d¼0.2, 0.4, 0.6 mm
Kumar et al.76 v¼40, 80, 120 m min1 Al-4.5%Cu/Ti MMC Uncoated cemented Ra
f¼0.12, 0.24, 0.36 mm rev1 carbide
d¼0.5, 0.75, 1.0 mm
Ezilarasan et al.77 v¼125, 190, 250 m min1 Nimonic C-263 alloy Whisker-reinforced Ra
f¼0.102, 0.143 mm rev1 (32, 28, 320 HV) ceramic
d¼0.75 mm
Kini and Chincholkar78 v¼59.94 and 133.23 m min1 Glass fiber-reinforced polymer Coated tungsten carbide Ra
f¼0.1 and 0.4 mm rev1
d¼0.1 and 0.2 mm
Bushan et al.79 v¼180, 200, 220, 240 m min1 7075 Al alloy Cemented carbide, PCD Ra
f¼0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 mm rev1
d¼0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mm
Suresh and v¼42, 80, 140, 238 m min1 Hardened AISI H13 steel PVD coated ceramic Ra
Basavarajappa80 f¼0.04, 0.08, 0.14, 0.20 mm rev1 (55 HRC)
d¼0.05, 0.15, 0.30, 0.45 mm
Dwivedi et al.81 v¼100, 145, 190 m min1 A356 alloy with 5% SiC Tungsten carbide Ra
f¼0.14, 0.19, 0.24 mm rev1 composite
d¼0.2, 0.4, 0.6 mm
Qu et al.82 v¼33–88 m min1 Aluminum bronze alloy Cemented carbide Ra
f¼0.05–0.21 mm rev1 (169 HB)
d¼0.4–1.2 mm
Lalwani et al.83 v¼55, 74, 93 m min1 MDN250 steel Coated carbide Ra
f¼0.04, 0.08, 0.12 mm rev1
d¼0.1, 0.15, 0.2 mm
Senthil et al.84 v¼50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 m min1 Al–Cu/TiB2 MMC TiB2 coated Ra
f¼0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.45, 0.65,
0.85 m min1
d¼0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5 mm)
Fratila and Caizar85 v¼62, 90, 204 m min1 AISI 1045 steel Carbide Ra
f¼0.196, 0.226, 0.306 mm rev1 (187 HB) Rz
d¼0.25, 0.5, 1.0 mm Rq
Uddin86 v¼200, 250, and 300 mm min1 AISI 316L steel Tungsten carbide Ra
f¼0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm rev1
d¼0.2, 0.3, and 0.5 mm
Chauhan and Dass87 v¼30, 50, and 70 m min1 Grade-5 titanium PCD Ra
f¼0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 mm rev1 (36 HRC)
d¼0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 mm
Patel and Patel88 v¼63, 103, and 170 m min1 6036 Al alloy TiC metal matrix PCD Ra
f¼0.107, 0.215, and 0.313 mm rev1
d¼0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 mm

Akasawa et al.92 investigated the effect of microstructure The processing parameter during the heat treatment and the
and hardness on the machinability of medium-carbon cold drawing were controlled to produce samples having dif-
chrome–molybdenum steel. The authors measured the sur- ferent microstructures. The ‘as hot-rolled’ sample had ferrite
face roughness of the workpiece, cutting force, and chip and pearlite structure with some martensite. The annealed and
hardness as the measures of machinability. The samples used cold-drawn sample had ferrite matrix with partially spher-
in the tests were made from the original hot-rolled steel. oidized cementite particles. The normalized (annealed and air
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 19

Table 2 Machining parameters90

Cutting speed (m min1) 500 667 1250 1833 2000

Feed rate (ISO insert) (mm rev1) 0.05 0.058 0.085 0.112 0.12
Feed rate (wiper insert) (mm rev1) 0.1 0.116 0.17 0.224 0.24
Depth of cut (mm) 0.2 0.267 0.5 0.733 0.8

cooled) sample has ferrite and pearlite structure. The quenched velocity and feed rate was reported to be the most important
and tempered sample had tempered martensite structure. All compared to the other analyzed parameters. Although the
the samples, except for the as hot-rolled sample, had almost author did not identify the optimum parameters to produce
the same hardness. Unlike most other researchers the authors the best surface finish their regression models were able to
measured the Ry roughness parameter instead of the usual Ra predict Ra and Rt accurately with errors lesser than those
parameter. Ry is defined as the maximum roughness height obtained from the geometric theoretical model.
within a sampling length. The authors noted that the forma- Singh and Venkateswara Rao94 carried out an experimental
tion of BUE when machining the low-alloy medium-carbon investigation to study the effect of the tool geometry, namely
steel specimens depended on the microstructure of the work- the effective rake angle and nose radius, and the cutting con-
piece material although the hardness was about the same. The ditions (cutting speed and feed rate) on the surface finish
annealed and cold-drawn workpiece having ferrite matrix with during hard turning of AISI 52100 steel. This material is
spheriodized cementite formed BUE only in narrow cutting commonly used in the manufacture of ball and roller bearings.
conditions and produced the best surface finish. The authors The workpiece was heat treated to obtain a hardness of
also noted that surface finish of the normalized workpiece was 58 HRC. Mixed ceramic inserts having nose radii of 0.4, 0.8,
the worst among the samples tested in dry machining due to and 1.2 mm were selected in their study. The effective rake
the BUE formation. angles were 61, 161, and 261. The cutting speeds used were
100, 150, and 200 m min1 while the feed rates were 0.10,
0.20, and 0.32 mm rev1. The depth of cut was kept constant
1.1.6 Optimization Studies and Development of at 0.2 mm. Based on the experimental results the authors
Surface Roughness Prediction Models developed second and third order mathematical models for
the average surface roughness using RSM. They optimized the
The papers reviewed thus far show that it is possible to achieve surface roughness models by using genetic algorithm (GA).
the optimum surface finish quality required on a product The GA provided the minimum values of surface roughness
by carefully controlling the input process parameters and the and their respective optimal input machining parameters. The
machining conditions. Since the three main machining para- lowest surface roughness of 0.4866 mm was achieved using the
meters, namely the feed rate, cutting speed, and the depth of following parameters: 200 m min1 cutting speed, 0.1 mm
cut, can be easily controlled by the user during the finish feed rate, 61 effective rake angle, and 1.2 mm nose radius.
turning many researchers have carried out optimization stu- Unlike many other researchers who optimized the cutting
dies in order to determine the machining parameters that can parameters to obtain the best surface finish, Neseli et al.95
produce the best surface finish quality in addition to mini- optimized the cutting tool geometry parameters for the same
mizing tool wear. Most of the optimization studies have been effect. The specimen used in their study was AISI 1040 steel.
combined with the development of surface roughness predic- The cutting inserts used were Al2O3 coated tools. In all their
tion models. Besides changing the cutting parameters several experiments the depth of cut, cutting speed, feed rate were
researchers have attempted to optimize other variables such as fixed at 1.5 mm, 150 m min1, and 0.15 mm rev1, respec-
tool geometry, workpiece material, and cutting conditions in tively. The tool geometry parameters varied were the nose
order to obtain the minimum surface roughness. radius (0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mm), the approach angle (601, 751,
Davim93 studied the influence of cutting conditions on the and 901), and the rake angle (  91,  61, and  31). The
surface finish based on the techniques of Taguchi. The objec- authors used RSM to develop a quadratic prediction model for
tive of the study was to establish a correlation between the Ra using their experimental data. The L27 Taguchi standard
cutting velocity, feed rate, and the depth of cut with the surface orthogonal array was adopted as the experimental design.
roughness parameters Ra and Rt. The correlation between the Using ANOVA the authors showed that the most dominant
process parameters and each roughness variable was obtained factor affecting Ra is the tool nose radius, which accounted for
by using multiple linear regressions. The workpiece material 51.45% contribution of the total variation. This was followed
used in the study was free machining steel (9SMnPb28k) while by the approach angle (18.24%) and rake angle (17.74%). The
the tool material was cemented carbide. The cutting speeds optimum combination of the tool geometry parameters to
used in the study were 71, 141, and 283 mm min1, the feed obtain the minimum surface roughness was: 0.4 mm tool nose
rates were 0.1, 0.16, and 0.25 mm rev1 while the depths of radius, 601 approach angle, and  31 rake angle. An interesting
cut were 0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 mm. Thus, the three-level Taguchi observation made by the authors is the way in which the nose
experimental design consisting of 27 experiments was used radius affects the surface roughness of the machined surface.
in the study. The ANOVA analysis showed that the cutting Unlike the predictions of theory and the findings of many
velocity had greater influence on the roughness followed by other researchers, whereby the increase in tool radius caused
the feed rate, while the depth of cut had no significant influ- the surface roughness to decrease, the authors reported the
ence on the surface roughness. The interaction between cutting opposite trend, i.e., as the tool nose radius increased the
20 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

surface roughness also increased. The authors explained this four columns and nine rows was used in the experimental
behavior in terms of the increased contact length of tool- design. The optimal machining parameters for the lowest
workpiece during the cutting. The increased contact length surface roughness was obtained at 90 m min1 cutting speed,
caused chatter vibration and therefore increased the surface 0.15 mm rev1 feed rate, and 0.5 mm depth of cut. The
roughness. However, this explanation was not supported by authors also identified the feed rate as the main factor that has
any experimental data. the highest significance on the surface roughness. Feed rate
Since the surface roughness of the workpiece is strongly was reported as 1.72 more significant compared to depth of
correlated with cutting parameters such as insert nose radius, cut. They reported that the cutting speed did not have any
feed rate, and depth of cut, Nalbant et al.96 varied these three significant effect on the surface roughness.
parameters to obtain the best surface finish quality. Since Most researchers have used the tool wear in addition to the
surface roughness is not strongly correlated with the cutting surface roughness as the performance measures while opti-
speed, therefore the authors did not include this parameter in mizing the machining parameters. Hagiwara et al.,101 however,
their study. The workpiece material was AISI 1030 steel while considered the chip breakability and surface roughness as the
the cutting tools were TiN-coated tools. The authors applied optimization criteria during the contour finish turning of AISI
the Taguchi method for the parameter design. The cutting 1045 steel. According to the authors the chip breakability
speed was kept fixed at 300 m min1 while the feed rates were comprises four major factors, namely the chip shape and size,
varied in three stages, namely 0.15, 0.25, and 0.35 mm rev1. side flow, side curl, and up curl. However, the authors con-
The radii of the inserts used were 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mm, sidered only the chip shape and chip size as the chip break-
whereas the depths of cut were 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 mm. The ability factor takes care of the side flow, side curl, and up curl
machining performance measure used by the authors was the factors. The authors conducted full factorial experiments using
average roughness Ra. The authors used the L9 orthogonal a range of feed rates (0.04, 0.70, 0.10, 0.13, and 0.16 m rev1)
array with 26 degrees of freedom. The results reported by the and a range of depths of cut (0.2, 0.6, 1.2, and 2.0 mm).
authors are similar to those of many other researchers, i.e., Unlike in straight turning the effective depth of cut varies
the insert radius and feed rate are the most significant cutting along the surface of the workpiece due to the deep slopes in
parameters affecting surface roughness. Based on the lower- the machined part. The authors reported that although a small
the-better signal-to-noise ratio and ANOVA the authors con- constant feed tend to produce good surface finish but the chip
cluded that the optimal cutting parameters for surface roughness breakability was so poor that the surface quality deteriorated.
are: 1.2 mm insert radius, 0.15 mm rev1 feed rate, and 0.5 mm On the contrary, a large feed rate produced good chip break-
depth of cut. ability but gave poor surface finish. The constant feed of
Many studies on the machining of MMCs have shown that 0.10 mm rev1, however, produced better surface roughness in
minimizing the surface roughness of such composites is most the machined segments of the workpiece.
difficult.97,98 This is due to factors such as the morphology, Muthkrishnan and Davim102 used two modeling techni-
distribution, and volume fraction of the reinforcement phase as ques to predict the surface roughness, namely the ANOVA
well as the matrix properties. Palanikumar and Karthikeyan99 method and artificial neural network (ANN), in the machining
studied the various factors affecting surface roughness in the of Al–SiC MMC. Both methods provide a systematic and
machining of Al/SiC particulate composite using the experi- effective approach for the optimization of the cutting para-
mental design concept. The factors considered in their investi- meters. The cutting speed used by the authors ranged from
gation were the % volume fraction of SiC, cutting speed, depth 100 to 600 m min1, while two feeds rates (0.108 and
of cut, and the feed rate. All four parameters were varied in two 0.200 mm rev1) were selected. The depths of cut used were
stages. The volume fractions of SiC used were 10% and 25%, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 mm. The average surface roughness Ra was
the cutting speeds were 50 and 150 m min1, the depths of cut measured at three different locations of the machined work-
were 0.5 and 0.15 mm and the feed rates were 0.1 and piece using a roughness tester. Using ANOVA the authors
0.5 mm rev1. Assessing the factors and their effect on the sur- reported that the feed rate had the highest physical as well
face roughness was carried out using response graphs, normal as statistical influence on the surface roughness (51%) fol-
probability plots, and the ANOVA technique. For the analysis lowed by the depth of cut (30%) and the cutting speed (12%).
the authors concluded that the optimal conditions to obtain the Based on the signal-to-noise ratio the authors determined the
minimum surface roughness (1.66 mm) were: high cutting speed optimum factors to obtain the best surface finish. The data
(150 m min1), high % volume fraction of SiC (25%), low collected from the machining experiments were used to train
depth of cut (0.50 mm), and flow feed rate (0.10 mm rev1). a three-layer ANN network with a 3–10–1 configuration
Hasçalık and Çaydas- 100 carried out an optimization study (3 nodes in the input layer, 10 nodes in the hidden layer, and
during the turning of commercial Ti–6Al–4 V alloy using the 1 node in the output layer). The authors reported that the
Taguchi method. In addition to the optimization study, the output of the ANN model matched closely with the results of
authors also studied the effect of the machining parameters on direct measurement of the surface roughness of the workpiece.
the surface roughness and tool life. The cutting speed, feed Since the ANN method consumes less time and produces
rate, and depth of cut were varied in three levels. The cutting higher accuracy the authors concluded that optimization using
speeds used were 30, 60, and 90 m min1, the feed rate were ANN is the most effective approach to obtain the best surface
0.15, 0.25, and 0.35 mm rev1 while the depths of cut were finish compared to ANOVA.
0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mm. The smaller-the-better (SB) criterion The optimization of cutting parameters and the prediction
for the surface ratios was used in their signal-to-noise of surface roughness involve highly constrained nonlinear
ratio analysis using ANOVA. An L9 orthogonal array with dynamic optimization problem that can only be solved by
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 21

complete enumeration. Raj and Naboothirir103 developed an 0.3 mm rev1. Using the GA the authors identified that the
improved genetic algorithm (IGA) to optimize the cutting optimum parameters for the Inconel 718 as 45 m min1 cut-
parameters for predicting the surface roughness. The IGA ting speed, 0.22 mm rev1 feed rate, 1.6 mm tool nose radius,
method includes a stochastic crossover technique and an and 601approach angle. This combination of parameters pro-
artificial initial population scheme to provide a faster search duced the minimum surface roughness of 0.5498 mm.
mechanism. The IGA was equipped with an improved evolu- Khamel et al.105 investigated the effects of the three com-
tionary direction operator that can efficiently search and mon process parameters, namely cutting speed, feed rate, and
actively explore solutions. The authors applied the IGA depth of cut, on the performance characteristics such as tool
method to predict the effect of tool geometry, namely nose life, surface roughness, and cutting forces. The workpiece
radius, and cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, and material was AISI 52100 (60 HRC) while the cutting tool was
depth of cut) on the surface roughness in the dry turning of SS CBN inserts. For the three-level experimental design using L27
420 metal. They compared the proposed IGA method with the Taguchi method the cutting speeds used were 100, 140, and
conventional GA used in the previous studies. Each of the four 200 m min1, the feed rates were 0.08, 0.12, and 0.16 mm
parameters used in the study had three levels. To reduce the rev1 while the depths of cut were 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 mm.
number of experiments the authors used the Taguchi’s robust The authors investigated the combined effects of the process
design and L27 orthogonal array method. The feed rates used parameters on the performance characteristics using ANOVA.
were 0.059, 0.159, and 0.26 mm rev1. The cutting speeds The optimization technique associated with the RSM quadra-
were 39.269, 60.475, and 94.247 m min1 while the depths tic models was used as the multi-objective optimization
of cut were 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mm. The nose radii were 0.4, approach. The authors reported that the feed rate and cutting
0.8, and 1.2 mm. The mathematical models for the average speed have strong influence on the surface roughness and tool
roughness Ra was developed using regression analysis in RSM. life. About 64% of the total variation of the surface roughness
The results showed that the IGA optimization method was was due to the feed rate. The depth of cut, however, had
able to predict the machining parameters that results in much maximum influence on the cutting forces. Simultaneous
lower surface roughness compared to the conventional GA optimization of the tool life, surface roughness, and cutting
method. forces was achieved with a cutting speed of 168 m min1, feed
In the optimization study carried out by Chauhan and rate of 0.08 mm rev1, and depth of cut of 0.22 mm.
Dass87 (Section 1.1.4) the authors developed a quadratic Batish et al.106 investigated the influence of five indepen-
regression model for the surface roughness using RSM based dent process parameters during the hard turning of EN31,
on their experimental data. The ANOVA analysis was used to SAE8260, and EN9 tool steels. The parameters considered
test the significance of the regression model, to test the sig- were the material hardness, feed rate, cutting speed, and the
nificance of individual model coefficients, and to test for the combination of cutting tool nose radius and depth on the
lack-of-fit. The regression model was then used to predict the machining forces and surface roughness. Each factor was var-
surface roughness within the limits of the factors investigated ied in three levels resulting in 10 degrees of freedom. The L27
by the authors. They carried out three confirmation experi- orthogonal array was used to determine the combination
ments for the surface roughness and tangential force. The of the parameters to be investigated. The hardness of the
results of the ANOVA and confirmation tests showed that the material were 50, 55, and 60 HRC, the cutting speeds were
quadratic model was able to predict the average roughness 75, 110, and 150 m min1, the feed rates were 0.03, 0.06,
accurately within the prediction interval of 95%. However, and 0.1 mm rev1, nose radii-depth of cut combinations
the authors did not identify the combination of machining were 0.4–0.075, 0.4–0.15, and 0.8–0.15 (mm-mm). The GA
parameters and approach angle that produced the best surface method was used to optimize all the responses. The authors
finish. reported that only the feed rate significantly affected the sur-
Process optimization is necessary especially in processes face roughness while the material hardness had no significant
where the desired output depends on the complex interaction effect.
of numerous parameters. Since surface finish is affected in The surface roughness of the workpiece and the cutting
varying degrees by several factors reviewed in this chapter, it is forces are usually considered as the main quality attributes of a
necessary to determine the combination of factors that pro- turned workpiece. Since in most of the optimization methods
duces the best surface finish quality. Homami et al.104 used a the researchers do not evaluate each parameter, Gok107
full factorial design for the design of experiment to optimize applied variance analysis to grey relational grades (GRA) of the
cutting parameters, namely feed rate, cutting speed, nose factor levels to discover interactions between the machining
radius, and approach angle, in order to obtain the desired parameters relating to the surface roughness and cutting forces.
optimum value of the surface roughness. Full factorial design Unlike the Taguchi method which is designed to optimize
is a design of experiment in which every level of each factor single response characteristics the GRA method is able to
appears with every level of every other factor. The authors used optimize multiple outcomes. The attributes evaluated by the
ANN for modeling the system and GA for the optimization of author are Ra, Rt, Ff, and Fc where Ff and Fc are the feed force
the cutting parameters. The workpiece material was Inconel and cutting force, respectively. Prediction models for surface
718 (331 HRB) and the cutting tools used were TiAlN-coated roughness and cutting force were developed using the response
tungsten carbide inserts. The nose radii used were 0.8, 1.2, and surface analysis. The author noted that the optimal combina-
1.6 mm while the approach angles were 451 and 751. The tion of machining parameters using response optimization
cutting speeds and feed rates used in their investigation were, are the values of the largest cutting velocity (200 m min1),
respectively, 45, 55, and 65 m min1 and 0.2, 0.25, and values of the smallest depth of cut (0.5 mm), and feed rate
22 Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning

(0.125 mm rev1). This finding agrees with those of many a. Effect of the chip breaker design on surface finish
other researchers as well as that predicted by the theory, Chip breakers can reduce cutting pressure and enable chips
namely the lowest surface roughness is achieved by using a to be removed more easily during the turning process. In
small feed rate. materials that produce long curly chip an effective chip
The review of the optimization studies show that many breaker can break up the chips, facilitate easily chip
researchers have attempted to optimize the three main cutting removal thus avoiding interference with the machining
parameters, namely the cutting speed, feed rate, and the depth process. An understanding of the effect of chip breaker
of cut, in order to achieve the best surface finish quality, i.e., design on surface finish in the cutting of different types of
minimum surface roughness. The only difference between their material under different machining conditions will provide
works is the choice of the workpiece material, the cutting tools, significant insight into the effectiveness of chip breaker
and the range of the parameters investigated. The approaches design. This type of study can be done using simulation
used are also similar, namely the Taguchi experimental design software such as DEFORM 3D and can be verified
and ANOVA analysis, to carry out the experimental plan and to experimentally.
determine the most influential factor that affects the surface b. Effect of BUE formation on surface roughness
roughness. The prediction models have been developed mostly BUE is known to be detrimental to the surface finish.
using the RSM, GA, or ANN or a combination of these methods. However, the direct influence of material, cutting para-
In most cases the researchers reported that high cutting speeds meters, and formation of BUE on surface roughness has not
and low feed rates produced better surface finish. The effect of been studied in any depth. Since the formation and
the depth of cut on the surface finish depends on other factors destruction of BUE are dynamic processes it will be
such as workpiece material and chip formation. In the interesting to see how the surface roughness changes during
machining of glass fiber reinforce plastic composite material, the machining. An in-process method of monitoring the
Palanikumar108 reported that a high depth of cut produced various roughness parameters as proposed by Kumar and
lower surface roughness while in the machining of Al/SiC MMC Ratnam61 will be useful for such type of studies.
Manna and Bhattacharyya109 reported that an increase in the c. Investigation on factors affecting surface roughness using
depth of cut increases the surface roughness. Radhika et al.110 other roughness parameters
also reported that the surface roughness increases as the depth A review of the available literature shows that the centerline
of cut increased during the machining of aluminum hybrid average roughness (Ra) is the most common roughness
MMC. Nevertheless, in all the reported studies the optimization parameter studied in the past. There are, however, over 70
models developed by the researchers were able to predict the amplitude, spacing, hybrid, and functional roughness
optimum combination of input variables in order to obtain the parameters that can be used to characterize a surface more
best surface finish quality. accurately that the most common Ra parameter.111 The
effect of the various factors on some or most of these
roughness parameters have not been studied in the past.
The conflicting observations made by researchers when
1.1.7 Summary studying the effect of the various factors on surface
roughness could be overcome by selecting the parameter
The objective of the finish turning process is to avoid or that is most suited to the turning process.
reduce the secondary finishing processes such as grinding, d. Effect of nanoparticle addition in vegetable oil-based
lapping, and polishing. However, this chapter has shown that cutting fluids
numerous and complex interrelated factors govern the final The addition of nanoparticles in cutting fluids has shown to
surface finish quality produced by the finish turning process. be effective in improving the surface finish in turning. Most
Although it is not possible to list these factors in the order in researchers have used chemical or mineral oil-based cutting
which they produce the best surfaces based on the published fluids in their studies. The effect of adding nanoparticle in
literature, it is possible to identify certain factors that can vegetable oils as cutting fluids, however, has been
generally be considered as those contributing to a good surface relatively unexplored. The effect of the particle size and
finish. The combination of low feed rate, low depth of cut, amount of nanoparticles added to the fluid on the
large nose radius, an efficient lubricant, and turning using a machining performance is a potential area for further
very rigid machine tool will likely lead to good surface finish investigation.
in most steels. The use of wiper inserts instead of the con- e. Optimization of machining parameters to minimize tool
ventional inserts could also results in good surface finish. nose wear
Harder materials can produce better surface finish but this It is well known that the tool nose edge plays a significant
depends on the microstructure of the material as well as the role in the surface finish quality of the workpiece. However,
machining parameters. Some composites and metal-matrix no previous work has been found where researchers
materials appear to produce better surface finish when attempt to optimize the machining or other parameters in
machined at greater depths of cut. order to minimize the tool nose wear.
In spite of the extensive research carried out in the past,
there are several areas that need further investigation in order
to arrive at a more in-depth understanding of the effect of the
various factors reviewed. The following areas are identified as See also: 1.3 Finish Machining of Hardened Steel
examples of potential areas for further research:
Factors Affecting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning 23

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danger threatens all of us, guardians here of our country’s honour; a
far worse danger threatens me myself than that of an open foe, and
that danger is from yonder powerful fleet, bearing our own country’s
flag, now lying at anchor but a distance of some five or six stades
from our shore. Alas! that it should be so; but it is true; deceit is
hidden beneath those banners of Carthage, dishonour and fraud
menace us and our country alike from the warships upon which they
are flying. Men of Carthage, brave soldiers of Hannibal, will ye help
me to frustrate that fraud, will ye assist me to defeat the schemes of
dishonour which are laid, not only against us all collectively, as the
keepers for Hannibal of New Carthage, but more particularly against
that which it is meditated to put upon me personally? A plot hath
been hatched against the honour of a young girl who hath only your
brave arms and noble hearts to rely upon for her safety. Will ye help
“We will! we will! We will die for thee and thine honour, Elissa; we
will die for Hannibal. Confusion to the miscreants!”
Such were the hoarse cries that rose from every throat, while in
their rage the soldiers beat upon their shields with their spears for
want of an enemy upon whom they could wreak their fury.
Once more the maiden, whose cheeks had reddened, and whose
heart beat tumultuously at the noise and the shouting, raised her
shapely hand, and again silence fell upon the crowd.
“I thank ye all, my soldiers. I thank each and every one.” She
spoke with visible emotion. “Now hearken attentively to my words,
for time is short. Our forces are small, while those on yonder fleet
are large. Yet, indeed, I know that, should it come to fighting, ye will
fight most valiantly, and to the death if need be. But I am not
prepared, nor do I intend, unless the worst comes to the worst, that
ye should throw away your lives in an unequal battle with yonder
mercenaries. Nay, all of ye have long to live, if ye but implicitly trust
in me and obey unquestioningly the commands that will be put upon
you. Thus, even should the orders that ye will shortly receive appear
unmeaning and futile, and should a long night and morning of
apparently useless marching and work be your portion, yet rely upon
me. Nothing that ye do will be without cause, but all for the common
“For seeing our weakness, if we would not be crushed, we must
meet guile with guile, deceit with deceit. And we will see by to-
morrow’s morn whose plans are the most successfully laid; those of
the crafty general clad in golden armour, whom I can now see
stepping into his galley from the flag ship yonder, or those of
Hannibal’s daughter, the young maiden who now asks you to trust
“We trust thee! we trust thee, oh, Elissa!” cried all the soldiers
“Then, that is good. One command I lay upon ye all, officers and
men alike: avoid all discourse, if possible, with any who should land
from the ships. But if, from their superior rank, ye cannot avoid
answering the questions of any, then say simply this, no more nor
less, that Saguntum fell more than a week ago, and that part of
Hannibal’s troops are expected to march into Carthagena shortly. I
have done. Now, Captain Gisco, wilt thou give orders to reform the
ranks, tell off the troops for the guard of honour, and carry out the
instructions that thou knowest?”
Swiftly, and in order, the troops reassumed their original formation,
while Elissa, somewhat heated and fatigued after her efforts of
oratory, had the bale of merchandise upon which she had been
standing, moved to the water’s edge, and seated herself where she
could get the sea breeze and watch what was going on outside the
Meanwhile, the boom having been opened wide enough to admit
of the passage of boats, the herald had passed through with the
barge of State and conveyed the two letters to the hexireme, which
he rightly conjectured to be the ship of the commander of the fleet.
He was met at the gangway by an officer, who instantly conveyed
him to where Adherbal was sitting under a crimson awning. He was
surrounded by several officers clad like himself in golden armour,
which, with the rich wine cups standing about, betokened that they
were all members of the body of élite already mentioned, and known
in Carthage as the Sacred Band.
Adherbal himself was a dark, very powerfully built, and handsome
man of about thirty. He was continually laughing and showing his
white teeth, and seemed to be generally well contented with his own
person. But his smiles were too many, and his bonhomie often
deceptive, for, although he was personally brave, he was
nevertheless at heart a thorough villain. His wealth being
unbounded, he had been hitherto always able to indulge to the
utmost in the debauchery in which he revelled, and there was no
baseness or fraud to which, by means of his wealth, he had not
frequently descended, in the pursuit of women of immaculate life and
high station in Carthage. He was the leader of the most dissolute
band of young nobles in all Carthage, and his high rank and station
alone as Commander of the Sacred Band, and as the head of the
now paramount family in that city, had hitherto been the means of his
immunity from punishment in any way, either for his own notorious
escapades or for those of the followers who consorted with him, and
who, under his protection, vied with each other in imitating his
iniquities. Among these companions it had frequently been his boast
that there was no woman, no matter of what rank or family, upon
whom he had cast his eyes, who had not, sooner or later, either by
force or fraud, become his victim. And these boasts were,
unfortunately, true; many a family having been made miserable,
many a happy home made wretched by his unbridled license and
wickedness. It was during a drinking bout to which he had invited the
Roman envoys, and when he was boasting as usual in his cups, that
Ariston, one of his companions, jealous of his success where some
woman, whom he himself fancied, was concerned, had taunted him
before all those assembled.
“Oh, yes!” said Ariston banteringly, “we all know that thou art a sad
dog, Adherbal, and that here in Carthage thou wilt soon be
compelled to weep like Alexander, because thou hast no more
worlds left to conquer. For soon, doubtless, either all the maidens will
be dead for love of thee, or else all the fathers of families or the
husbands of pretty wives will have destroyed them to preserve them
from thee. And yet, for all that, I venture to state that there is one
Carthaginian family, whose dishonour thou wouldst more willingly
compass than any other, where even such a seductive dog as thyself
can never hope for success, and whose honour, despite all thine
arts, shall always remain inviolable. And yet, if report says true, there
is a beautiful young maiden in that family, one so lovely, indeed, that
not one of all those who have hitherto felt thy kisses can be
mentioned in the same breath with her. But she is not for thee, oh,
Adherbal! thou most glorious votary of Tanais; no, this is game, my
noble falcon, at which even thou darest not to fly.”
“For whom, then, is this pretty pigeon reserved, my good Ariston?
Is it, perchance, for thine own dovecote that she hath the
distinguished honour of being reserved? Well, here’s to thy success!”
Thus he answered, scornfully tossing off a huge bumper of wine.
“No, not for me either,” replied Ariston; “it is not for me to rashly
venture in where the bold Adherbal dares not even place a foot
within the doorway. But I am sorry for thee, Adherbal, for the pretty
bird would well have suited thy gilded cage in the suburbs of the
“I will wager thee five hundred talents that thou liest, Ariston,”
replied the other, inflamed with wine, and irritated at the banter which
was making the other boon companions laugh at his expense. “I will
wager thee five hundred silver talents,” he repeated, “that there is no
family in Carthage where, if it so please me, I dare not place a foot;
there is no quarry upon whom I dare not swoop, if I so choose, ay,
nor fail to bear off successfully to mine eyrie in the Megara. But
name this most noble family, pray, name this peerless beauty of
thine, and we will see,” and he laughed defiantly, and took another
deep draught of wine.
“I said not a family in Carthage, I said a Carthaginian family,”
answered Ariston, purposely provoking and tantalising him. “I spoke
of a more beautiful girl than either thou or any one at this festive
board hath ever yet seen.”
But now the curiosity of all the other convives, including the
Roman envoys, was aroused.
“The name, the name!” they cried tumultuously; “name the family
and name the girl.”
“The family is that of Hannibal; the girl whose favours even
Adherbal dareth not seek to obtain is Elissa, Hannibal’s daughter.”
“Hannibal! Hannibal’s daughter!”
A hushed awe fell upon the assembled guests as they repeated
these words. Then they burst out into a roar of drunken laughter, and
taunted the boaster.
“Ha! he hath got thee there, Adherbal; thou hadst better pay up thy
five hundred talents to Ariston at once and look pleasant, and seek
thy revenge another day.”
But Adherbal, furious at the banter and the mention of the hated
name of Hannibal, had sprung to his feet, wine cup in hand.
“I double my wager,” he cried; “not five hundred, but one thousand
talents do I now stake, that by some means or other I gain absolute
possession of the girl. Nay, further, I solemnly vow, by Astarte,
Moloch, and Melcareth, to whom I pour out this libation of wine, to
bring her father Hannibal’s head also, and lay it at the feet of these,
our guests, the Roman envoys. I do not think that, seeing the
mission upon which they have arrived in Carthage, I could promise
them a more acceptable present. But secrecy must be preserved.”
The speech was received with deafening applause by all present,
all being of the anti-Barcine party, and ways and means were
immediately discussed.

Adherbal and his companions received the herald insolently,

without rising.
“Well, fellow,” he said, “how comes it that thou darest to trust thy
person upon my ship when thy companions yonder have thought fit
to bar the entrance to their harbour to Carthaginian ships?”
Although the herald’s face flushed, he made an obeisance, but no
other reply than:
“I bring two letters for my lord.”
“From whom are they, fellow?”
“They were given me for my lord by the Regent and Governor of
New Carthage.”
“And who is the Regent and Governor of New Carthage?”
“Elissa, my lord, daughter of Hannibal, the Commander-in-Chief
and Governor-General in Iberia.”
“Elissa, thou knave, thou liest, by Baal Hammon. Why, from all
reports she is but a girl. How old is she?”
“I do not know the Regent’s age, my lord.”
“And are both these letters from this precious Regent?”
“I know not, my lord.”
“Wilt answer me this at once, or for all thy fine clothes I will have
thee ducked in the water alongside. Was it by the orders of this
quean of a girl that those booms were thrown across the harbour
“I have not the honour of being in the Regent’s confidence, my
lord. Maybe that my lord will get the information that he requires on
perusal of these two letters which I have the honour to present to his
And with another obeisance the herald presented them to
Adherbal, who tossed them carelessly on the table before him, and
called for a cup of wine.
A loud laugh from one of the young nobles seated negligently
close by here interrupted the colloquy; he was evidently in a jovial
mood, and in no awe of the general.
“Upon my word, Adherbal, I think the fellow’s right, and by Astarte,
the sweet goddess of love, he got thee that time. He seems a model
of discretion, at all events. I think that while thou art discussing thy
stoup of wine, I had better take him in hand a bit and see if I can
make him a little more communicative. Look here, my fine fellow,
how many women have they up in the palace there on the hill, and
are they fond of love, and are they pretty, and are there any men
there making love to them, and who is the lover of this Regent and
daughter, or I don’t know what you call her, of New Carthage? And is
there any chance for a good-looking fellow like me, Imlico, the son of
Mago, or for an ugly fellow like that Ariston yonder, son of—who art
thou the son of, Ariston? the wine hath caused me to forget
completely thy distinguished parentage. Or again, think ye, Sir
Herald, that there is to be found within this precious town a
distinguished-looking female who could reciprocate the loving
glances of my portly friend here, the noble Zeno, formerly of
Rhodes? A very firebrand of love is Zeno, and the very prince of
good fellows. I daresay thou art a good enough fellow thyself, by the
bye. Take a cup of wine and think of all my questions and answer
them afterwards. Take thou mine own goblet, ’tis but newly filled; and
are we not both Carthaginians? I wager thee ’tis the first time ever
thou drankest from a golden cup belonging to one of the Sacred
And he handed the cup to the herald, who, fearful of offending,
took and drank slowly, sip by sip, as if he were a connoisseur, thus
obviating the necessity for the reply which Imlico awaited patiently.
“Sayest thou nought?” said the somewhat stout noble called Zeno.
“Tell me, Sir Herald, what is the news from Saguntum?”
“Saguntum fell more than a week ago,” answered the herald
“Saguntum fallen, by Pluto!” exclaimed Adherbal, who had been
getting moody and sulky over his wine, and was sitting with a frown
on his face.
“And what news of Hannibal?” asked Ariston, thinking that his turn
had now come for a question.
“Some of Hannibal’s troops are expected in from Saguntum very
shortly,” answered the herald once more, with equal readiness.
“Hannibal’s troops coming in shortly! This is getting interesting with
a vengeance!” said Adherbal. “I think I had better read the letters
without further delay.”
Taking a jewelled dagger from his waist, he rapidly cut the silken
threads which, fastened down with a seal, closely held each of the
letters. He examined the signatures.
“I suppose ye drunken fellows would like to know what they are
both about?” he observed familiarly. “Will ye that I read them aloud?
One of them is, I see, from Hannibal, yea, the mighty Hannibal
himself! How knew he I was here? The other is likely to be much
more interesting, it is apparently from my lovely mistress that is to
be, for it is signed and sealed by Elissa, Regent and Governor of
New Carthage. Which shall I read first?”
“Elissa’s, of course,” cried out the three semi-drunken nobles of
the Sacred Band.
“Then I shall disappoint you,” said Adherbal, “and keep Elissa’s
letter to the last. Sweets should always come after solid food. So for
Hannibal first, and may curses light upon his father’s grave.”
Utterly careless of the presence of the herald, or the mercenaries
and officials of the ship, who from curiosity had been thronging round
as close as they dared, to stare at the herald, Adherbal read loudly,
but in a voice slightly thickened from the effects of drink, the letter
which Elissa had dictated and sealed with her father’s signet:—

“In the name of the great Melcareth, the God of Tyre, of

Sidon, and of Carthage, greeting.
“From Hannibal, the son of Hamilcar, Commander-in-Chief
and Governor-General of the Carthaginian Provinces in Iberia,
to the Lord Adherbal, the son of Hanno.
“My lord, I captured the town of Saguntum some seven
days since, and learned from some Roman prisoners that
thou wert coming to New Carthage with a fleet containing
numerous troops for my reinforcement. I thank thee for this
mark of friendship, and the more so as I was not aware that
thou hadst forgotten or forgiven the old party feud between
thy father, Hanno, and my father, Hamilcar. I shall be glad of
thy reinforcement, for this siege hath wasted my troops sorely,
and much fatigued those that are not wounded, the greater
part of whom I am sending to New Carthage at once to recruit
after the fatigues of constant battle.
“As, owing to a wound, I shall myself remain here in
occupation of Saguntum with but a small force for some time,
I shall be glad of thy immediate presence hither, with all thy
force to help, in case of a rising of the Celtiberians, to serve
as a garrison. Therefore, after resting thyself and thine
officers for a day or two at New Carthage, where my daughter,
Elissa, my sister-in-law, Cœcilia, Princess of the Cissanians,
and the various ladies of my daughter’s household will give
thee and thine all becoming entertainment in my palace, I beg
thee to proceed with thy fleet hither at once. This movement
will be also vastly to the interest of thyself, of thine officers,
and of the soldiers accompanying thee. For the amount of our
spoils of war is so immense that the like of it hath never been
seen in any war of which we have any record. Leaving on one
side the enormous amount of gold, silver, and valuables; the
number of young Greek women, whom we hold at present
prisoners in our camp, exceeds by at least three to one the
number of the whole army, and by about six to one the
number of the unwounded or the convalescents. All the
troops, among whom these Greek women have been divided,
are already, owing to the expense of their keep, anxious to
sell them for ready money, of which, owing to the lack of
remittances of pay from Carthage, they are greatly in need.
Many of the younger Greek girls are of excessive beauty, and
as my soldiers will be prepared to sell them for a small sum,
thou canst easily see what a large profit there is to be made
by thine officers and soldiers should they come to Saguntum
and buy them. For when the ships of thy fleet return, after due
repose in Saguntum, the slaves can be sent in the hands of
merchants to Carthage and sold again. Further, I have very
large cargoes of valuables of every description to remit to the
Government of Carthage, of which naturally thou, my lord,
and all thine officers and crews would retain considerable
shares. Therefore, my lord, I repeat that thy coming to
Saguntum without delay is advisable, for the amount of booty
we have is enormous beyond all calculation.
“(Signed and Sealed) Hannibal.”

After the reading aloud of this epistle, there was much laughter
and jesting among the four nobles on the deck at Hannibal’s
expense. They made fun of his apparent gullibility with reference to
the object of their expedition; they indulged in the lewdest of jests
about the ladies left in the palace, with whom, apparently so
innocently, Hannibal suggested they were to stay for a few days, and
discussed the necessity, if troops were to arrive from Saguntum, of
going ashore at once. They talked openly, for they were all flushed
with wine, of the ease with which the object of their visit to New
Carthage seemed likely to be accomplished, and how, further, they
would easily seize and capture Hannibal himself at Saguntum.
Meanwhile, the troops who were crowded on the decks around were
listening to every word.
“Now, let us see Elissa, my little sweetheart’s, letter,” said
Adherbal gaily. It ran as follows:—

“In the name of Tanais, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Love,

Queen of the Seas, greeting.
“From Elissa, daughter of Hannibal, Regent and Governor
of New Carthage, to Adherbal, the son of Hanno.
“My lord, we are but a few poor women here, and regret
that we have not to-night the wherewithal to entertain a large
force in the place. Further, seeing my lord’s ships in the
distance, I imagined that a Roman fleet was coming to attack
New Carthage in revenge for the siege of Saguntum.
Therefore, I caused booms to be drawn across the entrances
to the harbour. But a letter from Hannibal hath informed me of
thy coming. To-morrow morning, should my lord wish to bring
his fleet into the harbour, the booms will be removed. In the
meantime, will my lord, bringing such nobles and retainers as
are becoming to his dignity with him, honour our poor palace
with his noble presence?
“My lord, we have but a few troops here, or would have
drawn up an army to salute thee on arrival. Some of
Hannibal’s troops, however, will arrive to-morrow morning,
some also may arrive to-night. To-morrow we will hold a grand
review in my lord’s honour. My lord, thou art welcome to New
Carthage. The sight of a few noblemen of rank from our
mother-country will be in sooth a delight to our eyes.
“We inhabitants of Iberia have not, alas, yet learned all the
arts to charm that are owned by the ladies of Carthage; but
our hearts are warmly inclined in advance to those who come
from our own country. My lord, it is for thee and the nobles of
thy suite to come and teach us what demeanour we had best
assume to be most agreeable. We are young, we are
innocent and untutored provincials, but we are prepared
nevertheless willingly to learn the ways of Carthage.
“Will my lord send by my herald an immediate reply to say if
we may expect his noble presence with us to-night? I am
awaiting my herald, and my lord himself, on the quay.
“(Sealed and Signed)
“Elissa, Regent and Governor of New Carthage.”

There was great excitement among the four dissolute young

nobles, who wished to go ashore at once upon the reading of this
letter. The herald, who had been trembling in his shoes for his own
safety, was thereupon instantly despatched with a hasty note to say
that Adherbal with the three nobles and a few men of his suite were
coming ashore without delay. For, fatuous individuals as they were,
they were completely taken in by Elissa’s letter, and imagined that
they had but to go on shore to capture, not perhaps the town of New
Carthage that night, but certainly the hearts of all the principal ladies
in the palace. And it must be owned that both her own epistle, and
that purporting to come from Hannibal, were sufficient to mislead
less self-confident schemers than Adherbal and his friends. But the
heart of the leader was full of the deepest guile, for all his apparent
simplicity, and he laid his plans before landing.
Before the arrival of the herald at the landing steps, Adherbal and
his party accordingly started from their ship also. They came in two
large boats, the first containing the four nobles, the second, some
forty men with two officers who were to form his escort. These boats
arrived simultaneously at the quay steps, where a guard of honour,
drawn up in two lines, consisting of one hundred spearmen, awaited
them and greeted them with the highest salute. When they had
passed down between the ranks, they found Elissa, with Cleandra
standing a pace behind her, and, behind them again, Gisco and
other officers waiting to receive them.
Smiling sweetly, the young girl advanced confidently to greet them.
“Welcome to New Carthage,” she said, “oh citizens of Old
Adherbal, bowing with all the grace for which he was famous, took
her hand and respectfully placed his forehead upon it in the Punic
style; then he presented his three companions, Imlico, Zeno, and
Ariston, as his friends, and Elissa in return presented Cleandra.
The beauty of the two ladies quite astonished the four young
nobles; but it was with their eyes only that they could speak what
they felt.

Despite the confidence with which Hannibal’s daughter had

advanced to greet the new-comers, it is not to be supposed that she
felt as bold as she looked. Her heart was beating violently as, with a
smile upon her lips, she greeted the gorgeous strangers glittering in
their golden armour. Nor is this to be wondered at, for well she knew
the terrible risks that she ran, and the perfidy hidden in the breast of
the handsome young Adherbal, who was now gazing upon her with
such ardent admiration in his bold, piercing eyes, that, in spite of
herself, she felt herself blushing a little as she lowered her own lids
before his too evident admiration of her youthful charms.
But she speedily diverted his attention from herself by suggesting
that the nobles should follow her in their own boats to her palace
steps, saying that she would lead the way. She purposely did not ask
them to accompany her, for she wished to have time to think and talk
with Cleandra on the way home.
“What dost thou think of them, Cleandra?” she inquired, as soon
as they started.
“I think that they are all very handsome young men, and most
beautifully attired; Adherbal himself and Imlico are especially
handsome, and they seem to have pleasant ways. I do not think it
possible they can have the evil designs that we imagine.” For
Cleandra, who was young and impressionable, had been caught at
once by a few pretty compliments that the versatile Imlico had
already found time to pay her.
“Be on thy guard in spite of their pleasant ways, dear Cleandra,”
replied the younger and more prudent girl; “for what is the use of
being forewarned by Hannibal if we are not forearmed? Nothing can
make me trust them. Why, think ye, are they come hither with all
their fleet had their designs been good, instead of proceeding at
once to help Hannibal at Saguntum?”
This reply was convincing, and the rest of the way to the palace
steps was passed by the girls in silence.
Here, and about the palace itself, there was purposely, by Elissa’s
orders, but a very small guard waiting to receive them.
The Carthaginians, arriving with their two boats, noticed this fact
with satisfaction. Their leader sprang to shore in time to gallantly
offer his hand to Elissa, which she gracefully accepted, apologising
at the same time with apparent naïveté.
“Thou seest, General Adherbal, that we have but a poor show of
retainers with whom to welcome thee here. But the reason is plain.
Being but a woman, alone in the palace, and having ever before me
the traditions of the horrible outrages committed by the mercenaries,
who revolted in Hamilcar’s and thy father Hanno’s time, I prefer to
employ all the extra soldiers about the city walls. I only, during
Hannibal’s absence, maintain a guard of some forty men in all to
protect the approaches, the gates, and the palace itself. For what
have I to fear?”
“What, indeed?” replied Adherbal, taking the opportunity to gently
press the little hand that rested on his arm. “Where beauty and virtue
such as thine reign supreme, fair lady Elissa, what harm could come
to the palace that contains such a treasure?” And he looked into her
eyes as if he meant his words.
Elissa, paying no attention to the compliment, continued:
“I see, my lord, that thou hast some baggage with thee. We have, I
trust, despite our small retinue, enough men to spare thy followers
the trouble of disembarking it themselves, which would be but an
inhospitable proceeding. Further, our few soldiers can entertain thy
followers this evening.”
“Baggage? no, my lady Elissa, of that we have but little. Yet have I
ventured to bring ashore, as an unworthy offering to my fair hostess,
a few flagons of the most famous vintages of the old wine for which
the vineyards of Utica are famous. Wilt thou deign to accept it for
thyself and thine household?”
“Most willingly, noble Adherbal, will I accept thy kindly gift. It will
be, indeed, a pleasant change to the household after the thin wines
of Iberia; and, though we ladies are but small drinkers, we shall look
forward to pledging our noble guests in a cup ourselves this very
Upon reaching the head of the marble stairs, the herald, who had
returned with the State barge, sounded a clarion blast. Instantly the
postern gate flew open, the sentry saluting as the party entered, to
find, standing upon the porticos of the palace awaiting them, the
Princess Cœcilia and Melania in their grandest robes, with several
pretty female slaves behind them. Adherbal exchanged with Ariston
and Zeno a meaning glance, which they both perfectly understood;
but Imlico was so taken up with Cleandra, to whom he was making
violent love, that he did not catch the leader’s meaning looks. Elissa,
however, noticed them, and explained that, as there were so few
men available, what men there were would be exclusively employed
in entertaining his own escort.
The Princess Cœcilia was all smiles. She looked, as she really
was, delighted to see some strangers of the male sex, and those
strangers, too, of such evident high rank, and wearing such
gorgeous accoutrements. She was an exceedingly good-natured, but
a foolish young woman, and she showed her folly in the extra
warmth of her welcome. Finding that none of the other three nobles
seemed to respond very much, or rather that Zeno responded much
more warmly than the others to her politeness, it was upon him
chiefly that she showered her attentions. As for Ariston, from the
moment that he set eyes upon Melania, he could look at nothing
The guests were promptly shown to gorgeous and most
luxuriously furnished sleeping apartments, with the intimation that a
collation awaited them, as soon as they were ready, on the west
verandah. In a short time, therefore, the nobles, all having doffed
their armour, with the exception of a dagger in a golden waist-belt,
appeared in most beautiful silken raiment, the very latest fashion
from Carthage. And just as the sun was beginning to set over the
western horizon, the eight convives sat down to a sumptuous repast,
served by light-footed female attendants. They reclined on divans at
a round table, Adherbal on the right side of Elissa, then the princess,
next to her Zeno, then Melania and Ariston, next to whom came
Cleandra and Imlico.
From the situation in which Adherbal was placed, he could see the
road leading to the bridge across the isthmus, and also the far end of
the bridge itself, the nearer half being hidden by the walls. He could
also, by looking to his right, see the heights across the lagoon to the
north of the city. And although he said nothing, he noticed,
nevertheless, vaguely that there was a constant influx of troops
coming from the landward side, and that further, there was a large
encampment of tents being rapidly reared on the hills to the north.
But it did not strike him as being of any importance. He thought
merely that they were some Iberian levies. He devoted himself
equally to Elissa and the wine, which was his own, and excellent,
and the more wine he drank, the more pressing he became in his
attentions to his hostess, who, not quite understanding the customs
of Carthage, very soon felt an alarm which she took care to conceal.
Both Cleandra and Melania were also slightly alarmed as the
dinner wore on; but Cleandra, having taken two cups of wine, began
to have her head turned by the compliments and ready tongue of
Imlico, who had certainly made an impression upon her unattached
affections. Melania was far more cautious with Ariston, whom she
thoroughly disliked from the first; but the young widow, the Princess
Cœcilia, made quite as much love to Zeno as he to her, and, long
before the enormous number of courses which it was customary to
serve in those days had appeared, she had, on the pretence of
feeling a little faint, risen from the feast and taken Zeno off with her
to show him the garden. And her faintness must have lasted a long
time, for she never came back! In the meantime, course after course
appeared, and the wine cup circulated freely; but still, until darkness
fell upon the land, Adherbal could see troops marching into the city,
and still he noticed rows upon rows of tents rising on the northern
At length, when all had moved away from the table, the night fell.
Adherbal had now become loving in the extreme, and clasped
Elissa’s hands in his and drew her to his side. Coyly, with a slight
resistance, she allowed herself to be so drawn, and coyly, too, but
determinedly, averted her head when he sought to embrace her. He
complained of her cruelty.
“It is too soon, my lord, too soon,” she uttered shyly. “Why, I have
not even yet known thee one whole day.” She added laughingly,
“Although I am willing to learn the manners of Carthage, I cannot
learn them quite all at once.”
The wine he had drunk made him brutal. In spite of her striving to
hold back, he held the girl closer to him and kissed her averted face.
And then by force he turned her face to him and kissed her
passionately on the lips.
Despite the loathing with which his embrace inspired her, she did
not, as she was merely acting a part, resist at all violently. He could
not, however, see the eyes gleaming with hatred in the darkness; he
only felt the warmth of the little mouth, and, as she had not struggled
much and had uttered no cry, he considered the battle was half won
already. He unmasked his battery without further delay.
“Elissa, dearest Elissa, why shouldst thou resist me? Dost thou not
know that I adore thee? I have come here from Carthage simply
because of hearing of thy charms, for by Astarte, Queen of Love! I
vow that I loved thee in advance; but hearsay is not one-thousandth
part of the reality. Beloved, come to me, for thou wilt and shalt be
With his powerful arms he clasped her to him so closely that she
could not move, while he could feel her fluttering heart beating
against his breast. She temporised, concealing her rage for fear.
“My lord,” she whispered softly, “thou knowest that I am much
flattered at having attracted thy attention thus; but still thou must
consider me and my position a little. I am supreme here at present;
and therefore what would Cleandra and Melania, who are but my
slaves, say if they could see me now? Hence, if thou lovest me as
thou sayest, yet release me, I pray thee. If thou choosest, thou canst
still hold my hand. But be cautious.”
He released her, then said abruptly and somewhat angrily:
“Very well, my pretty one, I release thee for the present, for know
this, that whether thou wilt or not, thou art mine, this palace is mine,
and the vice-royalty that thy father Hannibal hath here in Iberia is
mine. It depends simply upon how sweet and loving thou provest
thyself to me now whether I spare his life or not, for know this, so
incensed are the council of One Hundred at Carthage, and all the
people also, at his having attacked Saguntum, and so embroiled
them once more with Rome, that they have sent me here, armed
with a large force, to seize and execute him. And thou, my pretty
sweetheart, hast been decreed unto me as the reward for my trouble
in coming. Therefore, if thou wilt be sweet and loving to me, then for
thy sweet sake I will not only spare thy father’s life, but, when we get
back to Carthage together, for I could never stop long in this country
of barbarians, I will make thee my wife. ’Twere therefore wise for
thee to become my willing partner, and then all will go well.”
Elissa’s anger rose beyond all control at this insulting speech; she
could play her part no longer now.
“I will never be thine,” she said, “thou insolent hound! And as for
thy seizing Hannibal, thou canst not do it. His troops have been
marching in all the evening, and I, with my guard in the palace, can
have thee arrested now this instant if I so choose.”
“Hannibal’s troops here so soon! By Moloch! I did not imagine that
those were the troops of Hannibal that I saw marching in. There is,
indeed, no time to lose. Thou shalt be mine this very night, for thou
hast sought to entrap me, as I imagined thou mightst, for all thy
winning ways. But thou art a little young yet, Elissa, and, when I
have had thee in training for some time, thou shalt see that thou hast
much to learn from the ‘insolent hound,’ as thou so politely hast
termed me.”
“Thine to-night, faugh! Thine never! my Lord Adherbal, for know
that this night thou shalt sleep in the dungeon of the castle, for I will
have thee instantly seized. I have but to cry aloud. And to-morrow
morning thou shalt be crucified.”
“And to-morrow morning, my pretty one, my men will storm the
palace, and, unless they find me alive and well, put every inmate
within it to the sword. Not much storming will, however, be
necessary, for the gates will be opened for them. Therefore, cry
aloud and see what happens, and to-morrow morning crucify me.
But in the meantime I will hold thee as a sweet hostage here in mine
As he seized her tightly, she cried aloud:
“Gisco! Idherbal! Gisco, Gisco! Cleandra, Cleandra! Idherbal!”
She screamed in vain until she was hoarse. At the same time she
could hear Melania screaming loudly also, while from Cleandra, at
the far end of the verandah, some faint protests could be heard.
In vain did Elissa cry aloud until she was exhausted, and
meanwhile Adherbal held her and mocked her. Her plans had utterly
miscarried, and he had been more clever than she. She had given
her men instructions to make his guards drunk, and to be concealed
and ready to come to her assistance instantly when called for. She
had also ordered a reinforcement of double the usual number in the
gate guard-houses. But Adherbal, as he now calmly informed her,
had obtained possession both of the postern gate and of the other
gate of the palace. For he had made all her men within the palace,
and also the guards at the gate-houses, senseless with merely one
cup apiece of drugged wine, brought from the ship for the purpose,
which his attendants had orders to offer them. All, therefore, were
now lying bound and helpless. As for her women, they had been
seized and bound by his men more than an hour ago. Never had
there been such a miscarrying of a deeply-laid plan, for not even her
manœuvre of making Hannibal’s troops appear to march in had
alarmed him.
The poor girl now struggled and fought with the desperation of
despair. All the while she could hear Melania’s cries becoming
weaker and weaker; but Cleandra’s voice was no longer heard.
Eventually Adherbal stifled her cries with his hand. When she was
utterly exhausted, he lifted her in his arms, and with brutal kisses,
accompanied by sarcastic speeches, he triumphantly bore her off
towards his own apartments in the palace.
As with ease he carried off the now half-fainting girl in his arms, he
met some of his own guards, who, having heard the cries, came
forward, staggering with drink, from the back part of the palace.
“Begone instantly, you fools!” he cried; “have ye not both wine and
women enough to amuse ye? see that ye disturb me not again.”
The guards shrank back abashed, and Adherbal passed on with
his burden, Elissa realising in the agony of despair, with what senses
she still had left, that she was utterly helpless in the ruffian’s power.
And then she fell into a swoon.

It is not to be supposed that Imlico had been wooing Cleandra in the

rough and ready fashion that Adherbal, his leader, had adopted; but
he had been more successful. For he had found the pretty young
Spanish maiden like the tow which needed only the smallest spark to
set it on fire, and which blazed outright when touched with a flame.
For Cleandra not only came of the passionate Spanish race, but
was a flirt by nature; and owing to the eight months’ siege of
Saguntum, which had taken all the men away, was utterly tired of
being without a gallant. Moreover, it must be admitted that she was a
cunning and scheming young woman; and, therefore, speedily saw
in the handsome, good-natured, and jovial young noble Imlico a tool
ready to her hand wherewith to execute a project that she had long
had in her heart. This was nothing more nor less than to escape from
New Carthage and Hannibal’s household altogether. For, although
Elissa loved her, and usually treated her more like a sister than a
slave, yet slave she was, and her proud nature could not forget that
circumstance. She well remembered that when but a little girl of
twelve, Hasdrubal had stormed her father’s chief city, killed her
father, and took her mother and herself captive. Her mother had only
survived for a year or two. Hasdrubal had then kept the girl as his
slave until she was seventeen. Then, some two years before his
assassination by a Celt, in revenge for some private wrong, he had
given her to Hannibal, whose sister was Hasdrubal’s first wife, as a
companion for his daughter Elissa. Thus, although at heart
personally attached to Elissa, Cleandra had no love for the family of
Hannibal, through whose relative she had suffered, especially as,
notwithstanding her high birth, she was yet considered by the
household as a slave. Therefore, with her object in view, she did her
utmost to bewitch Imlico, whose handsome bearing she really

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